path: root/sjit.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-12-23 23:55:56 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-12-23 23:55:56 +0100
commit9ccf8a561345641ad083d90b5f301ebcc7a61f47 (patch)
treeb758e6c987151b2f346ca8820f300a1ed40ab4c9 /sjit.icl
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'sjit.icl')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sjit.icl b/sjit.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c1bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sjit.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+module sjit
+import StdEnv
+import StdGeneric
+import StdMaybe
+from Data.Func import mapSt, $
+from Data.Map import :: Map(..), get, put, newMap, fromList
+import code from "sjit_c."
+:: Expr
+ = Int !Int
+ | Var !String
+ | Abstr ![String] !Expr
+ | App !String ![Expr]
+:: Function =
+ { fun_name :: !String
+ , fun_expr :: !Expr
+ }
+:: Instr
+ = PushRef !Int
+ | PushI !Int
+ | Put !Int
+ | Pop !Int
+ | Call !Int
+ | Ret
+ | Halt
+ | IAddRet
+ | IMulRet
+ | ISubRet
+ | IDivRet
+:: Program :== {!Instr}
+:: CompileState =
+ { vars :: !Map String Int
+ , funs :: !Map String Int
+ , sp :: !Int
+ , pc :: !Int
+ }
+compile :: ![Function] -> Program
+compile funs
+# (len_bs, bs_funs) = bootstrap_funs
+# (is,cs) = mapSt fun funs {vars=newMap, funs=fromList bs_funs, sp=0, pc=len_bs}
+= case get "main" cs.funs of
+ Nothing -> abort "no main function\n"
+ Just m
+ # bs = bootstrap m
+ -> {i \\ i <- flatten [is \\ (_,is) <- bs] ++ flatten is}
+ fun :: !Function !CompileState -> (![Instr], !CompileState)
+ fun f cs
+ # cs & funs = put f.fun_name cs.pc cs.funs
+ # (is,cs) = expr f.fun_expr cs
+ = (reverse [Ret:is], {cs & pc=cs.pc+1})
+ expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> (![Instr], !CompileState)
+ expr (Int i) cs = ([PushI i], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ expr (Var v) cs = case get v cs.vars of
+ Just i -> ([PushRef (i-cs.sp)], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ Nothing -> abort "undefined variable\n"
+ expr (App f args) cs
+ # (iss,cs) = mapSt expr args cs
+ = case get f cs.funs of
+ Just f -> ([Pop (length args-1):Call f:flatten iss], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+2})
+ Nothing -> abort "undefined function\n"
+ expr (Abstr vs e) cs
+ # cs & vars = foldr (uncurry put) cs.vars [(v,sp) \\ v <- vs & sp <- [cs.sp+1..]]
+ # (is,cs) = expr e cs
+ = ([Put (max 1 (length vs)+1):is], {cs & sp=cs.sp-1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ bootstrap_funs :: (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
+ bootstrap_funs = iter 0 (bootstrap 0)
+ where
+ iter :: !Int ![(String, [Instr])] -> (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
+ iter pc [] = (pc, [])
+ iter pc [(name,is):rest]
+ # fun = (name,pc)
+ # (pc,funs) = iter (pc+length is) rest
+ = (pc,[fun:funs])
+ bootstrap :: !Int -> [(String, [Instr])]
+ bootstrap main =
+ [ ("_", [PushI 0,Call main,Halt])
+ , ("+", [IAddRet])
+ , ("*", [IMulRet])
+ , ("-", [ISubRet])
+ , ("/", [IDivRet])
+ ]
+exec :: !Program -> Int
+exec prog = exec 0 []
+ sz = size prog
+ exec :: !Int ![Int] -> Int
+ exec i stack
+ | i < 0 || i >= sz = abort "out of bounds\n"
+ | otherwise = case prog.[i] of
+ PushI n -> exec (i+1) [n:stack]
+ PushRef r -> exec (i+1) [stack!!r:stack]
+ Put n -> case stack of
+ [val:stack] -> exec (i+1) (take (n-1) stack ++ [val:drop n stack])
+ Pop n -> exec (i+1) (drop n stack)
+ Call f -> exec f [i+1:stack]
+ Ret -> case stack of
+ [ret:stack] -> exec ret stack
+ Halt -> case stack of
+ [r] -> r
+ _ -> abort (toString (length stack) +++ " values left on stack\n")
+ IAddRet -> case stack of
+ [ret:a:b:stack] -> exec ret [a:a+b:stack]
+ IMulRet -> case stack of
+ [ret:a:b:stack] -> exec ret [a:a*b:stack]
+ ISubRet -> case stack of
+ [ret:a:b:stack] -> exec ret [a:a-b:stack]
+ IDivRet -> case stack of
+ [ret:a:b:stack] -> exec ret [a:a/b:stack]
+generic gEncodedSize a :: !a -> Int
+gEncodedSize{|Int|} _ = 1
+gEncodedSize{|{!}|} fx xs = 1 + sum [fx x \\ x <-: xs]
+gEncodedSize{|UNIT|} _ = 0
+gEncodedSize{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) = fx x + fy y
+gEncodedSize{|EITHER|} fl _ (LEFT l) = fl l
+gEncodedSize{|EITHER|} _ fr (RIGHT r) = fr r
+gEncodedSize{|CONS|} fx (CONS x) = fx x + 1
+gEncodedSize{|OBJECT|} fx (OBJECT x) = fx x
+derive gEncodedSize Instr
+generic gEncode a :: !a !Int !*{#Int} -> (!Int, !*{#Int})
+gEncode{|Int|} n i arr = (i+1, {arr & [i]=n})
+gEncode{|{!}|} fx xs i arr = walk 0 (i+1) {arr & [i]=sz}
+ sz = size xs
+ walk ai i arr
+ | ai >= sz = (i,arr)
+ # (i,arr) = fx xs.[ai] i arr
+ = walk (ai+1) i arr
+gEncode{|UNIT|} _ i arr = (i,arr)
+gEncode{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) i arr
+ # (i,arr) = fx x i arr
+ = fy y i arr
+gEncode{|EITHER|} fl _ (LEFT l) i arr = fl l i arr
+gEncode{|EITHER|} _ fr (RIGHT r) i arr = fr r i arr
+gEncode{|CONS of {gcd_index}|} fx (CONS x) i arr = fx x (i+1) {arr & [i]=gcd_index}
+gEncode{|OBJECT|} fx (OBJECT x) i arr = fx x i arr
+derive gEncode Instr
+encode :: !a -> *{#Int} | gEncodedSize{|*|}, gEncode{|*|} a
+encode x
+# (_,arr) = gEncode{|*|} x 0 (createArray (gEncodedSize{|*|} x) -1)
+= arr
+jit :: !Program -> Int
+jit prog = jit (encode prog)
+ jit :: !*{#Int} -> Int
+ jit _ = code {
+ ccall jit "A:I"
+ }
+Start = (exec prog, jit prog)
+prog =: compile
+ [ {fun_name="id", fun_expr=Abstr ["x"] (Var "x")}
+ , {fun_name="const", fun_expr=Abstr ["x","y"] (Var "x")}
+ , {fun_name="main", fun_expr=Abstr [] (App "+" [App "const" [Int 37, Int 10], App "const" [Int 5, Int 10]])}
+ ]