diff options
authorJohn van Groningen2013-07-04 10:28:42 +0000
committerJohn van Groningen2013-07-04 10:28:42 +0000
commitac876a52dc68493aba662d01ebda1349a45a9491 (patch)
parentadd +0 to some pc relative addresses, converted to [rip] on linux (diff)
if PIC is defined, make some code position independent
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/acompact.asm b/acompact.asm
index 9d2ce03..d615d4e 100644
--- a/acompact.asm
+++ b/acompact.asm
@@ -84,8 +84,13 @@ end_rmarkp_cafs:
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea rcx,finalizer_list+0+0
+ lea rdx,free_finalizer_list+0
+ else
mov rcx,offset finalizer_list+0
mov rdx,offset free_finalizer_list+0
+ endif
mov rbp,qword ptr [rcx]
@@ -95,10 +100,15 @@ determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1:
mov rax,qword ptr neg_heap_p3+0
add rax,rbp
- mov rbx,rax
+ mov rbx,rax
and rax,31*8
shr rbx,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table2+0
+ mov esi,dword ptr [r9+rax]
+ else
mov esi,dword ptr (bit_set_table2)[rax]
+ endif
test esi,dword ptr [rdi+rbx*4]
je finalizer_not_used_after_compact1
@@ -114,7 +124,12 @@ finalizer_find_descriptor:
test rax,1
jne finalizer_find_descriptor_lp
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2+0
+ mov qword ptr [rsi],r9
+ else
mov qword ptr [rsi],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
+ endif
cmp rbp,rcx
ja finalizer_no_reverse
@@ -130,7 +145,12 @@ finalizer_no_reverse:
jmp determine_free_finalizers_after_compact1
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2+0
+ mov qword ptr [rbp],r9
+ else
mov qword ptr [rbp],offset e____system__kFinalizerGCTemp+2
+ endif
mov qword ptr [rdx],rbp
lea rdx,8[rbp]
@@ -150,17 +170,31 @@ end_finalizers_after_compact1:
test rcx,3
jne finalizer_list_already_reversed
mov rax,qword ptr [rcx]
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,finalizer_list+1+0
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],r9
+ else
mov qword ptr [rcx],offset finalizer_list+1
+ endif
mov qword ptr finalizer_list+0,rax
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea rbp,free_finalizer_list+0
+ else
mov rbp,offset free_finalizer_list
+ endif
lea r9,__Nil-8+0
cmp qword ptr [rbp],r9
je free_finalizer_list_empty
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,free_finalizer_list+8+0
+ mov qword ptr end_vector+0,r9
+ else
mov qword ptr end_vector+0,offset free_finalizer_list+8
+ endif
test qword ptr flags+0,4096
je no_pmarkr
@@ -209,10 +243,13 @@ end_skip_zeros:
add rbp,r8
shl rbp,6
- add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3
+ add rbp,qword ptr heap_p3+0
movzx rax,sil
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,first_one_bit_table[rip]
+ endif
test rax,rax
jne found_bit1
movzx rcx,si
@@ -223,24 +260,39 @@ bsf_and_copy_nodes:
jne found_bit3
mov rcx,rsi
shr rcx,24
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rcx*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
+ endif
add rcx,24
jmp copy_nodes
shr rax,16
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rax*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ endif
add rcx,16
jmp copy_nodes
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rcx*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rcx*1]
+ endif
add rcx,8
jmp copy_nodes
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rax*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ endif
mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+rcx*8]
shr esi,1
@@ -292,7 +344,12 @@ update_up_list_1r:
shr rax,8
and rcx,31*8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table2+0
+ mov ecx,dword ptr [r9+rcx*1]
+ else
mov ecx,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rcx*1]
+ endif
mov eax,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
and rax,rcx
@@ -656,7 +713,12 @@ move_record_3_1b:
mov rbp,rax
and rbp,31*8
shr rax,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_set_table2+0
+ mov ebp,dword ptr [r9+rbp]
+ else
mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
+ endif
test ebp,dword ptr [rbx+rax*4]
je not_linked_record_argument_part_3_b
@@ -666,7 +728,11 @@ move_record_3_1b:
mov rbp,rax
and rbp,31*8
shr rax,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ mov ebp,dword ptr [r9+rbp]
+ else
mov ebp,dword ptr bit_set_table2[rbp]
+ endif
or dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
pop rbp
@@ -681,7 +747,12 @@ not_linked_record_argument_part_3_b:
mov rbp,rax
and rbp,31*8
shr rax,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_clear_table2+0
+ mov ebp,dword ptr [r9+rbp]
+ else
mov ebp,dword ptr bit_clear_table2[rbp]
+ endif
and dword ptr [rbx+rax*4],ebp
pop rbp
@@ -714,7 +785,12 @@ bit_in_next_word:
mov esi,dword ptr [r8]
add r8,4
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,bit_clear_table+0
+ and esi,dword ptr [r9+rbx*4]
+ else
and esi,dword ptr bit_clear_table[rbx*4]
+ endif
test rsi,rsi
je skip_zeros
@@ -772,9 +848,19 @@ copy_normal_hnf_0:
jmp find_non_zero_long
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,__STRING__+2+0
+ cmp rax,r9
+ else
cmp rax,offset __STRING__+2
+ endif
jbe move_string_or_array
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,CHAR+2+0
+ cmp rax,r9
+ else
cmp rax,offset CHAR+2
+ endif
jbe move_real_int_bool_or_char
test rsi,rsi
@@ -821,6 +907,9 @@ skip_zeros_a:
mov rax,rsi
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,first_one_bit_table+0
+ endif
mov rdx,rsi
and rax,0ffh
jne a_found_bit1
@@ -831,21 +920,37 @@ bsf_and_end_array_bit:
and rax,0ff0000h
jne a_found_bit3
shr rdx,24
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rdx*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
+ endif
add rcx,24
jmp end_array_bit
shr rax,16
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rax*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ endif
add rcx,16
jmp end_array_bit
shr rdx,8
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rdx*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rdx*1]
+ endif
add rcx,8
jmp end_array_bit
+ ifdef PIC
+ movzx rcx,byte ptr [r9+rax*1]
+ else
movzx rcx,byte ptr first_one_bit_table[rax*1]
+ endif
lea rbx,[rbp+rcx*8]
@@ -875,9 +980,19 @@ move_b_array:
mov rax,rdx
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,dINT+2+0
+ cmp rbx,r9
+ else
cmp rbx,offset dINT+2
+ endif
jle cp_s_arg_lp3
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,BOOL+2+0
+ cmp rbx,r9
+ else
cmp rbx,offset BOOL+2
+ endif
je move_bool_array
@@ -1157,7 +1272,12 @@ restore_finalizer_descriptors:
cmp rcx,r9
je end_restore_finalizer_descriptors
+ ifdef PIC
+ lea r9,e____system__kFinalizer+2+0
+ mov qword ptr [rcx],r8
+ else
mov qword ptr [rcx],offset e____system__kFinalizer+2
+ endif
mov rcx,qword ptr 8[rcx]
jmp restore_finalizer_descriptors