path: root/resources/pug
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-10-03 00:49:31 +0200
committerCamil Staps2017-10-03 00:49:31 +0200
commit23a585c9ac6adc059a4c44063da24eaea809f50d (patch)
treeac770094df2df1b4cdd8663c0970e682927900fd /resources/pug
parentFix PGP id (diff)
Add Clean resources
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/pug')
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug b/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b47aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+extends /layout.pug
+block title
+ | Clean resources
+block content
+ p This is an incomplete list of resources that may be helpful when you use the #[a(href="") Clean] programming language.
+ mixin item(url, name, desc)
+ li
+ if desc
+ | #[a(href=url)= name]:
+ |
+ =desc
+ else if attributes.year
+ =attributes.year
+ | :
+ | #[a(href=url)= name]
+ else
+ | #[a(href=url)= name]
+ mixin githubItem(user, repo, desc)
+ +item('' + user + '/' + repo, user + '/' + repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
+ mixin svnItem(repo, desc)
+ +item('' + repo, repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
+ h2 Tools
+ ul
+ +item('', 'camilstaps/clean', 'Docker images')
+ +githubItem('camilstaps', 'iClean', 'interactive shell')
+ +item('', 'Cloogle', 'search engine')
+ h2 Syntax highlighting, editor plugins, etc.
+ ul
+ +githubItem('camilstaps', 'vim-clean', 'Vim syntax highlighting and extra functions')
+ +githubItem('clean-cloogle', 'clean.js', 'standalone JavaScript highlighter')
+ +githubItem('clean-cloogle', 'CleanPrettyPrint', 'pretty-printer for clean-compiler types')
+ +githubItem('isagalaev', 'highlight.js', 'generic JavaScript highlighter with rudimentary Clean support')
+ +githubItem('matheusamazonas', 'sublime3_clean', 'Sublime3 syntax highlighting')
+ +item('', 'pygments-lexer-clean', 'Pygments lexer (Python, minted in TeX)')
+ +githubItem('timjs', 'atom-language-clean', 'Atom highlighting support')
+ h2 Homework
+ ul
+ li
+ strong Radboud: Functional Programming 1/2 (pre-Haskell); Functional Programming for Artificial Intelligence students
+ ul
+ +githubItem('MarkVink', 'Functioneel-Programmeren')(year='2013-14')
+ +item('', 'NWI-IBC029-30-Functioneel-Programmeren')(year='2014-15')
+ +githubItem('BaantjerKok', 'CleanTheClean')(year='2016-17')
+ +githubItem('HazeNebula', 'Functional-Programming-Clean')(year='2016-17')
+ li
+ strong Radboud: Advanced Programming
+ ul
+ +githubItem('dubwise101', 'Advanced-Programming')(year='2014-15')
+ +githubItem('Jaxan', 'advanced-programming')(year='2014-15')
+ +githubItem('alexfedotov', 'advanced-programming-2015')(year='2015-16')
+ +githubItem('dopefishh', 'ap2015')(year='2015-16')
+ +githubItem('Dryopes', 'Advanced-Programming')(year='2016-17')
+ +githubItem('Beskhue', 'advanced-programming-course')(year='2017-18')
+ +githubItem('Righa', 'Advanced-Programming')(year='2017-18')
+ +item('', 'NWI-I00032-Advanced-Programming')(year='2017-18')
+ li
+ strong Eötvös Loránd
+ ul
+ +githubItem('ordogfioka', 'Clean')(year='2016-17')
+ h2 Official repositories
+ ul
+ +item('', 'clean-and-itasks', 'Radboud gitlab group')
+ +svnItem('clean-code-generator', 'the code generator')
+ +svnItem('clean-compiler', 'the compiler')
+ +svnItem('clean-ide', 'the IDE, cpm')
+ +svnItem('clean-libraries', 'StdEnv, StdLib, Generics, TCPIP, ArgEnv, Directory, ObjectIO, Hilde, and many others')
+ +svnItem('clean-run-time-system', 'the runtime system')
+ +svnItem('clean-tools', 'clm, elf_linker, htoclean')
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
index f9be8f5..7c3a953 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ block content
td I like:
- td Functional programming (#[a(href="") Clean]), Linux (Debian), LaTeX (TikZ), PIC microcontrollers, regular expressions, Docker
+ td Functional programming (#[a(href="clean.html") Clean]), Linux (Debian), LaTeX (TikZ), PIC microcontrollers, regular expressions, Docker
td I know:
td The above, Python, PHP (Laravel), SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), Bootstrap, WordPress, C, Java