path: root/snug-clean
diff options
authorCamil Staps2023-01-28 12:48:43 +0100
committerCamil Staps2023-01-28 12:48:43 +0100
commitf84fca3b169d808943b5f329c177870dc87c1d51 (patch)
treec6af7707ecd8fc52c4ed4804ece707fce941b0be /snug-clean
parentAdd compilation of constructors and basic values (diff)
Add stack simulator for compilation
Diffstat (limited to 'snug-clean')
5 files changed, 217 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
index 2a9d9e4..26fd5af 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@ implementation module Snug.Compile
import StdEnv
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Func
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map
from Data.Map import :: Map
-import Text
import MIPS.MIPS32
+import Snug.Compile.ABI
+import Snug.Compile.Simulate
import Snug.Syntax
:: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent MemoryLocation
@@ -16,15 +19,6 @@ import Snug.Syntax
= InRegister !Register
| Indirect !Register !Offset
-:: EntryPoint
- = NodeEntry
-BackPrintPtr :== S 0
-FrontPrintPtr :== S 1
-BackEvalPtr :== S 2
-FrontEvalPtr :== S 3
-HeapPtr :== GP
instance == (Namespaced id) | == id
(==) x y = x.id == y.id && x.ns == y.ns
@@ -79,52 +73,21 @@ compileConstructor ns _ (ConstructorDef id args) =
compileExpr :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> [Instruction]
-compileExpr _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) =
- // Build new node
- [ LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 2 (constructorLabel "" (label bv)))
- , StoreWord (T 0) 0 HeapPtr
- ] ++
- loadImmediate bv ++
- [ StoreWord (T 0) 4 HeapPtr
- // Overwrite old node with indirection
- , LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
- , StoreWord (T 0) 0 FrontEvalPtr
- , StoreWord HeapPtr 4 FrontEvalPtr
- // Update front and heap pointers; return
- , Move FrontEvalPtr HeapPtr
- , Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 "eval"))
- , AddImmediate Signed GP GP (Immediate 8)
- ]
+compileExpr ns globals locals expr = simulate $
+ simulator ns globals locals expr >>|
+ indirectAndEval
+simulator :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> Simulator ()
+simulator _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) =
+ pushBasicValue bv >>|
+ buildCons (constructorLabel "" (label bv)) 1
label (BVInt _) = "INT"
label (BVChar _) = "CHAR"
- loadImmediate (BVInt i)
- | 0 <= i && i < 0x10000 =
- [ OrImmediate (T 0) R0 (Immediate i)
- ]
- | 0 > i && i >= -0x8000 =
- [ AddImmediate Signed (T 0) R0 (Immediate i)
- ]
- | otherwise =
- [ LoadUpperImmediate (T 0) (Immediate (i >> 16))
- , OrImmediate (T 0) (T 0) (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff))
- ]
-compileExpr _ _ _ _ = [Nop]// TODO
+simulator _ _ _ _ = // TODO
+ pushBasicValue (BVInt 0) >>|
+ buildCons (constructorLabel "" "INT") 1
// | Symbol !SymbolIdent
// | Constructor !ConstructorIdent
// | Case !Expression ![CaseAlternative]
// | ExpApp !Expression !Expression
-constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label
-constructorLabel "" id = "_c" +++ id // for built-in constructors
-constructorLabel ns id = concat4 "__" ns "_c" id // TODO escaping
-functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !ConstructorIdent -> Label
-functionLabel ns entry_point id // TODO escaping
- | size ns == 0
- = {#'_',e} +++ id
- = concat4 "__" ns {#'_',e} id
- e = case entry_point of
- NodeEntry -> 'n'
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..938a65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+definition module Snug.Compile.ABI
+from MIPS.MIPS32 import :: Label, :: Register(GP,S,T)
+from Snug.Compile import :: Namespace
+from Snug.Syntax import :: ConstructorIdent, :: SymbolIdent
+:: EntryPoint
+ = NodeEntry
+BackPrintPtr :== S 0
+FrontPrintPtr :== S 1
+BackEvalPtr :== S 2
+FrontEvalPtr :== S 3
+HeapPtr :== GP
+TempImm :== T 0
+constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label
+functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !SymbolIdent -> Label
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a8d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+implementation module Snug.Compile.ABI
+import StdEnv
+import Text
+import MIPS.MIPS32
+import Snug.Compile
+constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label
+constructorLabel "" id = "_c" +++ id // for built-in constructors
+constructorLabel ns id = concat4 "__" (escapeLabel ns) "_c" (escapeLabel id)
+functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !SymbolIdent -> Label
+functionLabel ns entry_point id
+ | size ns == 0
+ = {#'_',e} +++ escapeLabel id
+ = concat4 "__" (escapeLabel ns) {#'_',e} (escapeLabel id)
+ e = case entry_point of
+ NodeEntry -> 'n'
+escapeLabel :: !String -> String
+escapeLabel s = {#c \\ c <- escape [c \\ c <-: s]}
+ escape [] = []
+ escape [c:cs] | isAlphanum c = [c:escape cs]
+ escape ['_':cs] = ['__':escape cs]
+ escape ['`':cs] = ['_B':escape cs]
+ escape [':':cs] = ['_C':escape cs]
+ escape ['.':cs] = ['_D':escape cs]
+ escape ['>':cs] = ['_G':escape cs]
+ escape ['=':cs] = ['_I':escape cs]
+ escape ['<':cs] = ['_L':escape cs]
+ escape ['-':cs] = ['_M':escape cs]
+ escape ['+':cs] = ['_P':escape cs]
+ escape ['\'':cs] = ['_Q':escape cs]
+ escape ['~':cs] = ['_T':escape cs]
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61d631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+definition module Snug.Compile.Simulate
+from Control.Applicative import class Applicative, class pure, class <*>
+from Control.Monad import class Monad
+from Control.Monad.Identity import :: Identity, instance Functor Identity,
+ instance Monad Identity, instance pure Identity, instance <*> Identity
+from Control.Monad.State import :: State, :: StateT,
+ instance Functor (StateT s m), instance Monad (StateT s m),
+ instance pure (StateT s m), instance <*> (StateT s m)
+from Data.Functor import class Functor
+from MIPS.MIPS32 import :: Instruction, :: Label
+from Snug.Syntax import :: BasicValue
+:: Simulator a :== State SimulationState a
+:: SimulationState
+simulate :: !(Simulator a) -> [Instruction]
+buildCons :: !Label !Int -> Simulator ()
+pushBasicValue :: !BasicValue -> Simulator ()
+indirectAndEval :: Simulator ()
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d65ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+implementation module Snug.Compile.Simulate
+import StdEnv
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Functor
+import MIPS.MIPS32
+import Snug.Compile.ABI
+import Snug.Syntax
+:: SimulationState =
+ { instrs :: ![[Instruction]]
+ , hp_offset :: !Int
+ , stack :: ![StackValue]
+ }
+:: StackValue
+ = SVImmediate !Immediate
+ | SVRegOffset !Register !Offset /* value is reg + offset */
+simulate :: !(Simulator a) -> [Instruction]
+simulate sim = flatten (reverse (execState sim initial).instrs)
+ // TODO: when finishing:
+ // - check that the stack is empty
+ // - update heap pointer
+ initial =
+ { instrs = []
+ , hp_offset = 0
+ , stack = []
+ }
+add :: ![Instruction] -> Simulator ()
+add is = modify \s -> {s & instrs=[is:s.instrs]}
+push :: StackValue -> Simulator ()
+push sv = modify \s -> {s & stack=[sv:s.stack]}
+pop :: Simulator StackValue
+pop =
+ getState >>= \{stack} ->
+ modify (\s -> {s & stack=tl stack}) $> hd stack
+write_heap :: !StackValue -> Simulator StackValue
+write_heap sv =
+ getState >>= \{hp_offset} ->
+ storeStackValue sv hp_offset HeapPtr >>|
+ modify (\s -> {s & hp_offset=hp_offset+4}) $>
+ SVRegOffset HeapPtr hp_offset
+storeStackValue :: !StackValue !Offset !Register -> Simulator ()
+storeStackValue (SVImmediate (Immediate i)) doffset dreg
+ | i == 0 = add
+ [ StoreWord R0 doffset dreg
+ ]
+ | 0 <= i && i < 0x10000 = add
+ [ OrImmediate TempImm R0 (Immediate i)
+ , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ ]
+ | 0 > i && i >= -0x8000 = add
+ [ AddImmediate Signed TempImm R0 (Immediate i)
+ , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ ]
+ | otherwise = add
+ [ LoadUpperImmediate TempImm (Immediate (i >> 16))
+ , OrImmediate TempImm TempImm (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff))
+ , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ ]
+storeStackValue (SVImmediate imm=:(Address _ _)) doffset dreg = add
+ [ LoadAddress TempImm imm
+ , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ ]
+storeStackValue (SVRegOffset reg 0) doffset dreg = add
+ [ StoreWord reg doffset dreg
+ ]
+storeStackValue (SVRegOffset reg offset) doffset dreg = add
+ [ AddImmediate Signed TempImm reg (Immediate offset)
+ , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ ]
+buildCons :: !Label !Int -> Simulator ()
+buildCons cons nargs =
+ write_heap (SVImmediate (Address 2 cons)) >>= \addr ->
+ mapM_ (\_ -> pop >>= write_heap) [1..nargs] >>|
+ push addr
+pushBasicValue :: !BasicValue -> Simulator ()
+pushBasicValue val = push (SVImmediate (Immediate imm))
+ imm = case val of
+ BVInt i -> i
+ BVChar c -> toInt c
+indirectAndEval :: Simulator ()
+indirectAndEval =
+ pop >>= \sv ->
+ case sv of
+ SVRegOffset HeapPtr offset ->
+ add
+ // Build indirection
+ [ LoadAddress TempImm (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
+ , StoreWord TempImm 0 FrontEvalPtr
+ ] >>|
+ storeStackValue sv 4 FrontEvalPtr >>|
+ add
+ // Evaluate
+ [ AddImmediate Signed FrontEvalPtr HeapPtr (Immediate offset)
+ , Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 "eval"))
+ ] >>|
+ getState >>= \{hp_offset} ->
+ add
+ [ AddImmediate Signed HeapPtr HeapPtr (Immediate hp_offset)
+ ]
+ _ ->
+ abort "unexpected top of stack in indirect\n"