diff options
author | Zach Holman | 2010-04-15 02:16:51 -0700 |
committer | Camil Staps | 2016-11-30 19:10:33 +0100 |
commit | 4c3d392381123062f1de67277a224367b87d967c (patch) | |
tree | e9327a43794834f17f60577bb578bb90895c9084 /LICENSE.md |
Initial commit
keep sensitive data (email and github token) in $brew/git/etc/gitconfig instead
I swear, no one likes etc/gitconfig I GIVE UP
don't be so specific
apply less suck to readme
automatically symlink files to home
sometimes I keep state secrets in unpushed branches, what.
typos were invented in 1731 after a tequila bender
rebase and prune pulls
send your public key to the pasteboard
quickedit known_hosts
start some ec2 things
ignore tissues debris
add rvm
remove hub
add jruby aliases
get rid of some cruft
rub some rvm over the prompt
recolor git branch status
needs push up front
git status changes
add superpowers to the readme
change key location
add simple encrypted backups
heyo! fuck planets
don't assume dev
soft tabs
Backup Adium logs, too
dominatrixing my ssh hosts
git status with 100% more better
quick ruby switching
CAS startup and shutdown
. in $PATH
Re-verify our range to target... one ping only
ignore my vim/ directory for now
only alias if gls exists
grc is not a dependency anymore
moar grc conditions
remove rvm dependency
remove prompt. whatevs.
only source .localrc if it exists
This moves the space after the current ruby for RVM into rvm_prompt, so people without RVM won't have the extra space prepended to their prompt. Yes, it's very important.
I'm so philosofically
Add Ryan's Mailplane styles
They are awesome.
Fixed error in Ruby 1.9.
RECLINING: I'm getting used to it
link it up. pow pow.
ignore .swp files in git
too many aliasing layers! inception!
Use MRI for hub for git
git up: a pull with more details
gitting credit where credit's due
Make install task a bit more respectful
gvim settings
add vim
command t is for Command T
command t in new tab
mistakes were made
marking my territory
tabbing fixes
railscasts colors
move gvimrc
leader and quickexit
remove vim history
ignore history
a @stevelosh type of prompt
use rvm internals until jruby version is fixed
bump to patch level 302
upload to CloudApp from the command line
animate a gif from the command line, send to cloudapp
I always think I had a git-undo. Well, now I do.
Talk a bit more about some bin scripts
i'm done with hirb
separate file for $PATH
move MANPATH into system/path.zsh
Don't use hub for git info in prompt. Speedy++.
In order for function autocomplete to fully work, we want to move compinit until after all .zsh scripts have been loaded. This wasn't working before because completion.zsh was being loaded before config.zsh and completion.zsh called compinit before the functions were added in config.zsh.
use molokai (hat tip: @mrsimo)
jruby 1.5.2 now
`git all` adds unstaged
finna go MIT
mvim for EDITOR
correctly ignore absolute paths in .gitignore
don't use mvim for mvim
update cloudapp for their new embed structure
slightly less seizures
it's a vim mustache
give me so much more histories
github propane hax
boom autocompletion yessssss
bump rvm ruby
add todo.sh alias
todos in my prompt
functions are better
only show todos if there are todos
only show todos that are +next
use optimal super srsly animation settings
chill with the rebase
i use 1.6 like the best of them
Add accurate window titling to shell for all locations
only show machine in title
"death to tar && cpio!~" - IEEE 2001
move todo.txt aliases to its own directory
todo readme
adds the `n` alias for next tasks
environment variables dictate delay
movieme all the things
dont puke when handling .ZIP
purge the chumps
add some vagrant aliases
speed up gems
ignore rbx compliation everywhere
send all rubinius compilation to /tmp
support for files with '.' (i.e. tmux.conf.symlink)
propane hax is automatically pulled in now
if you don't have hub, don't fret
check to see if you have p334 too
no more weird rails start aliases
fuck yeah completions (thanks, @Resure)
Revert "fuck yeah completions (thanks, @Resure)"
(zomg I kind of hated this)
This reverts commit 14721e4576fd3f84999c85195aa6c0e5e509bf50.
Local modifications to your own gitconfig symlink will be ignored in the repo
new installation comment
rename sample file
remove some older project references
update some readme concerns
readme whoops.
cloudapp should fail gracefully if a file isn't specified
closes #5
I'm symlinking these in now.
revert the echo change; pbcopy pulls in the wrong stuff
gifme is now https://github.com/holman/gifme
Pull gifme from the readme
don't railsrc it
all of you are not me
don't include period
explain more magic
movieme uses new gifme, closes #9
pad leading zeros on gif explosion
eject the volume too!
make sure we're splitting correctly
coffeescript in vim
tweak some `defaults` settings on osx
Noticed this when I forked. My commits were too crazy to create sensible pull request.
git delete-local-merged
set complete_aliases
load **/completion.sh after autocomplete
add completion for git
Update the README to be a bit more flexible
bug notice
fix markdown rendering
httparty has an undeclared dependency on json, try to require it first
Add multi-file support to cloudapp
add @defunkt's gitio helper script
use vibrantink for vim
I like comments I can read.
this may not be needed anymore
Added missing 's' clause in input case condition
switch to desert for vim
god this finally has bright comments. i :heart: comments so much
airdrop über alles
finder opens in list views
Fixing that awk command.
the new version of gifme has this shit now
Quick script to `search` for a line of text in a dir
added uninstall to rakefile
use ack instead of grep for nicer formatting
bump up todo.sh prompt coloring
ack way better (#17)
redis up and down
nginx control
fix fenced code blocks for markdown
update spark
life is sublime
more settings
copy settings over
sublime binary
vim mode
back you go
Hated typing 'subl .'. Insanity.
removed duplicate sublime path in setup file
'e' shortcut to $EDITOR
Remove sublime alias, add it to $EDITOR
tomayko's headers
I want bin
Make sure gcc is set up gooder
Prompt: set unpushed using the preferred remote, not always origin.
Enhance unpushed by using upstream instead of trying to guess it.
add whatever rvm wanted
bump patchlevel
adding quotes to pg commands
kill rvm
fix rbenv prompt
fix rbenv
shims, not bin
Load up hub again
Exclude 'master' from git-delete-local-merged targets
Editor can now open paths with spaces
e: Do not use editor output as a command.
Using $($EDITOR ...) will cause the editor's stdout to be captured and executed as a command. This is
1) dangerous & useless, because you can never know what your editor
outputs to stdout (for example, startup messages or GTK warnings);
2) causes certain terminal-based editors (namely Vim and `ed`) to break,
since they expect their stdout to be a terminal.
e: Exec to avoid unnecessary process (micro-optimization)
└─e foo
└─vim foo
└─vim foo
sublime dark
Don't ignore gitconfig
Don't .example gitconfig anymore
Git's credential store lets us avoid stashing tokens here
Move to ~/Code
Remove old ignores
Stash redis conf in my dotfiles
GitHub Setup negates the need for this
Ignore Sublime setting checks
Set some additional Mountain Lion defaults
As always, thanks https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/.osx
Convience `set-defaults` command
proper url encoding for lyrics
May not be the correct arch
Just output
Addition of topic folders to fpath so they can define completion functions
Start on a smarter install process
Run a script that installs from Homebrew. Eventually this would
be great to nuke the rake dependency and do it all in shell. I
kind of hate all of this... this should be more modular and
cleaner. Always something to do!
This also closes #31.
Fixed zsh/zshrc.symlink
Last line (#22) should be "completion.zsh", not "completion.sh".
Rename git completion script
Added a check so the install script does not use homebrew on *nixy systems
short explanation: bootstrap script broken
know-it-all explanation:
The test command [ needs a trailing space to be recognized.
In #!/bin/sh environment, '=' has to be used with the test command.
] needs a leading space to be recognized as the last argument of the test command.
Make sure we skip the symlink if the user selected to [S]kip all.
Make bin/e work with more shells.
Revision is similar to pull request #49 in that it more strictly follows
the POSIX standard for shell scripts by not using "test". Small change,
but it means bin/e will work with more shells on more systems (e.g.
Ubuntu 8+ which links /bin/sh to /bin/dash by default).
Bump some Sublime settings
Slip in the Boxen changes
system: Don't add brew prefixes if we aren't on an actual machine with brew installed.
Fix typo.
Delay sourcing of completion.zsh files
Ignore sublime last run
Use zsh's $commands array to check if a certian program is installed
Thank god I don't use CAS anymore
Remove EC2
Remove jruby
Remove NetNewsWire
Remove mailplane
Remove Rubinius
Remove todo.txt
Remove vim: my vim days are over
Remove Boxen-managed processes
Move homebrew to its own thing
Install spark with Homebrew
Don't tell us what we already know
Remove vagrant too
Add `dot`
Clean up README
Remove old hosts alias
Eh, don't upgrade
Move 'rake install' to script/bootstrap
Remove OUTPUT related stuff.
Update input styling
Run `dot`
Nicer dependency output
just look for 'nothing' since git 1.8.1 changed this message
No longer use this script
Update README.markdown
Fix oversight from move to script/install instead of rake install
README; script/install is really script/bootstrap
make sure $PATH is setup first
Source all path.zsh files in the project before the rest
Improve zsh file sourcing.
Now it gets all of the files once, then iterates over three times,
once for path, once for general stuff, once for completion
update the README for special handling of path.zsh and completion.zsh
unset config_files after sourcing everything
Kill completion.sh nonsense
Try for git from zsh $commands before we hard fail back to the system /usr/bin/git.
Move gitconfig.symlink to gitconfig.symlink.example. Setup gitconfig to be bootstrapped without holman's stuff.
Bootstrap the gitconfig.symlink.example file with author name and email.
Update the README.
Squelch warning message about push.default change coming in Git 2.0.
Ignore gitconfig.symlink.
Add iOS simulator alias
Fix clean/dirty status
git-track tracks remote branches
Fix vestige from rake install
Fix test for brew existance on grc.zsh
This fixes #73
Load .localrc before .zsh files
My .localrc loads Boxen details, which has Homebrew installs
in it. Loading it after .zsh files get loaded means I can't
get stuff like the grc suite detected on my path
Promote functions to root
Not a function, and I don't use it
Remove more old functions
Rename smartextract
Don't use lyrics either
Fix #76
Use bash not zsh or sh.
Fix #59 git completion issue with @dplarson method.
Nest helper under credential
I noticed this when git kept asking me for user/pass.
It seems helper was under the wrong namespace
Be consistent about spacing
Add rvm ruby version as per @i8ramin in #89
Updated bin/git-track for git 1.8
Update bootstrap
Use env(1) to locate shell binary (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29#Portability).
Use the new fork page
Allow $EDITOR to be set up elsewhere
Updating `grm` alias to support rm of resources where path contains spaces
`awk '{print $3}'` will give us the path following `deleted:` in the git status
output, but not the full path if it contains spaces.
`awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'` effectively removes `#` and `deleted:` from the
grepped line, allowing us to retrieve the remainder with `$0`. Following this
we filter out spaces at the beginning of the line and escape all remaining
spaces with `awk` and `sed`.
I suppose this could be done more elegantly (maybe
`awk '{print substr($0, 0, N)}'` where `N` is equal to the number of characters
preceding our desired path), but I honestly can't be certain of git's behavior
to expect it to work the same all the time (i.e. is it always 14 characters?
what about tabs?). Probably a noob issue...
Fix syntax error
Fixed syntax error
Fix seds treatment of tabs
Per https://github.com/holman/dotfiles/commit/3d2a856d2475f8c7e6cff6117652f92542cb6247#commitcomment-3561553.
Add `res`
`res` is a small script that facilitates switching between screen
resolutions super quickly and easily.
Turn syntax highlighting on by default in vim
Wrap on `git commit` descriptions
In descriptions like these, we should wrap according to how Git suggests
we break (72 characters).
Update gitconfig to use osxkeychain for OSX and cache for other systems
Add a python/install.sh script
Ideally I want to just have one script/install script that runs ./install.sh in
every directory in my dotfiles. Then we have a loose framework to build up machines.
But I'm too lazy, so pulls accepted. :)
Auto run all install.sh scripts
This adds a ``script/install`` that iteratively runs all ``install.sh``
scripts located in the dotfiles directory. Solves @holman's request from
commit f697ba7
Remove todo.txt stuff
Add `todo`
Just use $*
I just don't use `h`
Grab my real public key
Remove autocompletion for deleted `h` function
Show me my unpushed changes
Show me my unpushed changes diffstat
Include the count, too
contributers => contributors (closes #112)
More barebones installs
install ruby-build, too
fix ack command on debian
fix typo in debian search fix
update rbenv.zsh according to manpage
Only call rbenv init if installed
Update the me method for general use
Better `cd` in installer
With `cd "$(dirname $)"/..` it works bad, because `$(dirname $)` will return `.` so it implies that to correctly works, you have to be in the `script` directory, otherwise if you're e.g. in `$HOME/.dotfiles` you'll go in `$HOME` and then look for all `install.sh`, which may not be what you intended to do.
Using `$(dirname $0)` instead ensure that you'll go one level higher than the `install` script.
Only source grc if grc and brew are installed
Misspeled git rank-contributors alias
Fixed git status parsing for git 1.8.5
Revert "Merge pull request #130 from pmcdaniel/fixGitStatusParsing"
This reverts commit cfd5d1bcd0cd93871ce174be4c709304f3bce28d, reversing
changes made to e28115a83335cbac70098f884d587973458782de.
Fix `res` for Mavericks (closes #116)
Copy branch name to clipboard with `gcb`
Make movieme scale to display aspect ratio.
Explicitly set $ZSH in dot
Fixing Homebrew URL
The url is outdated
.md wins
sfs never went anywhere
out with the things I don't use
Simplify the symlink a bit more
Quit pretending like I haven't been using Atom for over a year
rbenv handles this in rbenv.zsh
Hack to load path at a different point
This is mostly so I don't get rbenv shoved at the front of $PATH
Replace "." with "source" in script/bootstrap
remove things you don't use
Fix dirty status in new git
ignore atom directories
Use atom.symlink
Add my .atom
Use .cson
Always soft-wrap Markdown files
Fix git status so we know we are in a git repository in subdirectories as well, not just when in the top level of the repo.
Use Menlo in Atom
This is going to get annoying
use .md instead
Determine DOTFILES_ROOT correctly
and cd into it. This fixes git setup.
Minor tweaks
Use $(...) instead of backquotes which is not only POSIX-compatible but
is way more readable and nests properly.
Be more generous with quotes (just in case) and less generous with backslashes.
Fix bootstraping broken in #142
Adjust overwrite/backup/skip logic
This shouldn't alter behaviour of the script
Get rid of long ifs
This commit also preserves observable behaviour
Drop `link_files` function
It had strange name anyway
Rename $source to $src and $dest to $dst
`source` is a terrible name for a variable in shell scripts:
it gets highlighted as a keyword—that's annoying.
Extract all the linking logic to `link_file`
Check if target exists and is a symlink
peace out, sublime (closes #150)
Yosemite changed the path of iOS Simulator.app
Update atom and ignore its compile cache
Skip symlink if the existing symlink links to the same destination
--no-ri --no-rdoc is deprecated, use --no-document
/ruby/gemrc.symlink :
this congifuration was using 'gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc' to avoid
installation of docs with gems, but this method is now deprecated
changed it to new official way => 'gem: --no-document'
Removed deprecated bulk_threshold-instance method
Add private environment variable loading
bump atom config
Consolidate project and go project autocompletion
I wanted to be able to use `c` to jump around any one of my projects, no
matter what the directory structure may be required of them (lol go).
Hopefully this won't break for those that don't have Go set up, and
hopefully it's a decent example on how to expand your own completion a
bit further.
Only loading ~/.env-vars file if exists
update command to install homebrew
script/bootstrap: be more explicit about what is being overwritten
Show full homebrew output
Fixes #117
atom config bump
Fix git-rank-contributors for invalid encodings
Optimization for different Ruby versions
Fix minor typo
Use ~/.localrc instead of ~/.env-vars.zsh
Fixes #185
Ignore the .apm stuff now
Bump the config stuff
Fix the init.coffee workspaceView deprecation
Added '/' to find command to handle symlinked .dotfiles folder
fix atom workspace config to be atom 1.0 compliant
atom.workspaceView is no longer available
Update _c
Fix the extra trailing '/' for symlinks
Following issues for pull requests #186 and #192.
Using the find flag '-H', which allows for following symlinks if the input is itself a symlink, without having to add any extra '/' that appears everywhere with all the symlinks. (Tested on Mac and Debian Linux)
pull request #192 should be closed since I did change multiple files and the whole commit was messed up
Added support for linux homebrew
Maybe this script should modified such that it installs homebrew only if the Platform is Mac OS?
Making script compatible wih /bin/sh
Handling filenames with spaces in movieme
Resolve paths fully.
Add second question mark to streamline all msg types to four chars.
Proper new line for all msg types.
Fix ios simulator alias for new Xcode
Cleaned up
Diffstat (limited to 'LICENSE.md')
-rw-r--r-- | LICENSE.md | 21 |
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1622cb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License + +Copyright (c) Zach Holman, http://zachholman.com + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. |