path: root/Sil/Compile.icl
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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index 5e0aec1..41dad98 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ popTypeResolver = modify \cs -> {cs & typeresolvers=tl cs.typeresolvers}
getTypeResolver :: Gen TypeResolver
getTypeResolver = gets typeresolvers >>= \trs -> pure $ \n ->
case catMaybes $ map (flip ($) n) trs of
- [t:_] -> Just t
- [] -> Nothing
+ [t:_] -> ?Just t
+ [] -> ?None
reserveVar :: (Name, Type) -> Gen Address
reserveVar (n,t) = gets stackoffsets >>= put
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ where
findVar :: ParsePosition Name -> Gen Address
findVar p n = gets stackoffsets >>= \(aso, bso) ->
gets addresses >>= \addr -> case 'Data.Map'.get n addr of
- Just (AAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on AStack at " <+ i <+ ", with aso " <+ aso <+ " so " <+ (aso-i)) $> AAddr (aso - i)
- Just (BAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on BStack at " <+ i <+ ", with bso " <+ bso <+ " so " <+ (bso-i)) $> BAddr (bso - i)
- Nothing -> error $ C_UndefinedName (errpos p) n
+ ?Just (AAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on AStack at " <+ i <+ ", with aso " <+ aso <+ " so " <+ (aso-i)) $> AAddr (aso - i)
+ ?Just (BAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on BStack at " <+ i <+ ", with bso " <+ bso <+ " so " <+ (bso-i)) $> BAddr (bso - i)
+ ?None -> error $ C_UndefinedName (errpos p) n
addFunction :: Function -> Gen ()
addFunction f = modify (\cs -> {cs & symbols='Data.Map'.put f.f_name fs cs.symbols})
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ where
getType :: Expression -> Gen Type
getType e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr e of
- Nothing -> error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e
- Just (Error err) -> error err
- Just (Ok t) -> pure $ t
+ ?None -> error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e
+ ?Just (Error err) -> error err
+ ?Just (Ok t) -> pure $ t
checkType :: Type Expression -> Gen ()
checkType t e = getType e >>= \t` -> if (t == t`) nop (error $ C_TypeMisMatch t e t`)
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ where
mapM_ gen p.p_funs *>
- typeresolver :: Name -> Maybe (MaybeError Error Type)
+ typeresolver :: Name -> ?(MaybeError Error Type)
typeresolver n = case [f \\ f <- p.p_funs | f.f_name == n] of
[f:_] -> type typeresolver f
[] -> case [g.init_type \\ g <- p.p_globals | g.init_name == n] of
- [t:_] -> Just $ Ok t
- [] -> Nothing
+ [t:_] -> ?Just $ Ok t
+ [] -> ?None
instance gen Function
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ where
retSize = typeSize f.f_type
- typeresolver :: Name -> Maybe (MaybeError Error Type)
+ typeresolver :: Name -> ?(MaybeError Error Type)
typeresolver n = listToMaybe [Ok a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args | a.arg_name == n]
mainBootstrap :: Gen ()
@@ -389,18 +389,18 @@ where
locals = foldr (+~) zero [typeSize i.init_type \\ i <- cb.cb_init]
- typeresolver :: Name -> Maybe (MaybeError Error Type)
+ typeresolver :: Name -> ?(MaybeError Error Type)
typeresolver n = listToMaybe [Ok i.init_type \\ i <- cb.cb_init | i.init_name == n]
instance gen Initialisation
gen init = case typeSize init.init_type of
s=:{bsize=0} -> case init.init_value of
- Nothing -> tell $ repeatn s.asize 'ABC'.Create
- Just v -> shrinkStack s *> gen v
+ ?None -> tell $ repeatn s.asize 'ABC'.Create
+ ?Just v -> shrinkStack s *> gen v
s=:{asize=0} -> case init.init_value of
- Nothing -> error $ C_BasicInitWithoutValue (errpos init) init.init_name
- Just v -> checkType init.init_type v *> shrinkStack s *> gen v
+ ?None -> error $ C_BasicInitWithoutValue (errpos init) init.init_name
+ ?Just v -> checkType init.init_type v *> shrinkStack s *> gen v
instance gen Statement
@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ where
comment "Application" *>
gen e *>
getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case fmap typeSize <$> type tr e of
- Just (Ok sz) -> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a sz.asize, 'ABC'.Pop_b sz.bsize] *> shrinkStack sz
- Just (Error err) -> error err
- Nothing -> error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e
- gen (Return _ (Just e)) =
+ ?Just (Ok sz) -> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a sz.asize, 'ABC'.Pop_b sz.bsize] *> shrinkStack sz
+ ?Just (Error err) -> error err
+ ?None -> error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e
+ gen (Return _ (?Just e)) =
comment "Return" *>
gen e *>
gets returnType >>= \rettype ->
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ where
updateReturnFrame {asize=0,bsize=0} _ = nop
updateReturnFrame {bsize=0} (aso, _) = tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 (aso-1), 'ABC'.Pop_a 1] // TODO should depend on return type
updateReturnFrame _ (_, bso) = tell ['ABC'.Update_b 0 (bso-1)] // TODO should depend on return type
- gen (Return _ Nothing) =
+ gen (Return _ ?None) =
comment "Return" *>
cleanup *>
tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ where
tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp end
, 'ABC'.Label else ]
- genelse :: 'ABC'.Label (Maybe CodeBlock) -> Gen ()
- genelse end Nothing = tell ['ABC'.Label end]
- genelse end (Just cb) = gen cb *> tell ['ABC'.Label end]
+ genelse :: 'ABC'.Label (?CodeBlock) -> Gen ()
+ genelse end ?None = tell ['ABC'.Label end]
+ genelse end (?Just cb) = gen cb *> tell ['ABC'.Label end]
gen (While _ cond do) =
checkType TBool cond *>
fresh "while" >>= \loop -> fresh "whileend" >>= \end ->
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ where
tell ['ABC'.PushI i] *>
growStack {zero & bsize=1,btypes=['ABC'.BT_Int]}
gen (App p n args) = gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'Data.Map'.get n syms of
- Just fs ->
+ ?Just fs ->
comment "Retrieve arguments" *>
mapM gen args *>
comment "Apply function" *>