path: root/Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c
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authorCamil Staps2015-07-01 17:36:37 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-07-01 17:36:37 +0200
commit7553b7f9d4dddc2235c137d41de8ce22547bebe3 (patch)
tree34f8fb4b36640317d728a60586424f67f9befbe7 /Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c
parentgitignore (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c')
1 files changed, 1910 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c b/Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c036587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Linux_C_12/cpicture_121.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1910 @@
+ Clean OS Windows library module version 1.2.1.
+ This module is part of the Clean Object I/O library, version 1.2.1,
+ for the Windows platform.
+ About this module:
+ Routines related to drawing.
+#include "util_121.h"
+#include <pango/pango.h>
+#include <pango/pangoft2.h>
+#include "cpicture_121.h"
+#include "cCrossCall_121.h"
+#include "cCrossCallWindows_121.h"
+extern void InitGTK();
+const gchar* PEN_POS_KEY = "current-pen-position";
+void WinGetDC (GtkWidget *widget, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ GdkWindow *window;
+ printf("WinGetDC\n");
+ window = GTK_BIN(GTK_BIN(widget)->child)->child->window;
+ gdk_window_ref(window);
+ *outDraw = GDK_DRAWABLE(window);
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetDC */
+OS WinReleaseDC(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios)
+ printf("WinReleaseDC\n");
+ gdk_window_unref(GDK_WINDOW(drawable));
+ return ios;
+} /* WinReleaseDC */
+gint OsMMtoVPixels(double mm)
+ printf("OsMMtoVPixels\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ return (int) ((mm*gdk_screen_height())/gdk_screen_height_mm());
+gint OsMMtoHPixels(double mm)
+ printf("OsMMtoHPixels\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ return (int) ((mm*gdk_screen_width())/gdk_screen_width_mm());
+| |
+| Helper functions |
+| |
+static GdkGC *theDrawGC, *theEraseGC, *theInvertGC;
+static GdkFont *theFont;
+static PangoFontDescription *theFontDesc;
+static gint penSize;
+static gint penPat;
+static gint penMode;
+static GdkColor penColor;
+static GdkColor backColor;
+static GdkPoint *thePolygon;
+static gint thePolygonIndex;
+static GdkRegion *theClipRgn = NULL;
+void WinInitPicture (gint size, gint mode, gint pr, gint pg, gint pb,
+ gint br, gint bg, gint bb, gint x, gint y,
+ CLEAN_STRING fname, gint fstyle, gint fsize,
+ gint ox, gint oy, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS os,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInitPicture\n");
+ penColor.pixel = 0;
+ penColor.red = pr*257;
+ penColor.green = pg*257;
+ penColor.blue = pb*257;
+ backColor.pixel = 0;
+ backColor.red = br*257;
+ backColor.green = bg*257;
+ backColor.blue = bb*257;
+ penSize = size;
+ penMode = mode;
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ printf("inDraw non-null\n");
+ gdk_colormap_alloc_color(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &penColor, FALSE, FALSE);
+ gdk_colormap_alloc_color(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &backColor, FALSE, FALSE);
+ theDrawGC = gdk_gc_new(inDraw);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theDrawGC, &penColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theDrawGC, &backColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(theDrawGC, 0, 0);
+ gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(theDrawGC, size, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
+ theEraseGC = gdk_gc_new(inDraw);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theEraseGC, &backColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theEraseGC, &penColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(theEraseGC, 0, 0);
+ gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(theEraseGC, size, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
+ theInvertGC = gdk_gc_new(inDraw);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theInvertGC, &penColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theInvertGC, &backColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_function(theInvertGC, GDK_INVERT);
+ gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(theInvertGC, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ theDrawGC = NULL;
+ theEraseGC = NULL;
+ theInvertGC = NULL;
+ }
+ theFontDesc = pango_font_description_new();
+ pango_font_description_set_family(theFontDesc,cstring(fname));
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(theFontDesc,(fstyle & iBold) ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(theFontDesc,(fstyle & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ pango_font_description_set_size(theFontDesc, fsize*PANGO_SCALE);
+ theFont = gdk_font_from_description(theFontDesc);
+ /*
+ theClipRgn = NULL;
+ if (clipRgn)
+ {
+ theClipRgn = gdk_region_copy(clipRgn);
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theDrawGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theEraseGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theInvertGC, theClipRgn);
+ }
+ */
+ /* Remember the pen position */
+ InternalSetPenPos(inDraw, x, y);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = os;
+ printf("WinInitPicture -- returning\n");
+} /* WinInitPicture */
+void WinDonePicture (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ gint *size, gint *mode, gint *pr, gint *pg, gint *pb, gint *br,
+ gint *bg, gint *bb, gint *x, gint *y, CLEAN_STRING *fname,
+ gint *fstyle, gint *fsize, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS* oos)
+ GdkPoint *p;
+ PangoContext *pc;
+ PangoFontDescription *fontDesc;
+ gchar *fontDescString;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ gboolean inDrawIsWidget;
+ printf("WinDonePicture\n");
+ inDrawIsWidget = GTK_IS_WIDGET(inDraw);
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ printf("inDraw non-null\n");
+ gdk_colormap_free_colors(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &penColor, 1);
+ gdk_colormap_free_colors(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &backColor, 1);
+ }
+ if (theFont)
+ {
+ gdk_font_unref(theFont);
+ theFont = NULL;
+ }
+ if (theFontDesc)
+ {
+ pango_font_description_free(theFontDesc);
+ theFontDesc = NULL;
+ }
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_unref(theDrawGC);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_unref(theEraseGC);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_unref(theInvertGC);
+ if (theClipRgn)
+ {
+ gdk_region_destroy(theClipRgn);
+ theClipRgn = NULL;
+ }
+ *size = penSize;
+ *mode = penMode;
+ *pr = penColor.red/257;
+ *pg = penColor.green/257;
+ *pb = penColor.blue/257;
+ *br = backColor.red/257;
+ *bg = backColor.green/257;
+ *bb = backColor.blue/257;
+ /* inDraw may not have font context */
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ widget = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET(inDraw);
+ }
+ pc = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget);
+ fontDesc = pango_context_get_font_description(pc);
+ InternalGetPenPos(inDraw, x, y);
+ *fname = cleanstring(pango_font_description_get_family(fontDesc));
+ *fstyle= pango_font_description_get_style(fontDesc);
+ *fsize = pango_font_description_get_size(fontDesc);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pc));
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
+ }
+ *oos = ios;
+ printf("WinDonePicture -- returning\n");
+} /* WinDonePicture */
+/* PA: Set and get the clipping region of a picture:
+ WinClipRgnPicture takes the intersection of the argument clipRgn with the current clipping region.
+ WinSetClipRgnPicture sets the argument clipRgn as the new clipping region.
+ WinGetClipRgnPicture gets the current clipping region.
+void WinClipRgnPicture (GdkRegion *region, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ GdkRectangle *rectangles;
+ gint n_rectangles, i;
+ printf("WinClipRgnPicture\n");
+ if (theClipRgn != NULL)
+ {
+ gdk_region_intersect(theClipRgn, region);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (region)
+ theClipRgn = gdk_region_copy(region);
+ }
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theDrawGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theEraseGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theInvertGC, theClipRgn);
+ *outDraw = drawable;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinClipRgnPicture */
+void WinSetClipRgnPicture (GdkRegion *region, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ GdkRectangle *rectangles;
+ gint n_rectangles, i;
+ printf("WinSetClipRgnPicture\n");
+ if (theClipRgn != NULL)
+ {
+ gdk_region_destroy(theClipRgn);
+ }
+ theClipRgn = region ? gdk_region_copy(region) : NULL;
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theDrawGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theEraseGC, theClipRgn);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_clip_region(theInvertGC, theClipRgn);
+ *outDraw = drawable;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetClipRgnPicture */
+void WinGetClipRgnPicture (GdkDrawable *drawable,OS ios,
+ GdkRegion **outRegion, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS* oos)
+ GdkRegion *r = NULL;
+ printf("WinGetClipRgnPicture\n");
+ if (theClipRgn)
+ {
+ r = gdk_region_copy(theClipRgn);
+ }
+ *outRegion = r;
+ *outDraw = drawable;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetClipRgnPicture */
+/* Operations to create, modify, and destroy polygon shapes.
+void WinAllocPolyShape (gint size, OS ios, GdkPoint **outPoint, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinAllocPolyShape\n");
+ *outPoint = g_new(GdkPoint,1);
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinAllocPolyShape */
+OS WinSetPolyPoint (gint i, gint x, gint y, GdkPoint *shape, OS os)
+ printf("WinSetPolyPoint\n");
+ shape[i].x = x;
+ shape[i].y = y;
+ return (os);
+} /* WinSetPolyPoint */
+OS WinFreePolyShape (GdkPoint *shape, OS os)
+ printf("WinFreePolyShape\n");
+ gdk_drawable_unref(GDK_DRAWABLE(shape));
+ return (os);
+} /* WinFreePolyShape */
+ * Operations to create, modify and destroy regions.
+ */
+GdkRegion *WinCreateEmptyRgn()
+ printf("WinCreateEmptyRgn\n");
+ return gdk_region_new();
+} /* WinCreateEmptyRgn */
+void WinCreateRectRgn (gint nLeftRect, gint nTopRect, gint nRightRect,
+ gint nBottomRect, OS ios, GdkRegion **rgn, OS *oos)
+ GdkRectangle rectangle;
+ printf("WinCreateRectRgn\n");
+ rectangle.x = nLeftRect;
+ rectangle.y = nTopRect;
+ rectangle.width = nRightRect-nLeftRect;
+ rectangle.height = nBottomRect-nTopRect;
+ *rgn = gdk_region_rectangle(&rectangle);
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinCreateRectRgn */
+void WinCreatePolygonRgn (GdkPoint *points, gint nPoints,
+ gint fnPolyFillMode, OS ios, GdkRegion **rgn, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinCreatePolygonRgn\n");
+ *rgn = gdk_region_polygon(points,nPoints, fnPolyFillMode == 1 ? GDK_EVEN_ODD_RULE : GDK_WINDING_RULE);
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinCreatePolygonRgn */
+GdkRegion *WinUnionRgn (GdkRegion *src1, GdkRegion *src2)
+ GdkRegion *dst = NULL;
+ printf("WinUnionRgn\n");
+ if (src1)
+ {
+ dst = gdk_region_copy(src1);
+ gdk_region_union(dst, src2);
+ }
+ return dst;
+} /* WinUnionRgn */
+GdkRegion *WinSectRgn (GdkRegion *src1, GdkRegion *src2)
+ GdkRegion *dst = src2;
+ printf("WinSectRgn\n");
+ if (src1)
+ {
+ dst = gdk_region_copy(src1);
+ gdk_region_intersect(dst, src2);
+ }
+ return dst;
+} /* WinSectRgn */
+GdkRegion *WinDiffRgn (GdkRegion *src1, GdkRegion *src2)
+ GdkRegion *dst = NULL;
+ printf("WinDiffRgn\n");
+ if (src1)
+ {
+ dst = gdk_region_copy(src1);
+ gdk_region_subtract(dst, src2);
+ };
+ return dst;
+} /* WinDiffRgn */
+GdkRegion *WinXorRgn (GdkRegion *src1, GdkRegion *src2)
+ GdkRegion *dst = NULL;
+ printf("WinXorRgn\n");
+ if (src1)
+ {
+ dst = gdk_region_copy(src1);
+ gdk_region_xor(dst, src2);
+ }
+ return dst;
+} /* WinXorRgn */
+void WinGetRgnBox (GdkRegion *region, OS ios, gint *left, gint *top, gint *right,
+ gint *bottom, gboolean *isrect, gboolean *isempty, OS *oos)
+ GdkRegion *tempRegion;
+ GdkRectangle rectangle;
+ printf("WinGetRgnBox\n");
+ gdk_region_get_clipbox(region,&rectangle);
+ tempRegion = gdk_region_rectangle(&rectangle);
+ *left = rectangle.x;
+ *top = rectangle.y;
+ *right = rectangle.x+rectangle.width;
+ *bottom = rectangle.y+rectangle.height;
+ *isrect = gdk_region_equal(region, tempRegion);
+ gdk_region_destroy(tempRegion);
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetRgnBox */
+gboolean WinIsEmptyRgn(GdkRegion *region)
+ printf("WinIsEmptyRgn\n");
+ return gdk_region_empty(region);
+void WinDisposeRgn (GdkRegion *region)
+ printf("WinDisposeRgn\n");
+ gdk_region_destroy(region);
+| Interface functions |
+void WinSetPenSize (gint size, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetPenSize\n");
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(theDrawGC, size, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_line_attributes(theEraseGC, size, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
+ penSize = size;
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetPenSize */
+void WinSetPenColor (gint red, gint green, gint blue, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS* oos)
+ printf("WinSetPenColor\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_colormap_free_colors(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &backColor, 1);
+ penColor.pixel = 0;
+ penColor.red = red*257;
+ penColor.green = green*257;
+ penColor.blue = blue*257;
+ gdk_colormap_alloc_color(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &penColor, FALSE, FALSE);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theDrawGC, &penColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theEraseGC, &penColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theInvertGC, &penColor);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetPenColor */
+void WinSetBackColor (gint red, gint green, gint blue, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetBackColor\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_colormap_free_colors(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &backColor, 1);
+ backColor.pixel = 0;
+ backColor.red = red*257;
+ backColor.green = green*257;
+ backColor.blue = blue*257;
+ gdk_colormap_alloc_color(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(inDraw), &backColor, FALSE, FALSE);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theDrawGC, &backColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_foreground(theEraseGC, &backColor);
+ gdk_gc_set_background(theInvertGC, &backColor);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetBackColor */
+void WinSetMode (gint mode, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetMode\n");
+ switch (mode)
+ {
+ case iModeCopy:
+ penMode = iModeCopy;
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theDrawGC, GDK_COPY);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theEraseGC, GDK_COPY);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theInvertGC, GDK_COPY);
+ break;
+ case iModeXor:
+ penMode = iModeXor;
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theDrawGC, GDK_XOR);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theEraseGC, GDK_XOR);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theInvertGC, GDK_XOR);
+ break;
+ case iModeOr:
+ default:
+ if (theDrawGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theDrawGC, GDK_OR);
+ if (theEraseGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theEraseGC, GDK_OR);
+ if (theInvertGC) gdk_gc_set_function(theInvertGC, GDK_OR);
+ break;
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetMode */
+void WinSetPattern (gint pattern, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetPattern --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetPattern */
+/* changed by MW */
+void WinDrawPoint (gint x, gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawPoint\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_point(inDraw, theDrawGC, x, y);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawPoint */
+void WinDrawLine (gint startx, gint starty, gint endx, gint endy,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawLine\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_line(inDraw, theDrawGC, startx, starty, endx, endy);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawLine */
+void WinUndrawLine (gint startx, gint starty, gint endx, gint endy,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw)
+ printf("WinUndrawLine\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_line(inDraw, theEraseGC, startx, starty, endx, endy);
+} /* WinDrawLine */
+static gfloat PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
+void WinDrawCurve (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom, gint startradx,
+ gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint x = left;
+ gint y = top;
+ gint rx = right;
+ gint ry = bottom;
+ gfloat from = startradx;
+ gfloat to = endradx;
+ gboolean clockwise = TRUE;
+ gint cx, cy;
+ printf("WinDrawCurve\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ cx = x - floor(cos(from)* abs(rx));
+ cy = y + floor(sin(from)* abs(ry));
+ from = (32*360*from)/PI;
+ to = (32*360*to)/PI;
+ if (clockwise)
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theDrawGC, FALSE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(from-PI/2),floor(from-to));
+ else
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theDrawGC, FALSE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(to-PI/2),floor(to-from));
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawCurve */
+void WinUndrawCurve(gint x, gint y, gint rx, gint ry, gfloat from, gfloat to,
+ gboolean clockwise,GdkDrawable *drawable)
+ gint cx, cy;
+ printf("WinUndrawCurve\n");
+ if (drawable)
+ {
+ cx = x - floor(cos(from)* abs(rx));
+ cy = y + floor(sin(from)* abs(ry));
+ from = (32*360*from)/PI;
+ to = (32*360*to)/PI;
+ if (clockwise)
+ gdk_draw_arc(drawable, theEraseGC, FALSE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(from-PI/2),floor(from-to));
+ else
+ gdk_draw_arc(drawable, theEraseGC, FALSE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(to-PI/2),floor(to-from));
+ }
+} /* WinDrawCurve */
+void WinDrawChar (gchar c, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint x, y;
+ printf("WinDrawChar\n");
+ InternalGetPenPos(inDraw, &x, &y);
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_text(inDraw, theFont, theDrawGC, x, y, &c, 1);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawChar */
+void WinUndrawChar(gint x, gint y, gchar c, GdkDrawable *drawable)
+ printf("WinUndrawChar\n");
+ if (drawable) gdk_draw_text(drawable,theFont,theEraseGC,x,y,&c,1);
+} /* WinDrawChar */
+/*void WinDrawString (int x, int y, CLEAN_STRING string, GdkDrawable *inDraw, */
+void WinDrawString (CLEAN_STRING string, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint x, y;
+ printf("WinDrawString\n");
+ InternalGetPenPos(inDraw, &x, &y);
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ printf("Drawing %s\n", cstring(string));
+ gdk_draw_string(inDraw, theFont, theDrawGC, x, y, cstring(string));
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+ printf("Leaving drawstring.\n");
+} /* WinDrawString */
+void WinUndrawString (gint x, gint y, gchar *string, GdkDrawable *drawable)
+ printf("WinUndrawString\n");
+ if (drawable) gdk_draw_string(drawable,theFont,theEraseGC,x,y,string);
+} /* WinUndrawString */
+void WinDrawRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawRectangle\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(inDraw, theDrawGC, FALSE,
+ left, top,
+ right-left-1,
+ bot-top-1);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawRectangle */
+void WinUndrawRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *drawable)
+ printf("WinUndrawRectangle\n");
+ if (drawable)
+ {
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(drawable, theEraseGC, FALSE,
+ left, top,
+ right-left-1,
+ bot-top-1);
+ }
+} /* WinDrawRectangle */
+void WinFillRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinFillRectangle\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(inDraw, theDrawGC, TRUE,
+ left, top,
+ right-left,
+ bot-top);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinFillRectangle */
+void WinEraseRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinEraseRectangle\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(inDraw, theEraseGC, TRUE,
+ left, top,
+ right-left,
+ bot-top);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinEraseRectangle */
+void WinInvertRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInvertRectangle\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(inDraw, theInvertGC, TRUE,
+ left, top,
+ right-left,
+ bot-top);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinInvertRectangle */
+void WinMoveRectangleTo (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot, gint x,
+ gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+ printf("WinMoveRectangleTo is not implemented\n");
+ WinMoveRectangle (left,top, right,bot, x-left, y-top, inDraw,ios,
+ outDraw,oos);
+} /* WinMoveRectangleTo */
+void WinMoveRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot, gint dx,
+ gint dy, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+ printf("WinMoveRectangle is not implemented\n");
+/* int w, h;
+ HWND hwnd;
+ hwnd = WindowFromDC (ihdc);
+ if (hwnd != NULL)
+ {
+ RECT r;
+ POINT p;
+ GetClientRect (hwnd, &r);
+ GetWindowOrgEx (ihdc, &p);
+ left = max (left, r.left + p.x);
+ top = max (top, r.top + p.y);
+ right = min (right, r.right + p.x);
+ bot = min (bot, r.bottom + p.y);
+ }
+ w = right - left;
+ h = bot - top;
+ WinCopyRectangle (left, top, right, bot, dx, dy, ihdc);
+// StartErasing (ihdc);
+ if (dx > w || dy > h)
+ {
+ Rectangle (ihdc, left, top, right + 1, bot + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dx < 0)
+ Rectangle (ihdc, right - dx, top, right + 1, bot + 1);
+ else
+ Rectangle (ihdc, left, top, left + dx + 1, bot + 1);
+ if (dy < 0)
+ Rectangle (ihdc, left, bot - dy, right + 1, bot + 1);
+ else
+ Rectangle (ihdc, left, top, right + 1, top + dy + 1);*/
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinMoveRectangle */
+void WinCopyRectangleTo (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot, gint x,
+ gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+/* WinCopyRectangle (left,top, right,bot, x-left,y-top, ihdc); */
+ printf("WinCopyRectangleTo is not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinCopyRectangleTo */
+void WinCopyRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom, gint dx,
+ gint dy, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+/* RECT scrollRect;
+ scrollRect.left = left;
+ scrollRect.top = top;
+ scrollRect.right = right;
+ scrollRect.bottom = bottom;
+ if (!ScrollDC (ihdc, dx,dy, &scrollRect, &scrollRect, NULL, NULL))
+ {
+ rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinCopyRectangle","ScrollDC failed");
+ }*/
+ printf("WinCopyRectangle is not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinCopyRectangle */
+/* PA: new routine to scroll part of the content of a window.
+ It is assumed that scrolling happens in one direction only (dx<>0 && dy==0 || dx==0 && dy<>0).
+ The result rect (oleft,otop,oright,obottom) is the bounding box of the update area that
+ remains to be updated. If all are zero, then nothing needs to be updated.
+void WinScrollRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom, gint dx,
+ gint dy, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, gint *oleft, gint *otop,
+ gint *oright, gint *obottom, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+/* RECT scrollRect;
+ HRGN hrgnUpdate, hrgnRect;
+ scrollRect.left = left;
+ scrollRect.top = top;
+ scrollRect.right = right;
+ scrollRect.bottom = bottom;
+ if (dx<0)
+ {
+ hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn (right+dx-1,top-1,right+1,bottom+1);
+ }
+ else if (dx>0)
+ {
+ hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn (left-1,top-1,left+dx+1,bottom+1);
+ }
+ else if (dy<0)
+ {
+ hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn (left-1,bottom+dy-1,right+1,bottom+1);
+ }
+ else if (dy>0)
+ {
+ hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn (left-1,top-1,right+1,top+dy+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hrgnRect = CreateRectRgn (0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ hrgnUpdate = CreateRectRgn (0,0,1,1);
+ if (!ScrollDC (ihdc, dx,dy, &scrollRect, &scrollRect, hrgnUpdate, NULL))
+ {
+ rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinScrollRectangle","ScrollDC failed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (CombineRgn (hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, hrgnRect, RGN_DIFF) == NULLREGION)
+ {
+ *oleft = 0;
+ *otop = 0;
+ *oright = 0;
+ *obottom = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RECT box;
+ GetRgnBox (hrgnUpdate,&box);
+ *oleft = box.left;
+ *otop = box.top;
+ *oright = box.right;
+ *obottom = box.bottom;
+ }
+ }
+ DeleteObject (hrgnUpdate);
+ DeleteObject (hrgnRect);
+ printf("WinScrollRectangle is not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinScrollRectangle */
+void WinUndrawOval (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinUndrawOval\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_arc(inDraw,theEraseGC,FALSE,left,top,right-left,bot-top,0,64*360);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawOval */
+void WinDrawOval (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawOval\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_arc(inDraw,theDrawGC,FALSE,left,top,right-left,bot-top,0,64*360);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawOval */
+void WinFillOval (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinFillOval\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_arc(inDraw,theDrawGC,TRUE,left,top,right-left,bot-top,0,64*360);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinFillOval */
+void WinEraseOval (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinEraseOval\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_arc(inDraw,theEraseGC,TRUE,left,top,right-left,bot-top,0,64*360);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinEraseOval */
+void WinInvertOval (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInvertOval\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_arc(inDraw,theInvertGC,TRUE,left,top,right-left,bot-top,0,64*360);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinInvertOval */
+void WinFillWedge (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom, gint startradx,
+ gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint cx, cy;
+ gint x = left;
+ gint y = top;
+ gint rx = right;
+ gint ry = bottom;
+ gfloat from = startradx;
+ gfloat to = startrady;
+ gboolean clockwise = TRUE;
+ printf("WinFillWedge\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ cx = x - floor(cos(from)* abs(rx));
+ cy = y + floor(sin(from)* abs(ry));
+ from = (32*360*from)/PI;
+ to = (32*360*to)/PI;
+ if (clockwise)
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theDrawGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(from-PI/2),floor(from-to));
+ else
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theDrawGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(to-PI/2),floor(to-from));
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinFillWedge */
+void WinEraseWedge (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom,
+ gint startradx, gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint cx, cy;
+ gint x = left;
+ gint y = top;
+ gint rx = right;
+ gint ry = bottom;
+ gfloat from = startradx;
+ gfloat to = startrady;
+ gboolean clockwise = TRUE;
+ printf("WinEraseWedge\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ cx = x - floor(cos(from)* abs(rx));
+ cy = y + floor(sin(from)* abs(ry));
+ from = (32*360*from)/PI;
+ to = (32*360*to)/PI;
+ if (clockwise)
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theEraseGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(from-PI/2),floor(from-to));
+ else
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theEraseGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(to-PI/2),floor(to-from));
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinEraseWedge */
+void WinInvertWedge (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom,
+ gint startradx, gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint cx, cy;
+ gint x = left;
+ gint y = top;
+ gint rx = right;
+ gint ry = bottom;
+ gfloat from = startradx;
+ gfloat to = startrady;
+ gboolean clockwise = TRUE;
+ printf("WinInvertWedge\n");
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ cx = x - floor(cos(from)* abs(rx));
+ cy = y + floor(sin(from)* abs(ry));
+ from = (32*360*from)/PI;
+ to = (32*360*to)/PI;
+ if (clockwise)
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theInvertGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(from-PI/2),floor(from-to));
+ else
+ gdk_draw_arc(inDraw, theInvertGC, TRUE,
+ cx-rx, cy-ry, 2*rx, 2*ry,
+ floor(to-PI/2),floor(to-from));
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinInvertWedge */
+OS WinStartPolygon (gint size, OS ios)
+ printf("WinStartPolygon\n");
+ thePolygon = g_new(GdkPoint, size);
+ thePolygonIndex = 0;
+ return ios;
+} /* WinStartPolygon */
+OS WinEndPolygon (OS ios)
+ printf("WinEndPolygon\n");
+ rfree (thePolygon);
+ thePolygon = NULL;
+ return ios;
+} /* WinEndPolygon */
+OS WinAddPolygonPoint (gint x, gint y, OS ios)
+ printf("WinAddPolygonPoint\n");
+ thePolygon[thePolygonIndex].x = x;
+ thePolygon[thePolygonIndex].y = y;
+ thePolygonIndex++;
+ return ios;
+} /* WinAddPolygonPoint */
+void WinDrawPolygon(GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawPolygon\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_polygon(inDraw,theDrawGC,FALSE,thePolygon,thePolygonIndex);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawPolygon */
+void WinUndrawPolygon (GdkDrawable *drawable)
+ printf("WinUndrawPolygon\n");
+ if (drawable) gdk_draw_polygon(drawable,theEraseGC,FALSE,thePolygon,thePolygonIndex);
+} /* WinUndrawPolygon */
+void WinFillPolygon (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinFillPolygon\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_polygon(inDraw,theDrawGC,TRUE,thePolygon,thePolygonIndex);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinFillPolygon */
+void WinErasePolygon (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinErasePolygon\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_polygon(inDraw,theEraseGC,TRUE,thePolygon,thePolygonIndex);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinErasePolygon */
+void WinInvertPolygon (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInvertPolygon\n");
+ if (inDraw) gdk_draw_polygon(inDraw,theInvertGC,TRUE,thePolygon,thePolygonIndex);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinInvertPolygon */
+void WinCreateScreenHDC(OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ GdkWindow* theWindow;
+ GdkScreen* theScreen;
+ printf("WinCreateScreenHDC\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ theScreen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ theWindow = gdk_screen_get_root_window(theScreen);
+ *oos = ios;
+ *outDraw = GDK_DRAWABLE(theWindow);
+ printf("WinCreateScreenHDC - %d\n",theWindow);
+} /* WinCreateScreenHDC */
+OS WinDestroyScreenHDC (GdkDrawable *drawable, OS os)
+ printf("WinDestroyScreenHDC - %d\n",drawable);
+/* g_object_unref(drawable); */
+ return os;
+} /* WinDestroyScreenHDC */
+/* WinDrawResizedBitmap draws a bitmap on screen. For reasons of efficiency it uses an
+ already created bitmap handle.
+void WinDrawResizedBitmap (gint sourcew, gint sourceh, gint destx, gint desty,
+ gint destw, gint desth, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+/* HDC compatibleDC;
+ POINT sourcesize, destsize, dest, origin;
+ HGDIOBJ prevObj;
+ sourcesize.x = sourcew;
+ sourcesize.y = sourceh;
+ origin.x = 0;
+ origin.y = 0;
+ destsize.x = destw;
+ destsize.y = desth;
+ dest.x = destx;
+ dest.y = desty;
+ // Create a compatible device context
+ compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
+ if (compatibleDC == NULL)
+ rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinDrawResizedBitmap","CreateCompatibleDC failed");
+ // Select bitmap into compatible device context
+ prevObj = SelectObject (compatibleDC, hbmp);
+ SetMapMode (compatibleDC, GetMapMode (hdc));
+ DPtoLP (hdc, &destsize, 1);
+ DPtoLP (hdc, &dest, 1);
+ DPtoLP (compatibleDC, &sourcesize, 1);
+ DPtoLP (compatibleDC, &origin, 1);
+ if (!StretchBlt (hdc, dest.x, dest.y, destsize.x, destsize.y, compatibleDC, origin.x, origin.y, sourcesize.x, sourcesize.y, SRCCOPY))
+ rMessageBox (NULL,MB_APPLMODAL,"WinDrawResizedBitmap","StretchBlt failed");
+ SelectObject (compatibleDC, prevObj);
+ DeleteDC (compatibleDC);*/
+ printf("WinDrawResizedBitmap is not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawResizedBitmap */
+/* ... MW */
+void WinDrawBitmap (gint w, gint h, gint destx, gint desty, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawBitmap\n");
+ /* if (drawable) gdk_draw_drawable(drawable,theDrawGC,GDK_DRAWABLE(pixbuf),0,0,destx,desty,w,h); */
+ if (inDraw)
+ {
+ gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable (pixbuf, inDraw, theDrawGC, 0, 0, destx,
+ desty, w, h, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinDrawBitmap */
+void WinCreateBitmap (gint width, gchar *filename, GdkDrawable *inDraw,OS ios,
+ GdkPixbuf **bitmap, OS* oos)
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ printf("WinCreateBitmap\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ *bitmap = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, &err);
+ /*
+ *pWidth = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf);
+ *pHeight = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf);
+ */
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinCreateBitmap */
+void WinDisposeBitmap (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
+ printf("WinDisposeBitmap\n");
+ gdk_pixbuf_unref(pixbuf);
+ Font stuff
+ -----------------------------*/
+void WinSetFont (CLEAN_STRING fontName, gint style, gint size,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetFont\n");
+ if (theFont) gdk_font_unref(theFont);
+ pango_font_description_set_family(theFontDesc,cstring(fontName));
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(theFontDesc,(style & iBold) ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(theFontDesc,(style & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ pango_font_description_set_size(theFontDesc, size*PANGO_SCALE);
+ theFont = gdk_font_from_description(theFontDesc);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinSetFont */
+void WinGetFontInfo (CLEAN_STRING fontName, gint style, gint size,
+ gint drawablePassed, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios,
+ gint *ascent, gint *descent, gint *maxwidth,
+ gint *leading, OS* oos )
+ PangoContext *pc;
+ PangoFontset *fontset;
+ PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+ PangoFontDescription *fontDesc;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ gchar *fName;
+ gboolean inDrawIsWidget;
+ printf("WinGetFontInfo\n");
+ fName = cstring(fontName);
+ inDrawIsWidget = GTK_IS_WIDGET(drawable);
+ printf("WinGetFontInfo - %d\n",drawable);
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ widget = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ drawablePassed = 0;
+ } else {widget=GTK_WIDGET(drawable);}
+ pc = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget);
+ fontDesc = pango_font_description_new();
+ printf("Font Name: %s\n", fName);
+ pango_font_description_set_family(fontDesc,fName);
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(fontDesc,(style & iBold) ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(fontDesc,(style & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ pango_font_description_set_size(fontDesc, size*PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_context_set_font_description(pc, fontDesc);
+ metrics = pango_context_get_metrics (pc, fontDesc,
+ pango_context_get_language(pc));
+ *ascent = PANGO_PIXELS(pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics));
+ *descent = PANGO_PIXELS(pango_font_metrics_get_descent(metrics));
+ *maxwidth = PANGO_PIXELS(pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(metrics));
+ *leading = 2; /* FIXME */
+ /* Pango gets the heights a bit wrong, so fudge it. */
+ *ascent = (*ascent) + 1;
+ *descent = (*descent) + 1;
+ printf("About to free font description\n");
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pc));
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
+ }
+ pango_font_metrics_unref(metrics);
+ pango_font_description_free(fontDesc);
+ printf("Freed it.\n");
+ /* Connect the input and output */
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetFontInfo */
+void WinGetPicFontInfo (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, gint *ascent,
+ gint *descent, gint *maxwidth, gint *leading,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ PangoFontset *fontset;
+ PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+ printf("WinGetPicFontInfo\n");
+ fontset = pango_font_map_load_fontset
+ (pango_ft2_font_map_for_display(),
+ gdk_pango_context_get(),
+ theFontDesc,
+ pango_language_from_string("EN"));
+ metrics = pango_fontset_get_metrics(fontset);
+ *ascent = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics);
+ *descent = pango_font_metrics_get_descent(metrics);
+ *maxwidth = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(metrics);
+ *leading = 2; /* FIXME */
+ pango_font_metrics_unref(metrics);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetPicFontInfo */
+void WinGetPicStringWidth (CLEAN_STRING string, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ gint *width, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinGetPicStringWidth\n");
+ *width = gdk_string_width(theFont, cstring(string));
+ printf("Width: %d, String: %s\n", *width, cstring(string));
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetPicStringWidth */
+void WinGetPicCharWidth (gchar ch, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, gint *width,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinGetPicCharWidth\n");
+ *width = gdk_char_width(theFont, ch);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetPicCharWidth */
+void WinGetStringWidth (CLEAN_STRING string, CLEAN_STRING fontName, gint style,
+ gint size, gint drawablePassed, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios,
+ gint *width, OS *oos)
+ GdkFont *font;
+ PangoFontDescription *fontDesc;
+ PangoContext *pc;
+ PangoLayout *pl;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ gchar* fName;
+ gboolean inDrawIsWidget;
+ printf("WinGetStringWidth\n");
+ fName = cstring(fontName);
+ inDrawIsWidget = GTK_IS_WIDGET(drawable);
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ widget = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET(drawable);
+ }
+ pc = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget);
+ fontDesc = pango_font_description_new();
+ printf("Font Name: %s\n", fName);
+ pango_font_description_set_family(fontDesc,fName);
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(fontDesc,(style & iBold) ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(fontDesc,(style & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ pango_font_description_set_size(fontDesc, size*PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_context_set_font_description(pc, fontDesc);
+ pl = pango_layout_new(pc);
+ pango_layout_set_text(pl, string->characters, string->length);
+ pango_layout_get_pixel_size(pl, width, NULL);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pl));
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pc));
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(widget));
+ }
+ pango_font_description_free(fontDesc);
+ /* HACK: Pango seems to generate overly narrow widths based on
+ * the font settings.
+ * a bit too small. So fudge it.
+ */
+ *width = *width * 1.25;
+ printf("Width: %d, String: %s\n", *width, cstring(string));
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetStringWidth */
+void WinGetCharWidth (gchar ch, CLEAN_STRING fontName, gint style, gint size,
+ gint drawablePassed, GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios, gint* width,
+ OS *oos)
+ GdkFont *font;
+ PangoFontDescription *fontDesc;
+ PangoContext *pc;
+ PangoLanguage *lang;
+ PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+ GtkWidget *widget;
+ gchar *fName;
+ gboolean inDrawIsWidget;
+ printf("WinGetCharWidth\n");
+ fName = cstring(fontName);
+ inDrawIsWidget = GTK_IS_WIDGET(drawable);
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ widget = gtk_label_new(NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ widget = GTK_WIDGET(drawable);
+ }
+ pc = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(widget);
+ fontDesc = pango_font_description_new();
+ printf("Font Name: %s\n", fName);
+ pango_font_description_set_family(fontDesc,cstring(fontName));
+ pango_font_description_set_weight(fontDesc,(style & iBold) ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(fontDesc,(style & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ pango_font_description_set_size(fontDesc, size*PANGO_SCALE);
+ lang = pango_context_get_language(pc);
+ metrics = pango_context_get_metrics(pc, fontDesc, lang);
+ *width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(metrics);
+ pango_font_description_free(fontDesc);
+ pango_font_metrics_unref(metrics);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pc));
+ if (! inDrawIsWidget)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_destroy(widget);
+ }
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetCharWidth */
+void getResolutionC(GdkDrawable *drawable, int *xResP, int *yResP)
+ printf("getResolutionC\n");
+ *xResP = gdk_screen_width();
+ *yResP = gdk_screen_height();
+} /* getResolutionC */
+void WinGetPictureScaleFactor(GdkDrawable* inDraw, OS ios, gint *nh, gint *dh,
+ gint *nv, gint *dv, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinGetPictureScaleFactor\n");
+ *nh = 1;
+ *dh = 1;
+ *nv = 1;
+ *dv = 1;
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+} /* WinGetPictureScaleFactor */
+void WinDefaultFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinDefaultFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "helvetica";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 12;
+void WinDialogFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinDialogFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "helvetica";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 12;
+void WinSerifFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinSerifFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "times";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 10;
+void WinSansSerifFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinSansSerifFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "helvetica";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 10;
+void WinSmallFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinSmallFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "helvetica";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 7;
+void WinNonProportionalFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinNonProportionalFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "fixed";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 10;
+void WinSymbolFontDef(gchar **fname, gint *fstyle, gint *fsize)
+ printf("WinSymbolFontDef\n");
+ *fname = "adobe-symbol";
+ *fstyle = 0;
+ *fsize = 10;
+void WinCombineRgn (GdkRegion *dest, GdkRegion *src1, GdkRegion *src2,
+ gint fnCombineMode, OS ios, GdkRegion **outDest, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinCombineRgn\n");
+ dest = gdk_region_copy(src1);
+ switch(fnCombineMode)
+ {
+ case RGN_AND:
+ printf("RGN_AND\n");
+ gdk_region_intersect(dest, src2);
+ break;
+ case (RGN_OR):
+ printf("RGN_OR\n");
+ gdk_region_union(dest, src2);
+ break;
+ case (RGN_DIFF):
+ printf("RGN_DIFF\n");
+ gdk_region_subtract(dest, src2);
+ break;
+ case (RGN_XOR):
+ printf("RGN_XOR\n");
+ gdk_region_xor(dest, src2);
+ break;
+ case (RGN_COPY):
+ default:
+ /* We already copied the region, so just return it */
+ printf("RGN_COPY\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ *outDest = dest;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinSetRgnToRect (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom,
+ GdkRegion *rgn, OS ios, GdkRegion **orgn, OS *oos)
+ GdkRegion* r = NULL;
+ printf("WinSetRgnToRect --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *orgn = rgn;
+ *oos = ios;
+ * Review of source indicates this is always called on a GdkRegion*
+ */
+OS WinDeleteObject (GdkRegion* region, OS ios)
+ printf("WinDeleteObject\n");
+ if (region)
+ {
+ gdk_region_destroy(region);
+ }
+ return ios;
+void WinClipPicture (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ GdkDrawable *drawable, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+ printf("WinClipPicture\n");
+ /* Do something here */
+ *outDraw = drawable;
+ *oos = ios;
+void InternalGetPenPos (GdkDrawable *context, gint *x, gint *y)
+ GdkPoint *p;
+ printf("InternalGetPenPos: ");
+ p = (GdkPoint*)(g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(context), PEN_POS_KEY));
+ if (p)
+ {
+ *x = p->x;
+ *y = p->y;
+ rprintf("Pen Pos: (%d, %d)\n", *x, *y);
+ } else {
+ rprintf("No data for current-pen-position.\n");
+ }
+void InternalSetPenPos (GdkDrawable *context, gint x, gint y)
+ GdkPoint *p;
+ printf("InternalSetPenPos\n");
+ p = g_new(GdkPoint,1);
+ printf("InternalSetPenPos: (%d, %d)\n", x, y);
+ p->x = x;
+ p->y = y;
+ g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(context), PEN_POS_KEY, (gpointer)p);
+void WinGetPenPos (GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, gint *x, gint *y,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinGetPenPos\n");
+ InternalGetPenPos(inDraw, x, y);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinMovePenTo (gint x, gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinMovePenTo\n");
+ InternalSetPenPos(inDraw, x, y);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinMovePen (gint dx, gint dy, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint x, y;
+ printf("WinMovePen\n");
+ InternalGetPenPos(inDraw, &x, &y);
+ x += dx;
+ y += dy;
+ InternalSetPenPos(inDraw, x, y);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawCPoint (gint x, gint y, gint red, gint green, gint blue,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawCPoint --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawCLine (gint startX, gint startY, gint endX, gint endY, gint red,
+ gint green, gint blue, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawCLine --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawCCurve (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot, gint startradx,
+ gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady, gint red,
+ gint green, gint blue, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS * oos)
+ printf("WinDrawCCurve --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinScrollRectangle2 (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot, gint width,
+ gint height, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw,
+ OS *oos)
+ printf("WinScrollRectangle2 --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawRoundRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom,
+ gint width, gint height, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawRoundRectangle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinFillRoundRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ gint width, gint height, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinFillRoundRectangle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinEraseRoundRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ gint width, gint height, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinEraseRoundRectangle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinInvertRoundRectangle (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bot,
+ gint width, gint height, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInvertRoundRectangle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawCircle (gint centerx, gint centery, gint radius,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinDrawCircle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinFillCircle (gint centerx, gint centery, gint radius,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinFillCircle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinEraseCircle (gint centerx, gint centery, gint radius,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinEraseCircle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinInvertCircle (gint centerx, gint centery, gint radius,
+ GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinInvertCircle --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinDrawWedge (gint left, gint top, gint right, gint bottom, gint startradx,
+ gint startrady, gint endradx, gint endrady, GdkDrawable *inDraw,
+ OS ios, GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ gint cx, cy;
+ gint x = left;
+ gint y = top;
+ gint rx = right;
+ gint ry = bottom;
+ gfloat from = startradx;
+ gfloat to = startrady;
+ gboolean clockwise = TRUE;
+ printf("WinDrawWedge --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinPrintResizedBitmap (gint sz2, gint sy2, gint dx1, gint dy1, gint dw,
+ gint dh, gchar* ptr, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinPrintResizedBitmap --> Not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinSetFontName (CLEAN_STRING fontName, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetFontName --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinSetFontSize (gint size, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetFontSize: %d\n", size);
+ pango_font_description_set_size(theFontDesc, size*PANGO_SCALE);
+ theFont = gdk_font_from_description(theFontDesc);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinSetFontStyle (gint style, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinSetFontStyle: %d\n", style);
+ pango_font_description_set_style(theFontDesc,(style & iItalic) ? PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC : PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL);
+ /* plf->lfUnderline = (style & iUnderline) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ /* plf->lfStrikeOut = (style & iStrikeOut) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+ theFont = gdk_font_from_description(theFontDesc);
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+gint WinGetVertResolution (void)
+ static gint res = 0;
+ printf("WinGetVertResolution\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ if (res == 0)
+ {
+ GdkScreen* screen;
+ GdkWindow* window;
+ GdkRectangle rect;
+ InitGTK();
+ screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ window = gdk_screen_get_root_window(screen);
+ gdk_window_get_frame_extents(window, &rect);
+ res = rect.height;
+ g_object_unref(window);
+ }
+ return res;
+gint WinGetHorzResolution (void)
+ static gint res = 0;
+ printf("WinGetHorzResolution\n");
+ InitGTK();
+ if (res == 0)
+ {
+ GdkScreen* screen;
+ GdkWindow* window;
+ GdkRectangle rect;
+ screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ window = gdk_screen_get_root_window(screen);
+ gdk_window_get_frame_extents(window, &rect);
+ res = rect.width;
+ g_object_unref(window);
+ }
+ return res;
+void WinLinePen (gint x, gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinLinePen --> Not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinLinePenTo (gint x, gint y, GdkDrawable *inDraw, OS ios,
+ GdkDrawable **outDraw, OS *oos)
+ printf("WinLinePenTo --> Not implemented\n");
+ *outDraw = inDraw;
+ *oos = ios;
+void WinCreateEllipseRgn(gint nLeftRect, gint nTopRect, gint nRightRect,
+ gint nBottomRect, OS ios, GdkRegion* rgn, OS* oos)
+ printf("WinCreateEllipseRgn --> Not Implemented\n");
+ *oos = ios;