

ObjectIO is a Clean library "to create Clean programs that have a Graphical User Interface (GUI)". There is a tutorial available. Unfortunately, support is limited to Windows and Mac for the moment. In the complete sources of Clean 2.4, however, a start has been made to support Linux as well using GTK+ 2. The code in that download is buggy and unusable, especially on 64 bit systems.

This project is an attempt to fix the Linux variant of Clean's ObjectIO library. In the initial commit the source code from the Clean 2.4 sources has been copied. All other commits were authored by Camil Staps.

This is not a standalone project. This repository only contains the OS specific files. In addition to that, you will need the general library as well. This can be downloaded from the Clean download site.

Setting up

See the Setting up page on the wiki.

The ObjectIO library is subject to the Clean License Conditions, which means it is available under the LGPL and a commercial license.

This project however is licensed under the GPL 3.0 license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.

To do

  • This project is still in early development. Some simple programs (like "Hello World") are already working. However, many things are not working yet and many things still remain untested.
  • The wiki contains a list of example programs and their status. It also has an overview of Controls and ControlAttributes and whether they are supported or not.
  • In a future version, it would be preferable to switch to GTK+ 3.


You are invited to help fixing this library by forking this repository. If you make significant progress, please create a pull request. If you want to have an idea what can be done, see the wiki to find something which isn't supported yet.

If you would like some help to get started with this library's development, please drop me an email at info@camilstaps.nl and we can have a look together.