path: root/Sil/Types.icl
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authorCamil Staps2017-07-28 11:54:40 +0200
committerCamil Staps2017-07-28 11:55:23 +0200
commit1703085b25fa82459e306737ae88ee6fb0ece910 (patch)
tree8b86ce7d6e2892b7dc328153373b59a36c129ba5 /Sil/Types.icl
parentOptimise: remove unreachacble ABC-code (diff)
Resolve #1: implement lists (tuples have been done earlier)
Diffstat (limited to 'Sil/Types.icl')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Types.icl b/Sil/Types.icl
index e314342..ba13cba 100644
--- a/Sil/Types.icl
+++ b/Sil/Types.icl
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ where
toString TVoid = "Void"
toString (at --> rt) = "(" <+ at <+ " -> " <+ rt <+ ")"
toString (TTuple _ ts) = "(" <+ printersperse ", " ts <+ ")"
+ toString (TList t) = "[" <+ t <+ "]"
instance zero TypeSize where zero = {asize=0, bsize=0, btypes=[]}
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ typeSize TVoid = zero
typeSize TBool = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Bool]}
typeSize TInt = {zero & bsize=1, btypes=[BT_Int]}
typeSize (TTuple _ _) = {zero & asize=1}
+typeSize (TList _) = {zero & asize=1}
(+~) infixl 6 :: TypeSize TypeSize -> TypeSize
(+~) a b =
@@ -78,6 +80,13 @@ where
type res op >>= \top -> pure
( top >>= \top ->
te >>= \te -> tryApply top te)
+ type res (BuiltinApp2 e1 Cons e2) =
+ type res e1 >>= \te1 ->
+ type res e2 >>= \te2 -> pure
+ ( te1 >>= \te1 ->
+ te2 >>= \te2 ->
+ let top = te1 --> TList te1 --> TList te1 in
+ foldM tryApply top [te1,te2])
type res (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) =
type res e1 >>= \te1 ->
type res e2 >>= \te2 ->
@@ -85,6 +94,17 @@ where
( top >>= \top ->
te1 >>= \te1 ->
te2 >>= \te2 -> foldM tryApply top [te1,te2])
+ type res e=:(List (Just t) es) =
+ mapM (type res) es >>= \tes -> pure
+ (sequence tes >>= \tes -> case [(e,t`) \\ e <- es & t` <- tes | t <> t`] of
+ [(e`,t`):_] -> Error $ C_TypeMisMatch t e` t`
+ [] -> Ok $ TList t)
+ type res (List Nothing []) = Nothing
+ type res e=:(List Nothing es) =
+ mapM (type res) es >>= \tes -> pure
+ (sequence tes >>= \tes -> case removeDup tes of
+ [t] -> Ok $ TList t
+ [_:_] -> Error $ C_CouldNotDeduceType e)
type res (Tuple n es)
| n > 32 = Just $ Error $ T_TooHighTupleArity n
| otherwise =
@@ -95,6 +115,15 @@ where
(Ok $ es!!(tupleEl - 1))
(Error $ T_IllegalField f te)
_ -> Error $ T_IllegalField f te)
+ | f == "hd" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of
+ TList t -> Ok t
+ _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField f te)
+ | f == "tl" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of
+ t=:(TList _) -> Ok t
+ _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField f te)
+ | f == "nil" = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= \te -> case te of
+ (TList _) -> Ok TBool
+ _ -> Error $ T_IllegalField f te)
| otherwise = type res e >>= \te -> pure (te >>= Error o T_IllegalField f)
f` = fromString f