path: root/README.md
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-01-11 19:16:39 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-01-11 19:16:39 +0100
commitbb16f1b86c32d13df7be7245a871c4f191b7e5d4 (patch)
treece42e2f3db5b0badbe5bd822de532a78c25f2622 /README.md
parentcleanup (diff)
Stowify repo
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1f56baa..ffb1e1f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,88 +1,16 @@
-# holman does dotfiles
+# dotfiles
-## dotfiles
+My dotfiles. Feel free to use what you can.
-Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. These are mine.
+## Install
-I was a little tired of having long alias files and everything strewn about
-(which is extremely common on other dotfiles projects, too). That led to this
-project being much more topic-centric. I realized I could split a lot of things
-up into the main areas I used (Ruby, git, system libraries, and so on), so I
-structured the project accordingly.
+`stow -t ~ <NAME>`, where `<NAME>` is one of:
-If you're interested in the philosophy behind why projects like these are
-awesome, you might want to [read my post on the
-## install
-Run this:
-git clone https://github.com/holman/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
-cd ~/.dotfiles
-This will symlink the appropriate files in `.dotfiles` to your home directory.
-Everything is configured and tweaked within `~/.dotfiles`.
-The main file you'll want to change right off the bat is `zsh/zshrc.symlink`,
-which sets up a few paths that'll be different on your particular machine.
-`dot` is a simple script that installs some dependencies, sets sane OS X
-defaults, and so on. Tweak this script, and occasionally run `dot` from
-time to time to keep your environment fresh and up-to-date. You can find
-this script in `bin/`.
-## topical
-Everything's built around topic areas. If you're adding a new area to your
-forked dotfiles — say, "Java" — you can simply add a `java` directory and put
-files in there. Anything with an extension of `.zsh` will get automatically
-included into your shell. Anything with an extension of `.symlink` will get
-symlinked without extension into `$HOME` when you run `script/bootstrap`.
-## what's inside
-A lot of stuff. Seriously, a lot of stuff. Check them out in the file browser
-above and see what components may mesh up with you.
-[Fork it](https://github.com/holman/dotfiles/fork), remove what you don't
-use, and build on what you do use.
-## components
-There's a few special files in the hierarchy.
-- **bin/**: Anything in `bin/` will get added to your `$PATH` and be made
- available everywhere.
-- **topic/\*.zsh**: Any files ending in `.zsh` get loaded into your
- environment.
-- **topic/path.zsh**: Any file named `path.zsh` is loaded first and is
- expected to setup `$PATH` or similar.
-- **topic/completion.zsh**: Any file named `completion.zsh` is loaded
- last and is expected to setup autocomplete.
-- **topic/\*.symlink**: Any files ending in `*.symlink` get symlinked into
- your `$HOME`. This is so you can keep all of those versioned in your dotfiles
- but still keep those autoloaded files in your home directory. These get
- symlinked in when you run `script/bootstrap`.
-## bugs
-I want this to work for everyone; that means when you clone it down it should
-work for you even though you may not have `rbenv` installed, for example. That
-said, I do use this as *my* dotfiles, so there's a good chance I may break
-something if I forget to make a check for a dependency.
-If you're brand-new to the project and run into any blockers, please
-[open an issue](https://github.com/holman/dotfiles/issues) on this repository
-and I'd love to get it fixed for you!
-## thanks
-I forked [Ryan Bates](http://github.com/ryanb)' excellent
-[dotfiles](http://github.com/ryanb/dotfiles) for a couple years before the
-weight of my changes and tweaks inspired me to finally roll my own. But Ryan's
-dotfiles were an easy way to get into bash customization, and then to jump ship
-to zsh a bit later. A decent amount of the code in these dotfiles stem or are
-inspired from Ryan's original project.
+| `<NAME>` | Contents | Comments
+| `git` | git | Edit `~/.gitconfig.local` yourself
+| `haskell` | GHCi | You need to `cabal install` some things
+| `i3` | i3, i3bar
+| `mutt` | mutt | Still working on this
+| `system` | bash, X
+| `vim` | vim | Highly subjective