diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-06-08 00:49:40 +0200
committerCamil Staps2018-06-08 00:50:30 +0200
commit398e19ae122707f0bf28e0dcac6e5f0a052d9bce (patch)
parentUse GAS assembly syntax highlighting (diff)
Remove table from readme
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 44f18d8..f81215a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,13 +6,11 @@ My dotfiles. Feel free to use what you can.
`stow -t ~ <NAME>`, where `<NAME>` is one of:
-| `<NAME>` | Contents | Comments
-| `clean` | [Clean](http://clean.cs.ru.nl)
-| `email` | msmtp, neomutt, notmuch, offlineimap | WIP. I'm using a development version of NeoMutt
-| `git` | git | Edit `~/.gitconfig.local` yourself
-| `haskell` | GHCi | You need to `cabal install` some things
-| `i3` | i3, i3bar, X
-| `system` | bash, X
-| `vim` | vim | Highly subjective
-| `x` | X
+- `clean`: [Clean](http://clean.cs.ru.nl)
+- `email`: msmtp, neomutt, notmuch, offlineimap (WIP. I'm using a development version of NeoMutt)
+- `git`: git (edit `~/.gitconfig.local` yourself)
+- `haskell`: GHCi (you need to `cabal install` some things)
+- `i3`: i3, i3bar, X
+- `system`: bash, X
+- `vim`: vim (highly subjective)
+- `x`: X