path: root/resources
diff options
authorCamil Staps2023-12-18 15:22:18 +0100
committerCamil Staps2023-12-18 15:23:56 +0100
commit4fc093d1e8f091618777c062154ed76203534b80 (patch)
tree390fdc8c9f9b0075f825160cd0867adf8e27b070 /resources
parentAdd review statistics (diff)
Fix end date of ongoing reviews
Diffstat (limited to 'resources')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/publications.pug b/resources/pug/finals/publications.pug
index 8e3c804..dbcf436 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/publications.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/publications.pug
@@ -33,99 +33,100 @@ block content
published: '#53000D'
- let shorttitles = [];
- let series = [];
- mixin entry(type_, shorttitle, title, review_intervals, editing_intervals = [], published = {})
- -
- shorttitles.push(shorttitle);
- let data = [];
- for (let interval of review_intervals)
- data.push({
- start: Date.parse(interval[0]),
- end: Date.parse(interval[1]) ||,
- name: 'Review',
- color: colors[type_]['review'],
- y: shorttitles.length - 1
- });
- for (let interval of editing_intervals)
- data.push({
- start: Date.parse(interval[0]),
- end: Date.parse(interval[1]) ||,
- name: 'Copy editing',
- color: colors[type_]['editing'],
- y: shorttitles.length - 1
- });
- for (let way of Object.keys(published))
- data.push({
- start: Date.parse(published[way]),
- milestone: true,
- name: 'Published (' + way + ')',
- color: colors[type_]['published'],
- y: shorttitles.length - 1
- });
- series.push({
- name: title,
- data: data,
- borderRadius: 0,
- });
- +entry('journalarticle', 'Orientalia (2018)', 'A case study of reciprocal middles in Biblical Hebrew: The niphal of לחם',
- [['2017-11-8', '2017-11-28'], ['2017-12-21', '2018-1-4']], [['2018-1-9', '2018-1-24']], {print: '2018-12-1'})
- +entry('journalarticle', 'JSS (2020)', 'Prepositions and the grammaticalization of Ancient Hebrew bipartite reciprocal markers',
- [['2018-3-9', '2018-5-1'], ['2018-5-8', '2018-5-21']], [['2018-5-21', '2019-12-16']], {print: '2020-2-17'})
- +entry('journalarticle', 'JSOT (2020)', '“When dust was poured out”: Creation in Job 38.36–38',
- [['2018-8-11', '2018-9-26']], [['2018-9-27', '2019-7-31']], {online: '2019-12-27', print: '2020-3-12'})
- +entry('confproceedings', 'IFL (2019)', 'With John van Groningen and Rinus Plasmeijer: Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems',
- [['2019-6-15', '2019-8-1'], ['2019-11-30', '2020-2-11']], [['2020-3-3', '2021-2-26']], {online: '2021-7-15'})
- +entry('bookchapter', 'FS Van Wolde (2022)', 'Voice, discourse prominence, and aspect: The niphal and passive qal of <i>yālad</i>',
- [['2021-1-4', '2021-2-19'], ['2021-3-11', '2022-9-15']], [['2022-9-15', '2022-9-30']], {print: '2022-11-7'})
- +entry('journalarticle', 'JHS (2022)', '<i>Lip̄nē</i> ‘in the face of’: A Locative preposition with a threatening connotation',
- [['2021-7-8', '2021-9-16'], ['2021-10-4', '2021-12-23']], [['2021-12-23', '2022-9-12']], {online: '2022-9-12'})
- +entry('journalarticle', 'S&P (in preparation)', 'With Johan Rooryck: Formalizing spatial-causal polysemy of Agent prepositions',
- [['2022-7-4', '2022-9-12'], ['2023-3-6', '2023-6-5'], ['2023-7-30', '2023-10-20'], ['2023-11-10']])
- +entry('journalarticle', 'Linguistics (2023)', 'With Johan Rooryck: The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers',
- [['2022-10-24', '2023-2-23'], ['2023-3-17', '2023-6-9']], [['2023-6-13', '2023-7-18']], {online: '2023-8-5', print: '2023-9-26'})
- +entry('journalarticle', 'BJALL (in preparation)', 'With Martijn Beukenhorst: Semantic properties of prepositions: The distinction between causal <i>min</i> ‘from’ and <i>bə</i> ‘in’',
- [['2022-12-29', '2023-5-4'], ['2023-8-22', '2023-9-28'], ['2023-11-2', '2023-11-23']])
- +entry('journalarticle', 'NLLT (in preparation)', 'Complementation and Common Ground: Discursive effects in Biblical Hebrew',
- [['2023-9-22']])
- script.
- Highcharts.ganttChart('chart-publications', {
- credits: {enabled: false},
- chart: {
- spacingLeft: 0,
- spacingRight: 0,
- style: {fontSize: '1.5rem'},
- },
- xAxis: [{
- grid: {enabled: false},
- labels: {align: 'left', distance: 0, padding: 0},
- tickInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
- tickLength: 0,
- gridLineWidth: 1,
- }],
- yAxis: {
- title: null,
- grid: {enabled: false},
- type: 'category',
- categories: !{JSON.stringify(shorttitles)},
- staticScale: 25,
- },
- tooltip: {
- xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
- },
- series: !{JSON.stringify(series)},
- });
+ script
+ | let shorttitles = [];
+ | let series = [];
+ mixin entry(type_, shorttitle, title, review_intervals, editing_intervals = [], published = {})
+ .
+ shorttitles.push(!{JSON.stringify(shorttitle)});
+ {
+ let data = [];
+ for (let interval of !{JSON.stringify(review_intervals)})
+ data.push({
+ start: Date.parse(interval[0]),
+ end: Date.parse(interval[1]) ||,
+ name: 'Review',
+ color: !{JSON.stringify(colors[type_]['review'])},
+ y: shorttitles.length - 1
+ });
+ for (let interval of !{JSON.stringify(editing_intervals)})
+ data.push({
+ start: Date.parse(interval[0]),
+ end: Date.parse(interval[1]) ||,
+ name: 'Copy editing',
+ color: !{JSON.stringify(colors[type_]['editing'])},
+ y: shorttitles.length - 1
+ });
+ let published = !{JSON.stringify(published)};
+ for (let way of Object.keys(published))
+ data.push({
+ start: Date.parse(published[way]),
+ milestone: true,
+ name: 'Published (' + way + ')',
+ color: !{JSON.stringify(colors[type_]['published'])},
+ y: shorttitles.length - 1
+ });
+ series.push({name: !{JSON.stringify(title)}, data: data, borderRadius: 0});
+ }
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'Orientalia (2018)', 'A case study of reciprocal middles in Biblical Hebrew: The niphal of לחם',
+ [['2017-11-8', '2017-11-28'], ['2017-12-21', '2018-1-4']], [['2018-1-9', '2018-1-24']], {print: '2018-12-1'})
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'JSS (2020)', 'Prepositions and the grammaticalization of Ancient Hebrew bipartite reciprocal markers',
+ [['2018-3-9', '2018-5-1'], ['2018-5-8', '2018-5-21']], [['2018-5-21', '2019-12-16']], {print: '2020-2-17'})
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'JSOT (2020)', '“When dust was poured out”: Creation in Job 38.36–38',
+ [['2018-8-11', '2018-9-26']], [['2018-9-27', '2019-7-31']], {online: '2019-12-27', print: '2020-3-12'})
+ +entry('confproceedings', 'IFL (2019)', 'With John van Groningen and Rinus Plasmeijer: Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems',
+ [['2019-6-15', '2019-8-1'], ['2019-11-30', '2020-2-11']], [['2020-3-3', '2021-2-26']], {online: '2021-7-15'})
+ +entry('bookchapter', 'FS Van Wolde (2022)', 'Voice, discourse prominence, and aspect: The niphal and passive qal of <i>yālad</i>',
+ [['2021-1-4', '2021-2-19'], ['2021-3-11', '2022-9-15']], [['2022-9-15', '2022-9-30']], {print: '2022-11-7'})
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'JHS (2022)', '<i>Lip̄nē</i> ‘in the face of’: A Locative preposition with a threatening connotation',
+ [['2021-7-8', '2021-9-16'], ['2021-10-4', '2021-12-23']], [['2021-12-23', '2022-9-12']], {online: '2022-9-12'})
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'S&P (in preparation)', 'With Johan Rooryck: Formalizing spatial-causal polysemy of Agent prepositions',
+ [['2022-7-4', '2022-9-12'], ['2023-3-6', '2023-6-5'], ['2023-7-30', '2023-10-20'], ['2023-11-10']])
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'Linguistics (2023)', 'With Johan Rooryck: The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers',
+ [['2022-10-24', '2023-2-23'], ['2023-3-17', '2023-6-9']], [['2023-6-13', '2023-7-18']], {online: '2023-8-5', print: '2023-9-26'})
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'BJALL (in preparation)', 'With Martijn Beukenhorst: Semantic properties of prepositions: The distinction between causal <i>min</i> ‘from’ and <i>bə</i> ‘in’',
+ [['2022-12-29', '2023-5-4'], ['2023-8-22', '2023-9-28'], ['2023-11-2', '2023-11-23']])
+ +entry('journalarticle', 'NLLT (in preparation)', 'Complementation and Common Ground: Discursive effects in Biblical Hebrew',
+ [['2023-9-22']])
+ .
+ Highcharts.ganttChart('chart-publications', {
+ credits: {enabled: false},
+ chart: {
+ spacingLeft: 0,
+ spacingRight: 0,
+ style: {fontSize: '1.5rem'},
+ },
+ xAxis: [{
+ max:,
+ grid: {enabled: false},
+ labels: {align: 'left', distance: 0, padding: 0},
+ tickInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
+ tickLength: 0,
+ gridLineWidth: 1,
+ }],
+ yAxis: {
+ title: null,
+ grid: {enabled: false},
+ type: 'category',
+ categories: shorttitles,
+ staticScale: 25,
+ },
+ tooltip: {
+ xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
+ },
+ series,
+ });
h2 Own reviews