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authorCamil Staps2015-07-01 17:45:07 +0200
committerCamil Staps2015-07-01 17:45:07 +0200
commit87cd3a6465ce64e2c0a296c73dfcd8bf510b1fc9 (patch)
parentInitial commit (diff)
getOSDInfoOffset as windows
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/osdocumentinterface.dcl b/osdocumentinterface.dcl
index c674537..d3c7738 100644
--- a/osdocumentinterface.dcl
+++ b/osdocumentinterface.dcl
@@ -74,3 +74,8 @@ getOSDInfoOSToolbar :: !OSDInfo -> Maybe OSToolbar
active menu system. (Always True on Windows; use menu bar on Mac.)
osOSDInfoIsActive :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool, !*OSToolbox)
+/* getOSDInfoOffset returns the offset vector (dx,dy) that points to the left-top corner of the client area
+ of the corresponding infrastructure.
+getOSDInfoOffset :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox)
diff --git a/osdocumentinterface.icl b/osdocumentinterface.icl
index e01ee6c..d523c27 100644
--- a/osdocumentinterface.icl
+++ b/osdocumentinterface.icl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
implementation module osdocumentinterface
-import StdMaybe, StdOverloaded, StdString, StdTuple
+import StdMaybe, StdOverloaded, StdString, StdTuple, StdInt
import clCrossCall_12, ostoolbar, ossystem, ostypes, windowCrossCall_12
from commondef import fatalError
from StdIOCommon import :: DocumentInterface(..)
@@ -189,3 +189,23 @@ getOSDInfoOSToolbar _ = Nothing
osOSDInfoIsActive :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool, !*OSToolbox)
osOSDInfoIsActive osdinfo tb = (True,tb)
+/* getOSDInfoOffset returns the offset vector (dx,dy) that points to the left-top corner of the client area
+ of the corresponding infrastructure.
+getOSDInfoOffset :: !OSDInfo !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox)
+getOSDInfoOffset OSNoInfo tb
+ = ((0,0),tb)
+getOSDInfoOffset osdInfo tb
+ # ((dw,dh),tb) = osStripOuterSize isMDI True tb
+ # (outerRect,tb)= osGetProcessWindowDimensions osdInfo tb // Outer Rect of (M/S)DI frame in screen coordinates
+ = ((outerRect.rleft,outerRect.rtop + dh + menuBarH + toolBarH),tb)
+ (isMDI,osInfo) = case osdInfo of
+ OSMDInfo {osmdOSInfo} = (True, osmdOSInfo)
+ OSSDInfo {ossdOSInfo} = (False,ossdOSInfo)
+ otherwise = osdocumentinterfaceFatalError "getOSDInfoHeight" "illegally applied to OSNoInfo argument"
+ toolBarH = case osInfo.osToolbar of
+ Just {toolbarHeight} = toolbarHeight
+ otherwise = 0
+ menuBarH = 19 // PA: this should be derived platform independently!