diff options
authorCamil Staps2017-11-22 11:25:26 +0100
committerCamil Staps2017-11-22 11:25:26 +0100
commitbef9a0cfce3ce7e27b07746b28bb62096ad6d1c8 (patch)
parentResolve run-time error for functions that use arguments twice further down th... (diff)
Make parsing more robust
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/pf.icl b/pf.icl
index 46016e1..76a54f9 100644
--- a/pf.icl
+++ b/pf.icl
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module pf
+import StdArray
import StdBool
import StdFile
-from StdFunc import flip
+from StdFunc import flip, o
import StdMisc
import StdString
import StdTuple
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ import GenEq
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
+import Data.Error
from Data.Func import $
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
@@ -43,11 +45,11 @@ import Yard
derive gEq Token; instance == Token where == a b = a === b
-tokenize :: ([Char] -> [Token])
+tokenize :: ([Char] -> MaybeError String [Token])
tokenize = flip tok []
- tok :: [Char] [Token] -> [Token]
- tok [] tks = reverse tks
+ tok :: [Char] [Token] -> MaybeError String [Token]
+ tok [] tks = Ok $ reverse tks
tok ['\\':cs] tks = tok cs [TBackSlash:tks]
tok ['(':cs] tks = tok cs [TParenOpen:tks]
tok [')':cs] tks = tok cs [TParenClose:tks]
@@ -59,16 +61,20 @@ where
| isDigit c = tok rest [TInt (toInt (toString digs)):tks]
with (digs,rest) = span isDigit [c:cs]
| isIdentChar c = tok rest [TIdent (toString ids):tks]
- with (ids,rest) = span isIdentChar [c:cs]
+ with (ids,rest) = span isIdentChar [c:cs]
+ | otherwise = Error $ "Unexpected character '" +++ {c} +++ "' in input."
isIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentChar c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
-parse :: String -> Maybe Expr
-parse s = case runParser expr (tokenize $ fromString s) of
- (Right e, []) -> Just e
- _ -> Nothing
+parse :: String -> MaybeError String Expr
+parse s = tokenize (fromString s) >>= cast o runParser expr
+ cast :: (Either String a, [b]) -> MaybeError String a
+ cast (Right e, []) = Ok e
+ cast (Right _, _) = Error "Not all input could be consumed."
+ cast (Left _, _) = Error "Parse error"
simple :: Parser Token Expr
simple = liftM2 lambda (item TBackSlash *> some ident <* item TArrow) expr
<|> Literal <$> LitInt <$> int
@@ -160,8 +166,8 @@ Start w
# ([prg:cmd],w) = getCommandLine w
| length cmd <> 1 = err ("Usage: " +++ prg +++ " EXPRESSION") w
# e = parse (hd cmd)
-| isNothing e = err "Expression could not be parsed." w
-# e = fromJust e
+| isError e = err (fromError e) w
+# e = fromOk e
# (io,w) = stdio w
# io = io <<< "Request: " <<< print e <<< "\n"
# io = io <<< "Result: " <<< print (optim e) <<< "\n"