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4 files changed, 204 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index 49546df..56fef05 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ implementation module Sil.Compile
import StdEnum
from StdFunc import const, flip, o
import StdList
+import StdMisc
import StdString
import Control.Applicative
@@ -12,9 +13,11 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Error
from Data.Func import $
import Data.Functor
+import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Tuple
from Text import <+
import qualified ABC.Assembler as ABC
@@ -61,11 +64,19 @@ where
isUseful ('ABC'.Comment _) = False
isUseful _ = True
-:: Address :== Int
+:: Address
+ = AAddr Int
+ | BAddr Int
+instance toString Address
+ toString (AAddr i) = "A:" <+ i
+ toString (BAddr i) = "B:" <+ i
:: FunctionSymbol =
- { fs_arity :: Int
- , fs_rettype :: Type
+ { fs_arity :: Int
+ , fs_argtypes :: [Type]
+ , fs_rettype :: Type
:: CompileState =
@@ -73,8 +84,9 @@ where
, addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
, symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
, returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
- , stackoffset :: Int
- , storedoffsets :: [Int]
+ , returnType :: Type
+ , stackoffsets :: (Int, Int) // A and B stack
+ , storedoffsets :: [(Int, Int)]
, typeresolvers :: [TypeResolver]
@@ -85,7 +97,8 @@ where
, addresses = 'M'.newMap
, symbols = 'M'.newMap
, returns = []
- , stackoffset = 0
+ , returnType = TVoid
+ , stackoffsets = (0, 0)
, storedoffsets = []
, typeresolvers = []
@@ -102,8 +115,11 @@ symbols cs = cs.symbols
peekReturn :: CompileState -> 'ABC'.Assembler
peekReturn cs = hd cs.returns
-stackoffset :: CompileState -> Int
-stackoffset cs = cs.stackoffset
+returnType :: CompileState -> Type
+returnType cs = cs.returnType
+stackoffsets :: CompileState -> (Int, Int)
+stackoffsets cs = cs.stackoffsets
typeresolvers :: CompileState -> [TypeResolver]
typeresolvers cs = cs.typeresolvers
@@ -115,11 +131,11 @@ fresh n = gets labels
>>= \labs -> modify (\cs -> {cs & labels=tl labs})
$> toLabel (n <+ hd labs)
-storeStackOffset :: Gen ()
-storeStackOffset = modify \cs -> {cs & storedoffsets=[cs.stackoffset:cs.storedoffsets]}
+storeStackOffsets :: Gen ()
+storeStackOffsets = modify \cs -> {cs & storedoffsets=[cs.stackoffsets:cs.storedoffsets]}
-restoreStackOffset :: Gen ()
-restoreStackOffset = modify \cs=:{storedoffsets=[so:sos]} -> {cs & stackoffset=so, storedoffsets=sos}
+restoreStackOffsets :: Gen ()
+restoreStackOffsets = modify \cs=:{storedoffsets=[so:sos]} -> {cs & stackoffsets=so, storedoffsets=sos}
newReturn :: 'ABC'.Assembler -> Gen ()
newReturn ret = modify \cs -> {cs & returns=[ret:cs.returns]}
@@ -133,6 +149,9 @@ removeFromReturn i = modify \cs=:{returns=[r:rs]} -> {cs & returns=[drop i r:rs]
popReturn :: Gen ()
popReturn = modify \cs -> {cs & returns=tl cs.returns}
+setReturnType :: Type -> Gen ()
+setReturnType t = modify \cs -> {cs & returnType=t}
pushTypeResolver :: TypeResolver -> Gen ()
pushTypeResolver tr = modify \cs -> {cs & typeresolvers=[tr:cs.typeresolvers]}
@@ -145,30 +164,51 @@ getTypeResolver = gets typeresolvers >>= \trs -> pure $ \n ->
[t:_] -> Just t
[] -> Nothing
-reserveVar :: Int Name -> Gen Int
-reserveVar i n = modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n i cs.addresses}) *> comment ("Reserved " <+ i <+ " for " <+ n) $> (i+1)
+reserveVar :: Bool (Name, Type) -> Gen Address
+reserveVar canBeOnBStack (n,t) = gets stackoffsets >>= put
+ put :: (Int, Int) -> Gen Address
+ put (aso, bso) =
+ modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n addr cs.addresses, stackoffsets=so`}) *>
+ comment ("Reserved " <+ addr <+ " for " <+ n) $>
+ addr
+ where
+ (so`, addr) = case (canBeOnBStack, typeSize t) of
+ (False, _) -> ((aso+1, bso), AAddr $ aso+1)
+ (True, {bsize=0}) -> ((aso+1, bso), AAddr $ aso+1)
+ (True, {btypes}) -> ((aso, bso + length btypes), BAddr $ bso+1)
-findVar :: Name -> Gen Int
-findVar n = gets stackoffset >>= \so ->
+findVar :: Name -> Gen Address
+findVar n = gets stackoffsets >>= \(aso, bso) ->
gets addresses >>= \addr -> case 'M'.get n addr of
- Just i -> comment (n <+ " is at " <+ i <+ ", with so " <+ so <+ " so " <+ (so-i-1)) $> so - i - 1
- Nothing -> error $ UndefinedName n
+ Just (AAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on AStack at " <+ i <+ ", with aso " <+ aso <+ " so " <+ (aso-i)) $> AAddr (aso - i)
+ Just (BAddr i) -> comment (n <+ " is on BStack at " <+ i <+ ", with bso " <+ bso <+ " so " <+ (bso-i)) $> BAddr (bso - i)
+ Nothing -> error $ UndefinedName n
addFunction :: Function -> Gen ()
addFunction f = modify (\cs -> {cs & symbols='M'.put f.f_name fs cs.symbols})
- fs = { fs_arity = length f.f_args
- , fs_rettype = f.f_type
+ fs = { fs_arity = length f.f_args
+ , fs_argtypes = [a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]
+ , fs_rettype = f.f_type
cleanup :: Gen ()
cleanup = gets peekReturn >>= tell
-growStack :: Int -> Gen ()
-growStack n = modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffset=cs.stackoffset + n})
+growStack :: TypeSize -> Gen ()
+growStack {asize,bsize} =
+ modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffsets=update cs.stackoffsets}) *>
+ gets stackoffsets >>= \(aso,bso) ->
+ comment ("Stack offsets: (" <+ aso <+ ", " <+ bso <+ ")")
+ update = appFst ((+) asize) o appSnd ((+) bsize)
-shrinkStack :: (Int -> Gen ())
-shrinkStack = growStack o ((-) 0)
+shrinkStack :: (TypeSize -> Gen ())
+shrinkStack = growStack o invert
+ invert :: TypeSize -> TypeSize
+ invert ts = {zero & asize=0-ts.asize, bsize=0-ts.bsize}
checkType :: Type Expression -> Gen ()
checkType t e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr e of
@@ -176,11 +216,11 @@ checkType t e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr e of
Just (Error err) -> error $ TypeError err e
Just (Ok t`) -> if (t == t`) nop (error $ TypeMisMatch t e)
-checkTypeName :: Name Expression -> Gen ()
+checkTypeName :: Name Expression -> Gen Type
checkTypeName n e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr n of
Nothing -> error $ CouldNotDeduceType $ Name n
Just (Error err) -> error $ TypeError err $ Name n
- Just (Ok t`) -> checkType t` e
+ Just (Ok t`) -> checkType t` e $> t`
class gen a :: a -> Gen ()
@@ -209,38 +249,61 @@ where
instance gen Function
gen f =
- tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot args []
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot` [typeSize a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]
, 'ABC'.Label $ toLabel f.f_name
] *>
- tell (repeatn retSize 'ABC'.Create) *> growStack retSize *>
- foldM reserveVar 0 [a.arg_name \\ a <- f.f_args] *>
- growStack (sum [typeSize a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]) *>
+ tell (repeatn retSize.asize 'ABC'.Create) *> growStack {retSize & bsize=0} *>
+ mapM_ (reserveVar True) [(a.arg_name, a.arg_type) \\ a <- f.f_args] *>
newReturn cleanup` *>
pushTypeResolver typeresolver *>
+ setReturnType f.f_type *>
+ mainBootstrap *>
gen f.f_code *>
popTypeResolver *>
cleanup *>
- modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffset=0}) *>
+ modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffsets=(0, 0)}) *> comment "Reset sos" *>
tell ['ABC'.Rtn] *>
cleanup` =
[ 'ABC'.Comment "Cleanup"
- , 'ABC'.Pop_a args
- , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot retSize []
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_a (foldr (+~) zero [typeSize a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]).asize
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_b (foldr (+~) zero [typeSize a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]).bsize
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ toDAnnot retSize
retSize = typeSize f.f_type
- args = length f.f_args
typeresolver :: Name -> Maybe (MaybeError TypeError Type)
typeresolver n = listToMaybe [Ok a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args | a.arg_name == n]
+ mainBootstrap :: Gen ()
+ mainBootstrap = case (f.f_name, (typeSize f.f_type).bsize) of
+ ("main", 1) ->
+ fresh "main" >>= \lab ->
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot 0 []
+ , 'ABC'.Jsr lab
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot $ typeSize f.f_type
+ ] *>
+ BtoAStack type *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot 1 []
+ , 'ABC'.Rtn
+ ] *>
+ comment "Reset sos" *>
+ modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffsets=(0, 0)}) *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Label lab ]
+ with
+ type = case f.f_type of
+ TBool -> 'ABC'.BT_Bool
+ TInt -> 'ABC'.BT_Int
+ _ ->
+ nop
instance gen CodeBlock
gen cb =
- storeStackOffset *>
- gets stackoffset >>= \so ->
- foldM reserveVar so [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
+ storeStackOffsets *>
+ gets stackoffsets >>= \so ->
+ mapM_ (reserveVar False) [(i.init_name, i.init_type) \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
mapM_ gen cb.cb_init *>
addToReturn cleanup` *>
pushTypeResolver typeresolver *>
@@ -248,7 +311,7 @@ where
popTypeResolver *>
tell cleanup` *>
removeFromReturn (length cleanup`) *>
- restoreStackOffset
+ restoreStackOffsets
cleanup` = case cb.cb_init of
[] -> []
@@ -258,36 +321,48 @@ where
typeresolver :: Name -> Maybe (MaybeError TypeError Type)
typeresolver n = listToMaybe [Ok i.init_type \\ i <- cb.cb_init | i.init_name == n]
-instance gen Initialisation
- gen init = comment ("Initialise " <+ init.init_name) *> tell ['ABC'.Create] *> growStack 1
+instance gen Initialisation where gen init = tell ['ABC'.Create]
instance gen Statement
gen st=:(Declaration n e) =
- checkTypeName n e *>
+ checkTypeName n e >>= \t ->
comment (toString st) *>
gen e *>
- findVar n >>= \loc ->
- tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 loc, 'ABC'.Pop_a 1] *> // TODO should depend on size of return type
- shrinkStack 1
+ findVar n >>=
+ updateLoc t // TODO should depend on size of return type
+ where
+ updateLoc :: Type Address -> Gen ()
+ updateLoc t (AAddr i) = case (typeSize t, t) of
+ ({asize=0}, TInt) -> tell ['ABC'.FillI_b 0 i, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1] *> shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1}
+ ({asize=0}, TBool) -> tell ['ABC'.FillB_b 0 i, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1] *> shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1}
+ _ -> tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 i, 'ABC'.Pop_a 1] *> shrinkStack {zero & asize=1}
+ updateLoc _ (BAddr i) = tell ['ABC'.Update_b 0 i, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1] *> shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1}
gen (Application e) =
comment "Application" *>
gen e *>
getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case fmap typeSize <$> type tr e of
- Just (Ok 0) -> nop
- Just (Ok sz) -> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a sz] *> shrinkStack sz
+ Just (Ok sz) -> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a sz.asize, 'ABC'.Pop_b sz.bsize] *> shrinkStack sz
Just (Error err) -> error $ TypeError err e
Nothing -> error $ CouldNotDeduceType e
gen (Return (Just e)) =
comment "Return" *>
gen e *>
- gets stackoffset >>= \so ->
- tell [ 'ABC'.Update_a 0 (so-1)
- , 'ABC'.Pop_a 1
- ] *> shrinkStack 1 *>
+ gets returnType >>= \rettype ->
+ gets stackoffsets >>= \so ->
+ updateReturnFrame (typeSize rettype) so *>
+ shrinkStack (typeSize rettype) *>
+ //gets stackoffset >>= \so ->
+ //tell [ 'ABC'.Update_a 0 0 //-1 // TODO (so-1)
+ // , 'ABC'.Pop_a 1
+ // ] *> //shrinkStack 1 *> TODO
cleanup *>
tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
+ where
+ updateReturnFrame :: TypeSize (Int, Int) -> Gen ()
+ updateReturnFrame {asize=0,bsize=0} _ = nop
+ updateReturnFrame {bsize=0} (aso, _) = tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 (aso-1), 'ABC'.Pop_a 1] // TODO should depend on return type
+ updateReturnFrame _ (_, bso) = tell ['ABC'.Update_b 0 (bso-1)] // TODO should depend on return type
gen (Return Nothing) =
comment "Return" *>
cleanup *>
@@ -305,8 +380,8 @@ where
fresh "ifelse" >>= \else ->
comment ("(else) if " <+ cond) *>
gen cond *>
- toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Bool 1 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.JmpFalse else ] *>
+ shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1} *>
gen cb *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp end
, 'ABC'.Label else ]
@@ -319,40 +394,44 @@ where
fresh "while" >>= \loop -> fresh "whileend" >>= \end ->
tell [ 'ABC'.Label loop ] *>
gen cond *>
- toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Bool 1 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.JmpFalse end ] *>
+ shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1} *>
gen do *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp loop
, 'ABC'.Label end ]
instance gen Expression
- gen (Name n) =
- findVar n >>= \loc ->
- tell ['ABC'.Push_a $ loc] *> growStack 1
- gen (Literal (BLit b)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillB b 0] *> growStack 1
- gen (Literal (ILit i)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillI i 0] *> growStack 1
+ gen (Name n) = findVar n >>= getLoc
+ where
+ getLoc :: Address -> Gen ()
+ getLoc (AAddr i) = tell ['ABC'.Push_a $ i] *> growStack {zero & asize=1}
+ getLoc (BAddr i) = tell ['ABC'.Push_b $ i] *> growStack {zero & bsize=1,btypes=['ABC'.BT_Int]} //TODO check type
+ gen (Literal (BLit b)) =
+ tell ['ABC'.PushB b] *>
+ growStack {zero & bsize=1,btypes=['ABC'.BT_Bool]}
+ gen (Literal (ILit i)) =
+ tell ['ABC'.PushI i] *>
+ growStack {zero & bsize=1,btypes=['ABC'.BT_Int]}
gen (App n args) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
Just i -> liftT $ Error FunctionOnStack
_ -> gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'M'.get n syms of
Just fs ->
- comment "Retrieve arguments" *> mapM gen args *>
+ comment "Retrieve arguments" *>
+ mapM gen args *>
comment "Apply function" *>
- tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot fs.fs_arity []
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ toDAnnot` $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes
, 'ABC'.Jsr $ toLabel n
- , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot (typeSize fs.fs_rettype) []
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot $ typeSize fs.fs_rettype
] *>
- shrinkStack (fs.fs_arity - typeSize fs.fs_rettype)
+ growStack (foldl (-~) (typeSize fs.fs_rettype) $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes)
_ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
gen (BuiltinApp op arg) = gen arg *> gen op
- gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM gen [e1,e2] *> gen op
+ gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM gen [e2,e1] *> gen op
instance gen Op1
- gen op =
- toBStack type 1 *>
- tell [instr] *>
- BtoAStack type
+ gen op = tell [instr]
instr = case op of
Neg -> 'ABC'.NegI
@@ -363,10 +442,7 @@ where
instance gen Op2
- gen op =
- toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Int 2 *>
- tell [instr] *>
- BtoAStack rettype
+ gen op = tell [instr] *> shrinkStack {zero & bsize=1}
instr = case op of
Add -> 'ABC'.AddI
@@ -384,8 +460,8 @@ where
toBStack :: 'ABC'.BasicType Int -> Gen ()
toBStack t n =
tell [push i \\ i <- [0..n-1]] *>
- tell (if (n <> 0) ['ABC'.Pop_a n] []) *>
- shrinkStack n
+ tell ['ABC'.Pop_a n] *>
+ growStack {zero & asize=0-n, bsize=n}
push = case t of
'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.PushB_a
@@ -397,7 +473,7 @@ BtoAStack t =
, fill 0 0
, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1
] *>
- growStack 1
+ growStack {asize=1, bsize=(-1), btypes=[t]}
fill = case t of
'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.FillB_b
@@ -408,3 +484,13 @@ comment s = tell ['ABC'.Comment s]
toLabel :: a -> 'ABC'.Label | toString a
toLabel n = "__sil_" <+ n
+toDAnnot :: TypeSize -> 'ABC'.Annotation
+toDAnnot ts = 'ABC'.DAnnot ts.asize ts.btypes
+toDAnnot` :== toDAnnot o foldr (+~) zero
+toOAnnot :: TypeSize -> 'ABC'.Annotation
+toOAnnot ts = 'ABC'.OAnnot ts.asize ts.btypes
+toOAnnot` :== toOAnnot o foldr (+~) zero
diff --git a/Sil/Types.dcl b/Sil/Types.dcl
index 5fd159e..d44a373 100644
--- a/Sil/Types.dcl
+++ b/Sil/Types.dcl
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
definition module Sil.Types
-from StdOverloaded import class ==, class toString, class zero
+from StdOverloaded import class ==, class +, class toString, class zero
from Data.Error import :: MaybeError
from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
+from ABC.Assembler import :: BasicType
from Sil.Syntax import :: Expression, :: Function, :: Name, :: Op1, :: Op2
:: Type
@@ -16,15 +18,26 @@ from Sil.Syntax import :: Expression, :: Function, :: Name, :: Op1, :: Op2
:: TypeError
= IllegalApplication Type Type
+:: TypeSize =
+ { asize :: Int
+ , bsize :: Int
+ , btypes :: [BasicType]
+ }
instance == Type
instance toString Type
instance toString TypeError
+instance zero TypeSize
* Size of an expression on the stack
-typeSize :: Type -> Int
+typeSize :: Type -> TypeSize
+(+~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize
+(-~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize
:: TypeResolver :== Name -> Maybe (MaybeError TypeError Type)
diff --git a/Sil/Types.icl b/Sil/Types.icl
index 40fc0cb..cd9b9a4 100644
--- a/Sil/Types.icl
+++ b/Sil/Types.icl
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ implementation module Sil.Types
from StdFunc import const
import StdList
+import StdMisc
import StdOverloaded
import StdString
+import GenEq
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Error
@@ -12,7 +15,7 @@ from Data.Func import $
import Data.Maybe
from Text import <+
-import GenEq
+from ABC.Assembler import :: BasicType(..)
import Sil.Syntax
@@ -30,10 +33,26 @@ instance toString TypeError
toString (IllegalApplication ft et) = "Cannot apply a " <+ et <+ " to a " <+ ft <+ "."
-typeSize :: Type -> Int
-typeSize TVoid = 0
-typeSize TBool = 1
-typeSize TInt = 1
+instance zero TypeSize where zero = {asize=0, bsize=0, btypes=[]}
+typeSize :: Type -> TypeSize
+typeSize TVoid = zero
+typeSize TBool = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Bool]}
+typeSize TInt = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Int]}
+(+~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize
+(+~) a b =
+ { asize = a.asize + b.asize
+ , bsize = a.bsize + b.bsize
+ , btypes = a.btypes ++ b.btypes
+ }
+(-~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize
+(-~) a b =
+ { asize = a.asize - b.asize
+ , bsize = a.bsize - b.bsize
+ , btypes = abort "btypes after -~\r\n"
+ }
instance zero TypeResolver where zero = const Nothing
diff --git a/examples/while.sil b/examples/while.sil
index fb2778b..08f27f0 100644
--- a/examples/while.sil
+++ b/examples/while.sil
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-Void sleep(Int n) {
- |~ pushI_a 0
+Int sleep(Int n) {
+ |~ push_b 0
|~ ccall sleep "I:I"
- |~ pop_b 1
+ |~ update_b 0 1
Void print(Int n) {
- |~ push_a 0
+ |~ create
+ |~ fillI_b 0 0
|~.d 1 0
|~ jsr _print_graph
|~.o 0 0