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authorCamil Staps2016-09-21 12:27:24 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-09-21 12:27:24 +0200
commit3ca9d3e973b279419bf8b00f02c73d2d1fd0286e (patch)
parentShort version in makefile (diff)
Benton: passive
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/benton-handout.tex b/benton-handout.tex
index effec33..abc371f 100644
--- a/benton-handout.tex
+++ b/benton-handout.tex
@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@
which presents features of a situation.
Different kinds of situation aspect can be categorised by the features
static--dynamic, durative--instantaneous and telic--atelic.
- Based on Pustejovsky, different types of events can be depicted in diagrams\pagenr{108--9}
+ Based on Smith and Pustejovsky, different types of events can be depicted in diagrams\pagenr{108--9}
(see \autoref{fig:situation-transitions}).
+ Different aspects may be communicated lexically, contextually and morphologically, depending on the language\pagenr{112}.
@@ -73,4 +74,20 @@
+ Benton distinguishes the semantical
+ \term{Agent} (A)\note{volitionally performs an action, typically affecting another entity},
+ \term{Patient} (O)\note{undergoes the action of the Agent} and
+ \term{Subject} (S)\note{of a one-place predicate}\pagenr{116}.
+ In the passive, usually, the A-role is demoted and the O-role is promoted to S.
+ However, an S does not always correspond to an O-role%
+ \note{consider ``The man went into the building,'' where `man' is an S,
+ and ``The man entered the building,'' where `man' is an A:
+ the \emph{syntactical} roles differ,
+ while the \emph{semantical} roles are identical}.
+ An A is logical, psychological, semantic and grammatical subject.
+ Demotion can be restricted to some types of subject, depending on the language.