diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-07-18 21:01:57 +0000
committerCamil Staps2017-07-18 21:01:57 +0000
commitcf21e431661a2f0009f05113fb23243a253e62de (patch)
parentFix stack sizes (diff)
Add +, -, *, /, %, ~
5 files changed, 129 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/ABCMachine b/ABCMachine
-Subproject 3cf27f6916409d1203aea8cb0a685ae8e983f02
+Subproject c0dfbd7ca37ae769d87ae99c1a6a8443a2a8851
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index baeb2fd..2609f7c 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
implementation module Sil.Compile
+import StdEnum
+from StdFunc import o
import StdList
import StdString
@@ -38,19 +40,21 @@ compile prog = case evalRWST (gen prog) () zero of
:: CompileState =
- { labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
- , addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
- , symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
- , returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
+ { labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
+ , addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
+ , symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
+ , returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
+ , stackoffset :: Int
instance zero CompileState
zero =
- { labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
- , addresses = 'M'.newMap
- , symbols = 'M'.newMap
- , returns = []
+ { labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
+ , addresses = 'M'.newMap
+ , symbols = 'M'.newMap
+ , returns = []
+ , stackoffset = 0
labels :: CompileState -> ['ABC'.Label]
@@ -77,6 +81,9 @@ popReturn cs = {cs & returns=tl cs.returns}
peekReturn :: CompileState -> 'ABC'.Assembler
peekReturn cs = hd cs.returns
+stackoffset :: CompileState -> Int
+stackoffset cs = cs.stackoffset
:: Gen a :== RWST () 'ABC'.Assembler CompileState (MaybeError CompileError) a
fresh :: Gen 'ABC'.Label
@@ -93,6 +100,12 @@ addFunction f = modify (\cs -> {cs & symbols='M'.put f.f_name {fs_arity=length f
cleanup :: Gen ()
cleanup = gets peekReturn >>= tell
+growStack :: Int -> Gen ()
+growStack n = modify (\cs -> {cs & stackoffset=cs.stackoffset + n})
+shrinkStack :: (Int -> Gen ())
+shrinkStack = growStack o ((-) 0)
class gen a :: a -> Gen ()
instance gen Program
@@ -159,18 +172,21 @@ where
Just i -> comment (toString st) *> gen app *>
tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 $ i+1, 'ABC'.Pop_a 1]
_ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
- gen (Application app) = comment "Application" *> gen app
+ gen (Application app) = comment "Application" *> gen app *> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a 1]
gen (Return (Just app)) = comment "Return" *> gen app *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
gen (Return Nothing) = comment "Return" *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
gen (MachineStm s) = tell ['ABC'.Raw s]
instance gen Application
- gen (Name n) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
- Just i -> tell ['ABC'.Push_a i]
- _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
- gen (Literal (BLit b)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillB b 0]
- gen (Literal (ILit i)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillI i 0]
+ gen (Name n) =
+ gets stackoffset >>= \so ->
+ gets addresses >>= \addrs ->
+ case 'M'.get n addrs of
+ Just i -> tell ['ABC'.Push_a $ i + so] *> growStack 1
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ gen (Literal (BLit b)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillB b 0] *> growStack 1
+ gen (Literal (ILit i)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillI i 0] *> growStack 1
gen (App n args) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
Just i -> liftT $ Error FunctionOnStack
_ -> gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'M'.get n syms of
@@ -180,8 +196,49 @@ where
tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot fs.fs_arity []
, 'ABC'.Jsr n
, 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot 1 []
- ]
+ ] *>
+ shrinkStack fs.fs_arity
_ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ gen (BuiltinApp op arg) = gen arg *> gen op *> growStack 1
+ gen (BuiltinApp2 e1 op e2) = mapM gen [e1,e2] *> gen op *> growStack 1
+instance gen Op1
+ gen op =
+ toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Int 1 *>
+ tell [instr] *>
+ BtoAStack 'ABC'.BT_Int
+ where
+ instr = case op of
+ Neg -> 'ABC'.NegI
+instance gen Op2
+ gen op =
+ toBStack 'ABC'.BT_Int 2 *>
+ tell [instr] *>
+ BtoAStack 'ABC'.BT_Int
+ where
+ instr = case op of
+ Add -> 'ABC'.AddI
+ Sub -> 'ABC'.SubI
+ Mul -> 'ABC'.MulI
+ Div -> 'ABC'.DivI
+ Rem -> 'ABC'.RemI
+toBStack :: 'ABC'.BasicType Int -> Gen ()
+toBStack t n = tell [push i \\ i <- [0..n-1]] *> tell ['ABC'.Pop_a (n-1)]
+ push = case t of
+ 'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.PushB_a
+ 'ABC'.BT_Int -> 'ABC'.PushI_a
+BtoAStack :: 'ABC'.BasicType -> Gen ()
+BtoAStack t = tell [fill 0 0, 'ABC'.Pop_b 1]
+ fill = case t of
+ 'ABC'.BT_Bool -> 'ABC'.FillB_b
+ 'ABC'.BT_Int -> 'ABC'.FillI_b
comment :: String -> Gen ()
comment s = tell ['ABC'.Comment s]
diff --git a/Sil/Parse.dcl b/Sil/Parse.dcl
index a2f92cb..6febca5 100644
--- a/Sil/Parse.dcl
+++ b/Sil/Parse.dcl
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ from Sil.Syntax import :: Program, :: Literal
| TComma //* ,
| TSemicolon //* ;
| TAssign //* :=
+ | TTilde //* ~
+ | TPlus //* +
+ | TMinus //* -
+ | TStar //* *
+ | TSlash //* /
+ | TPercent //* %
| TLit Literal //* True; False; integers
| TIf //* if
| TWhile //* while
diff --git a/Sil/Parse.icl b/Sil/Parse.icl
index 925423c..ec25c1f 100644
--- a/Sil/Parse.icl
+++ b/Sil/Parse.icl
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ where
toString TComma = ","
toString TSemicolon = ";"
toString TAssign = ":="
+ toString TTilde = "~"
+ toString TPlus = "+"
+ toString TMinus = "-"
+ toString TStar = "*"
+ toString TSlash = "/"
+ toString TPercent = "%"
toString (TLit l) = toString l
toString TIf = "if"
toString TWhile = "while"
@@ -67,6 +73,12 @@ where
tks ['}':r] t = tks r [TBraceClose:t]
tks [',':r] t = tks r [TComma :t]
tks [';':r] t = tks r [TSemicolon :t]
+ tks ['~':r] t = tks r [TTilde :t]
+ tks ['+':r] t = tks r [TPlus :t]
+ tks ['-':r] t = tks r [TMinus :t]
+ tks ['*':r] t = tks r [TStar :t]
+ tks ['/':r] t = tks r [TSlash :t]
+ tks ['%':r] t = tks r [TPercent :t]
tks [':':'=':r] t = tks r [TAssign :t]
tks ['i':'f' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TIf :t]
tks ['w':'h':'i':'l':'e' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TWhile :t]
@@ -131,12 +143,6 @@ where
declaration :: Parser Token Statement
declaration = liftM2 Declaration name (item TAssign *> application)
- application :: Parser Token Application
- application
- = liftM2 App name (item TParenOpen *> seplist TComma application <* item TParenClose)
- <|> liftM Literal literal
- <|> liftM Name name
return :: Parser Token Statement
return = liftM Return (item TReturn *> optional application)
@@ -144,6 +150,33 @@ where
machinecode = (\(TMachineCode s) -> MachineStm s) <$> satisfy isMachineCode
where isMachineCode (TMachineCode _) = True; isMachineCode _ = False
+application :: Parser Token Application
+ = leftAssoc
+ ( op TPlus Add
+ <|> op TMinus Sub
+ )
+ $ leftAssoc
+ ( op TStar Mul
+ <|> op TSlash Div
+ <|> op TPercent Rem
+ )
+ $ noInfix
+ op :: Token Op2 -> Parser Token Op2
+ op token operator = item token *> pure operator
+ leftAssoc :: (Parser Token Op2) (Parser Token Application) -> Parser Token Application
+ leftAssoc opp appp = appp >>= \e1 -> many (opp >>= \op -> appp >>= \e -> pure (op,e))
+ >>= foldM (\e (op,e2) -> pure $ BuiltinApp2 e op e2) e1
+ noInfix :: Parser Token Application
+ noInfix
+ = liftM2 App name (item TParenOpen *> seplist TComma application <* item TParenClose)
+ <|> liftM (BuiltinApp Neg) (item TTilde *> noInfix)
+ <|> liftM Literal literal
+ <|> liftM Name name
name :: Parser Token Name
name = liftM (\(TName s) -> s) $ satisfy isName <?> Expected "name"
diff --git a/Sil/Syntax.dcl b/Sil/Syntax.dcl
index 3fdb8f1..d6662ef 100644
--- a/Sil/Syntax.dcl
+++ b/Sil/Syntax.dcl
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@ from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
= Name Name
| Literal Literal
| App Name [Application]
+ | BuiltinApp Op1 Application
+ | BuiltinApp2 Application Op2 Application
+:: Op1
+ = Neg //* ~
+:: Op2
+ = Add //* +
+ | Sub //* -
+ | Mul //* *
+ | Div //* /
+ | Rem //* %
:: Type
= TBool