path: root/resources/pug/finals
diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-10-20 20:07:33 +0200
committerCamil Staps2018-10-20 20:07:33 +0200
commit5013e0c4c1015db188ac743be3b46a3c4c54edce (patch)
tree11fae868e0f4dc8bfc03cc816f3f969f05c1e12e /resources/pug/finals
parentAdd clean-rts-cheat-sheet repository to clean.html (diff)
Update links to projects moved to gitlab
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/pug/finals')
2 files changed, 8 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug b/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
index 491fcd6..a162b19 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
@@ -21,22 +21,23 @@ block content
mixin githubItem(user, repo, desc)
+item('' + user + '/' + repo, user + '/' + repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
+ mixin gitlabItem(user, repo, desc)
+ +item('' + user + '/' + repo, user + '/' + repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
mixin svnItem(repo, desc)
+item('' + repo, repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
h2 Tools & auxiliaries
+item('', 'Cloogle', 'search engine')
- +githubItem('clean-cloogle', 'cloogle-tags', 'tagfile generator')
- +githubItem('camilstaps', 'iClean', 'interactive shell')
- +githubItem('camilstaps', 'iclm', 'clm with automatic error handling')
+ +gitlabItem('cloogle', 'cloogle-tags', 'tagfile generator')
+ +gitlabItem('cstaps', 'iClean', 'interactive shell')
+ +gitlabItem('cstaps', 'iclm', 'clm with automatic error handling')
+item('', 'cstaps/clean-rts-cheat-sheet', 'cheat sheets for the run-time system')
h2 Syntax highlighting, editor plugins, etc.
- +githubItem('camilstaps', 'vim-clean', 'Vim syntax highlighting and extra functions')
- +githubItem('clean-cloogle', 'clean-highlighter', 'standalone JavaScript highlighter')
+ +gitlabItem('cstaps', 'vim-clean', 'Vim syntax highlighting and extra functions')
+ +gitlabItem('cloogle', 'clean-highlighter', 'standalone JavaScript highlighter')
+githubItem('isagalaev', 'highlight.js', 'generic JavaScript highlighter with rudimentary Clean support')
+githubItem('matheusamazonas', 'sublime3_clean', 'Sublime3 syntax highlighting')
+item('', 'pygments-lexer-clean', 'Pygments lexer (Python, minted in TeX)')
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
index 3a4f662..52fc44d 100644
--- a/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
+++ b/resources/pug/finals/index.pug
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ block content
td Several web applications for Biblical Hebrew education (#[a(href="") GitHub])
td: a(href="") Cloogle
- td The #[a(href="") Clean] language search engine (#[a(href="") GitHub])
+ td The #[a(href="") Clean] language search engine (#[a(href="") GitLab])
td: a(href="") Reverse Beacon Client
td Android client for the #[a(href="") reverse beacon network] (#[a(href="") GitHub])