path: root/Sil/Parse.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-07-27 23:32:59 +0200
committerCamil Staps2017-07-27 23:32:59 +0200
commitc23b7cd159af38f588ce4214d6ad37ceadf3c1a6 (patch)
tree66dc800514550a3729fe3e9578fb6fe00f18bfa1 /Sil/Parse.icl
parentDon't allow tuples with arity > 32 (ABC-machine limitation) (diff)
Centralise errors (needed for positional errors #5)
Diffstat (limited to 'Sil/Parse.icl')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Parse.icl b/Sil/Parse.icl
index 4fdc479..c9521bf 100644
--- a/Sil/Parse.icl
+++ b/Sil/Parse.icl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from Text import <+, class Text, instance Text String
import GenEq
+import Sil.Error
import Sil.Syntax
import Sil.Types
import Sil.Util.Parser
@@ -58,16 +59,10 @@ where
name (TMachineCode _) = "machine code"
name t = toString t
-instance toString ParseError
- toString (Invalid loc sym) = "Invalid token '" <+ sym <+ "' while parsing a " <+ loc <+ "."
- toString (Expected s) = "Expected " <+ s <+ "."
- toString UnknownError = "Unknown error."
-tokenise :: [Char] -> MaybeError ParseError [Token]
+tokenise :: [Char] -> MaybeError Error [Token]
tokenise cs = reverse <$> tks cs []
- tks :: [Char] [Token] -> MaybeError ParseError [Token]
+ tks :: [Char] [Token] -> MaybeError Error [Token]
tks [] t = pure t
tks ['/':'/':r] t = tks (dropWhile ((<>) '\n') r) t
tks ['/':'*':r] t = tks (skipUntilEndOfComment r) t
@@ -105,7 +100,7 @@ where
tks cs=:[h:_] t
| isSpace h = tks (dropWhile isSpace cs) t
| isDigit h = tks numrest [TLit $ ILit $ toInt $ toString num:t]
- | not (isNameChar h) = Error $ Invalid "name" h
+ | not (isNameChar h) = Error $ P_Invalid "name" h
| otherwise = tks namerest [TName $ toString name:t]
(name,namerest) = span isNameChar cs
@@ -116,7 +111,7 @@ where
isNotNameChar = not o isNameChar
-parse :: ([Token] -> MaybeError ParseError Program)
+parse :: ([Token] -> MaybeError Error Program)
parse = fst o runParser program
program :: Parser Token Program
@@ -239,14 +234,14 @@ where
<|> parenthised expression
name :: Parser Token Name
-name = liftM (\(TName s) -> s) $ satisfy isName <?> Expected "name"
+name = liftM (\(TName s) -> s) $ satisfy isName <?> P_Expected "name"
isName (TName _) = True
isName _ = False
arg :: Parser Token Arg
arg = (type >>= \type -> name >>= \name -> pure {arg_type=type, arg_name=name})
- <?> Expected "argument"
+ <?> P_Expected "argument"
type :: Parser Token Type
@@ -254,7 +249,7 @@ type
<|> simpletype "Int" TInt
<|> simpletype "Void" TVoid
<|> (parenthised (min2seplist TComma type) >>= \ts -> pure $ TTuple (length ts) ts)
- <?> Expected "type"
+ <?> P_Expected "type"
simpletype s t = item (TName s) $> t