diff options
authorCamil Staps2016-04-27 10:37:13 +0200
committerCamil Staps2016-04-27 10:37:13 +0200
commit1af150e798c1580be42bc9e8f3880edbeb6fef29 (patch)
parentInitial commit (diff)
Nicer cli
10 files changed, 191 insertions, 551 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1fc2545..528d3f4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Executables
# Directory used to store object files, abc files and assembly files
Clean System Files/
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f017434..4adbd65 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
DEPS=Smurf.dcl Smurf.icl SmurfParse.dcl SmurfParse.icl
-all: $(TEST)
+all: $(OBJ)
-$(TEST): %: %.icl $(DEPS)
+$(OBJ): %: %.icl $(DEPS)
$(CPM) project $@.prj build
-run_test: $(TEST)
- ./$^
- rm -fvr $(TEST) Clean\ System\ Files
+ rm -fvr $(OBJ) Clean\ System\ Files
.PHONY: all clean run_test
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4c08583..e97f229 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# CleanSmurf
Smurf interpreter in Clean
+## Installation
+ $ make
+## Usage
+ $ ./run -i hello.smf
+There are more command line flags, see `./run -?`.
## Copyright & license
Copyright © 2016 Camil Staps. Licensed under MIT, see LICENSE.
diff --git a/Smurf.dcl b/Smurf.dcl
index c4f1c45..7d75a6d 100644
--- a/Smurf.dcl
+++ b/Smurf.dcl
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
definition module Smurf
-from StdOverloaded import class zero, class toString
+from StdOverloaded import
+ class zero,
+ class toString,
+ class toChar, class fromChar,
+ class ==
+from GenEq import generic gEq
from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
@@ -18,7 +24,12 @@ from Data.Maybe import ::Maybe
, store :: Store
+derive gEq Stm
+instance == Stm
instance toString Stm
+instance toChar Stm
+instance fromChar Stm
instance zero State
instance toString State
diff --git a/Smurf.icl b/Smurf.icl
index f00ef65..00da0aa 100644
--- a/Smurf.icl
+++ b/Smurf.icl
@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
+import GenEq
import SmurfParse
+derive gEq Stm
+instance == Stm where == a b = a === b
instance zero [a] where zero = []
instance toString Stm
@@ -29,6 +35,21 @@ where
toString Get = "g"
toString Exec = "x"
+instance toChar Stm where toChar stm = (toString stm).[0]
+instance fromChar Stm
+ fromChar '"' = Push ""
+ fromChar 'i' = Input
+ fromChar 'o' = Output
+ fromChar '+' = Cat
+ fromChar 'h' = Head
+ fromChar 't' = Tail
+ fromChar 'q' = Quotify
+ fromChar 'p' = Put
+ fromChar 'g' = Get
+ fromChar 'x' = Exec
instance zero State where zero = { stack = zero, store = zero }
instance toString State
diff --git a/hello.smf b/hello.smf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8251f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hello.smf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"hello ""world"+o
diff --git a/run.icl b/run.icl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd90027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run.icl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+module run
+import StdEnv, StdDebug
+import GenEq
+import Data.Maybe, Data.List
+from Data.Func import $
+import System.CommandLine, System.GetOpt
+import Smurf
+import SmurfParse
+:: SmurfOpt = Break Char | BreakAll | IFile String | Verbose
+derive gEq SmurfOpt
+instance == SmurfOpt where == a b = a === b
+Start :: *World -> *World
+Start w
+// Options
+# (cmd, w) = getCommandLine w
+# (opts,_,errs) = getOpt Permute options cmd
+| errs <> [] = error errs w
+# breakstms
+ = if (isMember BreakAll opts)
+ [Push "", Input, Output, Cat, Head, Tail, Quotify, Put, Get, Exec]
+ [fromChar c \\ (Break c) <- opts]
+# inputs = [f \\ (IFile f) <- opts]
+| length inputs <> 1 = error ["Exactly one input file required"] w
+# verbose = isMember Verbose opts
+// Read input file
+# (_, f, w) = fopen (hd inputs) FReadText w
+# (pgm, f) = freads f 100000
+# (_, w) = fclose f w
+# mbPgm = parse $ fromString pgm
+| isNothing mbPgm = error ["Couldn't parse input file as a Smurf program "] w
+# pgm = fromJust mbPgm
+// Start interpreting
+# (io, w) = stdio w
+# io = loop verbose breakstms pgm zero io
+= snd $ fclose io w
+ loop :: Bool ![Stm] !Program !State !*File -> *File
+ loop v brk p st f
+ # p = if v (trace (foldl (+++) "" (map toString p) +++ "\n") p) p
+ # (mbProgSt, f) = step p st f
+ | isNothing mbProgSt = f <<< "NOTHING!!!\n"
+ # (prog, st) = fromJust mbProgSt
+ | isEmpty prog = f <<< "\n---------------------------\n" <<< toString st
+ | not (isBrk prog) = loop v brk prog st f
+ # f = f <<< "---> " <<< toString (hd prog) <<< " ? "
+ # (cmd, f) = freadline f
+ | cmd == "" = loop v [] prog st (f <<< "\n") // Ctrl-D: stop breaking
+ # cmd = cmd % (0, size cmd - 2)
+ | cmd == "state" = loop v brk prog st (f <<< toString st) // Print state
+ = loop v brk prog st f
+ where
+ isBrk :: Program -> Bool
+ isBrk [] = False
+ isBrk [(Push _):_] = isMember (Push "") brk
+ isBrk [stm:_] = isMember stm brk
+ options = [ Option ['i'] ["infile"]
+ (ReqArg IFile "FILE") "Smurf file"
+ , Option ['b'] ["break"]
+ (ReqArg (\s->Break s.[0]) "STM") "Break on statement"
+ , Option ['B'] ["break-all"]
+ (NoArg BreakAll) "Break on all statements"
+ , Option ['v'] ["verbose"]
+ (NoArg Verbose) "Print all programs to stderr"
+ ]
+ error :: [String] *World -> *World
+ error errs w
+ # (io, w) = stdio w
+ # io = io <<< foldl (+++) "" (intersperse "\n" errs) <<< "\n"
+ # io = io <<< usageInfo "CleanSmurf: a Clean Smurf interpreter" options
+ # io = io <<< "\n\n"
+ = snd $ fclose io w
diff --git a/run.prj b/run.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fa407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Version: 1.4
+ ProjectRoot: .
+ Target: StdEnv
+ Exec: {Project}/run
+ CodeGen
+ CheckStacks: False
+ CheckIndexes: True
+ Application
+ HeapSize: 2097152
+ StackSize: 512000
+ ExtraMemory: 8192
+ IntialHeapSize: 204800
+ HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
+ ShowExecutionTime: False
+ ShowGC: False
+ ShowStackSize: False
+ MarkingCollector: False
+ DisableRTSFlags: False
+ StandardRuntimeEnv: True
+ Profile
+ Memory: False
+ MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
+ Time: False
+ Stack: False
+ Output
+ Output: NoConsole
+ Font: Monaco
+ FontSize: 9
+ WriteStdErr: False
+ Link
+ LinkMethod: Static
+ GenerateRelocations: False
+ GenerateSymbolTable: False
+ GenerateLinkMap: False
+ LinkResources: False
+ ResourceSource:
+ GenerateDLL: False
+ ExportedNames:
+ Paths
+ Path: {Project}/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/Generics/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
+ Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Linux-64/
+ Precompile:
+ Postlink:
+ Name: run
+ Dir: {Project}
+ Compiler
+ NeverMemoryProfile: False
+ NeverTimeProfile: False
+ StrictnessAnalysis: True
+ ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
+ ListAttributes: True
+ Warnings: True
+ Verbose: True
+ ReadableABC: False
+ ReuseUniqueNodes: True
+ Fusion: False
diff --git a/test.icl b/test.icl
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e836c..0000000
--- a/test.icl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module test
-import StdEnv
-import Data.Maybe
-from Data.Func import $
-import Smurf
-import SmurfParse
-Start :: *World -> *World
-Start w
-# (io, w) = stdio w
-//# io = loop (prog reverse) zero io
-# (mbSt, io) = run (prog reverse) zero io
-# result = if (isNothing mbSt) "uh-oh." (toString $ fromJust mbSt)
-# io = io <<< "\n--------------------\n" <<< result <<< "\n"
-= snd $ fclose io w
- loop :: !Program State !*File -> *File
- loop p st f
- # (mbProgSt, f) = step p st f
- | isNothing mbProgSt = f <<< "NOTHING!!!\n"
- # (prog, st) = fromJust mbProgSt
- | isEmpty prog = f <<< "\n---------------------------\n" <<< toString st
- # f = f <<< "---> " <<< toString (hd prog) <<< " ? "
- # (cmd, f) = freadline f
- | cmd == "state\n" = loop prog st (f <<< toString st)
- = loop prog st f
- prog txt = fromJust $ parse txt
- // From http://esolangs.org/wiki/Smurf
- reverse = ['"+"i+""p""gtg""gt"i"p"\\"\\"p\\"i\\"gh\\"o\\"g+\\"o\\"p\\"i\\"gt\\"i\\"p\\"\\\\\\"+\\\\\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\"p\\"\\"i\\"gq+\\"tg\\"+\\"i\\"gq+\\"\\\\\\"i\\\\\\"p\\"+\\"o\\"gq+\\"\\\\\\"o\\\\\\"p\\"+\\"\\"gq+\\"\\"g+\\"\\"p\\"o\\"gq\\"o\\"+\\"+\\"pgx"""p"\\"+\\"\\"\\"p""i"gq+"tg"+"i"gq+"\\"i\\"p\\"\\""+""gq+""g+""p"""+""i"g+pgx']
diff --git a/test.prj b/test.prj
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ff6fb..0000000
--- a/test.prj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-Version: 1.4
- ProjectRoot: .
- Target: StdEnv
- Exec: {Project}/test
- CodeGen
- CheckStacks: False
- CheckIndexes: True
- Application
- HeapSize: 2097152
- StackSize: 512000
- ExtraMemory: 8192
- IntialHeapSize: 204800
- HeapSizeMultiplier: 4096
- ShowExecutionTime: False
- ShowGC: False
- ShowStackSize: False
- MarkingCollector: False
- DisableRTSFlags: False
- StandardRuntimeEnv: True
- Profile
- Memory: False
- MemoryMinimumHeapSize: 0
- Time: False
- Stack: False
- Output
- Output: NoConsole
- Font: Monaco
- FontSize: 9
- WriteStdErr: False
- Link
- LinkMethod: Static
- GenerateRelocations: False
- GenerateSymbolTable: False
- GenerateLinkMap: False
- LinkResources: False
- ResourceSource:
- GenerateDLL: False
- ExportedNames:
- Paths
- Path: {Project}/
- Path: {Application}/lib/Generics/
- Path: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Precompile:
- Postlink:
- Name: test
- Dir: {Project}
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Smurf
- Dir: {Project}/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: SmurfParse
- Dir: {Project}/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: GenEq
- Dir: {Application}/lib/Generics/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Control.Applicative
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Control.Monad
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.Func
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.Functor
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.List
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.Maybe
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.Monoid
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: Data.Void
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: System.IO
- Dir: {Application}/lib/clean-platform/OS-Independent/
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdArray
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdBool
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdChar
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdCharList
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdClass
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnum
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdEnv
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFile
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdFunc
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdGeneric
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdInt
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdList
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdMisc
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOrdList
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdOverloaded
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdReal
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdString
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: StdTuple
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemArray
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False
- Module
- Name: _SystemEnum
- Dir: {Application}/lib/StdEnv
- Compiler
- NeverMemoryProfile: False
- NeverTimeProfile: False
- StrictnessAnalysis: True
- ListTypes: StrictExportTypes
- ListAttributes: True
- Warnings: True
- Verbose: True
- ReadableABC: False
- ReuseUniqueNodes: True
- Fusion: False