diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-07-17 21:48:37 +0000
committerCamil Staps2017-07-17 21:48:37 +0000
commit9f95fa78463d7e6b047485bdce28f1a970a45fd2 (patch)
Initial commit
16 files changed, 765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fec853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Clean System Files/
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b761d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "ABCMachine"]
+ path = ABCMachine
+ url = https://github.com/camilstaps/ABCMachine
diff --git a/ABCMachine b/ABCMachine
new file mode 160000
+Subproject c83e5d354b9c66491e707f3d6580709fd68a11c
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5291f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+CLMFLAGS:=-nt -nr\
+ -I $$CLEAN_HOME/lib/Generics\
+ -I $$CLEAN_HOME/lib/Platform\
+ -I ABCMachine
+.PHONY: all clean
+all: $(BIN)
+ $(CLM) $(CLMFLAGS) $@ -o $@
+ $(RM) -r 'Clean System Files' $(BIN)
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.dcl b/Sil/Compile.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6407b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Compile.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+definition module Sil.Compile
+from StdFile import class <<<
+from StdOverloaded import class toString
+from Data.Error import :: MaybeError
+from ABC.Assembler import :: Assembler, :: Statement, instance <<< Assembler
+from Sil.Syntax import :: Program, :: Name
+:: CompileError
+ = UndefinedName Name
+ | VariableLabel
+ | FunctionOnStack
+ | UnknownError
+instance toString CompileError
+compile :: Program -> MaybeError CompileError Assembler
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4313c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+implementation module Sil.Compile
+import StdList
+import StdString
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.RWST
+import Control.Monad.Trans
+import Data.Error
+from Data.Func import $
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Monoid
+from Text import <+
+import qualified ABC.Assembler as ABC
+import Sil.Syntax
+instance toString CompileError
+ toString (UndefinedName n) = "Undefined name '" <+ n <+ "'."
+ toString VariableLabel = "Variable stored at label."
+ toString FunctionOnStack = "Function stored on the stack."
+ toString UnknownError = "Unknown error."
+compile :: Program -> MaybeError CompileError 'ABC'.Assembler
+compile prog = case evalRWST start () zero of
+ Error e -> Error e
+ Ok (_,p) -> Ok p
+ start = mapM_ gen prog.p_funs
+:: Address
+ = LabelAddr String
+ | StackAddr Int
+:: CompileState =
+ { labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
+ , addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
+ }
+instance zero CompileState
+ zero =
+ { labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
+ , addresses = 'M'.newMap
+ }
+labels :: CompileState -> ['ABC'.Label]
+labels cs = cs.labels
+addresses :: CompileState -> 'M'.Map Name Address
+addresses cs = cs.addresses
+:: Gen a :== RWST () 'ABC'.Assembler CompileState (MaybeError CompileError) a
+fresh :: Gen 'ABC'.Label
+fresh = gets labels
+ >>= \labs -> modify (\cs -> {cs & labels=tl labs})
+ *> pure (hd labs)
+reserveVar :: Int Name -> Gen Int
+reserveVar i n = modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n (StackAddr i) cs.addresses}) *> pure (i + 1)
+class gen a :: a -> Gen ()
+instance gen Function
+ gen f = tell ['ABC'.Label f.f_name] *> gen f.f_code
+instance gen CodeBlock
+ gen cb = foldM reserveVar 1 [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
+ mapM_ gen cb.cb_init *>
+ mapM_ gen cb.cb_content
+instance gen Initialisation
+ gen init = comment ("Initialise " <+ init.init_name) *> tell ['ABC'.Create]
+instance gen Statement
+ gen (Declaration n app) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
+ Just (StackAddr i) -> comment "Declaration" *> gen app *> tell ['ABC'.Fill_a 0 i]
+ Just (LabelAddr _) -> liftT $ Error VariableLabel
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ gen (Application app) = comment "Application" *> gen app
+ gen (Return (Just app)) = comment "Return" *> gen app *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
+ gen (Return Nothing) = comment "Return" *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
+instance gen Application
+ gen (Name n) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
+ Just (StackAddr i) -> comment "Retrieve name" *> tell ['ABC'.Push_a i]
+ Just (LabelAddr _) -> liftT $ Error VariableLabel
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ gen (Literal (BLit b)) = comment "Literal" *> tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillB b 0]
+ gen (Literal (ILit i)) = comment "Literal" *> tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillI i 0]
+ gen (App n args) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
+ Just (LabelAddr l) ->
+ comment "Retrieve arguments" *> mapM gen args *>
+ comment "Apply function" *> tell ['ABC'.Jsr l]
+ Just (StackAddr _) -> liftT $ Error FunctionOnStack
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+comment :: String -> Gen ()
+comment s = tell ['ABC'.Comment s]
diff --git a/Sil/Parse.dcl b/Sil/Parse.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48fdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Parse.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+definition module Sil.Parse
+from StdOverloaded import class ==, class toString
+from Data.Error import :: MaybeError
+from Sil.Parse.Parser import class name
+from Sil.Syntax import :: Program, :: Literal
+:: Token
+ = TParenOpen //* (
+ | TParenClose //* )
+ | TBraceOpen //* {
+ | TBraceClose //* }
+ | TComma //* ,
+ | TSemicolon //* ;
+ | TAssign //* :=
+ | TLit Literal //* True; False; integers
+ | TIf //* if
+ | TWhile //* while
+ | TReturn //* return
+ | TName String //* a string
+instance == Token
+instance toString Token
+instance name Token
+:: ParseError
+ = E.a: Invalid String a & toString a
+ | Expected String
+ | UnknownError
+instance toString ParseError
+tokenise :: [Char] -> MaybeError ParseError [Token]
+parse :: ([Token] -> MaybeError ParseError Program)
diff --git a/Sil/Parse.icl b/Sil/Parse.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d733d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Parse.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+implementation module Sil.Parse
+import StdBool
+import StdChar
+from StdFunc import o
+import StdInt
+import StdList
+import StdString
+import StdTuple
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Error
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.Maybe
+from Text import <+
+import GenEq
+import Sil.Parse.Parser
+import Sil.Syntax
+import Sil.Util
+derive gEq Token, Literal
+instance == Token where == a b = gEq{|*|} a b
+instance toString Token
+ toString TParenOpen = "("
+ toString TParenClose = ")"
+ toString TBraceOpen = "{"
+ toString TBraceClose = "}"
+ toString TComma = ","
+ toString TSemicolon = ";"
+ toString TAssign = ":="
+ toString (TLit l) = toString l
+ toString TIf = "if"
+ toString TWhile = "while"
+ toString TReturn = "return"
+ toString (TName s) = s
+instance name Token
+ name (TLit _) = "literal"
+ name (TName _) = "name"
+ name t = toString t
+instance toString ParseError
+ toString (Invalid loc sym) = "Invalid token '" <+ sym <+ "' while parsing a " <+ loc <+ "."
+ toString (Expected s) = "Expected " <+ s <+ "."
+ toString UnknownError = "Unknown error."
+tokenise :: [Char] -> MaybeError ParseError [Token]
+tokenise cs = reverse <$> tks cs []
+ tks :: [Char] [Token] -> MaybeError ParseError [Token]
+ tks [] t = pure t
+ tks ['(':r] t = tks r [TParenOpen :t]
+ tks [')':r] t = tks r [TParenClose:t]
+ tks ['{':r] t = tks r [TBraceOpen :t]
+ tks ['}':r] t = tks r [TBraceClose:t]
+ tks [',':r] t = tks r [TComma :t]
+ tks [';':r] t = tks r [TSemicolon :t]
+ tks [':':'=':r] t = tks r [TAssign :t]
+ tks ['i':'f' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TIf :t]
+ tks ['w':'h':'i':'l':'e' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TWhile :t]
+ tks ['r':'e':'t':'u':'r':'n':s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TReturn:t]
+ tks ['T':'r':'u':'e' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TLit $ BLit True:t]
+ tks ['F':'a':'l':'s':'e' :s:r] t | isSpace s = tks r [TLit $ BLit False:t]
+ tks cs=:[h:_] t
+ | isSpace h = tks (dropWhile isSpace cs) t
+ | isDigit h = tks numrest [TLit $ ILit $ toInt $ toString num:t]
+ | not (isNameChar h) = Error $ Invalid "name" h
+ | otherwise = tks namerest [TName $ toString name:t]
+ where
+ (name,namerest) = span isNameChar cs
+ (num,numrest) = span isDigit cs
+ isNameChar :: (Char -> Bool)
+ isNameChar = isAlpha
+parse :: ([Token] -> MaybeError ParseError Program)
+parse = fst o runParser program
+program :: Parser Token Program
+program = (\fs -> {p_funs=fs}) <$> some function <* eof
+function :: Parser Token Function
+function =
+ type >>= \t ->
+ name >>= \n ->
+ item TParenOpen >>= \_ ->
+ seplist TComma arg >>= \args ->
+ item TParenClose >>= \_ ->
+ item TBraceOpen >>= \_ ->
+ codeblock >>= \cb ->
+ item TBraceClose >>= \_ -> pure
+ { f_type = t
+ , f_name = n
+ , f_args = args
+ , f_code = cb
+ }
+codeblock :: Parser Token CodeBlock
+codeblock = many initialisation >>= \i ->
+ many statement >>= \s ->
+ pure {cb_init=i, cb_content=s}
+initialisation :: Parser Token Initialisation
+initialisation =
+ type >>= \t ->
+ name >>= \n ->
+ item TSemicolon >>= \_ ->
+ pure {init_type=t, init_name=n}
+statement :: Parser Token Statement
+statement = (declaration
+ <|> liftM Application application
+ <|> return
+/* <|> if`
+ <|> while*/) <* item TSemicolon
+ declaration :: Parser Token Statement
+ declaration = liftM2 Declaration name (item TAssign *> application)
+ application :: Parser Token Application
+ application
+ = liftM2 App name (item TParenOpen *> seplist TComma application <* item TParenClose)
+ <|> liftM Literal literal
+ <|> liftM Name name
+ return :: Parser Token Statement
+ return = liftM Return (item TReturn *> optional application)
+name :: Parser Token Name
+name = liftM (\(TName s) -> s) $ satisfy isName <?> Expected "name"
+ isName (TName _) = True
+ isName _ = False
+arg :: Parser Token Arg
+arg = (type >>= \type -> name >>= \name -> pure {arg_type=type, arg_name=name})
+ <?> Expected "argument"
+type :: Parser Token Type
+ = type "Bool" TBool
+ <|> type "Int" TInt
+ <|> type "Void" TVoid
+ <?> Expected "type"
+ type s t = item (TName s) *> pure t
+literal :: Parser Token Literal
+literal = satisfy isLit >>= \(TLit lit) -> pure lit
+ isLit :: Token -> Bool
+ isLit (TLit _) = True
+ isLit _ = False
diff --git a/Sil/Parse/Parser.dcl b/Sil/Parse/Parser.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdeaf49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Parse/Parser.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+definition module Sil.Parse.Parser
+from StdOverloaded import class ==
+from Control.Applicative import class Applicative, class Alternative
+from Control.Monad import class Monad
+from Data.Error import :: MaybeError
+from Data.Functor import class Functor
+from Sil.Parse import :: ParseError
+:: Parser a b = Parser ([a] -> (MaybeError ParseError b, [a]))
+instance Functor (Parser a)
+instance Applicative (Parser a)
+instance Monad (Parser a)
+instance Alternative (Parser a)
+class name a :: a -> String
+instance name String
+runParser :: (Parser a b) [a] -> (MaybeError ParseError b, [a])
+(<?>) :: (Parser a b) ParseError -> Parser a b
+fail :: Parser a b
+top :: Parser a a
+peek :: Parser a a
+satisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+check :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+(until) infix 2 :: (Parser a b) (Parser a c) -> Parser a [b]
+item :: a -> Parser a a | ==, name a
+list :: [a] -> Parser a [a] | ==, name a
+seplist :: a (Parser a b) -> Parser a [b] | ==, name a
+eof :: Parser a ()
diff --git a/Sil/Parse/Parser.icl b/Sil/Parse/Parser.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52956a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Parse/Parser.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+implementation module Sil.Parse.Parser
+import StdList
+import StdOverloaded
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Error
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.List
+import Sil.Parse
+instance Functor (Parser a) where
+ fmap f m = liftM f m
+instance Applicative (Parser a) where
+ pure a = Parser \i -> (Ok a, i)
+ (<*>) sf p = ap sf p
+instance Monad (Parser a) where
+ bind p f = Parser \i -> case runParser p i of
+ (Ok r, rest) -> runParser (f r) rest
+ (Error e, _) -> (Error e, i)
+instance Alternative (Parser a) where
+ empty = Parser \i -> (Error UnknownError, i)
+ (<|>) p1 p2 = Parser \i -> case runParser p1 i of
+ (Ok r, rest) -> (Ok r, rest)
+ (Error e1, rest) -> case runParser p2 i of
+ (Error e2, rest) -> (Error e2, i)
+ (Ok r, rest) -> (Ok r, rest)
+instance name String where name s = s
+runParser :: (Parser a b) [a] -> (MaybeError ParseError b, [a])
+runParser (Parser f) i = f i
+(<?>) :: (Parser a b) ParseError -> Parser a b
+(<?>) p e = Parser \i -> case runParser p i of
+ (Error _, rest) -> (Error e, rest)
+ o -> o
+fail :: Parser a b
+fail = empty
+top :: Parser a a
+top = Parser \i -> case i of
+ [] = (Error UnknownError, [])
+ [x:xs] = (Ok x, xs)
+peek :: Parser a a
+peek = Parser \i -> case i of
+ [] = (Error UnknownError, [])
+ [x:xs] = (Ok x, [x:xs])
+satisfy :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+satisfy f = top >>= \r -> if (f r) (pure r) fail
+check :: (a -> Bool) -> Parser a a
+check f = peek >>= \r -> if (f r) (pure r) fail
+(until) infix 2 :: (Parser a b) (Parser a c) -> Parser a [b]
+(until) p guard = try $ until` p guard []
+ until` :: (Parser a b) (Parser a c) [b] -> Parser a [b]
+ until` p guard acc = Parser \i -> case runParser guard i of
+ (Ok _, rest) -> (Ok acc, rest)
+ (Error _, _) -> case runParser p i of
+ (Ok r, rest) -> runParser (until` p guard [r:acc]) rest
+ (Error e, _) -> (Error e, i)
+ try :: (Parser a b) -> Parser a b
+ try p = Parser \i -> case runParser p i of
+ (Error e, _) -> (Error e, i)
+ (Ok r, rest) -> (Ok r, rest)
+item :: a -> Parser a a | ==, name a
+item a = satisfy ((==) a) <?> Expected (name a)
+list :: [a] -> Parser a [a] | ==, name a
+list as = mapM item as
+seplist :: a (Parser a b) -> Parser a [b] | ==, name a
+seplist sep p = liftM2 (\es e-> es ++ [e]) (some (p <* item sep)) p
+ <|> liftM pure p
+ <|> pure empty
+eof :: Parser a ()
+eof = Parser \i -> case i of
+ [] = (Ok (), [])
+ _ = (Error $ Expected "eof", i)
diff --git a/Sil/Syntax.dcl b/Sil/Syntax.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b7ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Syntax.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+definition module Sil.Syntax
+from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
+:: Program =
+ { p_funs :: [Function]
+ }
+:: Function =
+ { f_type :: Type
+ , f_name :: Name
+ , f_args :: [Arg]
+ , f_code :: CodeBlock
+ }
+:: CodeBlock =
+ { cb_init :: [Initialisation]
+ , cb_content :: [Statement]
+ }
+:: Arg =
+ { arg_type :: Type
+ , arg_name :: Name
+ }
+:: Initialisation =
+ { init_type :: Type
+ , init_name :: Name
+ }
+:: Statement
+ = Declaration Name Application
+ | Application Application
+ | Return (Maybe Application)
+ | If Application CodeBlock (Maybe CodeBlock)
+ | While Application CodeBlock
+:: Application
+ = Name Name
+ | Literal Literal
+ | App Name [Application]
+:: Type
+ = TBool
+ | TInt
+ | TVoid
+:: Literal
+ = BLit Bool
+ | ILit Int
+:: Name :== String
diff --git a/Sil/Syntax.icl b/Sil/Syntax.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..522412b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Syntax.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+implementation module Sil.Syntax
diff --git a/Sil/Util.dcl b/Sil/Util.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d6803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Util.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+definition module Sil.Util
+from StdOverloaded import class toString, class zero
+from Sil.Parse import :: Token
+from Sil.Syntax import :: Program, :: Function, :: CodeBlock,
+ :: Initialisation, :: Statement, :: Type, :: Application, :: Literal
+:: PrintState
+instance zero PrintState
+class PrettyPrinter t where
+ print :: PrintState t -> String
+instance PrettyPrinter [Token]
+instance PrettyPrinter Program
+instance PrettyPrinter Function
+instance PrettyPrinter CodeBlock
+instance PrettyPrinter Initialisation
+instance PrettyPrinter Statement
+instance toString Type
+instance toString Application
+instance toString Literal
diff --git a/Sil/Util.icl b/Sil/Util.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d8928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sil/Util.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+implementation module Sil.Util
+import _SystemArray
+import StdEnum
+from StdFunc import id
+import StdInt
+import StdList
+import StdOverloaded
+import StdString
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Text
+import Sil.Parse
+import Sil.Syntax
+:: PrintState =
+ { indent :: Int
+ }
+instance zero PrintState where zero = {indent=0}
+instance toString PrintState where toString st = {'\t' \\ _ <- [1..st.indent]}
+instance PrettyPrinter [Token]
+ print st [] = ""
+ print st [t] = toString t
+ print st [t:ts=:[t`:_]] = toString t +++ spaceBetween t t` +++ print st` ts
+ where
+ st` = {st & indent=indent`}
+ indent` = newIndent t t` st.indent
+ spaceBetween :: Token Token -> String
+ spaceBetween _ TBraceClose = newline
+ spaceBetween TParenOpen _ = ""
+ spaceBetween TParenClose TBraceOpen = space
+ spaceBetween TParenClose _ = ""
+ spaceBetween TBraceOpen _ = newline
+ spaceBetween TBraceClose _ = newline
+ spaceBetween TComma _ = space
+ spaceBetween TSemicolon _ = newline
+ spaceBetween TAssign _ = space
+ spaceBetween (TLit _) _ = space
+ spaceBetween TIf _ = space
+ spaceBetween TWhile _ = space
+ spaceBetween TReturn _ = space
+ spaceBetween (TName _) TParenClose = ""
+ spaceBetween (TName _) TSemicolon = ""
+ spaceBetween (TName _) _ = space
+ newline = "\r\n" +++ {'\t' \\ _ <- [1..indent`]}
+ space = " "
+ newIndent :: Token Token -> Int -> Int
+ newIndent TBraceOpen _ = inc
+ newIndent _ TBraceClose = dec
+ newIndent _ _ = id
+instance PrettyPrinter Program
+ print st prog = p st prog.p_funs
+ where
+ p :: PrintState [Function] -> String
+ p _ [] = ""
+ p st [f] = print st f
+ p st [f:fs] = print st f <+ "\r\n\r\n" <+ p st fs
+instance PrettyPrinter Function
+ print st f = st <+ f.f_type <+ " " <+ f.f_name
+ <+ "(" <+ printersperse ", " f.f_args <+ ") {\r\n"
+ <+ print {st & indent=st.indent+1} f.f_code <+ "\r\n" <+ st <+ "}"
+instance PrettyPrinter CodeBlock
+ print st cb = concat $ intersperse "\r\n" $
+ [print st x \\ x <- cb.cb_init] ++ [print st x \\ x <- cb.cb_content]
+instance PrettyPrinter Initialisation
+ print st init = st <+ init.init_type <+ " " <+ init.init_name <+ ";"
+instance PrettyPrinter Statement
+ print st (Declaration n a) = st <+ n <+ " " <+ TAssign <+ " " <+ a <+ ";"
+ print st (Application app) = st <+ app <+ ";"
+ print st (Return Nothing) = st <+ "return;"
+ print st (Return (Just a)) = st <+ "return " <+ a <+ ";"
+ print st _ = st <+ "<<unimplemented Statement>>"
+instance toString Type
+ toString TBool = "Bool"
+ toString TInt = "Int"
+ toString TVoid = "Void"
+instance toString Arg where toString arg = arg.arg_type <+ " " <+ arg.arg_name
+instance toString Application
+ toString (Name n) = n
+ toString (Literal lit) = toString lit
+ toString (App n args) = n <+ "(" <+ printersperse ", " args <+ ")"
+instance toString Literal
+ toString (BLit b) = toString b
+ toString (ILit i) = toString i
+printersperse :: a [b] -> String | toString a & toString b
+printersperse _ [] = ""
+printersperse _ [x] = toString x
+printersperse g [x:xs] = x <+ g <+ printersperse g xs
diff --git a/sil.icl b/sil.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca0c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sil.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+module sil
+import StdBool
+import StdChar
+import StdFile
+from StdFunc import o, seq
+import StdList
+import StdOverloaded
+import StdString
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Error
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Functor
+import System.CommandLine
+import System.File
+import ABC.Assembler
+import qualified Sil.Compile as SC
+from Sil.Compile import :: CompileError, instance toString CompileError
+import Sil.Parse
+import Sil.Parse.Parser
+from Sil.Syntax import :: Program
+from Sil.Util import :: PrintState, instance zero PrintState,
+ class PrettyPrinter(..), instance PrettyPrinter Program
+:: CLI =
+ { prettyprint :: Bool
+ , compile :: Bool
+ , inputfile :: String
+ }
+instance zero CLI
+ zero =
+ { prettyprint = False
+ , compile = False
+ , inputfile = ""
+ }
+Start w
+# (io,w) = stdio w
+# (cmd,w) = getCommandLine w
+# (args,_) = runParser (arg until eof) $ tl cmd
+| isError args
+ # io = io <<< toString (fromError args) <<< "\r\n"
+ # (_,w) = fclose io w
+ = w
+# args = seq (fromOk args) zero
+# (file,w) = readFile args.inputfile w
+| isError file
+ # io = io <<< "Could not open '" <<< args.inputfile <<< "'.\r\n"
+ # (_,w) = fclose io w
+ = w
+# prog = tokenise (fromString $ fromOk file) >>= parse
+| isError prog
+ # io = io <<< toString (fromError prog) <<< "\r\n"
+ # (_,w) = fclose io w
+ = w
+# io = if args.prettyprint
+ (io <<< print zero (fromOk prog) <<< "\r\n")
+ io
+# io = if args.compile
+ (io <<< ('SC'.compile (fromOk prog)) <<< "\r\n")
+ io
+# (_,w) = fclose io w
+= w
+ arg :: Parser String (CLI -> CLI)
+ arg = peek >>= \opt ->
+ ( item "--pretty-print" *> pure (\cli -> {cli & prettyprint=True})
+ <|> item "--compile" *> pure (\cli -> {cli & compile=True})
+ <|> (satisfy isFilename >>= \name -> pure (\cli -> {cli & inputfile=name}))
+ <?> Invalid "command line argument" opt
+ )
+ isFilename :: (String -> Bool)
+ isFilename = all (\c -> isAlphanum c || isMember c ['.']) o fromString
+instance <<< (MaybeError e a) | <<< e & <<< a
+ <<< f (Ok a) = f <<< a
+ <<< f (Error e) = f <<< e
+instance <<< CompileError where <<< f e = f <<< toString e
diff --git a/test.sil b/test.sil
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6b371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.sil
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Int main () {
+ Int x;
+ x := 100;
+ return x;