path: root/Sjit/Run.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-12-25 10:39:25 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-12-25 10:39:25 +0100
commit930f3d68b02bd0089e209eb80328f5db2e6fd821 (patch)
treea230ab013258eece6554b6e6dc8291d6646d2252 /Sjit/Run.icl
parentInline +, *, - and / (diff)
Add comparisons; tak example
Diffstat (limited to 'Sjit/Run.icl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Sjit/Run.icl b/Sjit/Run.icl
index ad03e02..8bd3972 100644
--- a/Sjit/Run.icl
+++ b/Sjit/Run.icl
@@ -7,57 +7,6 @@ from Data.Map import :: Map(..), get
import Sjit.Compile
-interpret :: !CompileState -> Int
-interpret cs = exec 0 []
- prog = get_program cs
- sz = size prog
- exec :: !Int ![Int] -> Int
- exec i stack
- | i < 0 || i >= sz = abort "out of bounds\n"
- | otherwise = case prog.[i] of
- PushI n -> exec (i+1) [n:stack]
- PushRef r -> exec (i+1) [stack!!r:stack]
- Put n -> case stack of
- [val:stack] -> exec (i+1) (take (n-1) stack ++ [val:drop n stack])
- Pop n -> exec (i+1) (drop n stack)
- Call f -> exec f [i+1:stack]
- Jmp f -> exec f stack
- JmpTrue f -> case stack of
- [0:stack] -> exec (i+1) stack
- [_:stack] -> exec f stack
- Ret -> case stack of
- [ret:stack] -> exec ret stack
- Halt -> case stack of
- [r] -> r
- _ -> abort (toString (length stack) +++ " values left on stack\n")
- IAdd -> case stack of
- [a:b:stack] -> exec (i+1) [a+b:stack]
- IMul -> case stack of
- [a:b:stack] -> exec (i+1) [a*b:stack]
- ISub -> case stack of
- [a:b:stack] -> exec (i+1) [a-b:stack]
- IDiv -> case stack of
- [a:b:stack] -> exec (i+1) [a/b:stack]
- get_program :: !CompileState -> Program
- get_program cs
- # prog = loop 0 cs.blocks (createArray (sum [size b \\ b <|- cs.blocks]) Halt)
- # prog & [1] = Call (fromJust (get "main" cs.funs))
- = prog
- where
- loop :: !Int ![!Program!] !*Program -> .Program
- loop i [!b:bs!] prog
- # (i,prog) = copy i 0 (size b-1) b prog
- = loop i bs prog
- where
- copy :: !Int !Int !Int !Program !*Program -> *(!Int, !*Program)
- copy i _ -1 _ prog = (i, prog)
- copy i bi n b prog = copy (i+1) (bi+1) (n-1) b {prog & [i]=b.[bi]}
- loop _ [!!] prog = prog
exec :: !CompileState -> Int
exec {jitst} = exec jitst.code_start