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authorCamil Staps2017-07-18 08:59:09 +0000
committerCamil Staps2017-07-18 08:59:09 +0000
commit0d976dcc8232376f0107c9c7104d73538f3197d5 (patch)
parentFix some incorrect ABC instructions (diff)
Compiling seems to work
2 files changed, 89 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/ABCMachine b/ABCMachine
-Subproject c83e5d354b9c66491e707f3d6580709fd68a11c
+Subproject bfd43976b9afa83b7625e9c2491b21af3d61198
diff --git a/Sil/Compile.icl b/Sil/Compile.icl
index 495f277..fc9bc9b 100644
--- a/Sil/Compile.icl
+++ b/Sil/Compile.icl
@@ -27,19 +27,21 @@ where
toString UnknownError = "Unknown error."
compile :: Program -> MaybeError CompileError 'ABC'.Assembler
-compile prog = case evalRWST start () zero of
+compile prog = case evalRWST (gen prog) () zero of
Error e -> Error e
Ok (_,p) -> Ok p
- start = mapM_ gen prog.p_funs
-:: Address
- = LabelAddr String
- | StackAddr Int
+:: Address :== Int
+:: FunctionSymbol =
+ { fs_arity :: Int
+ }
:: CompileState =
{ labels :: ['ABC'.Label]
, addresses :: 'M'.Map Name Address
+ , symbols :: 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
+ , returns :: ['ABC'.Assembler]
instance zero CompileState
@@ -47,6 +49,8 @@ where
zero =
{ labels = ["_l" <+ i \\ i <- [0..]]
, addresses = 'M'.newMap
+ , symbols = 'M'.newMap
+ , returns = []
labels :: CompileState -> ['ABC'.Label]
@@ -55,6 +59,18 @@ labels cs = cs.labels
addresses :: CompileState -> 'M'.Map Name Address
addresses cs = cs.addresses
+symbols :: CompileState -> 'M'.Map Name FunctionSymbol
+symbols cs = cs.symbols
+newReturn :: 'ABC'.Assembler CompileState -> CompileState
+newReturn ret cs = {cs & returns=[ret:cs.returns]}
+popReturn :: CompileState -> CompileState
+popReturn cs = {cs & returns=tl cs.returns}
+peekReturn :: CompileState -> 'ABC'.Assembler
+peekReturn cs = hd cs.returns
:: Gen a :== RWST () 'ABC'.Assembler CompileState (MaybeError CompileError) a
fresh :: Gen 'ABC'.Label
@@ -63,19 +79,66 @@ fresh = gets labels
*> pure (hd labs)
reserveVar :: Int Name -> Gen Int
-reserveVar i n = modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n (StackAddr i) cs.addresses}) *> pure (i+1)
+reserveVar i n = modify (\cs -> {cs & addresses='M'.put n i cs.addresses}) *> pure (i+1)
+addFunction :: Function -> Gen ()
+addFunction f = modify (\cs -> {cs & symbols='M'.put f.f_name {fs_arity=length f.f_args} cs.symbols})
+cleanup :: Gen ()
+cleanup = gets peekReturn >>= tell
class gen a :: a -> Gen ()
+instance gen Program
+ gen p =
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.RawAnnot ["comp", "920", "01011101001"]
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.RawAnnot ["start", "__sil_boot"]
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.RawAnnot ["endinfo"]
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.RawAnnot ["module", "m_sil_compiled", "\"sil_compiled\""]
+ , 'ABC'.Label "__sil_boot"
+ , 'ABC'.Create
+ , 'ABC'.Fill "_" 0 "main" 0
+ , 'ABC'.Jmp "_driver"
+ ] *>
+ mapM_ addFunction p.p_funs *>
+ mapM_ gen p.p_funs
instance gen Function
- gen f = tell ['ABC'.Label f.f_name] *> gen f.f_code
+ gen f =
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot args []
+ , 'ABC'.Label f.f_name
+ ] *>
+ foldM reserveVar (length f.f_code.cb_init) [a.arg_name \\ a <- reverse f.f_args] *>
+ modify (newReturn cleanup) *>
+ gen f.f_code *>
+ modify popReturn
+ where
+ cleanup = case f.f_args of
+ [] -> [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot 1 []
+ ]
+ _ -> [ 'ABC'.Comment "Cleanup"
+ , 'ABC'.Update_a 0 args
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_a args
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot 1 []
+ ]
+ args = length f.f_args
instance gen CodeBlock
gen cb = foldM reserveVar 0 [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init] *>
mapM_ gen cb.cb_init *>
- mapM_ gen cb.cb_content
+ mapM_ gen cb.cb_content *>
+ cleanup
+ where
+ cleanup = case cb.cb_init of
+ [] -> tell []
+ _ -> comment "Cleanup" *> tell
+ [ 'ABC'.Update_a 0 locals
+ , 'ABC'.Pop_a locals
+ ]
+ locals = length cb.cb_init
instance gen Initialisation
@@ -84,28 +147,31 @@ where
instance gen Statement
gen st=:(Declaration n app) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
- Just (StackAddr i) -> comment (toString st) *> gen app *>
- tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 $ i+1, 'ABC'.Pop_a 1]
- Just (LabelAddr _) -> liftT $ Error VariableLabel
- _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ Just i -> comment (toString st) *> gen app *>
+ tell ['ABC'.Update_a 0 $ i+1, 'ABC'.Pop_a 1]
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
gen (Application app) = comment "Application" *> gen app
- gen (Return (Just app)) = comment "Return" *> gen app *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
- gen (Return Nothing) = comment "Return" *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
+ gen (Return (Just app)) = comment "Return" *> gen app *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
+ gen (Return Nothing) = comment "Return" *> cleanup *> tell ['ABC'.Rtn]
instance gen Application
gen (Name n) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
- Just (StackAddr i) -> tell ['ABC'.Push_a i]
- Just (LabelAddr _) -> liftT $ Error VariableLabel
- _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ Just i -> tell ['ABC'.Push_a i]
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
gen (Literal (BLit b)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillB b 0]
gen (Literal (ILit i)) = tell ['ABC'.Create, 'ABC'.FillI i 0]
gen (App n args) = gets addresses >>= \addrs -> case 'M'.get n addrs of
- Just (LabelAddr l) ->
- comment "Retrieve arguments" *> mapM gen args *>
- comment "Apply function" *> tell ['ABC'.Jsr l]
- Just (StackAddr _) -> liftT $ Error FunctionOnStack
- _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
+ Just i -> liftT $ Error FunctionOnStack
+ _ -> gets symbols >>= \syms -> case 'M'.get n syms of
+ Just fs ->
+ comment "Retrieve arguments" *> mapM gen args *>
+ comment "Apply function" *>
+ tell [ 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.DAnnot fs.fs_arity []
+ , 'ABC'.Jsr n
+ , 'ABC'.Annotation $ 'ABC'.OAnnot 1 []
+ ]
+ _ -> liftT $ Error $ UndefinedName n
comment :: String -> Gen ()
comment s = tell ['ABC'.Comment s]