diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-11-10 12:19:49 +0000
committerCamil Staps2016-11-10 12:19:49 +0000
commit12d40570b34a04d7f1c542f8c1d42371512d2e45 (patch)
parentMade reverse, revtwice and sieve compile (diff)
made copyfile.icl compile
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/copyfile.icl b/copyfile.icl
index 8cf70f2..872c2d1 100644
--- a/copyfile.icl
+++ b/copyfile.icl
@@ -7,37 +7,39 @@ Run the program using the "Basic Values Only" option.
-import StdEnv, StdFile
+import _SystemArray
+//import StdEnv, StdFile
Start::*World -> *File
Start world = fwrites "\nGoodbye.\n" stdinout`
(stdinout`,_) = accFiles (CommandLoop stdinout) world`
(stdinout ,world`) = stdio world
CommandLoop::*File *Files -> (*File,*Files)
CommandLoop stdio files = CommandLoop` stdio` files`
(files`,stdio`) = Copy files stdio
CommandLoop`::*File *Files -> (*File,*Files)
CommandLoop` stdio files
| answer<>'y' && answer<>'Y' = (stdio2,files)
= CommandLoop` stdio` files`
(files`,stdio`) = Copy files stdio2
answer = FirstChar answ
(answ ,stdio2) = freadline stdio1
stdio1 = fwrites "\nCopy another file (y/n)? " stdio
Copy::*Files *File -> (*Files,*File)
Copy files io
| source == dest = (files, fwrites "\nCopying succeeded.\n" io4)
= CopyFile (StripNewline source) (StripNewline dest) files io4
(dest,io4) = freadline io3
io3 = fwrites "\nDestination file: " io2
(source,io2) = freadline io1
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ CopyFile source dest files io
| not dclose = (files4,alert4)
| not sclose = (files4,alert5)
= (files4,alert6)
(sclose,files4) = fclose sfile` files3
(dclose,files3) = fclose dfile` files2
(io_error,sfile`,dfile`) = CopyFiles sfile dfile
@@ -64,13 +66,13 @@ where
alert4 = fwrites "Copying failed.\nDestination file could not be closed.\n" io
alert5 = fwrites "Copying failed.\nSource file could not be closed.\n" io
alert6 = fwrites "\nCopying succeeded.\n" io
CopyFiles::*File *File -> (Bool, *File, *File)
CopyFiles source dest
| srcend || wrterror = (wrterror,source1,dest1)
= CopyFiles source2 (fwritec byte dest1)
(_,byte,source2) = freadc source1
(srcend,source1) = fend source
(wrterror,dest1) = ferror dest
@@ -82,3 +84,573 @@ StripNewline str = str % (0, size str - 2)
FirstChar::String -> Char
FirstChar "" = ' '
FirstChar str = str.[0]
+// ---
+FReadText :== 0 // read from a text file
+FWriteText :== 1 // write to a text file
+FAppendText :== 2 // append to an existing text file
+FReadData :== 3 // read from a data file
+FWriteData :== 4 // write to a data file
+FAppendData :== 5 // append to an existing data file
+// Seek modes
+FSeekSet :== 0 // new position is the seek offset
+FSeekCur :== 1 // new position is the current position plus the seek offset
+FSeekEnd :== 2 // new position is the size of the file plus the seek offset
+:: * Files = Files;
+class FileSystem f where
+ fopen :: !{#Char} !Int !*f -> (!Bool,!*File,!*f)
+ /* Opens a file for the first time in a certain mode (read, write or append, text or data).
+ The boolean output parameter reports success or failure. */
+ fclose :: !*File !*f -> (!Bool,!*f)
+ stdio :: !*f -> (!*File,!*f)
+ /* Open the 'Console' for reading and writing. */
+ sfopen :: !{#Char} !Int !*f -> (!Bool,!File,!*f)
+ /* With sfopen a file can be opened for reading more than once.
+ On a file opened by sfopen only the operations beginning with sf can be used.
+ The sf... operations work just like the corresponding f... operations.
+ They can't be used for files opened with fopen or freopen. */
+instance FileSystem Files
+ fopen :: !{#Char} !Int !*Files -> (!Bool,!*File,!*Files)
+ fopen s i w
+ # (b,f) = fopen_ s i;
+ = (b,f,w);
+ fclose :: !*File !*Files -> (!Bool,!*Files)
+ fclose f w
+ # b = fclose_ f
+ = (b,w);
+ stdio :: !*Files -> (!*File,!*Files)
+ stdio w
+ # f = stdio_
+ = (f,w);
+ sfopen :: !{#Char} !Int !*Files -> (!Bool,!File,!*Files)
+ sfopen s i w
+ # (b,f) = sfopen_ s i
+ = (b,f,w)
+instance FileSystem World
+ fopen::!{#Char} !Int !*World -> (!Bool,!*File,!*World)
+ fopen s i w
+ # (b,f) = fopen_ s i;
+ = (b,f,w);
+ fclose :: !*File !*World -> (!Bool,!*World)
+ fclose f w
+ # b = fclose_ f
+ = (b,w);
+ stdio::!*World -> (!*File,!*World)
+ stdio w
+ # f = stdio_
+ = (f,w);
+ sfopen::!{#Char} !Int !*World -> (!Bool,!File,!*World)
+ sfopen s i w
+ # (b,f) = sfopen_ s i
+ = (b,f,w)
+fopen_ ::!{#Char} !Int -> (!Bool,!*File)
+fopen_ s i = code inline {
+ .d 1 1 i
+ jsr openF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+fclose_ :: !*File -> Bool
+fclose_ f = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr closeF
+ .o 0 1 b
+ }
+/* Open the 'Console' for reading and writing. */
+stdio_ :: *File
+stdio_ = code inline {
+ .d 0 0
+ jsr stdioF
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+sfopen_ ::!{#Char} !Int -> (!Bool,!File)
+sfopen_ s i
+= code inline {
+ .d 1 1 i
+ jsr openSF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+ openfiles::!*World -> (!*Files,!*World)
+ openfiles world
+ | (1 bitand w) == 0
+ = OpenFiles2 (StoreWorld (w bitor 1) world)
+ = abort "openfiles: This world doesn't contain files"
+ where w = LoadWorld world
+ OpenFiles2::!*World -> (!*Files,!*World)
+ OpenFiles2 w
+ = code inline {
+ pushI 0
+ }
+ LoadWorld :: !World -> Int;
+ LoadWorld w = code inline {
+ pushI_a 0
+ pop_a 1
+ };
+ StoreWorld :: !Int !World -> *World;
+ StoreWorld i w = code inline {
+ fillI_b 0 1
+ pop_b 1
+ pop_a 1
+ };
+ closefiles::!*Files !*World -> *World
+ closefiles f world
+ = CloseFiles2 f (StoreWorld ((LoadWorld world) bitand (-2)) world)
+ CloseFiles2::!*Files !*World -> *World
+ CloseFiles2 f w
+ = code inline {
+ pop_b 1
+ fill_a 0 1
+ pop_a 1
+ }
+freopen::!*File !Int -> (!Bool,!*File)
+/* Re-opens an open file in a possibly different mode.
+ The boolean indicates whether the file was successfully closed before reopening. */
+freopen f m
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 3 f i
+ jsr reopenF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+// Input. The boolean output parameter reports success or failure of the operations.
+freadc::!*File -> (!Bool,!Char,!*File)
+/* Reads a character from a text file or a byte from a datafile. */
+freadc f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readFC
+ .o 0 4 b c f
+ }
+freadi::!*File -> (!Bool,!Int,!*File)
+/* Reads an integer from a textfile by skipping spaces, tabs and newlines and
+ then reading digits, which may be preceeded by a plus or minus sign.
+ From a datafile freadi will just read four bytes (a Clean Int). */
+freadi f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readFI
+ .o 0 4 b i f
+ }
+freadr::!*File -> (!Bool,!Real,!*File)
+/* Reads a real from a textfile by skipping spaces, tabs and newlines and then
+ reading a character representation of a real number.
+ From a datafile freadr will just read eight bytes (a Clean Real). */
+freadr f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readFR
+ .o 0 5 b r f
+ }
+freads::!*File !Int -> (!*{#Char},!*File)
+/* Reads n characters from a text or data file, which are returned as a {#Char}.
+ If the file doesn't contain n characters the file will be read to the end
+ of the file. An empty {#Char} is returned if no characters can be read. */
+freads f l
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 3 f i
+ jsr readFS
+ .o 1 2 f
+ }
+freadsubstring :: !Int !Int !*{#Char} !*File -> (!Int,!*{#Char},!*File)
+ /*
+ Reads n characters from a text or data file, which are returned in the string s
+ at positions i..i+n-1. If the file doesn't contain n characters the file will
+ be read to the end of the file, and the part of the string s that could not be
+ read will not be changed. The number of characters read, the modified string
+ and the file are returned.
+ */
+freadsubstring i n s f
+ = code {
+ .inline freadsubstring
+ .d 1 4 i i f
+ jsr readFString
+ .o 1 3 i f
+ .end
+ }
+freadline::!*File -> (!*{#Char},!*File)
+/* Reads a line from a textfile. (including a newline character, except for the last
+ line) freadline cannot be used on data files. */
+freadline f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readLineF
+ .o 1 2 f
+ }
+// Output. Use FError to check for write errors.
+fwritec::!Char !*File -> *File
+/* Writes a character to a textfile.
+ To a datafile fwritec writes one byte (a Clean Char). */
+fwritec c f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 3 c f
+ jsr writeFC
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+fwritei::!Int !*File -> *File
+/* Writes an integer (its textual representation) to a text file.
+ To a datafile fwritec writes four bytes (a Clean Int). */
+fwritei i f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 3 i f
+ jsr writeFI
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+fwriter::!Real !*File -> *File
+/* Writes a real (its textual representation) to a text file.
+ To a datafile fwriter writes eight bytes (a Clean Real). */
+fwriter r f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 4 r f
+ jsr writeFR
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+fwrites::!{#Char} !*File -> *File
+/* Writes a {#Char} to a text or data file. */
+fwrites s f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 1 2 f
+ jsr writeFS
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+fwritesubstring :: !Int !Int !{#Char} !*File -> *File
+/* Writes the characters at positions i..i+n-1 of string s to a text or data file. */
+fwritesubstring i n s f
+ = code {
+ .inline fwritesubstring
+ .d 1 4 i i f
+ jsr writeFString
+ .o 0 2 f
+ .end
+ }
+// Tests
+fend::!*File -> (!Bool,!*File)
+/* Tests for end-of-file. */
+fend f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr endF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+ferror::!*File -> (!Bool,!*File)
+/* Has an error occurred during previous file I/O operations? */
+ferror f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr errorF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+fposition::!*File -> (!Int,!*File)
+/* returns the current position of the file pointer as an integer.
+ This position can be used later on for the fseek function. */
+fposition f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr positionF
+ .o 0 3 i f
+ }
+fseek::!*File !Int !Int -> (!Bool,!*File)
+/* Move to a different position in the file, the first integer argument is the offset,
+ the second argument is a seek mode. (see above). True is returned if successful. */
+fseek f p m
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 4 f i i
+ jsr seekF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+// Predefined files.
+stderr:: *File
+/* Open the 'Errors' file for writing only. May be opened more than once. */
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 0
+ jsr stderrF
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+sfreadc::!File -> (!Bool,!Char,!File)
+sfreadc f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readSFC
+ .o 0 4 b c f
+ }
+sfreadi::!File -> (!Bool,!Int,!File)
+sfreadi f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readSFI
+ .o 0 4 b i f
+ }
+sfreadr::!File -> (!Bool,!Real,!File)
+sfreadr f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readSFR
+ .o 0 5 b r f
+ }
+sfreads::!File !Int -> (!*{#Char},!File)
+sfreads f i
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 3 f i
+ jsr readSFS
+ .o 1 2 f
+ }
+sfreadline::!File -> (!*{#Char},!File)
+sfreadline f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr readLineSF
+ .o 1 2 f
+ }
+sfseek::!File !Int !Int -> (!Bool,!File)
+sfseek f i1 i2
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 4 f i i
+ jsr seekSF
+ .o 0 3 b f
+ }
+/* Change a file so that from now it can only be used with sfF... operations. */
+fshare::!*File -> File
+fshare f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr shareF
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+/* The functions sfend and sfposition work like fend and fposition, but don't return a
+ new file on which other operations can continue. They can be used for files opened
+ with sfopen or after fshare, and in guards for files opened with fopen or freopen. */
+sfend::!File -> Bool
+sfend f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr endSF
+ .o 0 1 b
+ }
+sfposition::!File -> Int
+sfposition f
+ = code inline {
+ .d 0 2 f
+ jsr positionSF
+ .o 0 1 i
+ }
+class (<<<) infixl a :: !*File !a -> *File
+instance <<< Int where
+// (<<<) file i = fwritei i file
+ (<<<) file i = code inline {
+ push_b 2
+ update_b 2 3
+ update_b 1 2
+ update_b 0 1
+ pop_b 1
+ .d 0 3 i f
+ jsr writeFI
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+instance <<< Char where
+// (<<<) file c = fwritec c file
+ (<<<) file c = code inline {
+ push_b 2
+ update_b 2 3
+ update_b 1 2
+ update_b 0 1
+ pop_b 1
+ .d 0 3 c f
+ jsr writeFC
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+instance <<< {#Char} where
+// (<<<) file s = fwrites s file
+ (<<<) file s = code inline {
+ .d 1 2 f
+ jsr writeFS
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+instance <<< Real where
+// (<<<) file r = fwriter r file
+ (<<<) file r = code inline {
+ push_b 3
+ push_b 3
+ update_b 3 5
+ update_b 2 4
+ update_b 1 3
+ update_b 0 2
+ pop_b 2
+ .d 0 4 r f
+ jsr writeFR
+ .o 0 2 f
+ }
+// Access to the file system:
+class FileEnv env where
+ accFiles :: !.(*Files -> (.x,*Files)) !*env -> (!.x,!*env)
+ appFiles :: !.(*Files -> *Files) !*env -> *env
+instance FileEnv World where
+ accFiles :: !.(*Files -> (.x,*Files)) !*World -> (!.x,!*World)
+ accFiles accfun world
+ #! files=create_files
+ (r,files) = accfun files
+ = do_files2 files r world
+ where
+ do_files2 :: !*Files !.x !*World -> (!.x,!*World)
+ do_files2 filesRWS r world
+ = (r,world)
+ appFiles :: !.(*Files -> *Files) !*World -> *World
+ appFiles appfun world
+ #! files1=create_files
+// RWS ... #! files=appfun files
+ files=appfun files1
+// .. RWS
+ = do_files files world
+ where
+ do_files :: !*Files !*World -> *World
+ do_files filesRWS world
+ = code inline {
+ fill_a 1 2
+ pop_a 2
+ }
+create_files :== Files;
+not :: !Bool -> Bool
+not a
+ = code inline {
+ notB
+ }
+(&&) infixr 3 :: !Bool Bool -> Bool
+(&&) a b
+ = code {
+ push_b 0
+ jmp_false l1
+ pop_b 1
+ jsr_eval 0
+ pushB_a 0
+ pop_a 1
+ .d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+ :l1
+ pop_a 1
+ .d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+ }
+(||) infixr 2 :: !Bool Bool -> Bool
+(||) a b
+ = code {
+ push_b 0
+ jmp_true l2
+ pop_b 1
+ jsr_eval 0
+ pushB_a 0
+ pop_a 1
+ .d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+ :l2
+ pop_a 1
+ .d 0 1 b
+ rtn
+ }
+class (==) infix 4 a :: !a !a -> Bool // True if arg1 is equal to arg2
+instance == Char
+ (==) ::!Char !Char -> Bool
+ (==) a b
+ = code inline {
+ eqC
+ }
+class Eq a | == a
+ (<>) infix 4 :: !a !a -> Bool | Eq a
+ (<>) x y :== not (x == y)
+(-) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int
+(-) a b = code inline {
+ subI
+class (%) infixl 9 a :: !a !(!Int,!Int) -> a // Slice a part from arg1
+instance % {#Char}
+ (%) ::!{#Char} !(!Int,!Int) -> {#Char}
+ (%) str (a,b)
+ = code inline {
+ .d 1 2 ii
+ jsr sliceAC
+ .o 1 0
+ }
+instance == {#Char}
+ (==) :: !{#Char} !{#Char} -> Bool
+ (==) a b
+ = code inline {
+ .d 2 0
+ jsr eqAC
+ .o 0 1 b
+ }