path: root/thesis/results.tex
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authorCamil Staps2016-12-24 17:54:23 +0100
committerCamil Staps2016-12-24 17:54:23 +0100
commit0db9491f490541856bab0a8b87bc75bf4446f3e2 (patch)
tree9ea7cd99c0b8fc8a02076708f617553ae4471d2f /thesis/results.tex
parentFix terminology bit (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'thesis/results.tex')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/thesis/results.tex b/thesis/results.tex
index cfd043d..2f6de50 100644
--- a/thesis/results.tex
+++ b/thesis/results.tex
@@ -1,14 +1,179 @@
+ \centering
+ \small
+ \setlength{\tabcolsep}{0.2em}
+ \makebox[\textwidth]{%
+ \begin{tabular}{l l *{18}{c}}
+ & & Ack & E & Fib & FSve & Ham & LQns & Mat & Perm & Psc & Rev & RevTw & RFib & SQns & Sve & STw & Tak & Tw & WSeq \\\hline
+ \multirow{3}{*}{Size}
+ & ARM (b) & 188 & 2388 & 164 & 1036 & 1576 & 2708 & 4452 & 1756 & 2940 & 796 & 820 & 248 & 1660 & 1200 & 340 & 232 & 360 & 2628 \\
+ & Thumb (b) & 164 & 1944 & 148 & 840 & 1200 & 2196 & 3392 & 1332 & 2452 & 636 & 632 & 248 & 1328 & 936 & 304 & 204 & 312 & 2020 \\
+ & Diff. ($-\%$) & 12.8 & 18.6 & 9.8 & 18.9 & 23.9 & 18.9 & 23.8 & 24.1 & 16.6 & 20.1 & 22.9 & 0.0 & 20.0 & 22.0 & 10.6 & 12.1 & 13.3 & 23.1 \\\hline
+ \multirow{3}{*}{Time}
+ & ARM (s) & 0.59 & 1.39 & 0.59 & 1.18 & --- & 1.64 & --- & --- & --- & 4.09 & 1.07 & 1.15 & 1.16 & 0.99 & --- & 0.87 & --- & --- \\
+ & Thumb (s) & 0.66 & 1.44 & 0.62 & 1.11 & --- & 1.70 & --- & --- & --- & 4.31 & 1.08 & 1.18 & 1.22 & 0.99 & --- & 0.94 & --- & --- \\
+ & Diff. (\%) & 11.9 & 3.6 & 5.1 & 5.9 & --- & 3.7 & --- & --- & --- & 5.4 & 0.9 & 2.6 & 5.2 & 0.0 & --- & 8.0 & --- & --- \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+ \caption{Code size and running time comparison for ARM and Thumb-2\label{tab:results}}
+% Program Code size Running time (+gc) Nr. runs
+% ARM Thumb ARM Thumb
+% acker 3 10 188 164 0.59s 0.66s 20
+% e 2000 2388 1944 1.39s 1.44s 10
+% fsieve 50000 1036 840 1.18s 1.11s 10
+% hamming 300 1576 1200 negligible -
+% invperm 16nrs 1756 1332 negligible -
+% lqueen 11 2708 2196 1.64s 1.70s 10
+% mulmat 6 4452 3392 negligible -
+% nfib 35 164 148 0.59s 0.62s 10
+% pascal 18 40 2940 2452 negligible -
+% reverse 10000 796 636 4.09s 4.31s 10
+% revtwice 1 500 820 632 1.07s 1.08s 10 (-h 500m)
+% rfib 35.0 248 248 1.15s 1.18s 10
+% sieve 3000 1200 936 0.99s 0.99s 10
+% squeen 11 1660 1328 1.16s 1.22s 10
+% str_arit SEGFAULT
+% stwice 340 304 negligible -
+% tak 32 16 8 232 204 0.87s 0.94s 10
+% twice 360 312 negligible -
+% war_seq 2628 2020 negligible -
+\subsection{Test suite}
+We use a standard set of Clean programs to compare ARM and Thumb performance.
+These programs are included in the \texttt{examples} directory of every Clean release~\parencite{clean}.
+They are:
+ \item[Ack]
+ $A(3,10)$, where $A$ is the Ackermann function.
+ \item[E]
+ The approximation of $e$ to 2000 digits.
+ \item[Fib]
+ Computing the 35\textsuperscript{th} Fibonacci number using naive recursion.
+ \item[FSve]
+ The sieve of Eratosthenes (optimised), computing the first 50,000 primes.
+ \item[Ham]
+ The Hamming function, computing the first 300 numbers with only 2, 3 and 5 as prime factors.
+ \item[LQns]
+ Computing the possibilities to place 11 queens on an $11\times11$ \enquote{chess} board (not optimised).
+ \item[Mat]
+ Multiplying two $6\times6$ matrices.
+ \item[Perm]
+ Inverting a permutation of \clean{[1..16]}.
+ \item[Psc]
+ Pretty-printing the first 18 rows of the triangle of Pascal.
+ \item[Rev]
+ Reversing a 10,000-elements list, 10,000 times.
+ \item[RevTw]
+ Reversing a list of 500 elements 65,536 times using the higher-order function \clean{twice} (with a heap size of 500M%
+ \footnote{The large heap size is needed to prevent switching to another garbage collector, which had not yet been finished at the moment of writing.}).
+ \item[RFib]
+ Computing the 35\textsuperscript{th} Fibonacci number using naive recursion and \clean{Real}s instead of \clean{Int}s.
+ \item[SQns]
+ Computing the possibilities to place 11 queens on a $11\times11$ \enquote{chess} board (optimised).
+ \item[Sve]
+ The sieve of Eratosthenes (not optimised), computing the first 3,000 primes.
+ \item[STw]
+ Incrementing an integer 65,536 times using the higher-order function \clean{twice} (optimised).
+ \item[Tak]
+ $\tau(32,16,8)$, where $\tau$ is the Takeuchi function.
+ \item[Tw]
+ Incrementing an integer 65,536 times using the higher-order function \clean{twice} (not optimised).
+ \item[WSeq]
+ A sequential version of Warshall's shortest path algorithm on a $6\times6$ matrix.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{axis}
+ [ width=.5\textwidth
+ , xlabel={Size decrease (\%)}
+ , ylabel={Running time increase (\%)}
+ , mark options={scale=2}
+ , scatter/classes={%
+ a={mark=x,draw=red},
+ b={mark=+,draw=black}}
+ ]
+ \addplot[scatter,only marks,scatter src=explicit symbolic]
+ table[meta=label] {
+ x y label
+ 12.8 11.9 a
+ 18.6 3.6 b
+ 9.8 5.1 a
+ 18.9 5.9 b
+ 18.9 3.7 b
+ 20.1 5.4 a
+ 22.9 0.9 a
+ 0.0 2.6 a
+ 20.0 5.2 b
+ 22.0 0.0 b
+ 12.1 8.0 a
+ };
+ \end{axis}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{
+ Comparison of code size decrease and running time increase.
+ Red crosses indicate programs that are smaller than 1000b in ARM;
+ black pluses correspond to larger programs.
+ \label{fig:results:scatter}}
\subsection{Code size}
+We compared the code size for the code generated by the ARM and Thumb backends for all programs in the test suite.
+This does not include the run-time system, but does include parts of Clean's standard library, StdEnv, that are necessary for the program.
+The results are in \cref{tab:results}.
+The Thumb backend produces on average
+ 17.3\% smaller code, with a standard deviation of 6.3pp.
+If we ignore those programs for which the ARM code size is less than 1,000 bytes, this is
+ 21.0\%, with a standard deviation of 2.6pp.,
+ comparable to the 19.3\% found for the Clean compiler in \cref{sec:reg-alloc:results}.
+Small programs with short function blocks skew the data,
+ because they contain relatively many jumps which are longer in Thumb than in ARM (see \cref{sec:storing-pc}).
\subsection{Running time}
+For the same programs, we compare the running time.
+Some of the examples as provided in the Clean releases have a too short running time to be able to compare them,
+ so the parameters had to be tweaked.
+In this case, the new parameters are mentioned in \cref{sec:results:testsuite}.
+For some examples it was not possible to increase the running time enough.
+\Cref{tab:results} lists \enquote{---} for these programs.
+The increase in running time is relatively low compared to the decrease in code size:
+ 4.8\% on average with a standard deviation of 3.1pp.
+For the larger programs, this is
+ 3.7\% with a standard deviation of 2.04pp. (though this is based on only five programs).
+If we compare the code size decrease with the running time increase,
+ we get the plot in \cref{fig:results:scatter}.
+It seems that a high code size decrease often comes together with a low increase in running time,
+ suggesting that Thumb is more suitable for some programs than others.
+However, we do not have enough data to see if this is significant.
+More research is needed to see if there actually is such a relationship,
+ and if so, what programs are more suitable for Thumb.
+The outliers in \cref{fig:results:scatter} are
+ RFib $(0.0,2.6)$,
+ Ack $(12.8,11.9)$,
+ Fib $(9.8,5.1)$ and
+ Tak $(12.1,8.0)$,
+ all small programs that rely heavily on recursion.
+This is explained by the relatively high number of jumps:
+ in Thumb we had to add several instructions, introducing extra code size and running time (see \cref{sec:storing-pc}).
+% vim: nowrap