module appointments
from StdFunc import flip, id, seq
import StdInt
import GenPrint
import Data.Bifunctor
from Data.Func import $
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tuple
import qualified Graphics.Scalable as G
from Graphics.Scalable import
class margin, instance margin Span,
class *.(..), instance *. Span,
:: FontDef{..}, :: FillAttr{..}, :: StrokeAttr{..}, :: StrokeWidthAttr{..},
<@<, class tuneImage, instance tuneImage FillAttr,
instance tuneImage StrokeAttr, instance tuneImage StrokeWidthAttr,
class toSVGColor(..), instance toSVGColor String
import System.Time
from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String, <+
import Text.HTML
import iTasks
import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
import iTasks.Extensions.DateTime
import iTasks.Extensions.SVG.SVGEditor
import DateExtensions
indexOf :: a [a] -> Int | == a
indexOf e [x:xs] = if (x == e) 0 (1 + indexOf e xs)
:: Appointment =
{ title :: String
, when :: DateTime
, duration :: Time
, owner :: User
, participants :: [User]
derive class iTask Appointment
derive JSEncode Appointment, User, Time, DateTime, Maybe
instance == Appointment where == a b = a === b
// Some examples. Change the day fields (+7) if working later than 2017-11-18.
// For these tasks, no user tasks are created (this is done in addAppointment).
// They are just here to make it easier to develop the SVG calendar.
appointments :: Shared [Appointment]
appointments = sharedStore "appointments"
[ {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=13,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Information Retrieval", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=13,hour=15,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Cultural Contacts", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=14,hour=13,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Historical Grammar", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=14,hour=15,min= 0,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Text Mining", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=15,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=15,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Testing Techniques", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=17,hour= 8,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
, {title="Advanced Programming", when={DateTime|year=2017,mon=11,day=17,hour=10,min=30,sec=0}, duration={Time|hour=2,min=0,sec=0}, owner=AuthenticatedUser "root" ["admin","manager"] (Just "Root user"), participants=[]}
belongsTo :: User Appointment -> Bool
belongsTo u a = isMember u [a.owner:a.participants]
inFuture :: DateTime Appointment -> Bool
inFuture d a = d < addTime a.duration a.when
overlap :: Appointment Appointment -> Bool
overlap a b =
a.when.DateTime.year == b.when.DateTime.year &&
a.when.DateTime.mon == b.when.DateTime.mon && == &&
(starta <= startb && enda >= startb
|| startb <= starta && endb >= starta)
starta = 3600 * a.when.DateTime.hour + 60 * a.when.DateTime.min + a.when.DateTime.sec
startb = 3600 * b.when.DateTime.hour + 60 * b.when.DateTime.min + b.when.DateTime.sec
enda = starta + 3600 * a.duration.Time.hour + 60 * a.duration.Time.min + a.duration.Time.sec
endb = startb + 3600 * b.duration.Time.hour + 60 * b.duration.Time.min + b.duration.Time.sec
addAppointment :: Appointment -> Task Appointment
addAppointment app =
upd (flip (++) [app]) appointments >>|
allTasks [assign (attrs u) finishTask \\ u <- app.participants] $>
finishTask :: Task ()
finishTask =
wait (Title "Wait for the start of this appointment") (\now -> now >= app.when) currentDateTime >>= \_ ->
viewSharedInformation (Title app.Appointment.title) [ViewAs (const "Click 'Done' to finish this task.")] currentDateTime >>*
[ OnAction (Action "Done") (always $ return ())
, OnValue (ifValue (\now -> now >= addTime app.duration app.when) (const $ return ()))
attrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
attrs u = workerAttributes u
[ ("title", app.Appointment.title)
, ("createdAt", toString app.when)
, ("createdBy", toString app.owner)
, ("createdFor", toString u)
, ("completeBefore", toString (addTime app.duration app.when))
:: Availability
= Maybe
| Yes
| No
derive gPrint Availability
instance toString Availability where toString a = printToString a
showAvailability :: (Maybe Availability) -> String
showAvailability Nothing = "Unknown"
showAvailability (Just a) = toString a
:: ProposedAppointment =
{ appointment :: Appointment
, startOptions :: [(DateTime, 'M'.Map User Availability)]
derive class iTask Availability, ProposedAppointment
proposedAppointments :: Shared (Int, 'M'.Map Int ProposedAppointment)
proposedAppointments = sharedStore "proposedAppointments" (0, 'M'.newMap)
addProposedAppointment :: ProposedAppointment -> Task Int
addProposedAppointment papp=:{appointment={Appointment|title}} =
get proposedAppointments >>= \(idx,_) ->
upd (bifmap ((+) 1) ('M'.put idx papp)) proposedAppointments >>|
allTasks [appendTopLevelTask (chooseAttrs u) False $ chooseTask idx u \\ u <- papp.appointment.participants] >>=
appendTopLevelTask (manageAttrs papp.appointment.owner) False o manageTask idx >>|
return idx
chooseTask :: Int User -> Task (Int, 'M'.Map Int ProposedAppointment)
chooseTask idx user =
viewSharedInformation (Title title) [ViewUsing (fromJust o 'M'.get idx o snd) proposalViewer] proposedAppointments
||- allTasks [updateInformation (toString w) [] Maybe \\ (w,_) <- papp.startOptions] >>= \avail ->
upd (second $ 'M'.alter (fmap (setAvailability user avail)) idx) proposedAppointments
setAvailability :: User [Availability] ProposedAppointment -> ProposedAppointment
setAvailability u as papp = {papp & startOptions=[(w, 'M'.put u a m) \\ (w,m) <- papp.startOptions & a <- as]}
chooseAttrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
chooseAttrs u = workerAttributes u
[ ("title", "Indicate availability for " +++ title)
, ("createdBy", toString papp.appointment.owner)
, ("createdFor", toString u)
manageTask :: Int [TaskId] -> Task ()
manageTask idx chooseTasks = ((
(Title $ "Manage " +++ title)
[ViewUsing (fromJust o 'M'.get idx o snd) proposalViewer]
enterChoice "Pick start time" [] (map fst papp.startOptions)
) >>*
[ OnAction (Action "Schedule appointment") $ hasValue schedule
, OnAction (Action "Cancel appointment") $ always cancel
) $> ()
schedule start = addAppointment {papp.appointment & when=start} >>| cancel
cancel =
allTasks (map (flip removeTask topLevelTasks) chooseTasks) >>|
upd (second $ 'M'.del idx) proposedAppointments
proposalViewer :: Editor ProposedAppointment
proposalViewer = comapEditorValue toTuple $ container4
(withLabelAttr "Title" gEditor{|*|})
(withLabelAttr "Duration" gEditor{|*|})
(withLabelAttr "Participants" usersViewer)
(withLabelAttr "Start options" grid)
toTuple :: ProposedAppointment -> (String, Time, [User], (ChoiceGrid, [Int]))
toTuple papp =
( papp.appointment.Appointment.title
, papp.appointment.duration
, papp.appointment.participants
, ( { header = ["User":[toString u \\ u <- papp.appointment.participants]]
, rows =
[ {id= i, cells=[Text $ toString d:
[Text $ showAvailability $ 'M'.get u o
\\ u <- papp.appointment.participants ]]}
\\ i <- [0..] & (d,o) <- papp.startOptions]
, []
manageAttrs :: User -> TaskAttributes
manageAttrs u = workerAttributes u
[ ("title", "Manage " +++ title)
, ("createdBy", toString papp.appointment.owner)
, ("createdFor", toString papp.appointment.owner)
Start :: *World -> *World
Start w = startEngine (loginAndManageWorkList "Scheduler" worklist) w
worklist :: [Workflow]
worklist =
[ restrictedTransientWorkflow "Manage users" "Manage users" ["admin"] manageUsers
, transientWorkflow "Show appointments" "Show appointments" showAppointments
, transientWorkflow "Show calendar" "Show calendar" showCalendar
, transientWorkflow "Make appointment" "Make appointment" makeAppointment
, transientWorkflow "Propose appointment" "Propose appointment" proposeAppointment
showAppointments :: Task [Appointment]
showAppointments =
get currentUser >>= \user ->
get currentDateTime >>= \now ->
(Title "Future appointments")
[ViewUsing (filter (\a -> belongsTo user a && inFuture now a)) editor]
editor = listEditor Nothing False False Nothing (bijectEditorValue toTuple fromTuple tupEdit)
tupEdit = listitem5 gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} gEditor{|*|} userViewer usersViewer <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
userViewer = comapEditorValue toString gEditor{|*|}
toTuple app = (app.Appointment.title, app.when, app.duration, app.owner, app.participants)
fromTuple (t,w,d,o,p) = {title=t, when=w, duration=d, owner=o, participants=p}
showCalendar :: Task [Appointment]
showCalendar =
get currentUser >>= \user ->
get currentDate >>= \date ->
(Title "Future appointments")
[ViewUsing (filter (belongsTo user))
(fromSVGEditor (editor (take 7 $ iterate nextDay $ previous Sunday date)))]
editor :: [Date] -> SVGEditor [Appointment] [Appointment]
editor days =
{ initView = id
, renderImage = const (draw days)
, updView = \m _ -> m
, updModel = \_ v -> v
draw :: [Date] [Appointment] *'G'.TagSource -> 'G'.Image [Appointment]
draw dates apps tags = 'G'.margin ('G'.px 10.0) $ 'G'.grid
('G'.Columns 8)
('G'.ColumnMajor, 'G'.LeftToRight, 'G'.TopToBottom)
(repeat ('G'.AtMiddleX, 'G'.AtTop))
[] (
[spacer,spacer,spacer,'G'.collage hourlocs
['G'.margin ('G'.px 9.0) $
'G'.text {font & fontysize=12.0} $
timeString {Time|hour=h,min=0,sec=0} \\ h <- [0..23]] 'G'.NoHost] ++ flatten
[['G'.empty daywidth ('G'.px 0.0)
, 'G'.text {font & fontweight="bold"} (toString $ dayOfWeek day)
, 'G'.text font (toString day)
, 'G'.collage
(hourlocs ++ [('G'.px $ toReal (overlapOffset app apps) * 40.0, timespan (toTime app.when))
\\ app <- apps | toDate app.when == day])
(hours ++ [appimage app \\ app <- apps | toDate app.when == day])
\\ day <- dates
spacer = 'G'.empty ('G'.px 0.0) ('G'.px 0.0)
font = 'G'.normalFontDef "Arial" 14.0
daywidth = 'G'.px 200.0
hourheight = 'G'.px 30.0
timespan t = hourheight *. (toReal t.Time.hour + toReal t.Time.min / 60.0)
overlapOffset :: Appointment [Appointment] -> Int
overlapOffset app apps = indexOf app (filter (overlap app) apps)
hourlocs = [('G'.px 0.0, hourheight *. h) \\ h <- [0..23]]
hours = ['G'.rect daywidth hourheight
<@< {fill=toSVGColor "#eeeeee"}
<@< {stroke=toSVGColor "#cccccc"}
<@< {strokewidth='G'.px 1.0} \\ h <- [0..23]]
appimage app = 'G'.overlay
[('G'.AtLeft, 'G'.AtMiddleY)] []
['G'.above [] (repeat ('G'.px 5.0, 'G'.px 0.0))
['G'.text font app.Appointment.title
,'G'.text {font & fontysize=11.0} (timeString $ toTime app.Appointment.when)
] 'G'.NoHost]
('G'.Host ('G'.rect ('G'.px 200.0) (timespan app.duration)
<@< {fill=toSVGColor "#92E1C0"} <@< {stroke=toSVGColor "#33B694"}))
timeString :: Time -> String
timeString {Time|hour,min,sec} = h +++ ":" +++ m +++ s +++ " " +++ ampm
h = if (hour == 12) "12" (toString (hour rem 12))
m = pad min
s = if (sec == 0) "" (":" <+ pad sec)
ampm = if (hour < 12) "am" "pm"
pad v = if (v < 10) (0 <+ v) (toString v)
makeAppointment :: Task (Maybe Appointment)
makeAppointment =
get currentUser >>= \user ->
get currentDateTime >>= \now ->
[ enterInformation "Title" [] @ \t a -> {Appointment | a & title=t}
, updateInformation "When" [] (nextHour now) @ \w a -> {Appointment | a & when=w}
, updateInformation "Duration" [] onehour @ \d a -> {Appointment | a & duration=d}
, enterMultipleChoiceWithShared "Participants" [ChooseFromCheckGroup id] users @ \ps a -> {a & participants=ps}
@ flip seq {gDefault{|*|} & owner=user} >>*
[ OnAction (Action "Make") (hasValue $ fmap Just o addAppointment)
, OnAction ActionCancel (always $ makeAppointment)
where onehour = {Time | hour=1,min=0,sec=0}
proposeAppointment :: Task (Maybe ProposedAppointment)
proposeAppointment =
get currentUser >>= \user ->
get currentDateTime >>= \now ->
[ enterInformation "Title" [] @ \t pa -> {pa & appointment.Appointment.title=t}
, updateInformation "Duration" [] onehour @ \d pa -> {pa & appointment.duration=d}
, enterInformation "Start options" [] @ \w pa -> {pa & startOptions=map (flip tuple 'M'.newMap) w}
, enterMultipleChoiceWithShared "Participants" [ChooseFromCheckGroup id] users @ \ps pa -> {pa & appointment.participants=ps}
@ flip seq {gDefault{|*|} & appointment.owner=user} >>*
[ OnAction (Action "Propose") (ifValue (\papp -> not $ isEmpty papp.startOptions) addProposedAppointment`)
, OnAction ActionCancel (always $ proposeAppointment)
addProposedAppointment` :: ProposedAppointment -> Task (Maybe ProposedAppointment)
addProposedAppointment` papp = addProposedAppointment papp $> Just papp
onehour = {Time | hour=1,min=0,sec=0}
usersViewer :: Editor [User]
usersViewer = comapEditorValue (concat o intersperse "; " o map toString) textView