path: root/contrib/measure-net-speed-i3status.bash
blob: 4eec33beef841864a5163b9cc8f77f80adae262c (plain) (tree)


# Public Domain
# (someone claimed the next lines would be useful for…
#  people. So here goes: © 2012 Stefan Breunig
#  stefan+measure-net-speed@mathphys.fsk.uni-heidelberg.de)

# append i3status output to the measure-net-speed’s one.
# the quote and escape magic is required to get valid
# JSON output, which is expected by i3bar (if you want
# colors, that is. Otherwise plain text would be fine).
# For colors, your i3status.conf should contain:
# general {
#   output_format = i3bar
# }

# i3 config looks like this:
# bar {
#   status_command measure-net-speed-i3status.bash
# }

i3status | (read line && echo $line && read line && echo $line && while :
  read line
  dat="[{ \"full_text\": \"${dat}\" },"
  echo "${line/[/$dat}" || exit 1