path: root/snug-clean/src
diff options
authorCamil Staps2023-01-27 21:14:39 +0100
committerCamil Staps2023-01-27 21:15:57 +0100
commitbda2ff9eea470e7eb6dc573849dfc6abe8365069 (patch)
tree1fa299d5be537c6dc33a4d9289d9358723cd5490 /snug-clean/src
parentAdd Clean parser for snug (diff)
Add compilation of constructors and basic values
Diffstat (limited to 'snug-clean/src')
5 files changed, 439 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.dcl b/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4789507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+definition module MIPS.MIPS32
+from StdOverloaded import class toString
+:: Line
+ = StartSection !String
+ | Align !Int
+ | Label !Label
+ | Instr !Instruction
+ | RawWord !Int
+ | RawAscii !String
+instance toString Line
+:: Instruction
+ = LoadByte !Signedness !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | LoadHalfword !Signedness !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | LoadWord !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | StoreByte !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | StoreHalfword !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | StoreWord !TargetRegister !Offset !Base
+ | AddImmediate !Signedness !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !Immediate
+ | AndImmediate !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !Immediate
+ | LoadUpperImmediate !DestinationRegister !Immediate
+ | OrImmediate !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !Immediate
+ | XorImmediate !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !Immediate
+ | AddWord !Signedness !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | AndWord !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | NorWord !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | OrWord !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | SubWord !Signedness !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | XorWord !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister
+ | Jump !Link !JumpTarget
+ | BranchOn1 !BranchCondition1 !SourceRegister !Offset
+ | BranchOn2 !BranchCondition2 !SourceRegister !TargetRegister !Offset
+ | Break !Int
+ | Syscall !Int /* applications should also set v0 to the syscall argument */
+ | LoadAddress !DestinationRegister !Immediate
+ | Nop
+Move rd rs :== OrImmediate rd rs (Immediate 0)
+instance toString Instruction
+:: Signedness
+ = Signed
+ | Unsigned
+:: Base :== Register
+:: Offset :== Int /* 16-bit signed */
+:: DestinationRegister :== Register
+:: SourceRegister :== Register
+:: TargetRegister :== Register
+:: Register
+ = R0 /* always zero */
+ | AT /* reserved for assembler; do not use */
+ | V0 | V1 /* expression evaluations, integer results, static link for nested procedures */
+ | A !Int /* 0-3, integer arguments, values not preserved */
+ | T !Int /* 0-9, temporary, values not preserved */
+ | S !Int /* 0-7, saved, values preserved */
+ | K0 | K1 /* reserved for the kernel */
+ | GP /* global (heap) pointer */
+ | SP /* stack pointer */
+ | FP /* frame pointer if needed; otherwise saved register */
+ | RA /* return address; temporary */
+:: Immediate
+ = Immediate !Int /* 16-bit */
+ | Address !Offset !Label
+:: Link
+ = Link
+ | NoLink
+:: JumpTarget
+ = Direct !Immediate
+ | Register !Register
+:: Label :== String
+:: BranchCondition1
+ = BCGeZero !Link
+ | BCGtZero
+ | BCLeZero
+ | BCLtZero !Link
+:: BranchCondition2
+ = BCEq
+ | BCNe
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.icl b/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a124007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/MIPS/MIPS32.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+implementation module MIPS.MIPS32
+import StdEnv
+import Text
+instance toString Line
+ toString (StartSection s) = "\t." +++ s
+ toString (Align i) = "\t.align\t" +++ toString i
+ toString (Label l) = l +++ ":"
+ toString (Instr i) = "\t" +++ toString i
+ toString (RawWord i) = "\t.word\t" +++ toString i
+ toString (RawAscii s) = concat3 "\t.ascii\t\"" s "\"" // TODO: escaping
+instance toString Instruction
+ toString (LoadByte signed rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS (if (signed=:Signed) "lb" "lbu") rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (LoadHalfword signed rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS (if (signed=:Signed) "lh" "lhu") rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (LoadWord rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS "lw" rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (StoreByte rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS "sb" rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (StoreHalfword rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS "sh" rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (StoreWord rt offset base) =
+ memInstrS "sw" rt (checkOffset offset) base
+ toString (AddImmediate signed rt rs imm) =
+ immediateInstrS (if (signed=:Signed) "addi" "addiu") rt rs (checkImmediate signed imm)
+ toString (AndImmediate rt rs imm) =
+ immediateInstrS "andi" rt rs (checkImmediate Unsigned imm)
+ toString (LoadUpperImmediate rt imm) =
+ concat ["lui\t",toString rt,",",toString (checkImmediate Unsigned imm)]
+ toString (OrImmediate rt rs imm) =
+ immediateInstrS "ori" rt rs (checkImmediate Unsigned imm)
+ toString (XorImmediate rt rs imm) =
+ immediateInstrS "xori" rt rs (checkImmediate Unsigned imm)
+ toString (AddWord signed rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS (if (signed=:Signed) "add" "addu") rd rs rt
+ toString (AndWord rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS "and" rd rs rt
+ toString (NorWord rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS "nor" rd rs rt
+ toString (OrWord rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS "or" rd rs rt
+ toString (SubWord signed rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS (if (signed=:Signed) "sub" "subu") rd rs rt
+ toString (XorWord rd rs rt) =
+ threeRegInstrS "xor" rd rs rt
+ toString (Jump link target) =
+ instr +++ toString target
+ where
+ instr = case (link, target) of
+ (NoLink, Direct _) -> "j\t"
+ (Link, Direct _) -> "jal\t"
+ (NoLink, Register _) -> "jr\t"
+ (Link, Register _) -> "jalr\t"
+ toString (BranchOn1 (BCGeZero link) rs offset) =
+ branch1InstrS (if (link=:Link) "bgezal" "bgez") rs (checkOffset offset)
+ toString (BranchOn1 BCGtZero rs offset) =
+ branch1InstrS "bgtz" rs (checkOffset offset)
+ toString (BranchOn1 BCLeZero rs offset) =
+ branch1InstrS "blez" rs (checkOffset offset)
+ toString (BranchOn1 (BCLtZero link) rs offset) =
+ branch1InstrS (if (link=:Link) "bltzal" "bltz") rs (checkOffset offset)
+ toString (BranchOn2 cond rs rt offset) =
+ immediateInstrS (if (cond=:BCEq) "beq" "bne") rs rt (Immediate (checkOffset offset))
+ toString (Break arg) =
+ "break\t" +++ toString arg
+ toString (Syscall arg) =
+ "syscall\t" +++ toString arg
+ toString (LoadAddress rd imm) =
+ concat4 "la\t" (toString rd) "," (toString imm)
+ toString Nop =
+ "nop"
+instance toString JumpTarget
+ toString (Direct imm)
+ = toString imm
+ toString (Register r)
+ = toString r
+instance toString Immediate
+ toString (Immediate i)
+ = toString i
+ toString (Address offset label)
+ | offset == 0
+ = label
+ | offset > 0
+ = concat3 label "+" (toString offset)
+ = concat3 label "-" (toString offset)
+memInstrS :: !String !Register !Offset !Base -> String
+memInstrS opcode rt 0 base = concat [opcode,"\t",toString rt,",(",toString base,")"]
+memInstrS opcode rt offset base = concat [opcode,"\t",toString rt,",",toString offset,"(",toString base,")"]
+immediateInstrS :: !String !TargetRegister !SourceRegister !Immediate -> String
+immediateInstrS opcode rt rs imm = concat [opcode,"\t",toString rt,",",toString rs,",",toString imm]
+threeRegInstrS :: !String !DestinationRegister !SourceRegister !TargetRegister -> String
+threeRegInstrS opcode rd rs rt = concat [opcode,"\t",toString rd,",",toString rs,",",toString rt]
+branch1InstrS :: !String !SourceRegister !Offset -> String
+branch1InstrS opcode rs offset = concat [opcode,"\t",toString rs,",",toString offset]
+instance toString Register
+ toString reg = toString` (checkReg reg)
+ where
+ /* Sorted by estimated frequency for efficiency */
+ toString` (T n) = "$t" +++ toString n
+ toString` (S n) = "$s" +++ toString n
+ toString` (A n) = "$a" +++ toString n
+ toString` R0 = "$0"
+ toString` GP = "$gp"
+ toString` SP = "$sp"
+ toString` FP = "$fp"
+ toString` RA = "$ra"
+ toString` AT = "$at"
+ toString` V0 = "$v0"
+ toString` V1 = "$v1"
+ toString` K0 = "$k0"
+ toString` K1 = "$k1"
+checkReg :: !Register -> Register
+checkReg (T n) | not (0 <= n && n <= 9)
+ = abort ("non-existing register $t" +++ toString n +++ "\n")
+checkReg (S n) | not (0 <= n && n <= 7)
+ = abort ("non-existing register $s" +++ toString n +++ "\n")
+checkReg (A n) | not (0 <= n && n <= 3)
+ = abort ("non-existing register $a" +++ toString n +++ "\n")
+checkReg reg
+ = reg
+checkOffset :: !Int -> Int
+checkOffset offset
+ | 0 <= offset && offset <= 0x7fff
+ = offset
+ | offset >= -0x8000
+ = offset bitand 0xffff
+ = abort ("offset " +++ toString offset +++ " out of bounds\n")
+checkImmediate :: !Signedness !Immediate -> Immediate
+checkImmediate Signed (Immediate imm)
+ | 0 <= imm && imm <= 0x7fff
+ = Immediate imm
+ | imm >= -0x8000
+ = Immediate (imm bitand 0xffff)
+ = abort ("signed immediate " +++ toString imm +++ " out of bounds\n")
+checkImmediate Unsigned (Immediate imm)
+ | 0 <= imm && imm <= 0xffff
+ = Immediate imm
+ = abort ("unsigned immediate " +++ toString imm +++ " out of bounds\n")
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d329156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+definition module Snug.Compile
+from Data.Map import :: Map
+from MIPS.MIPS32 import :: Line
+from Snug.Syntax import :: ConstructorDef, :: ConstructorIdent, :: Definition,
+ :: SymbolIdent, :: Type
+:: Namespace :== String
+:: Namespaced id =
+ { ns :: !Namespace
+ , id :: !id
+ }
+:: Globals =
+ { constructors :: !Map (Namespaced ConstructorIdent) ConstructorDef
+ , functions :: !Map (Namespaced SymbolIdent) FunctionInfo
+ }
+:: FunctionInfo =
+ { arity :: !Int
+ , type :: !Type
+ }
+compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> [Line]
+compileDefinition :: !Namespace !Globals !Definition -> [Line]
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9d9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+implementation module Snug.Compile
+import StdEnv
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map
+from Data.Map import :: Map
+import Text
+import MIPS.MIPS32
+import Snug.Syntax
+:: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent MemoryLocation
+:: MemoryLocation
+ = InRegister !Register
+ | Indirect !Register !Offset
+:: EntryPoint
+ = NodeEntry
+BackPrintPtr :== S 0
+FrontPrintPtr :== S 1
+BackEvalPtr :== S 2
+FrontEvalPtr :== S 3
+HeapPtr :== GP
+instance == (Namespaced id) | == id
+ (==) x y = x.id == y.id && x.ns == y.ns
+instance < (Namespaced id) | < id
+ (<) x y
+ | x.id < y.id = True
+ | x.id > y.id = False
+ | otherwise = x.ns < y.ns
+compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> [Line]
+compile ns defs =
+ concatMap (compileDefinition ns globals) defs
+ globals =
+ { constructors = 'Data.Map'.fromList
+ [ ({ns="", id="INT"}, ConstructorDef "INT" [])
+ ]
+ , functions = 'Data.Map'.newMap
+ }
+compileDefinition :: !Namespace !Globals !Definition -> [Line]
+compileDefinition _ _ (TypeDef _ _) =
+ []
+compileDefinition ns globals (DataDef _ _ constructors) =
+ [ StartSection "data"
+ : concatMap (compileConstructor ns globals) constructors
+ ]
+compileDefinition ns globals (FunDef id args ret expr) =
+ [ StartSection "text"
+ , Align 3 // to have 3 bits unused in addresses
+ , RawWord (sum [2^i \\ i <- [0..] & _ <- args]) // all strict for now, TODO change
+ , RawWord (length args) // arity
+ , Label (functionLabel ns NodeEntry id)
+ : map Instr (compileExpr ns globals locals expr)
+ ]
+ locals = 'Data.Map'.fromList
+ [ (id, Indirect FrontEvalPtr (offset*4))
+ \\ (id,_) <- args
+ & offset <- [1..]
+ ]
+compileConstructor :: !Namespace !Globals !ConstructorDef -> [Line]
+compileConstructor ns _ (ConstructorDef id args) =
+ [ Align 3 // to have 3 bits unused in addresses
+ , Label (constructorLabel ns id)
+ , RawWord (length args) // arity
+ , RawWord (size id) // length name
+ , RawAscii id // name
+ ]
+compileExpr :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> [Instruction]
+compileExpr _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) =
+ // Build new node
+ [ LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 2 (constructorLabel "" (label bv)))
+ , StoreWord (T 0) 0 HeapPtr
+ ] ++
+ loadImmediate bv ++
+ [ StoreWord (T 0) 4 HeapPtr
+ // Overwrite old node with indirection
+ , LoadAddress (T 0) (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
+ , StoreWord (T 0) 0 FrontEvalPtr
+ , StoreWord HeapPtr 4 FrontEvalPtr
+ // Update front and heap pointers; return
+ , Move FrontEvalPtr HeapPtr
+ , Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 "eval"))
+ , AddImmediate Signed GP GP (Immediate 8)
+ ]
+ label (BVInt _) = "INT"
+ label (BVChar _) = "CHAR"
+ loadImmediate (BVInt i)
+ | 0 <= i && i < 0x10000 =
+ [ OrImmediate (T 0) R0 (Immediate i)
+ ]
+ | 0 > i && i >= -0x8000 =
+ [ AddImmediate Signed (T 0) R0 (Immediate i)
+ ]
+ | otherwise =
+ [ LoadUpperImmediate (T 0) (Immediate (i >> 16))
+ , OrImmediate (T 0) (T 0) (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff))
+ ]
+compileExpr _ _ _ _ = [Nop]// TODO
+// | Symbol !SymbolIdent
+// | Constructor !ConstructorIdent
+// | Case !Expression ![CaseAlternative]
+// | ExpApp !Expression !Expression
+constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label
+constructorLabel "" id = "_c" +++ id // for built-in constructors
+constructorLabel ns id = concat4 "__" ns "_c" id // TODO escaping
+functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !ConstructorIdent -> Label
+functionLabel ns entry_point id // TODO escaping
+ | size ns == 0
+ = {#'_',e} +++ id
+ = concat4 "__" ns {#'_',e} id
+ e = case entry_point of
+ NodeEntry -> 'n'
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/snug.icl b/snug-clean/src/snug.icl
index 1cdfcf6..23d24d0 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/snug.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/snug.icl
@@ -3,20 +3,41 @@ module snug
import StdEnv
import StdMaybe
+import Data.Error
+import Data.List
import System.CommandLine
+import System.File
+import System.FilePath
+import Text
+import MIPS.MIPS32
+import Snug.Compile
import Snug.Parse
+/* Note: after compiling with
+ * snug program.snug
+ * an assembly file program.s is generated, which can be run with SPIM using
+ * spim -delayed_branches <(cat driver.s program.s)
+ */
Start w
# ([prog:args],w) = getCommandLine w
| length args <> 1 = abort ("Usage: " +++ prog +++ " INPUT\n")
# input = hd args
+ output = dropExtension input +++ ".s"
# (mbInput,w) = readFile input w
input = fromJust mbInput
| isNone mbInput = abort "Failed to read input\n"
- | otherwise = parseSnug input
+ # mbDefs = parseSnug input
+ defs = fromOk mbDefs
+ | isError mbDefs = abort ("Failed to parse: " +++ fromError mbDefs +++ "\n")
+ # assembly = compile "main" defs
+ # assembly = join "\n" (map toString assembly)
+ # (mbErr,w) = writeFile output assembly w
+ | isError mbErr = abort ("Failed to write output: " +++ toString (fromError mbErr) +++ "\n")
+ | otherwise = w
-readFile :: !String !*World -> (!?[Char], !*World)
+readFile :: !FilePath !*World -> (!?[Char], !*World)
readFile path w
# (ok,f,w) = fopen path FReadData w
| not ok = (?None, w)