path: root/snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2023-06-18 21:33:53 +0200
committerCamil Staps2023-06-18 21:33:53 +0200
commite06fcb91abf5ec8403ccf03ba09a6e5ec7d11b8b (patch)
tree3361d05765f10c8601f5f9137631f251b2563188 /snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl
parentRemove outdated makefile (diff)
Add automated tests
Diffstat (limited to 'snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl
index 9d58f23..4347c34 100644
--- a/snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl
+++ b/snug-clean/src/Snug/Parse.icl
@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ where
(simpleList (parenthesized typedArgument))
(pToken TColon *> type)
(pToken TColon *> expression)
+ <<|> liftM4 TestDef
+ (pToken (TIdent "test") *> string)
+ (pToken TColon *> type)
+ (pToken TColon *> simpleOrParenthesizedExpression)
+ string
simpleConstructorDef = liftM2 ConstructorDef constructorIdent (pure [])
constructorDef = liftM2 ConstructorDef constructorIdent (many simpleOrParenthesizedType)
@@ -101,6 +106,9 @@ basicValue
= (\(TInt i) -> BVInt i) <$> pSatisfy (\t -> t=:(TInt _))
<<|> (\(TChar c) -> BVChar c) <$> pSatisfy (\t -> t=:(TChar _))
+string :: Parser Token String
+string = (\(TString s) -> s) <$> pSatisfy (\t -> t=:(TString _))
typeIdent :: Parser Token TypeIdent
typeIdent = fromIdent <$> pSatisfy isUpperCaseIdent
@@ -152,6 +160,7 @@ nonEmpty p = p >>= \xs -> if (isEmpty xs) pFail (pure xs)
| TIdent !String
| TInt !Int
| TChar !Char
+ | TString !String
| TComment !String //* (# ... #)
| TError !Int !Int !String
@@ -169,6 +178,8 @@ where
(==) (TInt _) _ = False
(==) (TChar x) (TChar y) = x == y
(==) (TChar _) _ = False
+ (==) (TString x) (TString y) = x == y
+ (==) (TString _) _ = False
(==) (TComment x) (TComment y) = x == y
(==) (TComment _) _ = False
(==) (TError _ _ _) _ = False
@@ -238,15 +249,6 @@ lex` line col [c:cs]
| isSpace c
= lex` line (col+1) cs
-/* Identifiers*/
-lex` line col cs=:[c:_]
- | isAlpha c
- # (name,cs) = span isIdentChar cs
- = [TIdent (toString name) : lex` line (col + length name) cs]
- | isFunnySymbol c
- # (name,cs) = span isFunnySymbol cs
- = [TIdent (toString name) : lex` line (col + length name) cs]
/* Basic values */
lex` line col cs=:[c:_]
| isDigit c
@@ -258,6 +260,21 @@ lex` line col [c:cs]
= [TInt (0 - toInt (toString i)) : lex` line (col + 1 + length i) cs]
lex` line col ['\'',c,'\'':cs] // TODO: escape sequences
= [TChar c : lex` line (col+3) cs]
+lex` line col ['"':cs] // TODO: escape sequences; correctly compute new line/col in case of newlines
+ = [TString s : lex` line (col + 2 + size s) (tl rest)]
+ (chars,rest) = span ((<>) '"') cs
+ s = {c \\ c <- chars}
+/* Identifiers (must come after basic values for correct lexing of negative
+ * integers) */
+lex` line col cs=:[c:_]
+ | isAlpha c
+ # (name,cs) = span isIdentChar cs
+ = [TIdent (toString name) : lex` line (col + length name) cs]
+ | isFunnySymbol c
+ # (name,cs) = span isFunnySymbol cs
+ = [TIdent (toString name) : lex` line (col + length name) cs]
/* Unparseable input */
lex` line col cs