path: root/i3/bin/setbg-texample
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-02-20 10:06:38 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-02-20 10:06:38 +0100
commit73ae3a47a410eb2db9c3c776c0252e1feaeb2d7e (patch)
tree4835551f5d769ede433ed390d3cfc2406975480c /i3/bin/setbg-texample
parentCloogle stats in status bar (diff)
Reorganise binaries
Diffstat (limited to 'i3/bin/setbg-texample')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i3/bin/setbg-texample b/i3/bin/setbg-texample
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee996d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3/bin/setbg-texample
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+function fail() {
+ if [ -f ~/.bg.png ]; then
+ feh --bg-max -B white ~/.bg.png
+ fi
+ exit -1;
+# Test internet
+timeout 4 wget -q --spider http://texample.net
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail; fi
+let "SCR_WIDTH -= 2 * $PADDING"
+let "SCR_WIDTH /= 2"
+let "SCR_HEIGHT -= 2 * $PADDING"
+PAGE=$RANDOM; let "PAGE %= 22"; let "PAGE += 1"
+# Fetch list of texamples
+cd /tmp
+wget -qO texample.html "http://texample.net/tikz/examples/all/?page=$PAGE"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail; fi
+EXAMPLES="$(grep '^<dl' texample.html | wc -l)"
+awk -v n=0 "BEGIN{n=int(rand()*$EXAMPLES)+1} /^<dl/{l++} (l==n){print} END{}" texample.html | sponge texample.html
+PDF="$(grep '\/media\/tikz\/examples\/PDF' texample.html | sed "s/.*<a href=\"\([^\"]*\)\">PDF<\/a>.*/\1/")"
+TEX="$(grep '\/media\/tikz\/examples\/TEX' texample.html | grep -v writelatex | sed "s/.*<a href=\"\(.*\)\">TEX<\/a>.*/\1/")"
+echo $PDF $TEX
+wget -qO- "http://texample.net$PDF" | convert -size "x$SCR_HEIGHT" -density 300 - /tmp/bg.png
+wget -qO- "http://texample.net$TEX" | sed -n '/\\begin{document}/,/\\end{document}/p' | pygmentize -l latex -O font_size=$FONT_SIZE -o /tmp/bg-src.png
+montage -geometry "+$PADDING+$PADDING" /tmp/bg-src.png /tmp/bg.png "/tmp/bg-$PAGE.png"
+rm /tmp/bg{,-src}.png
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail; fi
+feh -B white --bg-max "/tmp/bg-$PAGE.png"