implementation module Sil.Check
import StdBool
import StdFile
from StdFunc import flip, o
import StdList
import StdMaybe
import StdOverloaded
import StdString
import StdTuple
import Data.Error
from Data.Func import $, mapSt, seqSt
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple
from Text import <+
import Sil.Error
import Sil.Syntax
import Sil.Types
import Sil.Util.Parser
checkProgram :: *(? *File) Program -> *([Error], * ? *File)
checkProgram err prog
= checkErrors
[ checkFunctionNames
, checkMainFunction
, checkGlobals
] prog
$ appFst flatten $ mapSt (flip checkFunction) prog.p_funs err
checkMainFunction :: Program -> [Error]
checkMainFunction p = case [f \\ f <- p.p_funs | f.f_name == "main"] of
[] -> [Ck_NoMainFunction]
_ -> []
checkFunctionNames :: Program -> [Error]
checkFunctionNames p =
[ Ck_DuplicateFunctionName (errpos $ hd fs) (hd fs).f_name
\\ fs <- tails [f \\ f <- p.p_funs]
| let names = [f.f_name \\ f <- fs]
in not (isEmpty names) && isMember (hd names) (tl names)]
checkGlobals :: Program -> [Error]
checkGlobals p =
[ Ck_BasicGlobal (errpos g) g.init_name
\\ g <- p.p_globals
| (typeSize g.init_type).bsize <> 0]
checkFunction :: *(? *File) Function -> *([Error], * ? *File)
checkFunction err f = checkErrors
[ checkLocals
, checkReturnAndVoid
, checkMainFunctionType
] f
$ noErrors err
checkReturnAndVoid :: Function -> [Error]
checkReturnAndVoid f = case f.f_type of
TVoid -> [Ck_ReturnExpressionFromVoid (errpos st) f.f_name \\ st=:(Return _ (?Just _)) <- allStatements f]
_ -> if (sureToReturn f.f_code) [] [Ck_NoReturnFromNonVoid (errpos f) f.f_name]
sureToReturn :: CodeBlock -> Bool
sureToReturn cb = case cb.cb_content of
[] -> False
sts -> case last sts of
Return _ _ -> True
While _ _ cb` -> sureToReturn cb`
If _ bs (?Just e) -> all sureToReturn [e:map snd bs]
If _ bs ?None -> all (sureToReturn o snd) bs
MachineStm _ _ -> True // Let's assume the user is not stupid
_ -> False
checkMainFunctionType :: Function -> [Error]
checkMainFunctionType {f_name="main",f_args=[]}
= []
checkMainFunctionType f=:{f_name="main"}
= [Ck_MainFunctionInvalidType (errpos f) $ fromOk $ fromJust $ type zero f]
checkMainFunctionType _
= []
checkLocals :: Function -> [Error]
checkLocals f =
checkDupName [a.arg_name \\ a <- f.f_args] f.f_code ++
concatMap checkVoid (allLocals f)
checkDupName :: [Name] CodeBlock -> [Error]
checkDupName defined cb =
[Ck_DuplicateLocalName (errpos f) f.f_name l \\ l <- defined | isMember l locals] ++
concatMap (checkDupName (locals ++ defined)) (underlyingCBs cb)
where locals = [i.init_name \\ i <- cb.cb_init]
underlyingCBs :: CodeBlock -> [CodeBlock]
underlyingCBs cb = concatMap findCBs cb.cb_content
findCBs (Declaration _ _ _) = []
findCBs (Application _ _) = []
findCBs (Return _ _) = []
findCBs (If _ bs (?Just e)) = [e:map snd bs]
findCBs (If _ bs ?None) = map snd bs
findCBs (While _ _ cb) = [cb]
findCBs (MachineStm _ _) = []
checkVoid :: (Type, Name) -> [Error]
checkVoid (TVoid, n) = [Ck_LocalVoid (errpos f) n]
checkVoid _ = []
checkErrors :: [(a -> [Error])] a *([Error], ? *File) -> *([Error], * ? *File)
checkErrors cks x st = seqSt error (concatMap (flip ($) x) cks) st
error :: Error *([Error], * ? *File) -> *([Error], * ? *File)
error e (es, err) = ([e:es], err <?< e)
noErrors :: *(? *File) -> *([Error], * ? *File)
noErrors f = ([], f)
(<?<) infixl :: !*(? *File) !a -> * ? *File | <<< a
(<?<) (?Just f) x = ?Just (f <<< x)
(<?<) ?None _ = ?None