// vim:ts=8:expandtab
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "i3status.h"
* Just parses /proc/net/wireless looking for lines beginning with
* wlan_interface, extracting the quality of the link and adding the
* current IP address of wlan_interface.
const char *get_wireless_info() {
char buf[1024];
static char part[512];
char *interfaces;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(part, 0, sizeof(part));
if (!slurp("/proc/net/wireless", buf, sizeof(buf)))
die("Could not open \"/proc/net/wireless\"\n");
interfaces = skip_character(buf, '\n', 1) + 1;
while ((interfaces = skip_character(interfaces, '\n', 1)+1) < buf+strlen(buf)) {
while (isspace((int)*interfaces))
if (!BEGINS_WITH(interfaces, wlan_interface))
int quality;
if (sscanf(interfaces, "%*[^:]: 0000 %d", &quality) != 1)
if ((quality == UCHAR_MAX) || (quality == 0)) {
if (use_colors)
(void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "%sW: down%s", color("#FF0000"), endcolor());
else (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "W: down");
} else (void)snprintf(part, sizeof(part), "%sW: (%03d%%) %s%s",
color("#00FF00"), quality, get_ip_addr(wlan_interface), endcolor());
return part;
return part;