path: root/assignment-13/uFPL
diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-01-07 10:37:27 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-01-07 10:37:27 +0100
commitef8bbdd666328d40ed291a64840c962e760604e2 (patch)
treed55df1445676006cacac75c94687cdc94240ba1c /assignment-13/uFPL
parentFix import in assignment 8 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'assignment-13/uFPL')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
index 7556867..35f0465 100644
--- a/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
+++ b/assignment-13/uFPL/Sim.icl
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Text.HTML
import iTasks
import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime
import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
+import iTasks.UI.Layout.Default
import uFPL
import uFPL.Bootstrap
@@ -28,7 +29,18 @@ where
toString RunException = "Could not run"
derive class iTask Signedness, CType, ReadOrWrite, IShared, IExpr, ITrigger,
- IRule, INamedRule, IState, IShareState, Display
+ IRule, INamedRule, IState, IShareState
+gDefault{|Display|} =
+ { size = (16, 2)
+ , cursor = (0, 0)
+ , text = 'M'.newMap
+ }
+derive gEditor Display
+derive gText Display
+derive gEq Display
+derive JSONEncode Display
+derive JSONDecode Display
class lift a :: a -> Task Dynamic
class unlift a b :: b -> a
@@ -288,14 +300,18 @@ where
set (unlift (allShares rs)) ishares
sim =
+ (check -&&- show)
+ -&&-
(updateSharedInformation (Title "Rules")
- [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] irules
+ [UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing ruleEditor)] irules
updateSharedInformation (Title "Shares")
[UpdateUsing id (const id) (listEditor (Just $ const Nothing) True False Nothing gEditor{|*|})] ishares
- ) -&&-
- (check -&&- show)
+ )
<<@ ArrangeHorizontal
+ where
+ ruleEditor :: Editor INamedRule
+ ruleEditor = gEditor{|*|}
newShares :: [INamedRule] IShares -> Task IState
newShares rs shrs = get istate >>= lift >>= \ist -> case ist of
@@ -319,7 +335,7 @@ where
show :: Task IState
show = viewSharedInformation (Title "State") [viewAsLists] istate
- viewAsLists = ViewUsing tolists $ container3 listView listView listView
+ viewAsLists = ViewUsing tolists $ container4 listView listView listView (textView <<@ styleAttr "font-family:monospace;")
listView :: Editor [(String,IShareState a)] | iTask, == a
listView = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing itemView
@@ -336,20 +352,26 @@ where
intView s = comapEditorValue (\i -> s <+ ": " <+ i) textView
- tolists :: IState -> ([(String, IShareState Int)], [(String, IShareState Char)], [(String, IShareState Bool)])
- tolists st = ('M'.toList st.isvalues, 'M'.toList st.csvalues, 'M'.toList st.bsvalues)
+ tolists :: IState -> ([(String, IShareState Int)], [(String, IShareState Char)], [(String, IShareState Bool)], String)
+ tolists st = ('M'.toList st.isvalues, 'M'.toList st.csvalues, 'M'.toList st.bsvalues, toString st.IState.display)
check :: Task String
check = whileUnchanged (irules >*< ishares) (\(rs,shrs) -> catchAll (lift rs >>| return "OK") return
- >>= viewInformation (Title "Status")
+ >>= \stat -> (viewInformation (Title "Status")
[ViewUsing id $ viewComponent (\text -> 'M'.unions
[ valueAttr (JSONString (escapeStr text))
, styleAttr (if (text == "OK") "" "color:red;font-weight:bold;")
- ]) UITextView]
+ ]) UITextView] stat
buttonActions shrs ++
millisActions shrs ++
[action "Step" $ step])
+ <<@ ApplyLayout (sequenceLayouts
+ finalizeStep
+ (layoutSubUIs (SelectByType UIButtonBar) arrangeVertical))
+ <<@ ApplyLayout (setUIAttributes (widthAttr (ExactSize 400)))
+ <<@ ApplyLayout (layoutSubUIs (SelectOR (SelectByPath []) (SelectByPath [0])) $ setUIAttributes (heightAttr WrapSize))
+ )
action :: String (Task a) -> TaskCont String (Task String) | iTask a
action s t = OnAction (Action s) $ ifOk $ t >>- \_ -> check