path: root/resources/pug
diff options
authorCamil Staps2025-01-29 20:12:34 +0100
committerCamil Staps2025-01-29 20:12:34 +0100
commitd2281d7c11c2820ed42ca2bcc7dc19b0cde5b73b (patch)
tree686d014a2b2f4594a29ed6c5858354adf53eec73 /resources/pug
parentUpdate Sass (diff)
Group all publications together
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/pug')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
index 041e2ec..fe122c0 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
@@ -72,7 +72,23 @@ block content
h2 Publications
mixin pub(year, title)
- p
+ td.icon
+ if attributes.type
+ if attributes.type == 'phd-thesis'
+ i.fa.fa-graduation-cap(title="PhD thesis")
+ else if attributes.type == 'master-thesis'
+ i.fa.fa-graduation-cap(title="Master thesis")
+ else if attributes.type == 'bachelor-thesis'
+ i.fa.fa-graduation-cap(title="Bachelor thesis")
+ else if attributes.type == 'review'
+ i.far.fa-comment(title="Book review")
+ else if attributes.type == 'chapter'
+ i.fa.fa-book-open(title="Book chapter")
+ else
+ - throw 'pub: unknown type'
+ else
+ i.far.fa-file-lines(title="Journal article")
+ td.icon
if attributes.oa
if attributes.url
- var oaurl = attributes.url
@@ -83,142 +99,112 @@ block content
a.oa(href!=oaurl, target='_blank')"Open Access")
- if !attributes.authors
- - attributes.authors = 'Staps, Camil'
- | !{attributes.authors}. #{year}.
- |
- if attributes.url
- a(href!=attributes.url, target='_blank')!= title
- else if attributes.publisher && !attributes.pages
- i!= title
- else
- | !{title}
- |
- if attributes.journal
- |. !{attributes.prejournal}#[em!=attributes.journal]
- if attributes.volume
- | #{attributes.volume}
- if attributes.issue
- | (#{attributes.issue})
- else if attributes.booktitle
- | . In !{attributes.editors} (eds.), #[em!=attributes.booktitle]
- else if attributes.misc
- | . #{attributes.misc}
- if attributes.pages
- - attributes.pages = attributes.pages.replace('-', '–')
- if attributes.journal
- | :!{attributes.pages}
+ td
+ p
+ if !attributes.authors
+ - attributes.authors = 'Staps, Camil'
+ | !{attributes.authors}. #{year}.
+ |
+ if attributes.url
+ a(href!=attributes.url, target='_blank')!= title
+ else if attributes.publisher && !attributes.pages
+ i!= title
- | , !{attributes.pages}
- | .
- if attributes.address
- | #{attributes.address}:
- if attributes.publisher
- | #{attributes.publisher}.
- if attributes.doi
- | #[ doi]:
- - var doiurl = ''+attributes.doi
- a(href!=doiurl, target='_blank')!= attributes.doi
+ | !{title}
+ |
+ if attributes.journal
+ |. !{attributes.prejournal}#[em!=attributes.journal]
+ if attributes.volume
+ | #{attributes.volume}
+ if attributes.issue
+ | (#{attributes.issue})
+ else if attributes.booktitle
+ | . In !{attributes.editors} (eds.), #[em!=attributes.booktitle]
+ else if attributes.misc
+ | . #{attributes.misc}
+ if attributes.pages
+ - attributes.pages = attributes.pages.replace('-', '–')
+ if attributes.journal
+ | :!{attributes.pages}
+ else
+ | , !{attributes.pages}
| .
- if attributes.errata
- | (There are #[a(href!=attributes.errata) errata].)
+ if attributes.address
+ | #{attributes.address}:
+ if attributes.publisher
+ | #{attributes.publisher}.
+ if attributes.doi
+ | #[ doi]:
+ - var doiurl = ''+attributes.doi
+ a(href!=doiurl, target='_blank')!= attributes.doi
+ | .
+ if attributes.errata
+ | (There are #[a(href!=attributes.errata) errata].)
mixin review(year, author, title)
+pub(year, 'Review of: ' + author + ', ' + title)&attributes(attributes)
- p I keep track of #[a(href='/publications.html') time from submission to publication].
- h4 Dissertation
- table.main_table.publications
- tr
- td 2024
- td
- +pub(2024, 'The persistence of space: Formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements')(misc='Leiden University dissertation', address='Amsterdam', publisher='LOT', doi='10.48273/LOT0673', oa, errata='/dissertation-errata.html')
- h4 Refereed articles and book chapters
td In preparation
- td
- +pub('In preparation', 'Iconic features in nominal reduplication')
+ +pub('In preparation', 'Iconic features in nominal reduplication')
- td
- +pub('In preparation', 'Complementation and Common Ground: Discursive effects in Biblical Hebrew')(url='', oa)
+ +pub('In preparation', 'Complementation and Common Ground: Discursive effects in Biblical Hebrew')(url='', oa)
td 2024
- td
- +pub(2024, 'Large Language Models and Biblical Hebrew: Limitations, pitfalls, opportunities')(journal='HIPHIL Novum', volume=9, issue=1, pages='46-55', doi='10.7146/hn.v9i1.144177', oa)
+ +pub(2024, 'The persistence of space: Formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements')(misc='Leiden University dissertation', address='Amsterdam', publisher='LOT', doi='10.48273/LOT0673', oa, errata='/dissertation-errata.html', type='phd-thesis')
- td
- +pub(2024, 'Semantic properties of prepositions: The distinction between causal <i>min</i> &lsquo;from&rsquo; and <i>bə</i> &lsquo;in&rsquo;')(authors='Staps, Camil & Martijn Beukenhorst', journal='Brill\'s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics', volume=16, issue=2, pages='217-250', doi='10.1163/18776930-01602002', oa)
+ +pub(2024, 'Large Language Models and Biblical Hebrew: Limitations, pitfalls, opportunities')(journal='HIPHIL Novum', volume=9, issue=1, pages='46-55', doi='10.7146/hn.v9i1.144177', oa)
+ +pub(2024, 'Semantic properties of prepositions: The distinction between causal <i>min</i> &lsquo;from&rsquo; and <i>bə</i> &lsquo;in&rsquo;')(authors='Staps, Camil & Martijn Beukenhorst', journal='Brill\'s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics', volume=16, issue=2, pages='217-250', doi='10.1163/18776930-01602002', oa)
+ tr
- +pub(2024, 'Formalizing spatial-causal polysemy of Agent prepositions')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', journal='Semantics & Pragmatics', volume=17, issue=4, pages='1-47', doi='10.3765/sp.17.4', oa)
+ +pub(2024, 'Formalizing spatial-causal polysemy of Agent prepositions')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', journal='Semantics & Pragmatics', volume=17, issue=4, pages='1-47', doi='10.3765/sp.17.4', oa)
td 2023
- td
- +pub(2023, 'The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', journal='Linguistics', volume=61, issue=5, pages='1195-1231', doi='10.1515/ling-2022-0178', oa)
+ +pub(2023, 'The interpretation of [+distal] in demonstratives and complementizers')(authors='Staps, Camil & Johan Rooryck', journal='Linguistics', volume=61, issue=5, pages='1195-1231', doi='10.1515/ling-2022-0178', oa)
td 2022
- td
- +pub(2022, 'Voice, discourse prominence, and aspect: The niphal and passive qal of <em>yālad</em>')(booktitle='Where is the way to the dwelling of light? Studies in Genesis, Job and linguistics in honor of Ellen van Wolde', editors='Pierre Van Hecke & Hanneke van Loon', pages='387-408', address='Leiden', publisher='Brill', doi='10.1163/9789004536296_020', url='', oa)
+ +pub(2022, 'Voice, discourse prominence, and aspect: The niphal and passive qal of <em>yālad</em>')(booktitle='Where is the way to the dwelling of light? Studies in Genesis, Job and linguistics in honor of Ellen van Wolde', editors='Pierre Van Hecke & Hanneke van Loon', pages='387-408', address='Leiden', publisher='Brill', doi='10.1163/9789004536296_020', url='', oa, type='chapter')
- td
- +pub(2022, '<em>Lip̄nē</em> &lsquo;in the face of&rsquo;: A Locative preposition with a threatening connotation')(journal='Journal of Hebrew Scriptures', volume=22, issue=1, pages='1-24', doi='10.5508/jhs29582', oa)
+ +pub(2022, '<em>Lip̄nē</em> &lsquo;in the face of&rsquo;: A Locative preposition with a threatening connotation')(journal='Journal of Hebrew Scriptures', volume=22, issue=1, pages='1-24', doi='10.5508/jhs29582', oa)
- td 2020
- td
- +pub(2020, '&ldquo;When dust was poured out&rdquo;: Creation in Job 38.36&ndash;38')(journal='Journal for the Study of the Old Testament', volume=44, issue=3, pages='456-471', doi='10.1177/0309089219862828', oa)
+ td 2021
+ +review(2021, 'Peter Bekins', 'Inscriptions from the world of the Bible: A reader and introduction to Old Northwest Semitic')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=78, issue='5/6', pages='723-726', url='', oa, type='review')
- td
- +pub(2020, 'Prepositions and the grammaticalization of Ancient Hebrew bipartite reciprocal markers')(journal='Journal of Semitic Studies', volume=65, issue=1, pages='61-84', doi='10.1093/jss/fgz050', oa)
+ +review(2021, 'Margaret Winters', 'Historical linguistics')(journal='LINGUIST List', volume=32, issue=1438, url='', oa, type='review')
- td 2019
- td
- +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(authors='Staps, Camil, John van Groningen & Rinus Plasmeijer', booktitle='Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL \'19), September 25–27, 2019, Singapore, Singapore', editors='Jurriën Stutterheim & Wei Ngan Chin', doi='10.1145/3412932.3412941', oa)
+ td 2020
+ +pub(2020, '&ldquo;When dust was poured out&rdquo;: Creation in Job 38.36&ndash;38')(journal='Journal for the Study of the Old Testament', volume=44, issue=3, pages='456-471', doi='10.1177/0309089219862828', oa)
- td 2018
- +pub(2018, 'A case study of reciprocal middles in Biblical Hebrew: The niphal of לחם')(journal='Orientalia', volume=87, issue=2, pages='159-183', url='')
- h4#book-reviews Book reviews
- table.main_table.publications
+ +pub(2020, 'Prepositions and the grammaticalization of Ancient Hebrew bipartite reciprocal markers')(journal='Journal of Semitic Studies', volume=65, issue=1, pages='61-84', doi='10.1093/jss/fgz050', oa)
- td 2021
- +review(2021, 'Peter Bekins', 'Inscriptions from the world of the Bible: A reader and introduction to Old Northwest Semitic')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=78, issue='5/6', pages='723-726', url='', oa)
+ +review(2020, 'Elitzur A. Bar-Asher Siegal', 'The NP-strategy for expressing reciprocity')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=77, issue='3/4', pages='318-322', url='', oa, type='review')
- td
- td
- +review(2021, 'Margaret Winters', 'Historical linguistics')(journal='LINGUIST List', volume=32, issue=1438, url='', oa)
+ td 2019
+ +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(authors='Staps, Camil, John van Groningen & Rinus Plasmeijer', booktitle='Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL \'19), September 25–27, 2019, Singapore, Singapore', editors='Jurriën Stutterheim & Wei Ngan Chin', doi='10.1145/3412932.3412941', oa, type='chapter')
- td 2020
- +review(2020, 'Elitzur A. Bar-Asher Siegal', 'The NP-strategy for expressing reciprocity')(journal='Bibliotheca Orientalis', volume=77, issue='3/4', pages='318-322', url='', oa)
- h4 Non-refereed work
- table.main_table.publications
+ +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen MSc. thesis', url='', oa, type='master-thesis')
- td 2019
- +pub(2019, 'Tense, aspect and modality in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic')(misc='Leiden University MA. thesis', url='', oa)
+ +pub(2019, 'Tense, aspect and modality in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic')(misc='Leiden University MA. thesis', url='', oa, type='master-thesis')
- td
- td
- +pub(2019, 'Lazy interworking of compiled and interpreted code for sandboxing and distributed systems')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen MSc. thesis', url='', oa)
+ td 2018
+ +pub(2018, 'A case study of reciprocal middles in Biblical Hebrew: The niphal of לחם')(journal='Orientalia', volume=87, issue=2, pages='159-183', url='')
td 2017
- td
- +pub(2017, 'Code generation for the Thumb-2 instruction set')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen BSc. thesis', url='', oa)
+ +pub(2017, 'Code generation for the Thumb-2 instruction set')(misc='Radboud University Nijmegen BSc. thesis', url='', oa, type='bachelor-thesis')
h2 Talks
- p.
- I keep track of #[a(href='/conferences.html') the conferences I visit and how much CO#[sub 2] I emit in doing so].
@@ -281,6 +267,25 @@ block content
td Jan 5, #[a(href="", title="Dutch Functional Programming Day", target="_blank") NL-FP day]
td #[a(href="", target="_blank") Cloogle]: a programming language search engine and its applications (#[a(href="", target="_blank") abstract &amp; slides]).
+ section#service
+ h2 Service
+ table.main_table
+ tr
+ td 2024
+ td Proofreader for #[a(href='', target='_blank') Language Science Press].
+ tr
+ td
+ td Reviewer for #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Glossa]].
+ tr
+ td 2023
+ td Reviewer for #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Glossa]], #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Open Mind]], and #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i The New Scholar]].
+ section#statistics
+ h2 Statistics
+ p.
+ I keep track of #[a(href='/publications.html') time from submission to publication] for my writings,
+ as well as #[a(href='/conferences.html') the conferences I visit and how much CO#[sub 2] I emit in doing so].
h2 Software projects
@@ -320,23 +325,6 @@ block content
Student assistant for various courses in computing science, Radboud University Nijmegen.
See under #[a(href='#employment') Employment] for a list of courses.
- section#service
- h2 Service
- table.main_table
- tr
- td 2024
- td Proofreader for #[a(href='', target='_blank') Language Science Press].
- tr
- td
- td Reviewer for #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Glossa]].
- tr
- td 2023
- td Reviewer for #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Glossa]], #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i Open Mind]], and #[a(href='', target='_blank') #[i The New Scholar]].
- p
- | For journal review details, see #[a(href='/publications.html') here].
- | For book reviews, see #[a(href='#book-reviews') above].
h2 Grants