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authorCamil Staps2018-12-24 14:15:16 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-12-24 14:15:16 +0100
commitf31b200b58e994b7505707931d4278e3f61cc2d6 (patch)
parentUse rcx as scratch register, since it is caller-saved in the System V and Mic... (diff)
Iterative development
2 files changed, 151 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/sjit.icl b/sjit.icl
index 8c86fc1..c24ea97 100644
--- a/sjit.icl
+++ b/sjit.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module sjit
import StdEnv
import StdGeneric
import StdMaybe
+import StdOverloadedList
from Data.Func import mapSt, $
from Data.Map import :: Map(..), get, put, newMap, fromList
@@ -39,28 +40,104 @@ import code from "sjit_c."
:: Program :== {!Instr}
:: CompileState =
- { vars :: !Map String Int
- , funs :: !Map String Int
- , sp :: !Int
- , pc :: !Int
+ { vars :: !Map String Int
+ , funs :: !Map String Int
+ , sp :: !Int
+ , pc :: !Int
+ , blocks :: ![!Program!]
+ , jitst :: !JITState
-compile :: ![Function] -> Program
-compile funs
+:: JITState =
+ { n_instr :: !Int
+ , code_start :: !Int
+ , code_len :: !Int
+ , code_ptr :: !Int
+ , mapping :: !Int
+ }
+appendProgram :: !Bool !Program !JITState -> JITState
+appendProgram is_main prog jitst
+# new_code_ptr = append
+ jitst.code_start jitst.code_len jitst.code_ptr
+ jitst.mapping
+ jitst.n_instr
+ (encode prog)
+ is_main
+ { jitst
+ & code_ptr = new_code_ptr
+ , n_instr = jitst.n_instr + size prog
+ }
+ append :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !{#Int} !Bool -> Int
+ append _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = code {
+ ccall jit_append "pIppIAI:p"
+ }
+bootstrap :: (!Program, !CompileState)
# (len_bs, bs_funs) = bootstrap_funs
-# (is,cs) = mapSt fun funs {vars=newMap, funs=fromList bs_funs, sp=0, pc=len_bs}
-= case get "main" cs.funs of
- Nothing -> abort "no main function\n"
- Just m
- # bs = bootstrap m
- -> {i \\ i <- flatten [is \\ (_,is) <- bs] ++ flatten is}
+# is = {i \\ i <- flatten [is \\ (_,is) <- header]}
+ ( is,
+ { vars = newMap
+ , funs = fromList bs_funs
+ , sp = 0
+ , pc = len_bs
+ , blocks = [!is!]
+ , jitst = appendProgram False is (initJITState 1000)
+ })
- fun :: !Function !CompileState -> (![Instr], !CompileState)
- fun f cs
- # cs & funs = put f.fun_name cs.pc cs.funs
- # (is,cs) = expr f.fun_expr cs
- = (reverse [Ret:is], {cs & pc=cs.pc+1})
+ bootstrap_funs :: (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
+ bootstrap_funs = iter 0 header
+ where
+ iter :: !Int ![(String, [Instr])] -> (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
+ iter pc [] = (pc, [])
+ iter pc [(name,is):rest]
+ # fun = (name,pc)
+ # (pc,funs) = iter (pc+length is) rest
+ = (pc,[fun:funs])
+ header :: [(!String, ![Instr])]
+ header =
+ [ ("_", [PushI 0,Call 0 /* main address */,Halt])
+ , ("+", [IAddRet])
+ , ("*", [IMulRet])
+ , ("-", [ISubRet])
+ , ("/", [IDivRet])
+ ]
+ initJITState :: !Int -> JITState
+ initJITState maxlen
+ # (code_start,mapping) = init maxlen (maxlen*10)
+ =
+ { n_instr = 0
+ , code_start = code_start
+ , code_len = maxlen*10
+ , code_ptr = code_start
+ , mapping = mapping
+ }
+ where
+ init :: !Int !Int -> (!Int, !Int)
+ init _ _ = code {
+ ccall init_jit "II:Vpp"
+ }
+compile :: !Function !CompileState -> CompileState
+compile f cs
+# cs & funs = put f.fun_name cs.pc cs.funs
+# vars = cs.vars
+# (is,cs) = expr f.fun_expr {cs & vars=newMap}
+# is = {i \\ i <- reverse [Ret:is]}
+ { cs
+ & vars = vars
+ , pc = cs.pc+1
+ , blocks = cs.blocks ++| [!is!]
+ , jitst = appendProgram (f.fun_name == "main") is cs.jitst
+ }
expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> (![Instr], !CompileState)
expr (Int i) cs = ([PushI i], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
expr (Var v) cs = case get v cs.vars of
@@ -76,28 +153,17 @@ where
# (is,cs) = expr e cs
= ([Put (max 1 (length vs)+1):is], {cs & sp=cs.sp-1, pc=cs.pc+1})
- bootstrap_funs :: (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
- bootstrap_funs = iter 0 (bootstrap 0)
- where
- iter :: !Int ![(String, [Instr])] -> (!Int, ![(String, Int)])
- iter pc [] = (pc, [])
- iter pc [(name,is):rest]
- # fun = (name,pc)
- # (pc,funs) = iter (pc+length is) rest
- = (pc,[fun:funs])
- bootstrap :: !Int -> [(String, [Instr])]
- bootstrap main =
- [ ("_", [PushI 0,Call main,Halt])
- , ("+", [IAddRet])
- , ("*", [IMulRet])
- , ("-", [ISubRet])
- , ("/", [IDivRet])
- ]
+compile_all :: !(Maybe CompileState) ![Function] -> CompileState
+compile_all mcs funs
+# cs = case mcs of
+ Just cs -> cs
+ Nothing -> snd bootstrap
+= foldl (flip compile) cs funs
-exec :: !Program -> Int
-exec prog = exec 0 []
+interpret :: !CompileState -> Int
+interpret cs = exec 0 []
+ prog = get_program cs
sz = size prog
exec :: !Int ![Int] -> Int
@@ -125,6 +191,22 @@ where
IDivRet -> case stack of
[ret:a:b:stack] -> exec ret [a:a/b:stack]
+ get_program :: !CompileState -> Program
+ get_program cs
+ # prog = loop 0 cs.blocks (createArray (sum [size b \\ b <|- cs.blocks]) Halt)
+ # prog & [1] = Call (fromJust (get "main" cs.funs))
+ = prog
+ where
+ loop :: !Int ![!Program!] !*Program -> .Program
+ loop i [!b:bs!] prog
+ # (i,prog) = copy i 0 (size b-1) b prog
+ = loop i bs prog
+ where
+ copy :: !Int !Int !Int !Program !*Program -> *(!Int, !*Program)
+ copy i _ -1 _ prog = (i, prog)
+ copy i bi n b prog = copy (i+1) (bi+1) (n-1) b {prog & [i]=b.[bi]}
+ loop _ [!!] prog = prog
generic gEncodedSize a :: !a -> Int
gEncodedSize{|Int|} _ = 1
gEncodedSize{|{!}|} fx xs = 1 + sum [fx x \\ x <-: xs]
@@ -163,12 +245,12 @@ encode x
# (_,arr) = gEncode{|*|} x 0 (createArray (gEncodedSize{|*|} x) -1)
= arr
-jit :: !Program -> Int
-jit prog = jit (encode prog)
+exec :: !CompileState -> Int
+exec {jitst} = exec jitst.code_start
- jit :: !*{#Int} -> Int
- jit _ = code {
- ccall jit "A:I"
+ exec :: !Int -> Int
+ exec _ = code {
+ ccall jit_exec "p:I"
import Text.GenPrint
@@ -176,16 +258,16 @@ derive gPrint Instr
Start w
# (io,w) = stdio w
-# io = io <<< "Program: " <<< printToString prog <<< "\n"
+# io = Foldl (\io b -> io <<< " " <<< printToString b <<< "\n") (io <<< "Program blocks:\n") comp_state.blocks
# io = io <<< "Interpreted result: " <<< interpreted_result <<< "\n"
# io = io <<< "JIT-compiled result: " <<< jit_compiled_result <<< "\n"
# (_,w) = fclose io w
= setReturnCode (if (interpreted_result==jit_compiled_result) 0 1) w
- interpreted_result = exec prog
- jit_compiled_result = jit prog
+ interpreted_result = interpret comp_state
+ jit_compiled_result = exec comp_state
-prog =: compile
+comp_state =: compile_all Nothing
[ {fun_name="id", fun_expr=Abstr ["x"] (Var "x")}
, {fun_name="const", fun_expr=Abstr ["x","y"] (Var "x")}
, {fun_name="main", fun_expr=Abstr [] (App "+" [App "const" [Int 37, Int 10], App "const" [Int 5, Int 10]])}
diff --git a/sjit_c.c b/sjit_c.c
index 50e8f57..879ec18 100644
--- a/sjit_c.c
+++ b/sjit_c.c
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static inline void gen_instr(char *full_code, char **code_p, uint64_t **pgm_p, u
case Call:
- fprintf(stderr,"Call %lu -> %d\n",arg,mapping[arg]-(&code[5]-full_code));
+ fprintf(stderr,"Call %lu -> %d\n",arg,mapping[arg]-(uint32_t)(&code[5]-full_code));
code[0]='\xe8'; /* callq ARG */
@@ -181,15 +181,20 @@ static inline void gen_instr(char *full_code, char **code_p, uint64_t **pgm_p, u
-unsigned int jit(uint64_t *pgm) {
+void init_jit(uint64_t max_instrs, uint64_t max_code_len,
+ char **code_block, uint32_t **mapping) {
+ *code_block=mmap (NULL,max_code_len,PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC,MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE,0,0);
+ *mapping=malloc (max_instrs*sizeof(uint32_t));
+char *jit_append(char *code_block, uint32_t code_len, char *code_ptr,
+ uint32_t *mapping, uint32_t n_instr, uint64_t *pgm, int is_main) {
uint32_t len=*pgm++;
uint32_t i;
- uint32_t *mapping=malloc(len*sizeof(uint32_t));
- uint32_t code_i=0;
+ uint32_t code_i=code_ptr-code_block;
uint64_t *pgm_p=pgm;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ for (i=n_instr; i<n_instr+len; i++) {
enum instr instr=(enum instr)*pgm_p;
@@ -209,14 +214,20 @@ unsigned int jit(uint64_t *pgm) {
- char *code=mmap(NULL, code_i, PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, 0, 0);
- char *code_wr=code;
+ mprotect (code_block,code_len,PROT_WRITE);
+ if (is_main)
+ *(uint32_t*)&code_block[9]=code_ptr-code_block-13;
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
- gen_instr(code, &code_wr, &pgm_p, mapping);
+ gen_instr (code_block,&code_ptr,&pgm_p,mapping);
+ mprotect (code_block,code_len,PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
- mprotect(code, code_i, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
- int (*fun)(void) = (int(*)(void)) code;
+ return code_ptr;
- return fun();
+uint64_t jit_exec(char *code_block) {
+ return ((uint64_t(*)(void))code_block)();