path: root/Sil/Compile.icl
diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-07-27 22:53:45 +0200
committerCamil Staps2017-07-27 22:53:45 +0200
commitbf0a7bb68485c87737677e4bbb5278b24dcb24cc (patch)
tree468c77df0e0e7e5d05047c8aec50b77d57d3b5dc /Sil/Compile.icl
parentOptimise multiple pop instructions (diff)
Add tuples (see #1)
Diffstat (limited to 'Sil/Compile.icl')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index cad8000..2a6ba54 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
implementation module Sil.Compile
+import StdBool
import StdEnum
from StdFunc import const, flip, o
import StdList
@@ -212,17 +213,17 @@ where
invert :: TypeSize -> TypeSize
invert ts = {zero & asize=0-ts.asize, bsize=0-ts.bsize}
-checkType :: Type Expression -> Gen ()
-checkType t e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr e of
+getType :: Expression -> Gen Type
+getType e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr e of
Nothing -> error $ CouldNotDeduceType e
Just (Error err) -> error $ TypeError err e
- Just (Ok t`) -> if (t == t`) nop (error $ TypeMisMatch t e)
+ Just (Ok t) -> pure $ t
+checkType :: Type Expression -> Gen ()
+checkType t e = getType e >>= \t` -> if (t == t`) nop (error $ TypeMisMatch t e)
checkTypeName :: Name Expression -> Gen Type
-checkTypeName n e = getTypeResolver >>= \tr -> case type tr n of
- Nothing -> error $ CouldNotDeduceType $ Name n
- Just (Error err) -> error $ TypeError err $ Name n
- Just (Ok t`) -> checkType t` e $> t`
+checkTypeName n e = getType (Name n) >>= \t` -> checkType t` e $> t`
class gen a :: a -> Gen ()
@@ -254,8 +255,9 @@ where
tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ toOAnnot` [typeSize a.arg_type \\ a <- f.f_args]
, 'ABC'.Label $ toLabel f.f_name
] *>
- tell (repeatn retSize.asize 'ABC'.Create) *> growStack {retSize & bsize=0} *>
+ tell (repeatn retSize.asize 'ABC'.Create) *>
mapM_ reserveVar [(a.arg_name, a.arg_type) \\ a <- f.f_args] *>
+ growStack {retSize & bsize=0} *>
newReturn cleanup` *>
pushTypeResolver typeresolver *>
setReturnType f.f_type *>
@@ -448,16 +450,18 @@ where
] *>
growStack (foldl (-~) (typeSize fs.fs_rettype) $ map typeSize fs.fs_argtypes)
_ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
- gen (BuiltinApp op arg) = genToBStack arg *> gen op
+ gen (BuiltinApp op arg) =
+ gen arg *>
+ gen op
gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 LogOr e2) =
checkType TBool e1 *>
checkType TBool e2 *>
fresh "or_true" >>= \true ->
fresh "or_end" >>= \end ->
storeStackOffsets *>
- genToBStack e1 *>
+ gen e1 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.JmpTrue true ] *>
- genToBStack e2 *>
+ gen e2 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp end ] *>
restoreStackOffsets *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Label true
@@ -470,24 +474,44 @@ where
fresh "and_false" >>= \false ->
fresh "and_end" >>= \end ->
storeStackOffsets *>
- genToBStack e1 *>
+ gen e1 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.JmpFalse false ] *>
- genToBStack e2 *>
+ gen e2 *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Jmp end ] *>
restoreStackOffsets *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Label false
, 'ABC'.PushB False ] *>
growStack {zero & bsize=1} *>
tell [ 'ABC'.Label end ]
- gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM genToBStack [e2,e1] *> gen op
+ gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) =
+ mapM gen [e2,e1] *>
+ gen op
+ gen (Tuple i es) =
+ comment "Building tuple" *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Create ] *>
+ growStack {zero & asize=1} *>
+ mapM genToAStack (reverse es) *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Raw $ "\tfillh\t_Tuple\t" <+ i <+ "\t" <+ i ] *>
+ shrinkStack {zero & asize=i}
+ gen e=:(Field f e`)
+ | isTuple =
+ getType e` >>= \(TTuple arity tes) ->
+ gen e` *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.ReplArgs arity arity
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_a (tupleEl - 1)
+ , 'ABC'.Update_a 0 (arity - tupleEl)
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_a (arity - tupleEl)
+ ] *>
+ case typeSize $ tes!!(tupleEl - 1) of
+ {bsize=0} -> nop
+ {btypes} -> mapM (flip toBStack 1) btypes *> nop
+ | otherwise =
+ error $ UndefinedField f
+ where
+ f` = fromString f
-genToBStack :: Expression -> Gen ()
-genToBStack (Name n) = findVar n >>= getLoc
- getLoc :: Address -> Gen ()
- getLoc (AAddr i) = tell ['ABC'.PushI_a $ i] *> growStack {zero & bsize=1}
- getLoc (BAddr i) = tell ['ABC'.Push_b $ i] *> growStack {zero & bsize=1}
-genToBStack e = gen e
+ isTuple = length f` >= 2 && hd f` == '_' && all isDigit (tl f`)
+ tupleEl = toInt $ toString $ tl f`
instance gen Op1
@@ -539,6 +563,14 @@ where
'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.FillB_b
'ABC'.BT_Int -> 'ABC'.FillI_b
+genToAStack :: Expression -> Gen ()
+genToAStack (Literal (BLit b)) = tell [ 'ABC'.Raw $ "\tbuildB\t" <+ toABCBool b ] *> growStack {zero & asize=1}
+where toABCBool = toString o map toUpper o fromString o toString
+genToAStack (Literal (ILit i)) = tell [ 'ABC'.Raw $ "\tbuildI\t" <+ i ] *> growStack {zero & asize=1}
+genToAStack e = getType e >>= \t -> case typeSize t of
+ {bsize=0} -> gen e
+ {btypes} -> gen e <* comment "To A-stack" <* mapM BtoAStack btypes <* comment "Done to A-stack"
comment :: String -> Gen ()
comment s = tell ['ABC'.Comment s]