path: root/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
diff options
authorCamil Staps2021-01-17 09:54:34 +0100
committerCamil Staps2021-01-17 09:54:34 +0100
commit269c5b272aa7e1083a5f1ab5dc4c2d0522c1d9bd (patch)
treec870c76bb266779a48cc6e67bb70094b6cdb8401 /resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
parentComplete metadata of book review of Bar-Asher Siegal, The NP-strategy for Exp... (diff)
Remove list with Clean resources (now available elsewhere)
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/pug/finals/clean.pug')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug b/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
deleted file mode 100644
index dca382c..0000000
--- a/resources/pug/finals/clean.pug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-extends /layout.pug
-block title
- | Clean resources
-block content
- p This is an incomplete list of resources that may be helpful when you use the #[a(href="") Clean] programming language.
- mixin item(url, name, desc)
- li
- if desc
- | #[a(href=url)= name]:
- |
- =desc
- else if attributes.year
- =attributes.year
- | :
- | #[a(href=url)= name]
- else
- | #[a(href=url)= name]
- mixin githubItem(user, repo, desc)
- +item('' + user + '/' + repo, user + '/' + repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
- mixin gitlabItem(user, repo, desc)
- +item('' + user + '/' + repo, user + '/' + repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
- mixin archivedItem(repo, desc)
- +item('' + repo + '.git', repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
- mixin svnItem(repo, desc)
- +item('' + repo, repo, desc)&attributes(attributes)
- h2(id="distributions") #[a(href="#distributions") #] Distributions
- ul
- +item('', '', 'the official Clean 3.0 distribution')
- +item('', '', 'the official Clean 2.4 distribution')
- +item('', '', 'official nightlies')
- +item('', 'camilstaps/clean', 'Docker images')
- +item('', '', 'ALT Linux package')
- h2(id="plugins") #[a(href="#plugins") #] Syntax highlighting, editor plugins, etc.
- ul
- +gitlabItem('clean-and-itasks/contrib', 'clide', 'Eclipse plugin')
- +gitlabItem('cloogle', 'clean-highlighter', 'standalone JavaScript highlighter')
- +gitlabItem('cstaps', 'vim-clean', 'Vim syntax highlighting and extra functions')
- +githubItem('hayeb', 'SublimeCloogle', 'Sublime Text 3 Cloogle frontend')
- +githubItem('isagalaev', 'highlight.js', 'generic JavaScript highlighter with rudimentary Clean support')
- +githubItem('matheusamazonas', 'sublime3_clean', 'Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting')
- +item('', 'pygments-lexer-clean', 'Pygments lexer (Python, minted in TeX)')
- +githubItem('timjs', 'atom-language-clean', 'Atom highlighting support')
- +githubItem('W95Psp', 'CleanForVSCode', 'an extension for VSCode')
- h2(id="tools") #[a(href="#tools") #] Tools & auxiliaries
- ul
- +item('', 'Cloogle', 'search engine')
- +gitlabItem('cloogle/periphery', 'cloogle-tags', 'tagfile generator')
- +gitlabItem('cstaps', 'clean-rts-cheat-sheet', 'cheat sheets for the run-time system')
- +archivedItem('iclean', 'interactive shell')
- +archivedItem('iclm', 'clm with automatic error handling')
- +item('', 'Sandbox', 'in-browser development environment for small tests')
- h2(id="official-repos") #[a(href="#official-repos") #] Official repositories
- p The old Subversion repositories can be browsed at #[a(href="")].
- ul
- +item('', 'clean-and-itasks', 'Radboud gitlab group with libraries')
- +item('', 'clean-compiler-and-rts', 'Radboud gitlab group with the compiler, code generator, and other core tools')
- +svnItem('clean-dynamic-system', 'the dynamics linker and other related tools and libraries')
- +svnItem('clean-libraries', 'many old libraries (including old versions of projects now tracked on GitLab)')
- +svnItem('clean-tools', 'clm (now tracked on GitLab), elf_linker (unused), htoclean')
- h2(id="abc") #[a(href="#abc") #] The ABC machine
- p
- | The ABC machine is the abstract machine for which the Clean #[em compiler] generates code.
- | The #[em code generator] can generate actual machine code from ABC code for various platforms.
- | For people working on a low level with Clean, it can be useful to implement parts of an application in ABC (through #[a(href="") #[code code { ... }]] blocks).
- | It is also a convenient target language if you are implementing a compiler, because it is still relatively high level and has a code generator that optimises a lot of inefficient ABC code away.
- p If you are looking into the ABC machine, the following things may be helpful:
- ul
- li
- p
- | The ABC machine was originally described by Pieter Koopman in his 1990 dissertation #[em Functional Programs as Executable Specifications] (Meppel).
- | For a port of the original #[em Miranda] implementation to Clean, see this #[a(href="") abc-machine] repository.
- | While this dissertation is useful to get an overview of the design of the abstract machine, it cannot be used as a reference for present-day ABC code.
- li
- p
- | For an overview of all ABC instructions, search for #[code put_instructions_in_table] in #[a(href="") #[code cginput.c]].
- | The instructions are implemented in #[code cgcode.c] and #[code cginstructions.c] of the same repository.
- | However, the implementation is at times hard to read and sometimes it is easier to look at the implementation in the ABC interpreter described below.
- li
- p
- | #[a(href="") Cloogle] has documentation for some ABC instructions.
- | The documentation is generated from #[a(href="") #[code backend/Builtin/ABC.icl]].
- | There is a #[a(href="") #[code genabcdoc]] tool that can generate all ABC documentation in one webpage.
- | Pull requests for missing instructions are very welcome.
- li
- p
- | There is an #[a(href="") ABC interpreter].
- | The implementation of the instructions can be found in #[code /tools/interpretergen.icl].
- | This is probably the most useful reference for the semantics of ABC instructions.
- | This DSL can currently be used to generate C and WebAssembly implementations of the ABC instructions.
- p
- | The repository also includes an interactive graphical debugger for the ABC machine, inspired by #[code gdb].
- | This is the #[code debug] program found in #[code /src].
- | You first need to generate bytecode from the ABC code using the workflow described in #[code doc/].
- | For help on the interface of #[code debug], press #[kbd ?] when you are in the GUI.
- p
- | For performance reasons, this interpreter has a larger instruction set than the actual ABC machine.
- | You can optimise 'common' ABC code to 'optimised' ABC code using the #[code abcopt] tool in the same repository.
- | The interpreter should however also work with unoptimised ABC code.
- li
- p If you get stuck, ask the maintainer of the #[a(href="") ABC interpreter] or the #[a(href="") code generator] for help.