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Diffstat (limited to 'osdocumentinterface.icl')
-rw-r--r-- | osdocumentinterface.icl | 191 |
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/osdocumentinterface.icl b/osdocumentinterface.icl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e01ee6c --- /dev/null +++ b/osdocumentinterface.icl @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +implementation module osdocumentinterface
+import StdMaybe, StdOverloaded, StdString, StdTuple
+import clCrossCall_12, ostoolbar, ossystem, ostypes, windowCrossCall_12
+from commondef import fatalError
+from StdIOCommon import :: DocumentInterface(..)
+import code from "cCrossCallxDI_121.o"
+:: OSDInfo
+ = OSMDInfo !OSMDInfo
+ | OSSDInfo !OSSDInfo
+ | OSNoInfo
+:: OSMDInfo
+ = { osmdOSInfo :: !OSInfo // The general document interface infrastructure
+ , osmdWindowMenu :: !HMENU // The Window menu in the MDI menu bar
+ }
+:: OSSDInfo
+ = { ossdOSInfo :: !OSInfo // The general document interface infrastructure
+ }
+:: OSInfo
+ = { osFrame :: !HWND // The frame window of the (M/S)DI frame window
+ , osToolbar :: !Maybe OSToolbar // The toolbar of the (M/S)DI frame window (Nothing if no toolbar)
+ , osClient :: !HWND // The client window of the (M/S)DI frame window
+ , osMenuBar :: !HMENU // The menu bar of the (M/S)DI frame window
+ }
+:: OSMenuBar
+ = { menuBar :: !HMENU
+ , menuWindow :: !HWND
+ , menuClient :: !HWND
+ }
+osdocumentinterfaceFatalError :: String String -> .x
+osdocumentinterfaceFatalError function error
+ = fatalError function "osdocumentinterface" error
+osInitialiseDI :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
+osInitialiseDI _
+ = code
+ {
+ .inline InstallCrossCallxDI
+ ccall InstallCrossCallxDI "I-I"
+ .end
+ }
+/* emptyOSDInfo creates a OSDInfo with dummy values for the argument document interface.
+emptyOSDInfo :: !DocumentInterface -> OSDInfo
+emptyOSDInfo di
+ = case di of
+ MDI -> OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo=emptyOSInfo,osmdWindowMenu=(-1)}
+ SDI -> OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo=emptyOSInfo}
+ NDI -> OSNoInfo
+ emptyOSInfo = {osFrame=(-1),osToolbar=Nothing,osClient=(-1),osMenuBar=(-1)}
+/* getOSDInfoDocumentInterface returns the DocumentInterface of the argument OSDInfo.
+getOSDInfoDocumentInterface :: !OSDInfo -> DocumentInterface
+getOSDInfoDocumentInterface (OSMDInfo _) = MDI
+getOSDInfoDocumentInterface (OSSDInfo _) = SDI
+getOSDInfoDocumentInterface OSNoInfo = NDI
+/* getOSDInfoOSMenuBar returns the OSMenuBar info from the argument OSDInfo.
+ setOSDInfoOSMenuBar sets the OSMenuBar info in the OSDInfo.
+getOSDInfoOSMenuBar :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSMenuBar
+getOSDInfoOSMenuBar osdInfo
+ = case osdInfo of
+ OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo} -> get osmdOSInfo
+ OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo} -> get ossdOSInfo
+ osnoinfo -> Nothing
+ get {osFrame,osClient,osMenuBar} = Just {menuBar=osMenuBar,menuWindow=osFrame,menuClient=osClient}
+setOSDInfoOSMenuBar :: !OSMenuBar !OSDInfo -> OSDInfo
+setOSDInfoOSMenuBar {menuBar,menuWindow,menuClient} osdInfo
+ = case osdInfo of
+ OSMDInfo mdi=:{osmdOSInfo=info} -> OSMDInfo {mdi & osmdOSInfo=set info}
+ OSSDInfo sdi=:{ossdOSInfo=info} -> OSSDInfo {sdi & ossdOSInfo=set info}
+ osnoinfo -> osnoinfo
+ set info = {info & osMenuBar=menuBar,osFrame=menuWindow,osClient=menuClient}
+/* getOSDInfoOSInfo returns the OSInfo from the argument OSDInfo if present.
+ setOSDInfoOSInfo sets the OSInfo in the OSDInfo.
+getOSDInfoOSInfo :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSInfo
+getOSDInfoOSInfo (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo}) = Just osmdOSInfo
+getOSDInfoOSInfo (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo}) = Just ossdOSInfo
+getOSDInfoOSInfo osnoinfo = Nothing
+setOSDInfoOSInfo :: !OSInfo !OSDInfo -> OSDInfo
+setOSDInfoOSInfo osinfo (OSMDInfo osm) = OSMDInfo {osm & osmdOSInfo=osinfo}
+setOSDInfoOSInfo osinfo (OSSDInfo oss) = OSSDInfo {oss & ossdOSInfo=osinfo}
+setOSDInfoOSInfo _ osnoinfo = osnoinfo
+/* osOpenMDI creates the infrastructure of an MDI process.
+ If the first Bool argument is True, then the frame window is shown, otherwise it is hidden.
+ The second Bool indicates whether the process accepts file open events.
+osOpenMDI :: !Bool !Bool !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox)
+osOpenMDI show acceptFileOpen tb
+ # createCci = Rq2Cci CcRqCREATEMDIFRAMEWINDOW (toInt show) (toInt acceptFileOpen)
+ # (returncci,tb) = issueCleanRequest2 osCreateMDIWindowCallback createCci tb
+ (framePtr,clientPtr,menuBar,windowMenu)
+ = case returncci.ccMsg of
+ CcRETURN4 -> (returncci.p1,returncci.p2,returncci.p3,returncci.p4)
+ CcWASQUIT -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr)
+ msg -> osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "OSopenMDI" ("CcRETURN4 expected instead of "+++toString msg)
+ # osmdinfo = { osmdOSInfo = { osFrame = framePtr
+ , osToolbar = Nothing
+ , osClient = clientPtr
+ , osMenuBar = menuBar
+ }
+ , osmdWindowMenu = windowMenu
+ }
+ = (OSMDInfo osmdinfo,tb)
+ osCreateMDIWindowCallback :: !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox)
+ osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmKILLFOCUS} tb /* PA: added. Shouldn't ControlDeactivate be delayed? */
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateMDIWindowCallback {ccMsg} tb
+ = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "osCreateMDIWindowCallback" ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg)
+osOpenSDI :: !Bool !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox)
+osOpenSDI acceptFileOpen tb
+ # createCci = Rq1Cci CcRqCREATESDIFRAMEWINDOW (toInt acceptFileOpen)
+ # (returncci,tb) = issueCleanRequest2 osCreateSDIWindowCallback createCci tb
+ (framePtr,menuBar)= case returncci.ccMsg of
+ CcRETURN2 -> (returncci.p1,returncci.p2)
+ CcWASQUIT -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr)
+ msg -> osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "OSopenSDI" ("CcRETURN2 expected instead of "+++toString msg)
+ # ossdinfo = { ossdOSInfo = {osFrame=framePtr,osToolbar=Nothing,osClient=OSNoWindowPtr,osMenuBar=menuBar} }
+ = (OSSDInfo ossdinfo,tb)
+ osCreateSDIWindowCallback :: !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox)
+ osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg=CcWmKILLFOCUS} tb /* PA: added. Shouldn't ControlDeactivate be delayed? */
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+ osCreateSDIWindowCallback {ccMsg} tb
+ = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "osCreateSDIWindowCallback" ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg)
+osOpenNDI :: !*OSToolbox -> (!OSDInfo,!*OSToolbox) // PA: added. Dummy on Windows.
+osOpenNDI tb
+ = (OSNoInfo,tb)
+osCloseOSDInfo :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
+osCloseOSDInfo (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo={osFrame}}) tb
+ = snd (issueCleanRequest2 (osDestroyProcessWindowCallback "osCloseMDI") (Rq1Cci CcRqDESTROYWINDOW osFrame) tb)
+osCloseOSDInfo (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo={osFrame}}) tb
+ = snd (issueCleanRequest2 (osDestroyProcessWindowCallback "osCloseSDI") (Rq1Cci CcRqDESTROYWINDOW osFrame) tb)
+osCloseOSDInfo _ tb
+ = tb
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback :: String !CrossCallInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!CrossCallInfo,!*OSToolbox)
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmDEACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmACTIVATE} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmKEYBOARD} tb
+ = (return0Cci,tb)
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback _ {ccMsg=CcWmPAINT,p1=hwnd} tb
+ = (return0Cci,winFakePaint hwnd tb)
+osDestroyProcessWindowCallback function {ccMsg} tb
+ = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError function ("received message nr:"+++toString ccMsg)
+// getOSDInfoOSToolbar retrieves the OSToolbar, if any.
+getOSDInfoOSToolbar :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSToolbar
+getOSDInfoOSToolbar (OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo={osToolbar}}) = osToolbar
+getOSDInfoOSToolbar (OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo={osToolbar}}) = osToolbar
+getOSDInfoOSToolbar _ = Nothing
+/* osOSDInfoIsActive tests if the given OSDInfo represents the interactive process with the
+ active menu system. (Always True on Windows; use menu bar on Mac.)
+osOSDInfoIsActive :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool, !*OSToolbox)
+osOSDInfoIsActive osdinfo tb = (True,tb)