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authorCamil Staps2015-09-03 20:54:15 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-09-03 20:54:15 +0200
commit4868efbf0e080d204172c17a3feb5ee42b066c9e (patch)
parentInitial commit (diff)
More compact & nicer toString for states; added ! for step functions; bugfix for tape length
The new toString takes only one line and is a better reproduction of the notation from Sudkamp, Languages and Machines, 1997. The IterableClass functions now have ! on input types that are iterated, so that these arguments are computed for sure. There was a bug (!! index too large or the like) for some machines that 'walked off the tape' on the right side. The tape is now auto- matically extended with Nothing (blank) cells. When the machine walks off the tape on the *left*, the machine still terminates abnormally.
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/IterableClass.dcl b/IterableClass.dcl
index 729cd68..73c9776 100644
--- a/IterableClass.dcl
+++ b/IterableClass.dcl
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
definition module IterableClass
-class step a :: a -> a
-class rewind a :: a -> a
+class step a :: !a -> a
+class rewind a :: !a -> a
-stepn :: Int a -> a | step a
-rewindn :: Int a -> a | rewind a
+stepn :: Int !a -> a | step a
+rewindn :: Int !a -> a | rewind a
-stepOrRewindn :: Int a -> a | step, rewind a
+stepOrRewindn :: Int !a -> a | step, rewind a
diff --git a/IterableClass.icl b/IterableClass.icl
index 97340ba..0aa2dda 100644
--- a/IterableClass.icl
+++ b/IterableClass.icl
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ implementation module IterableClass
import StdEnv
-stepn :: Int a -> a | step a
+stepn :: Int !a -> a | step a
stepn 0 a = a
stepn n a = stepn (n-1) (step a)
-rewindn :: Int a -> a | rewind a
+rewindn :: Int !a -> a | rewind a
rewindn 0 a = a
rewindn n a = rewindn (n-1) (rewind a)
-stepOrRewindn :: Int a -> a | step, rewind a
+stepOrRewindn :: Int !a -> a | step, rewind a
stepOrRewindn 0 a = a
stepOrRewindn n a
| n < 0 = rewindn (0-n) a
diff --git a/TuringMachines.icl b/TuringMachines.icl
index b37233c..f13ca7d 100644
--- a/TuringMachines.icl
+++ b/TuringMachines.icl
@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ where
instance toString (TuringMachineState a) | toString a
toString st=:{state,tapeHead,tape,running}
- = toString running +++ " turing machine in state " +++ toString state +++ ", tape head at " +++ toString tapeHead +++ ".\nTape: " +++ toString tape
+ = toString (take tapeHead tape) +++
+ "[q" +++ toString state +++ "]" +++
+ toString (drop tapeHead tape) +++
+ " (" +++ toString running +++ ")"
instance == Direction
@@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ instance step (TuringMachineState a) | == a
step st=:{machine,state,tapeHead,tape,running}
| running <> Running = st
+ # tape = if (length tape < tapeHead + 1) (tape ++ [Nothing]) tape
# move = machine.transition state (tape!!tapeHead)
| move == Halt = {st & running = Normal}
# (Step state write dir) = move