path: root/Readme.md
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+# CleanTuringMachines
+Turing machines implementation in [Clean](http://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean). Features include:
+ * Straightforward types for turing machines and their states
+ * Running and stepping a turing machine in execution
+ * Simple `toString` instances for easy display of the types
+Read further for examples.
+### License
+This program and the example are distributed under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
+## Types and classes
+### IterableClass
+Provides two general classes:
+ class step a :: a -> a
+ class rewind a :: a -> a
+Both are meant to be instantiated by types that can be 'stepped'. For example, the TuringMachineState instantiates the `step` class to be able to compute the next state for a current state. The `rewind` class is currently unused, but it only made sense to include it and make this a separate module. It allows a type to step backwards. Note, that for a Turing machine it is impossible to instantiate this class, because the transition function need not have an inverse.
+There are three derivative functions:
+ stepn :: Int a -> a | step a
+ rewindn :: Int a -> a | rewind a
+ stepOrRewindn :: Int a -> a | step, rewind a
+The first and second simply iterate `step` and `rewind`. Negative values for the first argument will never terminate. The latter function will evaluate to either `rewindn` or `stepn`, depending on the sign of the first argument.
+### TuringMachines
+The tape is a simple list of Maybes of an arbitrary type. `Nothing` encodes a blank, `Just a` encodes the value `a`.
+ :: Tape a :== [Maybe a]
+The transition function (shown subsequently) results in a `TuringMachineMove`. This can either be a `Step`, or a `Halt`. Normally, the transition function is a partial function. Here, it is expected to be a nonpartial function to avoid runtime errors. What would normally be undefined is now `Halt`: it tells the turing machine to terminate.
+ :: TuringMachineMove a = Step Int (Maybe a) Direction | Halt
+ :: Direction = Left | Right
+Here, `a` is the alphabet once again. A step changes state to the first argument, writes the second argument on the tape, and moves in the specified direction.
+A Turing machine state consists of a Turing machine definition, but also includes the current state, the position of the tape head, the tape itself, and whether the machine is running or not:
+ :: TuringMachineState a = { machine :: TuringMachine a,
+ state :: Int,
+ tapeHead :: Int,
+ tape :: Tape a,
+ running :: TuringMachineTermination }
+ :: TuringMachineTermination = Running | Normal | Abnormal
+Here, `a` is the tape alphabet and `i` is the input alphabet. We will come back to that.
+As you can see, we specify states simply with integers. Mathematically, a Turing machine is a quintuple (Q,&Sigma;,&Gamma;,&delta;,q<sub>0</sub>) where Q is the set of states and q<sub>0</sub> the initial state (Sudkamp, Languages and Machines, 1997). Here, we take the integers as Q and 0 as q<sub>0</sub>. `a` relates to &Gamma;, `i` relates to &Sigma; and we will get back to &delta;.
+The machine may be `Running`, or it may be terminated. In the latter case we distinguish between `Normal` termination (after a `Halt` move) and `Abnormal` termination (if the tape head position goes negative).
+Finaly, the definition of the Turing machine itself:
+ :: TuringMachine a = { alphabet :: [a],
+ inputs :: [a],
+ transition :: Int (Maybe a) -> TuringMachineMove a }
+Again, we see the alphabet `a`. The transition function (&delta;) is a function from `Int` (the current state) and `Maybe a` (the character read by the tape head to a `TuringMachineMove a`. The `inputs` key specifies the input alphabet, typically a subset of the alphabet itself. It defines the characters allowed in the input.
+### Examples
+The following is a simple machine to replace `a` with `b` and vice versa. It is an example from Sudkamp, Languages and Machines, 1997, where it is represented as a state machine:
+![A graphical representation of the replace machine](http://i.stack.imgur.com/gOtXY.png)
+ replace :: TuringMachine Char Char
+ replace = { alphabet = ['a','b'],
+ inputs = ['a','b'],
+ transition = f }
+ where
+ f :: Int (Maybe Char) -> TuringMachineMove Char
+ f 0 Nothing = Step 1 Nothing Right
+ f 1 Nothing = Step 2 Nothing Left
+ f 1 (Just 'a') = Step 1 (Just 'b') Right
+ f 1 (Just 'b') = Step 1 (Just 'a') Right
+ f 2 (Just 'a') = Step 2 (Just 'a') Left
+ f 2 (Just 'b') = Step 2 (Just 'b') Left
+ f _ _ = Halt
+Note the final catch-all alternative of the transition function `f`, which is used to make sure `f` is nonpartial.
+## Firing up the machine
+Getting a `TuringMachineState` from a `TuringMachine` is fairly straightforward. All you need is a `Tape`. For the example above, we may write:
+ state :: TuringMachineState Char Char
+ state = initTuringMachine replace tape
+ where
+ tape = [Just c \\ c <- fromString "aabbaa"]
+The set builder for the tape is just ease of notation, we may as well have written `['a','a','b','b','a','b']`. A first and final blank is added to the tape by `initTuringMachine`.
+`initTuringMachine` checks that there are no characters on the tape that are not in the input alphabet, and aborts if there are.
+## Stepping and running
+From this state we can either `step`...
+ state1 = step state
+ state5 = stepn 5 state
+... or run until termination:
+ statef = run state
+## Showing results
+The `TuringMachineState` instantiates `toString`. The result of `toString statef` would be:
+ Normally terminated turing machine in state 2, tape head at 0.
+ Tape: BbbaabbB
+As you can see, the machine definition is in no way represented by this function.
+Blanks (`Nothing` on the tape) are represented with 'B'.
+## Future ideas
+ * It would be really cool to have some kind of graphical frontend and a possibility to step through the machine with some input