path: root/vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/vim/.vimrc b/vim/.vimrc
index a9034ad..e333fd9 100644
--- a/vim/.vimrc
+++ b/vim/.vimrc
@@ -115,14 +115,32 @@ endif
map <LocalLeader>s :syn sync fromstart<CR>
-autocmd BufEnter * set bg=dark | call s:set_terminal_line_border()
-autocmd BufEnter *.bib,*.md,*.tex,*.txt set bg=light | call s:set_terminal_line_border()
+function s:enable_automatic_background()
+ augroup bg
+ autocmd bg BufEnter * set bg=dark | call s:set_terminal_line_border()
+ autocmd bg BufEnter *.bib,*.md,*.tex,*.txt set bg=light | call s:set_terminal_line_border()
+ augroup END
+function s:disable_automatic_background()
+ augroup bg
+ autocmd! bg
+ augroup END
+ augroup! bg
+command AutomaticBackgroundEnable call s:enable_automatic_background()
+command AutomaticBackgroundDisable call s:disable_automatic_background()
+call s:enable_automatic_background()
" Setting the color scheme messes up the git gutter highlight groups, so reset
" them. For some discussion, see:
" - https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter/issues/696
" - https://stackoverflow.com/a/7383051
-autocmd BufEnter * call s:reset_gitgutter_highlights()
+augroup gitgutter
+ autocmd gitgutter BufEnter * call s:reset_gitgutter_highlights()
+augroup END
" Move through long lines as they were short multiple lines
map <down> gj