diff options
2 files changed, 848 insertions, 848 deletions
diff --git a/macho64/aprofile.s b/macho64/aprofile.s
index 8592ab2..402425f 100644
--- a/macho64/aprofile.s
+++ b/macho64/aprofile.s
@@ -1,842 +1,842 @@
- .text
- .globl init_profiler
- .globl profile_r
- .globl profile_l
- .globl profile_l2
- .globl profile_n
- .globl profile_n2
- .globl profile_s
- .globl profile_s2
- .globl profile_t
- .globl write_profile_information
- .globl write_profile_stack
- .globl stack_trace_depth
- .if ! LINUX
- .globl allocate_memory
- .endif
- .globl __STRING__
- .globl openF
- .globl closeF
- .globl writeFC
- .globl writeFI
- .globl ab_stack_size
- .globl ew_print_string
- .globl ew_print_char
- .globl ew_print_text
- .globl create_profile_file_name
-/* extrn print_error */
-/* extrn profile_stack_pointer */
-next = 0
-time = 8
-n_profiler_calls = 16
-n_strict_calls = 24
-n_lazy_calls = 32
-n_curried_calls = 40
-n_words_allocated = 48
-name_ = 56
-FunctionProfile = 64
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rcx
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
- push rbx
- mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
- mov eax,eax
- shl rdx,32
- sub rax,rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- add rax,rdx
- sub rcx,8
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],rbx
- mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
- inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx]
- add qword ptr time[rbx],rax
- mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
- mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
- sub rax,r15
- add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
- pop rbx
- pop rcx
- rdtsc
- mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
- pop rdx
- mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
- pop rax
- ret
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rcx
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
- push rbx
- mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
- mov eax,eax
- shl rdx,32
- sub rax,rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- add rax,rdx
- sub rcx,8
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
- inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx]
- add qword ptr time[rbx],rax
- mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
- mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
- sub rax,r15
- add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
- pop rbx
- pop rcx
- rdtsc
- mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
- pop rdx
- mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
- pop rax
- ret
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_l
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_l
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- add rcx,8
- inc qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx]
- att_jmp profile_n_
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_lr
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_lr
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_l2
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_l2
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
- add rcx,16
- inc qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx]
- att_jmp profile_n_
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_l2r
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_l2r
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_n
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_n
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- add rcx,8
- inc qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx]
- att_jmp profile_n_
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_nr
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_nr
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_n2
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_n2
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
- add rcx,16
- inc qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx]
- att_jmp profile_n_
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_n2r
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_n2r
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_s2
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_s2
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
- add rcx,16
- att_jmp profile_s_
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_s2r
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_s2r
- push rax
- push rdx
- rdtsc
- push rbx
- mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
- test rbx,rbx
- je allocate_function_profile_record_s
- push rcx
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
- mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- jne use_tail_calling_function_s
- mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
- mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
- add rcx,8
- inc qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbx]
- mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
- sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
- mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
- mov eax,eax
- shl rdx,32
- sub rax,rbx
- add rax,rdx
- inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbp]
- add qword ptr time[rbp],rax
- mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
- mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
- sub rax,r15
- add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbp],rax
- pop rcx
- pop rbx
- rdtsc
- mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
- pop rdx
- mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
- pop rax
- ret
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_sr
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_sr
-/* argument: rbp: function name adress-4 */
-/* result: rbx: function profile record adress */
- push rax
- mov rax,qword ptr global_n_free_records_in_block[rip]
- mov rbx,qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip]
- test rax,rax
- jne no_alloc
- push rcx
- push rdx
- push rbp
- .if LINUX
- sub rsp,104
- mov qword ptr [rsp],rsi
- mov qword ptr 8[rsp],rdi
- mov qword ptr 16[rsp],r8
- mov qword ptr 24[rsp],r10
- mov qword ptr 32[rsp],r11
- movsd qword ptr 40[rsp],xmm0
- movsd qword ptr 48[rsp],xmm1
- movsd qword ptr 56[rsp],xmm2
- movsd qword ptr 64[rsp],xmm3
- movsd qword ptr 72[rsp],xmm4
- movsd qword ptr 80[rsp],xmm5
- movsd qword ptr 88[rsp],xmm6
- movsd qword ptr 96[rsp],xmm7
- .else
- sub rsp,72
- mov qword ptr [rsp],r8
- mov qword ptr 8[rsp],r10
- mov qword ptr 16[rsp],r11
- movsd qword ptr 24[rsp],xmm0
- movsd qword ptr 32[rsp],xmm1
- movsd qword ptr 40[rsp],xmm2
- movsd qword ptr 48[rsp],xmm3
- movsd qword ptr 56[rsp],xmm4
- movsd qword ptr 64[rsp],xmm5
- .endif
- mov rbp,rsp
- sub rsp,40
- and rsp,-16
- .if LINUX
- mov rdi,8192
- /* 128*FunctionProfile */
- att_call _malloc
- .else
- mov rcx,128*FunctionProfile
- att_call allocate_memory
- .endif
- mov rsp,rbp
- .if LINUX
- mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov rdi,qword ptr 8[rsp]
- mov r8,qword ptr 16[rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr 24[rsp]
- mov r11,qword ptr 32[rsp]
- movlpd xmm0,qword ptr 40[rsp]
- movlpd xmm1,qword ptr 48[rsp]
- movlpd xmm2,qword ptr 56[rsp]
- movlpd xmm3,qword ptr 64[rsp]
- movlpd xmm4,qword ptr 72[rsp]
- movlpd xmm5,qword ptr 80[rsp]
- movlpd xmm6,qword ptr 88[rsp]
- movlpd xmm7,qword ptr 96[rsp]
- add rsp,104
- .else
- mov r8,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr 8[rsp]
- mov r11,qword ptr 16[rsp]
- movlpd xmm0,qword ptr 24[rsp]
- movlpd xmm1,qword ptr 32[rsp]
- movlpd xmm2,qword ptr 40[rsp]
- movlpd xmm3,qword ptr 48[rsp]
- movlpd xmm4,qword ptr 56[rsp]
- movlpd xmm5,qword ptr 64[rsp]
- add rsp,72
- .endif
- test rax,rax
- pop rbp
- pop rdx
- pop rcx
- je no_memory
- mov rbx,rax
- mov rax,128
- mov qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip],rbx
- dec rax
- mov qword ptr global_n_free_records_in_block[rip],rax
- lea rax,FunctionProfile[rbx]
- mov qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip],rax
- xor rax,rax
- mov qword ptr time[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
- mov rax,qword ptr global_profile_records[rip]
- mov qword ptr name_[rbx],rbp
- mov qword ptr next[rbx],rax
- mov qword ptr global_profile_records[rip],rbx
- mov qword ptr [rbp],rbx
- pop rax
- ret
- lea rbp,not_enough_memory_for_profiler[rip]
- pop rax
- att_jmp print_error
- mov rbp,rsp
- sub rsp,40
- and rsp,-16
- .if LINUX
- mov r13,rsi
- mov r14,rdi
- lea rdi,profile_file_name[rip]
- .else
- lea rcx,profile_file_name[rip]
- .endif
- att_call create_profile_file_name
- .if LINUX
- mov rsi,r13
- mov rdi,r14
- .endif
- mov rsp,rbp
- mov rax,1
- lea rcx,profile_file_name[rip]
- att_call openF
- test r10,r10
- je cannot_open
- mov rbp,qword ptr global_profile_records[rip]
- test rbp,rbp
- je end_list
- mov rdx,qword ptr name_[rbp]
- push rbp
- push rdx
- mov edx,dword ptr (-4)[rdx]
- mov eax,dword ptr [rdx]
- add rdx,4
- sub rax,1
- jc end_module_name
- push rax
- push rdx
- movzx r10,byte ptr [rdx]
- att_call writeFC
- pop rdx
- pop rax
- add rdx,1
- att_jmp write_module_name_lp
- mov r10,'
- att_call writeFC
- pop rdx
- add rdx,7
- movzx r10,byte ptr 1[rdx]
- add rdx,1
- test r10,r10
- je end_function_name
- push rdx
- att_call writeFC
- pop rdx
- att_jmp write_function_name_lp
- mov r10,'
- att_call writeFC
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbp]
- att_call writeFI_space
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbp]
- att_call writeFI_space
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbp]
- att_call writeFI_space
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbp]
- att_call writeFI_space
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbp]
- att_call writeFI_space
- mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
- mov r10,qword ptr time[rbp]
- att_call writeFI
- mov r10,10
- att_call writeFC
- pop rbp
- mov rbp,qword ptr next[rbp]
- att_jmp write_profile_lp
- att_call writeFI
- mov r10,'
- att_jmp writeFC
- att_call closeF
- ret
- mov rax,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
- test rax,rax
- je stack_not_initialised
- push rax
- mov rbp,rsp
- sub rsp,40
- and rsp,-16
- .if LINUX
- mov r13,rsi
- mov r14,rdi
- lea rdi,stack_trace_string[rip]
- .else
- lea rcx,stack_trace_string[rip]
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_string
- .if LINUX
- mov rsi,r13
- mov rdi,r14
- .endif
- mov rsp,rbp
- pop rax
-/* mov rbp,12 */
- mov rbp,qword ptr stack_trace_depth[rip]
- mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rax]
- sub rax,8
- test rbx,rbx
- je end_profile_stack
- push rax
- mov rcx,qword ptr name_[rbx]
- push rbp
- mov edx,dword ptr (-4)[rcx]
- add rcx,8
- mov r12d,dword ptr [rdx]
- lea r13,4[rdx]
- mov rbp,rsp
- sub rsp,40
- and rsp,-16
- .if LINUX
- mov r11,rsi
- mov r14,rdi
- mov rdi,rcx
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_string
- .if LINUX
- lea rdi,module_string[rip]
- .else
- lea rcx,module_string[rip]
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_string
- .if LINUX
- mov rsi,r12
- mov rdi,r13
- .else
- mov rdx,r12
- mov rcx,r13
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_text
- .if LINUX
- mov rdi,']
- .else
- mov rcx,']
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_char
- .if LINUX
- mov rdi,10
- .else
- mov rcx,10
- .endif
- att_call ew_print_char
-.if LINUX
- mov rsi,r11
- mov rdi,r14
- .endif
- mov rsp,rbp
- pop rbp
- pop rax
- sub rbp,1
- att_jne write_functions_on_stack
- ret
- mov rbp,rsp
- sub rsp,40
- and rsp,-16
- .if LINUX
- mov r13,rsi
- mov r14,rdi
- mov rdi,qword ptr ab_stack_size[rip]
- att_call _malloc
- mov rsi,r13
- mov rdi,r14
- .else
- mov rcx,qword ptr ab_stack_size[rip]
- att_call allocate_memory
- .endif
- mov rsp,rbp
- test rax,rax
- je init_profiler_error
- push rax
- lea rbp,start_string[rip]
- att_call allocate_function_profile_record
- pop rdx
- mov qword ptr 8[rdx],rbx
- mov qword ptr [rdx],0
- add rdx,16
- mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rdx
- mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
- mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
- rdtsc
- mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
- mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
- ret
- mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],0
- lea rbp,not_enough_memory_for_profile_stack[rip]
- att_jmp print_error
- .data
- .align 8
- .quad 0
-/* 0 n free records in block */
- .quad 0
-/* 8 latest allocated block */
- .quad 0
-/* 16 profile record list */
- .long 0
-/* 24 clock */
- .long 0
- .quad 0
-/* last tail calling function */
- .quad 0
- .quad __STRING__+2
- .quad 0
- .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .quad 0
- .quad 12
- .align 8
-/* m_system also defined in istartup.s */
-/* m_system:*/
-/* .quad 6*/
-/* .ascii "System"*/
-/* .byte 0*/
-/* .byte 0*/
- .long m_system
- .quad 0
- .ascii "start"
- .byte 0
- .align 8
- .ascii "not enough memory for profile stack"
- .byte 10
- .byte 0
- .ascii "not enough memory for profiler"
- .byte 10
- .byte 0
- .ascii "Stack trace:"
- .byte 10
- .byte 0
- .ascii " [module: "
- .byte 0
- .align 8
-/* end*/
+ .text
+ .globl init_profiler
+ .globl profile_r
+ .globl profile_l
+ .globl profile_l2
+ .globl profile_n
+ .globl profile_n2
+ .globl profile_s
+ .globl profile_s2
+ .globl profile_t
+ .globl write_profile_information
+ .globl write_profile_stack
+ .globl stack_trace_depth
+ .if ! LINUX
+ .globl allocate_memory
+ .endif
+ .globl __STRING__
+ .globl openF
+ .globl closeF
+ .globl writeFC
+ .globl writeFI
+ .globl ab_stack_size
+ .globl ew_print_string
+ .globl ew_print_char
+ .globl ew_print_text
+ .globl create_profile_file_name
+/* extrn print_error */
+/* extrn profile_stack_pointer */
+next = 0
+time = 8
+n_profiler_calls = 16
+n_strict_calls = 24
+n_lazy_calls = 32
+n_curried_calls = 40
+n_words_allocated = 48
+name_ = 56
+FunctionProfile = 64
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rcx
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
+ push rbx
+ mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
+ mov eax,eax
+ shl rdx,32
+ sub rax,rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ add rax,rdx
+ sub rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],rbx
+ mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
+ inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx]
+ add qword ptr time[rbx],rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
+ mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
+ sub rax,r15
+ add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
+ pop rbx
+ pop rcx
+ rdtsc
+ mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
+ pop rdx
+ mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rcx
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
+ push rbx
+ mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
+ mov eax,eax
+ shl rdx,32
+ sub rax,rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ add rax,rdx
+ sub rcx,8
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
+ inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx]
+ add qword ptr time[rbx],rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
+ mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
+ sub rax,r15
+ add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
+ pop rbx
+ pop rcx
+ rdtsc
+ mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
+ pop rdx
+ mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_l
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_l
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,8
+ inc qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx]
+ att_jmp profile_n_
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_lr
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_lr
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_l2
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_l2
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,16
+ inc qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx]
+ att_jmp profile_n_
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_l2r
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_l2r
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_n
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_n
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,8
+ inc qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx]
+ att_jmp profile_n_
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_nr
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_nr
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_n2
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_n2
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,16
+ inc qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx]
+ att_jmp profile_n_
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_n2r
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_n2r
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_s2
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_s2
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,16
+ att_jmp profile_s_
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_s2r
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_s2r
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ rdtsc
+ push rbx
+ mov rbx,qword ptr [rbp]
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je allocate_function_profile_record_s
+ push rcx
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip]
+ mov rcx,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ jne use_tail_calling_function_s
+ mov rbp,qword ptr (-8)[rcx]
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],rbx
+ add rcx,8
+ inc qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbx]
+ mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rcx
+ sub edx,dword ptr global_time_hi[rip]
+ mov ebx,dword ptr global_time_lo[rip]
+ mov eax,eax
+ shl rdx,32
+ sub rax,rbx
+ add rax,rdx
+ inc qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbp]
+ add qword ptr time[rbp],rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip]
+ mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
+ sub rax,r15
+ add qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbp],rax
+ pop rcx
+ pop rbx
+ rdtsc
+ mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
+ pop rdx
+ mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ att_jmp allocate_function_profile_record_sr
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ att_jmp use_tail_calling_function_sr
+/* argument: rbp: function name adress-4 */
+/* result: rbx: function profile record adress */
+ push rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr global_n_free_records_in_block[rip]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip]
+ test rax,rax
+ jne no_alloc
+ push rcx
+ push rdx
+ push rbp
+ .if LINUX
+ sub rsp,104
+ mov qword ptr [rsp],rsi
+ mov qword ptr 8[rsp],rdi
+ mov qword ptr 16[rsp],r8
+ mov qword ptr 24[rsp],r10
+ mov qword ptr 32[rsp],r11
+ movsd qword ptr 40[rsp],xmm0
+ movsd qword ptr 48[rsp],xmm1
+ movsd qword ptr 56[rsp],xmm2
+ movsd qword ptr 64[rsp],xmm3
+ movsd qword ptr 72[rsp],xmm4
+ movsd qword ptr 80[rsp],xmm5
+ movsd qword ptr 88[rsp],xmm6
+ movsd qword ptr 96[rsp],xmm7
+ .else
+ sub rsp,72
+ mov qword ptr [rsp],r8
+ mov qword ptr 8[rsp],r10
+ mov qword ptr 16[rsp],r11
+ movsd qword ptr 24[rsp],xmm0
+ movsd qword ptr 32[rsp],xmm1
+ movsd qword ptr 40[rsp],xmm2
+ movsd qword ptr 48[rsp],xmm3
+ movsd qword ptr 56[rsp],xmm4
+ movsd qword ptr 64[rsp],xmm5
+ .endif
+ mov rbp,rsp
+ sub rsp,40
+ and rsp,-16
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rdi,8192
+ /* 128*FunctionProfile */
+ att_call _malloc
+ .else
+ mov rcx,128*FunctionProfile
+ att_call allocate_memory
+ .endif
+ mov rsp,rbp
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov rdi,qword ptr 8[rsp]
+ mov r8,qword ptr 16[rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr 24[rsp]
+ mov r11,qword ptr 32[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm0,qword ptr 40[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm1,qword ptr 48[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm2,qword ptr 56[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm3,qword ptr 64[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm4,qword ptr 72[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm5,qword ptr 80[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm6,qword ptr 88[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm7,qword ptr 96[rsp]
+ add rsp,104
+ .else
+ mov r8,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr 8[rsp]
+ mov r11,qword ptr 16[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm0,qword ptr 24[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm1,qword ptr 32[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm2,qword ptr 40[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm3,qword ptr 48[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm4,qword ptr 56[rsp]
+ movlpd xmm5,qword ptr 64[rsp]
+ add rsp,72
+ .endif
+ test rax,rax
+ pop rbp
+ pop rdx
+ pop rcx
+ je no_memory
+ mov rbx,rax
+ mov rax,128
+ mov qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip],rbx
+ dec rax
+ mov qword ptr global_n_free_records_in_block[rip],rax
+ lea rax,FunctionProfile[rbx]
+ mov qword ptr global_last_allocated_block[rip],rax
+ xor rax,rax
+ mov qword ptr time[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbx],rax
+ mov rax,qword ptr global_profile_records[rip]
+ mov qword ptr name_[rbx],rbp
+ mov qword ptr next[rbx],rax
+ mov qword ptr global_profile_records[rip],rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rbp],rbx
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ lea rbp,not_enough_memory_for_profiler[rip]
+ pop rax
+ att_jmp print_error
+ mov rbp,rsp
+ sub rsp,40
+ and rsp,-16
+ .if LINUX
+ mov r13,rsi
+ mov r14,rdi
+ lea rdi,profile_file_name[rip]
+ .else
+ lea rcx,profile_file_name[rip]
+ .endif
+ att_call create_profile_file_name
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rsi,r13
+ mov rdi,r14
+ .endif
+ mov rsp,rbp
+ mov rax,1
+ lea rcx,profile_file_name[rip]
+ att_call openF
+ test r10,r10
+ je cannot_open
+ mov rbp,qword ptr global_profile_records[rip]
+ test rbp,rbp
+ je end_list
+ mov rdx,qword ptr name_[rbp]
+ push rbp
+ push rdx
+ mov edx,dword ptr (-4)[rdx]
+ mov eax,dword ptr [rdx]
+ add rdx,4
+ sub rax,1
+ jc end_module_name
+ push rax
+ push rdx
+ movzx r10,byte ptr [rdx]
+ att_call writeFC
+ pop rdx
+ pop rax
+ add rdx,1
+ att_jmp write_module_name_lp
+ mov r10,'
+ att_call writeFC
+ pop rdx
+ add rdx,7
+ movzx r10,byte ptr 1[rdx]
+ add rdx,1
+ test r10,r10
+ je end_function_name
+ push rdx
+ att_call writeFC
+ pop rdx
+ att_jmp write_function_name_lp
+ mov r10,'
+ att_call writeFC
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr n_strict_calls[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI_space
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr n_lazy_calls[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI_space
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr n_curried_calls[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI_space
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr n_profiler_calls[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI_space
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr n_words_allocated[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI_space
+ mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp]
+ mov r10,qword ptr time[rbp]
+ att_call writeFI
+ mov r10,10
+ att_call writeFC
+ pop rbp
+ mov rbp,qword ptr next[rbp]
+ att_jmp write_profile_lp
+ att_call writeFI
+ mov r10,'
+ att_jmp writeFC
+ att_call closeF
+ ret
+ mov rax,qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip]
+ test rax,rax
+ je stack_not_initialised
+ push rax
+ mov rbp,rsp
+ sub rsp,40
+ and rsp,-16
+ .if LINUX
+ mov r13,rsi
+ mov r14,rdi
+ lea rdi,stack_trace_string[rip]
+ .else
+ lea rcx,stack_trace_string[rip]
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_string
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rsi,r13
+ mov rdi,r14
+ .endif
+ mov rsp,rbp
+ pop rax
+/* mov rbp,12 */
+ mov rbp,qword ptr stack_trace_depth[rip]
+ mov rbx,qword ptr (-8)[rax]
+ sub rax,8
+ test rbx,rbx
+ je end_profile_stack
+ push rax
+ mov rcx,qword ptr name_[rbx]
+ push rbp
+ mov edx,dword ptr (-4)[rcx]
+ add rcx,8
+ mov r12d,dword ptr [rdx]
+ lea r13,4[rdx]
+ mov rbp,rsp
+ sub rsp,40
+ and rsp,-16
+ .if LINUX
+ mov r11,rsi
+ mov r14,rdi
+ mov rdi,rcx
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_string
+ .if LINUX
+ lea rdi,module_string[rip]
+ .else
+ lea rcx,module_string[rip]
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_string
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rsi,r12
+ mov rdi,r13
+ .else
+ mov rdx,r12
+ mov rcx,r13
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_text
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rdi,']
+ .else
+ mov rcx,']
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_char
+ .if LINUX
+ mov rdi,10
+ .else
+ mov rcx,10
+ .endif
+ att_call ew_print_char
+.if LINUX
+ mov rsi,r11
+ mov rdi,r14
+ .endif
+ mov rsp,rbp
+ pop rbp
+ pop rax
+ sub rbp,1
+ att_jne write_functions_on_stack
+ ret
+ mov rbp,rsp
+ sub rsp,40
+ and rsp,-16
+ .if LINUX
+ mov r13,rsi
+ mov r14,rdi
+ mov rdi,qword ptr ab_stack_size[rip]
+ att_call _malloc
+ mov rsi,r13
+ mov rdi,r14
+ .else
+ mov rcx,qword ptr ab_stack_size[rip]
+ att_call allocate_memory
+ .endif
+ mov rsp,rbp
+ test rax,rax
+ je init_profiler_error
+ push rax
+ lea rbp,start_string[rip]
+ att_call allocate_function_profile_record
+ pop rdx
+ mov qword ptr 8[rdx],rbx
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],0
+ add rdx,16
+ mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],rdx
+ mov qword ptr global_last_tail_call[rip],0
+ mov qword ptr global_n_words_free[rip],r15
+ rdtsc
+ mov dword ptr global_time_hi[rip],edx
+ mov dword ptr global_time_lo[rip],eax
+ ret
+ mov qword ptr profile_stack_pointer[rip],0
+ lea rbp,not_enough_memory_for_profile_stack[rip]
+ att_jmp print_error
+ .data
+ .align 8
+ .quad 0
+/* 0 n free records in block */
+ .quad 0
+/* 8 latest allocated block */
+ .quad 0
+/* 16 profile record list */
+ .long 0
+/* 24 clock */
+ .long 0
+ .quad 0
+/* last tail calling function */
+ .quad 0
+ .quad __STRING__+2
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+ .quad 0
+ .quad 12
+ .align 8
+/* m_system also defined in istartup.s */
+/* m_system:*/
+/* .quad 6*/
+/* .ascii "System"*/
+/* .byte 0*/
+/* .byte 0*/
+ .long m_system
+ .quad 0
+ .ascii "start"
+ .byte 0
+ .align 8
+ .ascii "not enough memory for profile stack"
+ .byte 10
+ .byte 0
+ .ascii "not enough memory for profiler"
+ .byte 10
+ .byte 0
+ .ascii "Stack trace:"
+ .byte 10
+ .byte 0
+ .ascii " [module: "
+ .byte 0
+ .align 8
+/* end*/
diff --git a/macho64/startupProfile.s b/macho64/startupProfile.s
index db3c49e..01fb25f 100644
--- a/macho64/startupProfile.s
+++ b/macho64/startupProfile.s
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- .set PROFILE,1
- .set TRACE,0
- .include "astartup.s"
+ .set PROFILE,1
+ .set TRACE,0
+ .include "astartup.s"