definition module pictCCall_12
from rgnCCall_12 import :: HRGN
from ostoolbox import :: OSToolbox
from ostypes import :: OSRect, :: HDC
:: *PIC
:== ( !HDC
, !*OSToolbox
:: Pt
:== ( !Int
, !Int
:: RGBcolor
:== ( !Int
, !Int
, !Int
:: Fnt
:== ( !{#Char}
, !Int
, !Int
iWhitePattern :== 4
iLtGreyPattern :== 3
iGreyPattern :== 2
iDkGreyPattern :== 1
iBlackPattern :== 0
iModeNotBic :== 7
iModeNotXor :== 6
iModeNotOr :== 5
iModeNotCopy :== 4
iModeBic :== 3
iModeXor :== 2
iModeOr :== 1
iModeCopy :== 0
iStrikeOut :== 8
iUnderline :== 4
iItalic :== 2
iBold :== 1
// PA: constants for drawing polygons.
// PA: end of addition.
/* win(Create/Destroy)ScreenHDC added to temporarily create a HDC of a screen.
Never use these values for a window or control.
winCreateScreenHDC :: !*OSToolbox -> PIC
winDestroyScreenHDC :: !PIC -> *OSToolbox
winGetPicStringWidth :: !{#Char} !PIC -> ( !Int, !PIC)
winGetPicCharWidth :: !Char !PIC -> ( !Int, !PIC)
winGetStringWidth :: !{#Char} !Fnt !Int !HDC !*OSToolbox -> ( !Int, !*OSToolbox)
winGetCharWidth :: !Char !Fnt !Int !HDC !*OSToolbox -> ( !Int, !*OSToolbox)
winGetPicFontInfo :: !PIC -> ( !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !PIC)
winGetFontInfo :: !Fnt !Int !HDC !*OSToolbox -> ( !Int, !Int, !Int, !Int, !*OSToolbox)
winSetFontStyle :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winSetFontSize :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winSetFontName :: !{#Char} !PIC -> PIC
winSetFont :: !Fnt !PIC -> PIC
/* Routines to PRINT bitmaps (winPrint(Resized)Bitmap).
Routines to DRAW bitmaps (winDraw(Resized)Bitmap).
Create a bitmap (winCreateBitmap).
// MW11 winPrintBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !{#Char} !PIC -> PIC
winPrintResizedBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !{#Char} !PIC -> PIC
winDrawBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !Int !PIC -> PIC
winDrawResizedBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !Int !PIC -> PIC
winCreateBitmap :: !{#Char} !HDC !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox)
winInvertPolygon :: !PIC -> PIC
winErasePolygon :: !PIC -> PIC
winFillPolygon :: !PIC -> PIC
winDrawPolygon :: !PIC -> PIC
winAddPolygonPoint :: !Pt !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winStartPolygon :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winEndPolygon :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winAllocPolyShape :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox)
winSetPolyPoint :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winFreePolyShape :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winInvertWedge :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winEraseWedge :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winFillWedge :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winDrawWedge :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winInvertCircle :: !Pt !Int !PIC -> PIC
winEraseCircle :: !Pt !Int !PIC -> PIC
winFillCircle :: !Pt !Int !PIC -> PIC
winDrawCircle :: !Pt !Int !PIC -> PIC
winInvertOval :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winEraseOval :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winFillOval :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winDrawOval :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winInvertRoundRectangle :: !OSRect !Int !Int !PIC -> PIC
winEraseRoundRectangle :: !OSRect !Int !Int !PIC -> PIC
winFillRoundRectangle :: !OSRect !Int !Int !PIC -> PIC
winDrawRoundRectangle :: !OSRect !Int !Int !PIC -> PIC
winScrollRectangle :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> (!OSRect,!PIC)
winScrollRectangle2 :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> (!OSRect,!PIC)
winCopyRectangle :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winCopyRectangleTo :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winMoveRectangle :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winMoveRectangleTo :: !OSRect !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winInvertRectangle :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winEraseRectangle :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winFillRectangle :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winDrawRectangle :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winDrawChar :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winDrawString :: !{#Char} !PIC -> PIC
winDrawCCurve :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !RGBcolor !PIC -> PIC
winDrawCLine :: !Pt !Pt !RGBcolor !PIC -> PIC
winDrawCPoint :: !Pt !RGBcolor !PIC -> PIC
winDrawCurve :: !OSRect !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winDrawLine :: !Pt !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winDrawPoint :: !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winLinePen :: !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winLinePenTo :: !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winMovePen :: !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winMovePenTo :: !Pt !PIC -> PIC
winGetPenPos :: !PIC -> (!Int,!Int,!HDC,!*OSToolbox)
winSetPenSize :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winSetPattern :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winSetMode :: !Int !PIC -> PIC
winSetBackColor :: !RGBcolor !PIC -> PIC
winSetPenColor :: !RGBcolor !PIC -> PIC
winClipPicture :: !OSRect !PIC -> PIC
winClipRgnPicture :: !HRGN !PIC -> PIC // Operation to set the clipping region
winSetClipRgnPicture :: !HRGN !PIC -> PIC // Operation to completely set the clipping region
winGetClipRgnPicture :: !PIC -> (!HRGN,!PIC) // Operation to retrieve the current clipping region
winDeleteObject :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox
winDonePicture :: !PIC -> !PIC
winInitPicture :: !Int !Int !RGBcolor !RGBcolor !Pt !Fnt !Pt !PIC -> PIC