path: root/acopy.asm
diff options
authorJohn van Groningen2013-06-28 12:35:09 +0000
committerJohn van Groningen2013-06-28 12:35:09 +0000
commit5bcabdca0eea8fa23df10f74c00f269b2a43420c (patch)
tree6fb7864d3b667cdd6493f056914a26bc0fb67521 /acopy.asm
parentif PIC is defined, make more code position independent (diff)
if PIC is defined, make some code position independent
Diffstat (limited to 'acopy.asm')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/acopy.asm b/acopy.asm
index 1c45ad0..d559beb 100644
--- a/acopy.asm
+++ b/acopy.asm
@@ -390,17 +390,32 @@ arguments_already_copied_2:
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,__STRING__+2+0
+ cmp rcx,r9
+ else
cmp rcx,offset __STRING__+2
+ endif
jbe copy_string_or_array_2
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,CHAR+2+0
+ cmp rcx,r9
+ else
cmp rcx,offset CHAR+2
+ endif
ja copy_normal_hnf_0_2
mov rax,8[rdx]
je copy_char_2
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,dINT+2+0
+ cmp rcx,r9
+ else
cmp rcx,offset dINT+2
+ endif
jne no_small_int_or_char_2
@@ -410,7 +425,12 @@ copy_int_2:
shl rax,4
add rbp,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,small_integers+0
+ add rax,r9
+ else
add rax,offset small_integers
+ endif
sub rbx,1
mov (-8)[rbp],rax
@@ -423,7 +443,12 @@ copy_char_2:
shl rax,4
add rbp,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,static_characters+0
+ add rax,r9
+ else
add rax,offset static_characters
+ endif
sub rbx,1
mov (-8)[rbp],rax
@@ -609,7 +634,12 @@ copy_record_node2_3:
mov qword ptr [rbp],rdi
and rdx,-4
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table+0
+ mov eax,dword ptr [r9+rax*4]
+ else
mov eax,dword ptr (bit_set_table)[rax*4]
+ endif
add rdx,qword ptr heap_copied_vector
add rbp,8
@@ -684,7 +714,12 @@ copy_record_node2_3_ab_or_b:
mov qword ptr [rbp],rdi
and rdx,-4
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table+0
+ mov eax,dword ptr [r9+rax*4]
+ else
mov eax,dword ptr (bit_set_table)[rax*4]
+ endif
add rdx,qword ptr heap_copied_vector+0
add rbp,8
@@ -733,7 +768,12 @@ copy_record_node2_3_b:
mov qword ptr [rbp],rsi
and rdx,-4
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table+0
+ mov eax,dword ptr [r9+rax*4]
+ else
mov eax,dword ptr (bit_set_table)[rax*4]
+ endif
add rdx,qword ptr heap_copied_vector+0
add rbp,8
@@ -931,7 +971,12 @@ copy_selector_2_2:
movzx d3,word ptr 4[d3]
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,__indirection+0
+ mov qword ptr [rdx],r9
+ else
mov qword ptr [rdx],offset __indirection
+ endif
mov rcx,qword ptr [rax+d3]
mov qword ptr 8[rdx],rcx
@@ -1009,7 +1054,12 @@ copy_record_selector_2:
add d5,qword ptr heap_copied_vector+0
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table+0
+ mov d4d,dword ptr [r9+d4]
+ else
mov d4d,dword ptr (bit_set_table)[d4]
+ endif
and d4d,dword ptr [d5]
@@ -1080,7 +1130,12 @@ copy_strict_record_selector_2_b:
add d5,qword ptr heap_copied_vector+0
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table+0
+ mov d4d,dword ptr [r9+d4]
+ else
mov d4d,dword ptr (bit_set_table)[d4]
+ endif
and d4d,[d5]
@@ -1234,10 +1289,20 @@ copy_array_a3:
mov rbx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,dINT+2+0
+ cmp rax,r9
+ else
cmp rax,offset dINT+2
+ endif
jle copy_int_or_real_array_2
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,BOOL+2+0
+ cmp rax,r9
+ else
cmp rax,offset BOOL+2
+ endif
je copy_bool_array_2
@@ -1283,8 +1348,16 @@ copy_string_or_array_constant:
mov heap_end_after_gc+0,rsi
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea rcx,finalizer_list+0
+ else
mov rcx,offset finalizer_list
+ endif
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea rdx,free_finalizer_list+0
+ else
mov rdx,offset free_finalizer_list
+ endif
mov rbp,qword ptr finalizer_list+0