path: root/While.icl
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authorCamil Staps2016-03-30 10:54:45 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-03-30 11:25:31 +0200
commit25681f822f4a965ca38efa47eed9927b0edc75c7 (patch)
tree3d7b1bd603f83f5a5f4faff85939dd397beb67c2 /While.icl
parentReadme: features, headings (diff)
Overloaded state, more boolean ops, unaliased Var
Diffstat (limited to 'While.icl')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/While.icl b/While.icl
index 6d1a613..efa1c92 100644
--- a/While.icl
+++ b/While.icl
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ from StdBool import not, &&, ||
from StdList import hd, last, map, take
from StdMisc import abort
from StdOverloaded import class +++(..), class toString(..)
-from StdString import instance +++ {#Char},
+from StdString import instance +++ {#Char}, instance toString {#Char},
instance toString Int, instance toString Bool, instance toString Char
import _SystemArray
// Evaluation utilities
instance eval Int Int where eval _ i _ = i
-instance eval Var Int where eval _ v st = st v
+instance eval Var Int where eval _ v st = (toState st) v
instance eval ArithExpr Int
eval m (a1 + a2) st = addI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
@@ -23,28 +23,36 @@ instance eval BoolExpr Bool
eval m (a1 == a2) st = eqI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
eval m (a1 <= a2) st = ltI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
- || eqI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
- eval m (~ b) st = not (eval m b st)
+ || eqI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
+ eval m (a1 >= a2) st = eval m (a2 <= a1) st
+ eval m (a1 < a2) st = ltI (eval m a1 st) (eval m a2 st)
+ eval m (a1 > a2) st = eval m (a2 < a1) st
+ eval m (~ b) st = not (eval m b st)
eval m (b1 /\ b2) st = eval m b1 st && eval m b2 st
+ eval m (b1 \/ b2) st = eval m b1 st || eval m b2 st
instance eval Stm State
- eval SOS stm st = let (Done st`) = last (seq stm st) in st`
- eval NS stm st = (tree stm st).result
+ eval SOS stm st = let (Done st`) = last (seq stm (toState st)) in st`
+ eval NS stm st = (tree stm (toState st)).result
// Natural Semantics
-tree :: Stm State -> DerivTree
-tree stm=:Skip st = dTree stm st [] st
-tree stm=:(v:=a) st = dTree stm st [] (\w->if (eqC v w) (eval NS a st) (st w))
-tree stm=:(s1 :. s2) st = dTree stm st [t1,t2] t2.result
-where t1 = tree s1 st; t2 = tree s2 t1.result
-tree stm=:(If b s1 s2) st = dTree stm st [t] t.result
-where t = tree (if (eval NS b st) s1 s2) st
-tree stm=:(While b s) st
-| eval NS b st = dTree stm st [t1,t2] t2.result
-| otherwise = dTree stm st [] st
-where t1 = tree s st; t2 = tree stm t1.result
+tree :: Stm st -> DerivTree | toState st
+tree stm stv = tree` stm (toState stv)
+ tree` :: Stm State -> DerivTree
+ tree` stm=:Skip st = dTree stm st [] st
+ tree` stm=:(v:=a) st
+ = let e = eval NS a st in dTree stm st [] (\w->if (eqV v w) e (st w))
+ tree` stm=:(s1 :. s2) st = dTree stm st [t1,t2] t2.result
+ where t1 = tree` s1 st; t2 = tree` s2 t1.result
+ tree` stm=:(If b s1 s2) st = dTree stm st [t] t.result
+ where t = tree` (if (eval NS b st) s1 s2) st
+ tree` stm=:(While b s) st
+ | eval NS b st = dTree stm st [t1,t2] t2.result
+ | otherwise = dTree stm st [] st
+ where t1 = tree` s st; t2 = tree` stm t1.result
// Records are too much typing
dTree :: Stm State [DerivTree] State -> DerivTree
@@ -52,54 +60,70 @@ dTree stm st ts r = {stm=stm, state=st, children=ts, result=r}
// Structural Operational Semantics
-seq :: Stm State -> DerivSeq
-seq stm st = case step stm st of (Done st`) = [NDone stm st, Done st`]
- (NDone stm` st`) = [NDone stm st:seq stm` st`]
+seq :: Stm st -> DerivSeq | toState st
+seq stm stv = let st = toState stv in case step stm st of
+ (Done st`) = [NDone stm st, Done st`]
+ (NDone stm` st`) = [NDone stm st:seq stm` st`]
step :: Stm State -> DerivSeqNode
step Skip st = Done st
- step (v := a) st = Done (\w->if (eqC v w) (eval SOS a st) (st w))
+ step (v:=a) st = let e = eval SOS a st in Done (\w->if (eqV v w) e (st w))
step (s1 :. s2) st = case step s1 st of
seqe=:(NDone s1` st`) = NDone (s1` :. s2) st`
(Done st`) = NDone s2 st`
step (If b s1 s2) st = NDone (if (eval SOS b st) s1 s2) st
step stm=:(While b s) st = NDone (If b (s:.stm) Skip) st
+// State utilities
+instance toState State where toState st = st
+instance toState CharState where toState cst = \(Var v) -> cst v
+instance toState (Var -> Int) where toState st = st
// String utilities
+(<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b
+(<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b
instance toString ArithExpr
- toString (a1 + a2) = toString a1 +++ "+" +++ toString a2
- toString (a1 - a2) = toString a1 +++ "-" +++ toString a2
- toString (a1 * a2) = toString a1 +++ "*" +++ toString a2
+ toString (a1 + a2) = a1 <+ "+" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 - a2) = a1 <+ "-" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 * a2) = a1 <+ "*" <+ a2
instance toString BoolExpr
- toString (a1 == a2) = toString a1 +++ "=" +++ toString a2
- toString (a1 <= a2) = toString a1 +++ "<=" +++ toString a2
- toString (~ b) = "~" +++ toString b
- toString (b1 /\ b2) = toString b1 +++ "/\\" +++ toString b2
+ toString (a1 == a2) = a1 <+ "=" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 <= a2) = a1 <+ "<=" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 >= a2) = a1 <+ ">=" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 < a2) = a1 <+ "<" <+ a2
+ toString (a1 > a2) = a1 <+ ">" <+ a2
+ toString (~ b) = "~" <+ toString b
+ toString (b1 /\ b2) = b1 <+ "/\\" <+ b2
+ toString (b1 \/ b2) = b1 <+ "\\/" <+ b2
instance toString Stm
toString Skip = "skip"
- toString (s1 :. s2) = toString s1 +++ "; " +++ toString s2
- toString (v := a) = {v} +++ ":=" +++ toString a
- toString (If b s1 s2) = "if " +++ toString b +++ " then " +++ toString s1 +++ " else " +++ toString s2
- toString (While b s) = "while " +++ toString b +++ " do " +++ toString s +++ " done"
+ toString (s1 :. s2) = s1 <+ "; " <+ s2
+ toString (v := a) = v <+ ":=" <+ a
+ toString (If b s1 s2) = "if " <+ b <+ " then " <+ s1 <+ " else " <+ s2
+ toString (While b s) = "while " <+ b <+ " do " <+ s <+ " done"
+instance toString Var where toString (Var v) = {v}
instance toString DerivTree
toString t = toS 0 t
toS :: Int DerivTree -> String
- toS i {stm,children=[]} = pad i +++ toString stm +++ "\n"
- toS i {stm,children} = pad i +++ "(" +++ toString stm +++ "\n" +++
- concat (map (toS (addI i 1)) children) +++ pad i +++ ")\n"
+ toS i {stm,children=[]} = pad i <+ stm <+ "\n"
+ toS i {stm,children} = pad i <+ "(" <+ stm <+ "\n" <+
+ concat (map (toS (addI i 1)) children) <+ pad i <+ ")\n"
- concat :: [String] -> String
+ concat :: [a] -> String | toString a
concat [] = ""
- concat [s:ss] = s +++ concat ss
+ concat [s:ss] = s <+ concat ss
pad :: Int -> String
pad 0 = ""
@@ -107,11 +131,11 @@ where
instance toString DerivSeq
- toString seq = join "\n" (map toString [stm \\ (NDone stm _) <- seq])
+ toString seq = join "\n" [stm \\ (NDone stm _) <- seq]
- join :: String [String] -> String
+ join :: a [b] -> String | toString a & toString b
join _ [] = ""
- join g [s:ss] = s +++ g +++ join g ss
+ join g [s:ss] = s <+ g <+ join g ss
// Low end
addI :: !Int !Int -> Int
@@ -144,3 +168,6 @@ eqC a b = code inline {
+eqV :: !Var !Var -> Bool
+eqV (Var a) (Var b) = eqC a b