path: root/evans-green-handout.tex
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+\title{\Large Handout of selected passages from ``Cognitive Linguistics: an Introduction''\footnote{V. Evans and M. Green (2006).}}
+\author{Camil Staps}
+ \subsection*{Grammatical functions and transitivity}
+ The prototypical action of a transitive verb is an energy transfer from the Agent to the Patient\pagenr{601}.
+ The prototypical action chain can be depicted as in \autoref{fig:action-chain}.
+ Depending on the sentence, different components may be highlighted,
+ but in any sentence the subject (be it Agent, Instrument or Patient)
+ is the closest to the energy source out of the participants profiled\pagenr{603}.
+ \begin{figure}[h]
+ \centering
+ \footnotesize
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={draw,minimum width=1.6em},node distance=6em,->]
+ \node[circle,label=below:Agent] (A) {};
+ \node[circle,right of=A,label=below:Instrument] (I) {};
+ \node[circle,right of=I,label=below:Patient] (P) {};
+ \draw (A) -- (I);
+ \draw (I) -- (P);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Prototypical action chain\pagenr{603}\label{fig:action-chain}}
+ \end{figure}
+ Different semantic roles can be categorised according to a thematic hierarchy (Fillmore 1968).
+ How many roles there are, what labels they should be given,
+ and if they should be categorised or seen as on a prototypical scale, remain points of debate.