path: root/While.dcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'While.dcl')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/While.dcl b/While.dcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab5ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/While.dcl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+definition module While
+from StdOverloaded import class toString
+:: Semantics = NS // Natural Semantics
+ | SOS // Structural Operational Semantics
+// evaluate @arg2 in state @arg3 according to @arg1
+class eval a b :: Semantics a State -> b
+instance eval Stm State
+instance eval Int Int
+instance eval Var Int
+instance eval ArithExpr Int
+instance eval Bool Bool
+instance eval BoolExpr Bool
+instance toString ArithExpr
+instance toString BoolExpr
+instance toString Stm
+instance toString DerivTree
+instance toString DerivSeq
+// Syntax
+:: Stm = Skip // Skip
+ | (:.) infixr 1 Stm Stm // Composition
+ | E.a: (:=) infix 2 Var a // Assignment
+ & eval a Int & toString a
+ | E.a: If a Stm Stm // If
+ & eval a Bool & toString a
+ | E.a: While a Stm // While
+ & eval a Bool & toString a
+:: Var :== Char // Variable
+:: ArithExpr = E.a b: (+) infixl 6 a b // Addition
+ & eval a Int & toString a & eval b Int & toString b
+ | E.a b: (-) infixl 6 a b // Subtraction
+ & eval a Int & eval b Int & toString a & toString b
+ | E.a b: (*) infixl 7 a b // Multiplication
+ & eval a Int & toString a & eval b Int & toString b
+:: BoolExpr = E.a b: (==) infix 4 a b // Equality on ArithExpr
+ & eval a Int & toString a & eval b Int & toString b
+ | E.a b: (<=) infix 4 a b // Ord
+ & eval a Int & toString a & eval b Int & toString b
+ | E.a: ~ a // Negation
+ & eval a Bool & toString a
+ | E.a b: (/\) infixr 3 a b // Conjunction
+ & eval a Bool & toString a & eval b Bool & toString b
+:: State :== Var -> Int
+// Natural Semantics
+:: DerivTree = { stm :: Stm
+ , state :: State
+ , children :: [DerivTree]
+ , result :: State
+ }
+tree :: Stm State -> DerivTree // The derivation tree for @arg1 in state @arg2
+// Structural Operational Semantics
+:: DerivSeqNode = Done State
+ | NDone Stm State
+:: DerivSeq :== [DerivSeqNode]
+seq :: Stm State -> DerivSeq // The derivation seq. for @arg1 in state @arg2