path: root/snug-clean/src/Snug
diff options
authorCamil Staps2023-11-29 11:26:28 +0100
committerCamil Staps2023-11-29 11:26:28 +0100
commit4ce6adb6f5dc6623b903853322be726a9f95a3b8 (patch)
tree927447752dcf46f491be81eabbd68a5d5e06ffa8 /snug-clean/src/Snug
parentWIP on code generation for case expressions (diff)
Continue with cases WIP: todo is matching code for basic values and adding locals for constructor arguments in a patterncases
Diffstat (limited to 'snug-clean/src/Snug')
6 files changed, 128 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl
index ef223b8..dd8bef1 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.dcl
@@ -29,13 +29,15 @@ from Snug.Syntax import :: ConstructorDef, :: ConstructorIdent, :: Definition,
:: CompileState
-:: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent LocalLocation
+:: Locals :== Map SymbolIdent Symbol
-:: Local =
- { location :: !LocalLocation
- , type :: !Type
- }
+:: Symbol
+ = LocalSymbol !LocalLocation
+ | FunctionSymbol !FunctionInfo
+ | ConstructorSymbol !ConstructorDef
:: LocalLocation
compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> MaybeError String [Line]
+lookupConstructorM :: !ConstructorIdent -> CompileM ConstructorDef
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
index 0fb3e25..601acb0 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile.icl
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ from Text import concat3, concat4
import MIPS.MIPS32
import Snug.Compile.ABI
import Snug.Compile.Simulate
-import Snug.Compile.Typing
import Snug.Syntax
:: CompileState =
- { fresh_ident :: !Int
+ { namespace :: !Namespace
+ , fresh_ident :: !Int
, globals :: !Globals
@@ -39,17 +39,20 @@ where
| x.id > y.id = False
| otherwise = x.ns < y.ns
+:: Type | NoType
compile :: !Namespace ![Definition] -> MaybeError String [Line]
compile ns defs =
flatten <$> evalStateT
- mapM (liftCases ns) defs <$&> flatten >>= \defs ->
- mapM (compileDefinition ns) defs
+ mapM liftCases defs <$&> flatten >>= \defs ->
+ mapM compileDefinition defs
init =
- { fresh_ident = 0
+ { namespace = ns
+ , fresh_ident = 0
, globals = combineGlobals [builtin, gatherGlobals ns defs]
@@ -94,14 +97,9 @@ addGlobalFunction sym fi = modify \s -> {s & globals.functions='Data.Map'.put sy
* TODO: the remaining work for this changeset consists of:
* - Generating the correct matching code in `compileCase`
* - Adding a fallthrough case in the base case of `compileCase`
- * - Correctly determining the type of generated `FunDef`s in `liftCases`.
- * Types are currently not used, so an alternative is to do type checking
- * before `liftCases` and do `liftCases` at an untyped stage. But since we
- * need type inference in the end anyway it is not so clear what the benefit
- * of a separate untyped stage would be.
-liftCases :: !Namespace !Definition -> CompileM [Definition]
-liftCases ns (FunDef name args ret expr) =
+liftCases :: !Definition -> CompileM [Definition]
+liftCases (FunDef name args ret expr) =
liftCasesFromExpr True expr <$&> \(defs,expr) -> [FunDef name args ret expr:defs]
liftCasesFromExpr toplevel e = case e of
@@ -123,24 +121,31 @@ where
liftCasesFromExpr False expr <$&> appSnd (CaseAlternative pat)
liftCase e alts =
+ gets (\s -> s.namespace) >>= \ns ->
freshLabel "case" >>= \funName ->
- addGlobalFunction {ns=ns, id=funName} {arity=length argsToLift + 1, type=undef} $> // TODO type
- ( [FunDef funName (argsToLift ++ [("_casearg", undef)]) undef (Case (Symbol "_casearg") alts)] // TODO types
+ addGlobalFunction {ns=ns, id=funName} {arity=length argsToLift + 1, type=NoType} $>
+ ( [FunDef funName (argsToLift ++ [("_casearg", NoType)]) NoType (Case (Symbol "_casearg") alts)]
, foldl ExpApp (Symbol funName) ([Symbol sym \\ (sym,_) <- argsToLift] ++ [e])
usedSyms = usedSymbols (e, alts)
argsToLift = [arg \\ arg=:(sym,_) <- args | 'Data.Set'.member sym usedSyms]
-liftCases ns (TestDef name ty expr expected) =
+liftCases (TestDef name ty expr expected) =
+ gets (\s -> s.namespace) >>= \ns ->
freshLabel "test" >>= \funName ->
- liftCases ns (FunDef funName [] ty expr) <$&> \defs ->
+ liftCases (FunDef funName [] ty expr) <$&> \defs ->
[TestDef name ty (Symbol funName) expected : defs]
-liftCases _ def =
+liftCases def =
pure [def]
freshLabel :: !String -> CompileM Label
freshLabel prefix = state \st -> (concat3 "_l" prefix (toString st.fresh_ident), {st & fresh_ident=st.fresh_ident+1})
+lookupConstructorM :: !ConstructorIdent -> CompileM ConstructorDef
+lookupConstructorM id =
+ gets (\s -> (s.namespace, s.globals)) >>= \(ns,globals) ->
+ liftT (lookupConstructor ns id globals)
lookupConstructor :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent !Globals -> MaybeError String ConstructorDef
lookupConstructor ns id globals = mb2error
(concat4 "Unknown constructor " ns "." id)
@@ -151,20 +156,26 @@ lookupFunction ns id globals = mb2error
(concat4 "Unknown symbol " ns "." id)
('Data.Map'.get {ns=ns, id=id} globals.functions)
-compileDefinition :: !Namespace !Definition -> CompileM [Line]
-compileDefinition _ (TypeDef _ _) = pure
+lookupLocal :: !SymbolIdent !Locals -> MaybeError String Symbol
+lookupLocal id locals = mb2error
+ ("Unknown local " +++ id)
+ ('Data.Map'.get id locals)
+compileDefinition :: !Definition -> CompileM [Line]
+compileDefinition (TypeDef _ _) = pure
-compileDefinition ns (DataDef _ _ constructors) =
+compileDefinition (DataDef _ _ constructors) =
(++) [StartSection "data"] <$>
- flatten <$> mapM (compileConstructor ns) constructors
-compileDefinition ns (FunDef id args ret expr) =
- gets (\s -> s.globals) >>= \globals ->
+ flatten <$> mapM compileConstructor constructors
+compileDefinition (FunDef id args ret expr) =
+ gets (\s -> s.namespace) >>= \ns ->
+ let n_label = functionLabel ns NodeEntry id in
(if (isEmpty args) [] (
[ StartSection "data"
, Align 2
] ++ flatten
- [[ Label (closure_label i)
+ [[ Label (closureLabel ns id i)
// TODO: Ideally we would use the following here:
//, RawByte i // pointer arity
//, RawByte 0 // basic value arity
@@ -197,43 +208,60 @@ compileDefinition ns (FunDef id args ret expr) =
// due to liftCases, all Case expressions are on the top level and have
// a Symbol as expression which is the last argument to the function
Case (Symbol local) alts ->
- compileCase ns globals locals local alts
+ compileCase locals local alts
_ ->
- map Instr <$> compileExpr ns globals locals expr
+ map Instr <$> compileExpr locals expr
- closure_label i = closureLabel ns id i
- n_label = functionLabel ns NodeEntry id
locals = 'Data.Map'.fromList
- [ (id, FrontPtrArg offset)
+ [ (id, LocalSymbol (FrontPtrArg offset))
\\ (id,_) <- args
& offset <- [0..]
-compileCase :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !SymbolIdent ![CaseAlternative] -> CompileM [Line]
-compileCase _ _ _ _ [] =
+compileCase :: !Locals !SymbolIdent ![CaseAlternative] -> CompileM [Line]
+compileCase _ _ [] =
pure [] // TODO: add catch for partial cases
-compileCase ns globals locals exprSymbol [CaseAlternative pat rhs:rest] =
- liftM2 (++) caseAlt (compileCase ns globals locals exprSymbol rest)
+compileCase locals exprSymbol [CaseAlternative pat rhs:rest] =
+ liftM2 (++) caseAlt (compileCase locals exprSymbol rest)
// NB: we can assume that the expression has been evaluated; cases are strict
caseAlt = case pat of
Wildcard ->
map Instr <$>
- compileExpr ns globals locals rhs
+ compileExpr locals rhs
BasicValuePattern bv ->
abort "compileCase: BasicValuePattern\n" // TODO
IdentPattern sym ->
- map Instr <$>
- compileExpr ns globals locals rhs // TODO: add sym to locals, update stack offsets
+ liftT (lookupLocal exprSymbol locals) >>= \exprSymbol ->
+ map Instr <$> compileExpr ('Data.Map'.put sym exprSymbol locals) rhs
ConstructorPattern cons args ->
+ gets (\s -> s.namespace) >>= \ns ->
+ freshLabel "match" >>= \match ->
freshLabel "nomatch" >>= \nomatch ->
- pure // TODO: match
- [ Instr (Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 nomatch)))
- , Label nomatch
+ liftT (lookupLocal exprSymbol locals) >>= \(LocalSymbol (FrontPtrArg i)) ->
+ compileExpr locals rhs >>= \rhs -> // TODO: add args to locals
+ pure $
+ map Instr
+ [ LoadAddress (TempImm 0) (Address 0 (constructorLabel ns cons))
+ , LoadWord (TempImm 1) 0 FrontEvalPtr
+ , LoadWord (TempImm 1) (4+4*i) (TempImm 1)
+ , LoadWord (TempImm 1) 0 (TempImm 1)
+ // TODO: if the rhs is small enough we can use `bne t0,t1,nomatch` instead of a jump
+ , BranchOn2 BCEq (TempImm 0) (TempImm 1) match 4 // TODO what is the right offset to `match`?
+ , Nop
+ , Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 nomatch))
+ , Nop
+ ] ++
+ [ Label match
+ : map Instr rhs
+ ] ++
+ [ Label nomatch
-compileConstructor :: !Namespace !ConstructorDef -> CompileM [Line]
-compileConstructor ns (ConstructorDef id args) = pure
+compileConstructor :: !ConstructorDef -> CompileM [Line]
+compileConstructor (ConstructorDef id args) =
+ gets (\s -> s.namespace) <$&> \ns ->
+ let label = constructorLabel ns id in
[ Global label
, Align 1
, Label label
@@ -241,16 +269,14 @@ compileConstructor ns (ConstructorDef id args) = pure
, RawByte 0 // basic value arity
//, RawByte -1 // number of arguments still to be curried in (unused for constructors)
- label = constructorLabel ns id
-compileExpr :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> CompileM [Instruction]
-compileExpr ns globals locals expr =
+compileExpr :: !Locals !Expression -> CompileM [Instruction]
+compileExpr locals expr =
+ gets (\s -> (s.namespace, s.globals)) >>= \(ns,globals) ->
+ let expr` = simulator ns globals locals expr >>| indirectAndEval in
case simulate [SVRegOffset FrontEvalPtr 0] expr` of
Error e -> fail ("Compiling an expression failed: " +++ e)
Ok instrs -> pure instrs
- expr` = simulator ns globals locals expr >>| indirectAndEval
simulator :: !Namespace !Globals !Locals !Expression -> Simulator ()
simulator _ _ _ (BasicValue bv) =
@@ -261,7 +287,7 @@ where
label (BVChar _) = "CHAR"
simulator ns globals locals (Symbol id) =
case 'Data.Map'.get id locals of
- ?Just (FrontPtrArg i) ->
+ ?Just (LocalSymbol (FrontPtrArg i)) ->
stackSize >>= \n ->
pushArg (n-1) i
?None ->
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl
index c7fe7ad..7d3a63a 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/ABI.dcl
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
definition module Snug.Compile.ABI
+from StdBool import not, &&
+from StdClass import class Ord(<=)
+from StdInt import instance < Int
+from StdMisc import abort
+from StdOverloaded import class <(<)
from MIPS.MIPS32 import :: Label, :: Register(GP,S,T)
from Snug.Compile import :: Namespace
from Snug.Syntax import :: ConstructorIdent, :: SymbolIdent
@@ -17,7 +23,7 @@ TextEndDataStart :== S 7
HeapPtr :== GP
-TempImm :== T 0
+TempImm i :== if (0 <= i && i <= 1) (T i) (abort "TempImm out of range\n")
constructorLabel :: !Namespace !ConstructorIdent -> Label
functionLabel :: !Namespace !EntryPoint !SymbolIdent -> Label
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl
index 57f249c..ab13cde 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Simulate.icl
@@ -59,32 +59,32 @@ storeStackValue (SVImmediate (Immediate i)) doffset dreg
[ StoreWord R0 doffset dreg
| 0 <= i && i < 0x10000 = add
- [ OrImmediate TempImm R0 (Immediate i)
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ OrImmediate (TempImm 0) R0 (Immediate i)
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
| 0 > i && i >= -0x8000 = add
- [ AddImmediate Signed TempImm R0 (Immediate i)
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ AddImmediate Signed (TempImm 0) R0 (Immediate i)
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
| otherwise = add
- [ LoadUpperImmediate TempImm (Immediate (i >> 16))
- , OrImmediate TempImm TempImm (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff))
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ LoadUpperImmediate (TempImm 0) (Immediate (i >> 16))
+ , OrImmediate (TempImm 0) (TempImm 0) (Immediate (i bitand 0xffff))
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
storeStackValue (SVImmediate imm=:(Address _ _)) doffset dreg = add
- [ LoadAddress TempImm imm
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ LoadAddress (TempImm 0) imm
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
storeStackValue (SVRegOffset reg 0) doffset dreg = add
[ StoreWord reg doffset dreg
storeStackValue (SVRegOffset reg offset) doffset dreg = add
- [ AddImmediate Signed TempImm reg (Immediate offset)
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ AddImmediate Signed (TempImm 0) reg (Immediate offset)
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
storeStackValue (SVIndirect offset reg) doffset dreg = add
- [ LoadWord TempImm offset reg
- , StoreWord TempImm doffset dreg
+ [ LoadWord (TempImm 0) offset reg
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) doffset dreg
buildCons :: !Label !Int -> Simulator ()
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ indirectAndEval =
SVRegOffset HeapPtr offset ->
// Build indirection
- [ LoadAddress TempImm (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
- , StoreWord TempImm 0 FrontEvalPtr
+ [ LoadAddress (TempImm 0) (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) 0 FrontEvalPtr
] >>|
storeStackValue sv 4 FrontEvalPtr >>|
getState >>= \{hp_offset} ->
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ indirectAndEval =
// We only need to overwrite the descriptor with an indirection
getState >>= \{hp_offset} ->
- [ LoadAddress TempImm (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
- , StoreWord TempImm 0 FrontEvalPtr
+ [ LoadAddress (TempImm 0) (Address 0 (functionLabel "" NodeEntry "indir"))
+ , StoreWord (TempImm 0) 0 FrontEvalPtr
, Jump NoLink (Direct (Address 0 "eval"))
, AddImmediate Signed HeapPtr HeapPtr (Immediate hp_offset)
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Typing.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Typing.icl
index 5587da7..4d69aca 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Typing.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Compile/Typing.icl
@@ -7,8 +7,24 @@ import Snug.Syntax
instance type Expression
type locals e = case e of
- BasicValue bv -> type locals bv
+ BasicValue bv ->
+ type locals bv
Symbol sym -> // TODO
- Constructor cons -> // TODO
- Case _ alts -> checkSameTypes "case alternatives" [type locals e \\ CaseAlternative _ e <- alts]
- ExpApp e1 e2 -> // TODO
+ Constructor cons ->
+ lookupConstructorM ns cons >>= \(ConstructorDef _ args ret) ->
+ foldr TyFun ret args
+ Case _ alts ->
+ checkSameTypes "case alternatives" [type locals e \\ CaseAlternative _ e <- alts]
+ ExpApp e1 e2 ->
+ type locals e1 >>= \t1 -> case t1 of
+ TyFun t1arg t1ret ->
+ type locals e2 >>= \t2 ->
+ unify t1arg t2 ->
+ resolve t1ret
+ TyVar _ ->
+ freshTyVar >>= \t1arg ->
+ freshTyVar >>= \t1ret ->
+ unify t1arg t2 ->
+ resolve t1ret
+ _ ->
+ fail "ExpApp: first argument cannot be unified with a function type"
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Syntax.dcl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Syntax.dcl
index f6ff0f2..88fefde 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Syntax.dcl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Syntax.dcl
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ from Data.Set import :: Set
= Type !TypeIdent
| TyVar !TypeVarIdent
| TyApp !Type !Type
+ | TyFun !Type !Type
+ | ..
:: ConstructorDef
= ConstructorDef !ConstructorIdent ![Type]