path: root/public/js/hebrewparsetrainer.js
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-01-03Strip down for simple app for Greek verb λύωCamil Staps1-362/+0
2019-03-08Clarify incorrect parsing message when input is shortCamil Staps1-1/+2
2017-09-20Use <select> for root again; fix checking answersCamil Staps1-2/+6
2017-09-20Merge branch 'master' of github.com:HebrewTools/ParseTrainerCamil Staps1-1/+1
2017-09-20Include root in answersCamil Staps1-6/+12
2017-09-20Use POST for long queries; change request to TEXT type for the same reasonCamil Staps1-0/+2
2016-11-11Checkboxes instead of select for rootsCamil Staps1-1/+1
2016-09-06Only show roots with active verbs on trainer pageCamil Staps1-2/+2
2016-08-29Fix critical error from 5cd0398Camil Staps1-55/+58
2016-08-03Reload verb only on trainer pageCamil Staps1-2/+0
2016-05-09FixCamil Staps1-9/+5
2016-05-09Buttons for answer inputCamil Staps1-263/+333
2016-01-06More help textCamil Staps1-2/+1
2016-01-06Stem is case insensitiveCamil Staps1-1/+1
2016-01-06Disable spell check on inputCamil Staps1-1/+1
2016-01-06Reduce redirects by adding trailing slashCamil Staps1-3/+3
2016-01-06Don't check if you cannot parseCamil Staps1-0/+18
2016-01-05Parsing helpCamil Staps1-0/+8
2016-01-05Removed c genderCamil Staps1-3/+2
2016-01-05Allow for multiple correct answersCamil Staps1-48/+92
2016-01-05Infinitives don't have person-gender-numberCamil Staps1-13/+24
2016-01-04Relative paths to resourcesCamil Staps1-5/+5
2016-01-04License: GPLv3.0; readmeCamil Staps1-1/+15
2016-01-04Training appCamil Staps1-0/+189