diff options
authorCamil Staps2018-12-24 23:54:26 +0100
committerCamil Staps2018-12-24 23:54:26 +0100
commit391c80e4df40ddc21641aa06aa0224460a53ba90 (patch)
parentDivide in modules (diff)
Add interactive shell
10 files changed, 239 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ec6b966..c7c7faa 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ BIN:=isjit
all: $(BIN)
-test: $(BIN)
- ./$<
+test: $(BIN) .FORCE
+ ./test.sh
$(BIN): %: %.icl Clean\ System\ Files/sjit_c.o .FORCE
$(CLM) $(CLMFLAGS) $@ -o $@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 00eafdd..f92c256 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
Sjit is a stupid just in time compiler.
It does almost nothing, and what it does, it does badly and is not useful.
-- There is no parser, you have to write your program in the internal Clean
- representation (see `Start` in [`sjit.icl`](/sjit.icl)).
- There is no type checker, you have to guess the implicit rules.
- There is no register allocation, everything is done on the stack.
- There is no code optimisation, not even to eliminate `push rbx` followed by
@@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ It does almost nothing, and what it does, it does badly and is not useful.
git clone https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/cstaps/sjit-compiler
cd sjit-compiler
## Colophon
diff --git a/Sjit/Compile.dcl b/Sjit/Compile.dcl
index 4bc1ed5..166b5c4 100644
--- a/Sjit/Compile.dcl
+++ b/Sjit/Compile.dcl
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
definition module Sjit.Compile
+from Data.Either import :: Either
from Data.Map import :: Map
from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
from Sjit.Syntax import :: Function
@@ -40,5 +41,4 @@ from Sjit.Syntax import :: Function
appendProgram :: !Bool !Program !JITState -> JITState
bootstrap :: (!Program, !CompileState)
-compile :: !Function !CompileState -> CompileState
-compile_all :: !(Maybe CompileState) ![Function] -> CompileState
+compile :: !Function !CompileState -> Either String CompileState
diff --git a/Sjit/Compile.icl b/Sjit/Compile.icl
index 31b6523..5e4cef5 100644
--- a/Sjit/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sjit/Compile.icl
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import StdGeneric
import StdMaybe
import StdOverloadedList
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Either
from Data.Func import mapSt, $
from Data.Map import :: Map(..), get, put, newMap, fromList
@@ -80,39 +83,42 @@ where
ccall init_jit "II:Vpp"
-compile :: !Function !CompileState -> CompileState
+compile :: !Function !CompileState -> Either String CompileState
compile f cs
# cs & funs = put f.fun_name cs.pc cs.funs
# vars = cs.vars
# cs & vars = foldr (uncurry put) cs.vars [(v,sp) \\ v <- f.fun_args & sp <- [cs.sp+1..]]
-# (is,cs) = expr f.fun_expr cs
-# is = {i \\ i <- reverse [Ret:Put (max 1 (length f.fun_args)+1):is]}
- { cs
- & vars = vars
- , pc = cs.pc+2
- , blocks = cs.blocks ++| [!is!]
- , jitst = appendProgram (f.fun_name == "main") is cs.jitst
- }
+= case expr f.fun_expr cs of
+ Left e -> Left e
+ Right (is,cs)
+ # is = {i \\ i <- reverse [Ret:Put (max 1 (length f.fun_args)+1):is]}
+ -> Right
+ { cs
+ & vars = vars
+ , pc = cs.pc+2
+ , blocks = cs.blocks ++| [!is!]
+ , jitst = appendProgram (f.fun_name == "main") is cs.jitst
+ }
- expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> (![Instr], !CompileState)
- expr (Int i) cs = ([PushI i], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ expr :: !Expr !CompileState -> Either String (![Instr], !CompileState)
+ expr (Int i) cs = Right ([PushI i], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
expr (Var v) cs = case get v cs.vars of
- Just i -> ([PushRef (i-cs.sp)], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
- Nothing -> abort "undefined variable\n"
+ Just i -> Right ([PushRef (i-cs.sp)], {cs & sp=cs.sp+1, pc=cs.pc+1})
+ Nothing -> Left ("undefined variable '" +++ v +++ "'")
expr (App f args) cs
# args = if (args=:[]) [Int 0] args
- # (iss,cs) = mapSt expr args {cs & sp=cs.sp+1}
- = case get f cs.funs of
- Just f -> ([Pop (length args-1):Call f:flatten iss], {cs & sp=cs.sp+2-length args, pc=cs.pc+2})
- Nothing -> abort "undefined function\n"
+ = case mapStM expr args {cs & sp=cs.sp+1} of
+ Left e -> Left e
+ Right (iss,cs) -> case get f cs.funs of
+ Just f -> Right
+ ( [Pop (length args-1):Call f:flatten iss]
+ , {cs & sp=cs.sp+2-length args, pc=cs.pc+2}
+ )
+ Nothing -> Left ("undefined function '" +++ toString f +++ "'")
-compile_all :: !(Maybe CompileState) ![Function] -> CompileState
-compile_all mcs funs
-# cs = case mcs of
- Just cs -> cs
- Nothing -> snd bootstrap
-= foldl (flip compile) cs funs
+ mapStM :: !(a st -> m (b, st)) ![a] !st -> m ([b], st) | Monad m
+ mapStM _ [] st = pure ([], st)
+ mapStM f [x:xs] st = f x st >>= \(y,st) -> mapStM f xs st >>= \(ys,st) -> pure ([y:ys],st)
generic gEncodedSize a :: !a -> Int
gEncodedSize{|Int|} _ = 1
diff --git a/Sjit/Syntax.dcl b/Sjit/Syntax.dcl
index a289b5a..44adbfa 100644
--- a/Sjit/Syntax.dcl
+++ b/Sjit/Syntax.dcl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
definition module Sjit.Syntax
+from Data.Either import :: Either
:: Expr
= Int !Int
| Var !String
@@ -10,3 +12,6 @@ definition module Sjit.Syntax
, fun_args :: ![String]
, fun_expr :: !Expr
+parse_function :: !String -> Either String Function
+parse_interactive_line :: !String -> Either String Function
diff --git a/Sjit/Syntax.icl b/Sjit/Syntax.icl
index e512e0c..ae75087 100644
--- a/Sjit/Syntax.icl
+++ b/Sjit/Syntax.icl
@@ -1 +1,131 @@
implementation module Sjit.Syntax
+import StdEnv
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Either
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.GenEq
+import Text.Parsers.Simple.Core
+:: Token
+ = TIdent !String
+ | TInt !Int
+ | TEq
+ | TComma
+ | TParenOpen
+ | TParenClose
+derive gEq Token
+instance == Token where == a b = a === b
+instance toString Token
+ toString t = case t of
+ TIdent s -> "'" +++ s +++ "'"
+ TInt n -> toString n
+ TEq -> "="
+ TComma -> ","
+ TParenOpen -> "("
+ TParenClose -> ")"
+lex :: !String -> Either String [Token]
+lex s = reverse <$> lex [] 0 (size s) s
+ lex :: ![Token] !Int !Int !String -> Either String [Token]
+ lex tks i e s | i >= e = Right tks
+ lex tks i e s = case s.[i] of
+ w | isSpace w
+ -> lex tks (i+1) e s
+ n | isIdent n
+ # (i,n) = readIdent isIdent [] i e s
+ -> lex [TIdent n:tks] i e s
+ n | isFunnyIdent n
+ # (i,n) = readIdent isFunnyIdent [] i e s
+ -> lex [TIdent n:tks] i e s
+ n | isDigit n
+ # (i,n) = readInt [] i e s
+ -> lex [TInt n:tks] i e s
+ '=' -> lex [TEq: tks] (i+1) e s
+ ',' -> lex [TComma: tks] (i+1) e s
+ '(' -> lex [TParenOpen: tks] (i+1) e s
+ ')' -> lex [TParenClose:tks] (i+1) e s
+ c -> Left ("Unexpected character '" +++ {c} +++ "'")
+ isIdent :: !Char -> Bool
+ isIdent c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
+ isFunnyIdent :: !Char -> Bool
+ isFunnyIdent c = isMember c ['+-*/']
+ readIdent :: !(Char -> Bool) ![Char] !Int !Int !String -> (!Int, !String)
+ readIdent ok cs i e s
+ | i >= e = (i,{c \\ c <- reverse cs})
+ # c = s.[i]
+ | ok c = readIdent ok [c:cs] (i+1) e s
+ | otherwise = (i,{c \\ c <- reverse cs})
+ readInt :: ![Char] !Int !Int !String -> (!Int, !Int)
+ readInt cs i e s
+ | i >= e = (i,toInt {#c \\ c <- reverse cs})
+ # c = s.[i]
+ | isDigit c = readInt [c:cs] (i+1) e s
+ | otherwise = (i,toInt {#c \\ c <- reverse cs})
+function :: Parser Token Function
+function =:
+ liftM3 make_fun ident (many arg) (pToken TEq *> expr)
+ make_fun :: !String ![String] !Expr -> Function
+ make_fun name args expr = {fun_name=name, fun_args=args, fun_expr=expr}
+expr :: Parser Token Expr
+ = leftAssoc (tok "+" <|> tok "-")
+ $ leftAssoc (tok "*" <|> tok "/")
+ $ noInfix
+ tok :: !String -> Parser Token String
+ tok s = pToken (TIdent s) $> s
+ leftAssoc :: !(Parser Token String) !(Parser Token Expr) -> Parser Token Expr
+ leftAssoc opp exprp = exprp >>= \e1 ->
+ many (opp >>= \op -> exprp >>= \e -> pure (op,e)) >>=
+ foldM (\e (op,e2) -> pure $ App op [e,e2]) e1
+ noInfix :: Parser Token Expr
+ noInfix =
+ liftM2 App ident (pToken TParenOpen *> pSepBy expr (pToken TComma) <* pToken TParenClose)
+ <|> Var <$> ident
+ <|> Int <$> int
+ <|> (pToken TParenOpen *> expr <* pToken TParenClose)
+ident :: Parser Token String
+ident =: (\(TIdent n) -> n) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:TIdent _)
+arg :: Parser Token String
+arg =: ident
+int :: Parser Token Int
+int =: (\(TInt n) -> n) <$> pSatisfy (\t->t=:TInt _)
+parse_function :: !String -> Either String Function
+parse_function s = lex s >>= \tks -> case parse function tks of
+ Right f -> Right f
+ Left _ -> Left "parsing failed"
+parse_interactive_line :: !String -> Either String Function
+parse_interactive_line s = lex s >>= \tks -> case parse function tks of
+ Right f -> Right f
+ Left _ -> case parse expr tks of
+ Right e -> Right {fun_name="main", fun_args=[], fun_expr=e}
+ Left _ -> Left "parsing failed"
diff --git a/isjit.icl b/isjit.icl
index 72d95dd..561d8bd 100644
--- a/isjit.icl
+++ b/isjit.icl
@@ -1,32 +1,68 @@
module isjit
import StdEnv
-import StdMaybe
-import StdOverloadedList
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Maybe
import System.CommandLine
import Sjit.Compile
import Sjit.Syntax
import Sjit.Run
-import Text.GenPrint
-derive gPrint Instr
Start w
+# (args,w) = getCommandLine w
+# (_,cs) = bootstrap
# (io,w) = stdio w
-# io = Foldl (\io b -> io <<< " " <<< printToString b <<< "\n") (io <<< "Program blocks:\n") comp_state.blocks
-# io = io <<< "Interpreted result: " <<< interpreted_result <<< "\n"
-# io = io <<< "JIT-compiled result: " <<< jit_compiled_result <<< "\n"
+# (io,w) = case args of
+ [prog,file]
+ # (_,f,w) = fopen file FReadText w
+ # (f,io) = file_loop f io cs
+ # (_,w) = fclose f w
+ -> (io,w)
+ [prog]
+ -> (interactive_loop io cs, w)
+ [prog:_]
+ -> (io <<< "Usage: " <<< prog <<< " [FILE]\n", setReturnCode 1 w)
# (_,w) = fclose io w
-= setReturnCode (if (interpreted_result==jit_compiled_result) 0 1) w
- interpreted_result = interpret comp_state
- jit_compiled_result = exec comp_state
+= w
+interactive_loop :: !*File !CompileState -> *File
+interactive_loop io cs
+# io = io <<< "> "
+# (s,io) = freadline io
+# (s,cs) = handle_input s cs
+# io = case s of
+ Nothing -> io
+ Just s -> io <<< s <<< "\n"
+= case cs of
+ Nothing -> io
+ Just cs -> interactive_loop io cs
+file_loop :: !*File !*File !CompileState -> (!*File, !*File)
+file_loop f io cs
+# (e,f) = fend f
+| e = (f,io)
+# (s,f) = freadline f
+# (s,cs) = handle_input s cs
+# io = case s of
+ Nothing -> io
+ Just s -> io <<< s <<< "\n"
+= case cs of
+ Nothing -> (f,io)
+ Just cs -> file_loop f io cs
-comp_state =: compile_all Nothing
- [ {fun_name="id", fun_args=["x"], fun_expr=Var "x"}
- , {fun_name="const", fun_args=["x","y"], fun_expr=Var "x"}
- , {fun_name="seven", fun_args=[], fun_expr=App "const" [Int 7, Int 10]}
- , {fun_name="main", fun_args=[], fun_expr=App "+" [App "seven" [], App "const" [Int 5, Int 10]]}
- ]
+handle_input :: !String !CompileState -> (!Maybe String, !Maybe CompileState)
+handle_input s cs
+| s == "" = (Just "", Nothing)
+| s == "quit\n" = (Nothing, Nothing)
+| otherwise = case parse_interactive_line s of
+ Left e
+ -> (Just e, Just cs)
+ Right fun -> case compile fun cs of
+ Left e
+ -> (Just ("\033[0;31mError:\033[0m " +++ e), Just cs)
+ Right cs
+ | fun.fun_name <> "main" -> (Nothing, Just cs)
+ # res = exec cs
+ -> (Just (toString res), Just cs)
diff --git a/test.sh b/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e0ed07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+for f in test/*.test
+ echo -e "$YELLOW$f...$RESET"
+ diff <(./isjit $f) "${f/.test/.result}" && echo -e "${GREEN}OK$RESET"
diff --git a/test/basic.result b/test/basic.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4de394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/basic.result
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/basic.test b/test/basic.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b31be57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/basic.test
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+id x = x
+const x y = x
+const(3,5) * id(7) - const(10,2)